Pokemon: A Great Responsibility From Heaven

v2 Chapter 563 - National Defense Army

Yuhang City, Qianjiang Stadium.

This is the place where the Qianjiang University College League is held, but there is not a single college student gathered here today.

Under the leadership of Zhou Liancheng and others, a group of graduates from the Ounan Military Academy gathered in the center of the stadium, quietly watching the huge TV hanging above.

On the TV, Ma Mingda’s grand ceremony was broadcast live.

Seeing this, countless soldiers clenched their fists. They did not expect that they had worked so hard to defeat the aristocratic family, and Ma Mingda had stolen the fruits of victory.

And at this moment, a fossilized pterosaur fell from the sky.

Chen An held a loudspeaker and shouted to the crowd below:

“Zhou Liancheng, Chen Hao, and Yang Zihao accepted the order!”


Hearing this sentence, everyone’s eyes turned to the person who came.

It seems that Chen An even felt suffocated by this huge momentum. But soon, he comforted himself that the strongest trainer below him was only a gym-level trainer, not his opponent at all, and could not threaten him.

Therefore, after adjusting, he continued to shout loudly:

“Zhou Liancheng, Chen Hao, Yang Zihao, where are you guys!?”

“It’s here!”

Zhou Liancheng got up and replied:

“I don’t know who your Excellency is. What are you looking for?”

“Hmph, this official is the messenger of His Majesty the Emperor, and I came here specially to give you a decree on the order of His Majesty!”

Chen An snorted coldly.

“Oh, so it was the **** who passed the decree~”

Zhou Liancheng “suddenly realized” said.


Hearing this, the soldiers burst into laughter.


Chen An angrily pointed at Zhou Liancheng:

“This official is a herald, not a eunuch!”

“Hmph, what a **** messenger!?”

Zhou Liancheng said disdainfully:

“The Celestial Dynasty is the Celestial Dynasty of the Alliance. When will there be an extra emperor? Let me tell you, the so-called imperial decree in your hand is used to wipe your ass/* I’m too dirty!”


The generals laughed again.


So far, Chen An still doesn’t know if the other party is going to go against him? Therefore, he laughed angrily and said:

“Okay, okay, if that’s the case, then please die!”

With that said, Chen An patted the fossilized pterosaur under him and let it attack.


At this moment, a thunderstorm suddenly sounded in the cloudless sky, and the next second, the Fossil Pterosaur was hit by a huge lightning bolt and fell directly from the sky.

And Chen An, who was riding on the fossilized pterosaur, was also directly killed by this lightning bolt and turned into a coke.

Then a space wormhole appeared, and Yun Ning flew out of the wormhole riding a fire-breathing dragon.

“Principal! Principal!”

After seeing Yun Ning, the graduates of the Ounan Military Academy below shouted frantically.

Yun Ning stretched out his hand and pressed it down, signaling everyone to be quiet, and then said loudly:

“My classmates, now someone has captured the fruits of our victory over the aristocratic family, what do you think we should do!?”

“Kill him! Kill him!”

The crowd responded.


Yun Ning put his hand away:

“Now, as an agent of Qianjiang Province, I announce the formation of the National Defense Army! I pledge to fight for the Northern Expedition and maintain the alliance!”

“National Defense Army! National Defense Army!”

“Northern Expedition! Northern Expedition!”

Countless soldiers shouted frantically.

“Now I announce that I will serve as the commander of the National Defense Army, and Zhou Liancheng, Chen Hao, and Yang Zihao will serve as the first, second, and third division commanders respectively. The other positions will be implemented one by one according to the current situation. The rectification is completed within half a day, and then we set off!”

Yun Ning said loudly to the soldiers below.


The crowd responded.


The ceremony was held very smoothly, and soon, Ma Mingda put on the Mian, a symbol of imperial power.

After accepting everyone’s kneeling, Ma Mingda returned to the backcourt to rest. Next, there are a series of etiquettes, and it is difficult to finish all of them without rest due to his current physical condition.

“Your Majesty! Your Majesty!”

At this moment, Fang Xinghuai, who was sent to look for Yunning, stumbled back and knelt down in front of Ma Mingda, saying:

“Big… The big thing is bad! Yun… Yun Ning is against him!”

“What did you say?”

Ma Mingda got up from her seat and said:

“Can you say that again!”

“Yun… Yun Ning rebelled! Just now!”

Fang Xinghuai said with difficulty:

“He is not in the imperial capital at all, but he has already returned to Yuhang City! Just now, he convened his old army in Yuhang, formed the National Defense Army, and vowed to go to the northern expedition. He announced that he would maintain the authority of the alliance and will… drive you away. Step down! Not only that, but Yun Ning also killed Chen An who went to take over Qianjiang. Your Majesty, Yun Ning lied to us, he never thought of reconciling with us from the beginning!”

“Protecting… Protecting the National Army!?”

Hearing Fang Xinghuai’s words, Ma Mingda fell directly into the seat.

By now, how could he still not understand that he fell into Yun Ning’s trick?

If Yun Ning declared war on him for other reasons, he would still be able to gain a legal advantage over the opponent as the supreme ruler of the Celestial Dynasty. But the problem now is that Yun Ning doesn’t recognize his own legal principles directly, but uses the identity of the alliance defender to clear up the traitor himself!

There is no doubt that, compared to the emperor, the chairman of the alliance elected by the commoners is more orthodox. After all, the family has won the support of all the commoners in a serious way, and the emperor is just hilarious behind closed doors.

Therefore, Yun Ning formed the National Defense Army as an orphan of the alliance and declared war on himself, which was not only more tenable in legal terms, but most importantly, he directly turned himself into a rebel.

This made Ma Mingda unacceptable. Even if he could quell Yunning’s “rebellion”, Yunning’s behavior would undoubtedly make a very bad start~www.mtlnovel.com~ After he died, he would still I don’t know how many civilians will attack their descendants in the name of the National Defense Army!

“Damn Yuning!”

Thinking of this, Ma Mingda clenched her hands tightly and shouted to Fang Xinghuai:

“The order goes on, the whole army is ready, I want to go on a personal expedition!”

Yun Ning can’t be allowed to be like this anymore. As long as Yun Ning’s northern expedition is successful or not, there will be a fire of rebellion left wherever he passes. In order to secure the Ma family’s throne, he must immediately exterminate Yun Ning.


Fang Xinghuai kowtowed, turned and ran towards the door.

“Your Majesty!”

At this time, Elder Zhou ran over again:

“There will be other ceremonies later.”

“It’s a fart gift!”

Ma Mingda said angrily:

“The country is going to be gone, let’s not worry about the ceremonies! If the order goes on, all ceremonies will be suspended, and we will continue when the imperial chariots come back in person!”

“This… ok.”

Hearing this, Elder Zhou could only helplessly nodded.

He also knew that war was obviously more important than ceremonies. After all, if the war is lost, no matter how beautiful the ceremony is, it is meaningless.

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