Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.399 War is coming part 4

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[ POV Change ]

The room was a cacophony of pink, a hue that seemed to assault the senses from every direction. The plush carpet beneath Sabrina's feet was soft and yielding, like walking on a cloud, while the frilly curtains that draped across the windows filtered the sunlight into a warm, rosy glow. The walls themselves were a riot of color and texture, with posters of cartoon animals and whimsical landscapes plastered from floor to ceiling, intermingled with rows upon rows of plush toys and creepy dolls.

Sabrina sat cross-legged on a large, round cushion at the center of the room, her long dark hair cascading down her back like a waterfall. She wore a simple, flowing dress of pale pink silk, the delicate fabric whispering against her skin as she moved. Beside her, Lucario sat on a smaller cushion, his fur a deep shade of blue that seemed almost to shimmer in the light as his eyes were fixed on the teapot that floated serenely in the air before them.

There was a sudden hissing sound as Sabrina's powers caused the teapot to pour boiling water into two delicate porcelain cups, steam rising in a fragrant cloud. Lucario took a small bar of dark chocolate and carefully broke off a piece, letting it fall into his cup with a gentle plink. Sabrina watched with a look of faint distaste, but said nothing, simply raising her cup to her lips and taking a delicate sip.

The room was filled with the sound of clinking porcelain and the gentle rustle of fabric as Sabrina shifted slightly on her cushion. A clock somewhere in the room ticked softly, the seconds passing in a slow, languorous rhythm. 

"Does Ash not trust me with his Pokemon?" Sabrina asked trying to peer into Lucario's mind.

" Stop trying, mind walker, I have trained my mind to be unaffected by psychics and Austin only had me stay with you so that his disguise doesn't get recognized. Why is my company bothering you ?" Lucario asked with a smirk, sipping his tea—pausing to peer at Sabrina's eyes, which had been distant the whole time. 

" People hide things, even good people. I don't like things to be hidden from me." 

"Hahah, who knew a neat trick I learned in the war would get someone so irritated? Hmm, I should be proud of that." 

Sabrina rolled her eyes at Lucario's attempt to provoke her. She glanced at Shedninja, standing behind Lucario with a blank expression on its face. 

"Why did you bring that creepy thing?" she asked in a monotone voice. Shedninja's claws twitched as it shifted its weight from one foot to the other.

"Austin asked me to take care of the dead bug," Lucario replied.

"What are you doing then?" Sabrina asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Ignoring its existence," Lucario replied.

Suddenly, Sabrina's eyes glowed as the door was slammed open. Austin stood there, his hand raised to knock. 

"Well then, kiddos, have fun. And Sabrina, behave," Sabrina's father said, turning to his daughter who rolled her eyes. 

"Yes, Father."

Austin and Yellow stepped into the room as Sabrina slammed the door shut with her powers. "Sabrina, I am serious. I am not going to court again because you traumatized someone else," her father said sternly.

"I know, Father," Sabrina replied, her voice devoid of emotion.

Austin pursed his lips as if he didn't even need to say it. Sabrina answered before he could speak. "I accidentally might have psychically stuck a Lego piece up my bully's bum."


"Ketchum, you don't have any proof that I did it intentionally," Sabrina said calmly.

"Tea," Sabrina offered.

"No, thank you. I'm more of a coffee guy," Austin replied.

"Of course, you like that soup," Sabrina said.

"It's not a soup," Austin replied.

"It's made from beans," Sabrina retorted.

"So; not every soup is made from beans," Austin argued.

"Coffee is bean broth soup," Sabrina stated matter-of-factly.

"Them's fighting words," Austin replied.

"What? We can have a proper match if that's what you want," Sabrina challenged.

Sabrina and Austin narrowed their eyes, their faces set in determination. 

"Can I get a cup?" Yellow asked, cutting off the tension.

"Sure," Sabrina replied, her expression softening.

 As Sabrina poured a cup for Yellow, Austin placed his hand on Shedninja's head. "Miss me, buddy?" he asked with a grin. Shedninja didn't respond, its expression was as blank as ever. Suddenly, it let out a piercing scream as Pikachu jolted awake in Austin's backpack.

"Of course, I missed my cute buddy, too," Austin said affectionately, patting Shedninja's head. Sabrina rolled her eyes at Austin's display of affection for his Pokémon.

"He calls that thing cute," she whispered to Lucario, who nodded in agreement.

"He is a weird guy, calling every one of his Pokémon something," Lucario replied with a chuckle.

"What does he call you?" Sabrina asked curiously.

"A furry who takes himself way too seriously," Lucario replied with a blank expression on his face.

Sabrina looked at Lucario with a perplexed expression. 

"You don't know what that means?" she asked, her voice tinged with disbelief.

Lucario shrugged his shoulders, a look of confusion on his face. "Why does it mean something bad?" he asked, genuinely curious.


Austin joined in on the table as Pikachu outstretched his paw to get a cookie.

"So, is it done ?" Austin asked while giving Pikachu the cookie.

Sabrina took a sip of her drink.

" I didn't have 'sealing away a Pokemon's memories' in mind when you called. You could have gotten a normal psychic to do it." 

" But that would have cost me, money ?" 

" Don't fool me, Ketchum. I know you scammed 10 billion out of Richard Amano's pockets." 

"Oh yeah, I have to thank you for giving me the tip on Blue being there but I can't pay you anything." 

Sabrina narrowed her eyes at Austin.

"You spent all that money?" Sabrina asked in disbelief.

"Of course, doll. Money comes and goes, that's how life is." Austin said in the worst Mafia boss accent ever.

"Whatever, I'll include this as a favor that you'll have to repay in the future." 

" Thank you," Austin answered with a smile as Sabrina psychically gave a PokeBall to him.

Austin excitedly smiled as he opened the PokeBall revealing a purple, serpentine Pokémon. Its eyes, underbelly, thick stripe around its neck, and rattle are yellow. Ekans had three pairs of black lines encircling its body, as well as another line that connects to each slit-pupil eye and curved toward their nose. Its large mouth has a round, pink tongue and no visible teeth. 

Ekans blinked as it gazed upon Austin who smiled.

"Hello there Ekans, I am Austin." Austin outstretched his hand to pet the snake which slowly moved closer and closer until suddenly it bite Austin's hand.

Austin, Yellow, Pikachu, Sabrina, and Lucario collectively blinked as they saw the purple snake bite Austin's hand.

"Are you sure you sealed away the effects of the blood ritual ?" 


"Then why is it biting me ?" 

"I don't know, it's playful." 

"Ash, I think you should return it," Yellow asked worryingly as Austin did so immediately.

Seeing blood seep out of Austin's hand, Yellow immediately went to heal it.

"Interesting," Sabrina muttered as she gazed upon Yellow's usage of power.

"So, I have another favor to ask." 

"You what me to train Yellow," Sabrina said causing Yellow to jerk her head to the gym leader.


Yellow looked shocked as Austin looked at her and asked, "Is there a problem?"

Yellow responded hesitantly, "No, I just... Why?"

Austin smiled and placed his hand on Yellow's shoulder. "Your powers, you need to control them."

Yellow's expression shifted from confusion to a mixture of determination and self-doubt. "But am I not powerful enough?"

Austin's smile grew wider as he spoke reassuringly. "You are one of the most powerful women I know, but..." He paused, allowing Yellow to complete his sentence.

Yellow took a deep breath and gathered her thoughts. "But it isn't enough."

Austin nodded in agreement. "Yeah."

Yellow's uncertainty turned into resolve as she stood up, her eyes determined. She bowed respectfully toward Sabrina. "Mrs. Sabrina, please train me."

Sabrina, seemingly unfazed by the turn of events, took a sip of her tea and observed Yellow with a discerning gaze. "You have the potential, but do you have the drive?"

Yellow's voice was filled with unwavering determination as she answered, "Yes! I do!"

Sabrina nodded, acknowledging Yellow's determination. "Then it would be my honor to train you."

Sabrina and Austin exchanged a meaningful glance as Sabrina spoke softly, "I can't perceive the future for you, Ash."

Austin replied with a thoughtful expression, "But you have something similar to probability analysis, don't you?"

Sabrina nodded slowly. "Not exactly. I employ Bayesian inference, a statistical method that combines prior knowledge with new evidence to update probabilities. By assigning prior probabilities to different events and continuously updating them as new information becomes available, I can refine my predictions."

Austin leaned in, his curiosity piqued. "Show me."

Sabrina's eyes took on a psychic hue, and a wave of energy seemed to flow through the air. She reached out, picked up Lucario's tail, and gently moved it aside. At that precise moment, Shedninja caused the saltshaker to fall, landing exactly where Lucario's tail would have been if it hadn't been moved. The entire process seemed to unfold in a mesmerizing dance of mathematical precision.

As everyone in the room watched in awe, their attention turned to Austin. Why did he want to see it? What was his purpose?

"Was that good enough ?"

Austin's expression transformed into a warm smile. "It was good enough for a mirror."

Suddenly, Austin's eyes took on a reddish crimson hue, mirroring Sabrina's psychic abilities. The room fell into a hushed silence as Austin delved into the depths of his mind, analyzing the probabilities with a level of intensity that surpassed even Sabrina's.

Minutes passed, stretching into what felt like an eternity, as Austin processed an overwhelming amount of information. His eyes finally returned to their normal color, but what everyone saw next shocked them to the core. Tears of blood streamed down Austin's face, a reflection of his deep concern.

"We need another plan," Austin muttered, his voice filled with a mix of urgency and despair. "This isn't going to work."

Yellow couldn't hide her worry as she asked, "Why? What did you see?"

Austin took a moment to compose himself before answering. "I saw over... over 14,000,605 probabilities of our battle with Team Rocket."

Sabrina's eyes widened at the magnitude of the number. 

How much information did Austin have to create so many mathematical probability models?

Yellow asked, her voice filled with concern, "How many did we win? How many were successful?"

Austin's gaze dropped to the ground as he replied, his voice barely above a whisper, "None."


[ Author Note: Ok, so how are they going to win? Comment ]


[ Omake Paragraph ]

Houndoom has long been associated with the dead, perhaps because they are notorious scavengers, perhaps because of the many protruding decorative bones along their bodies. In some traditions, they bring the dead to the afterlife, while others see them as demons who will bring about a premature end.

To the monks who train them, and to most of Kanto and Johto, however, their main role in the afterlife is to prepare souls for reincarnation through a process of burning.

Their burn is not a complete one, for that would leave no soul left – the pure, enlightened aspects of a person remain, while memories and attachments are usually burnt away. The form changes, too – the souls of sinful humans and righteous Pokemon change into Pokemon and humans respectively, so it is said, and other aspects may also be altered by this burning. To this day, Houndoom is a common sight at funerals, where they are trained to spit fire at the deceased's heart, while mourners attempt to discern by the strength of the burn and arrow of the Houndoom's tail just what their loved ones will be in the next life.

A Houndoom's flame burns slowly, stinks of sulfur, and gives almost everything it touches among the living a searing pain that never quite seems to go away. And yet they are kept commonly by monks, who walk through their fires to test themselves, for it is thought that those who are truly enlightened will not feel even the tiniest of pains from a Houndoom's flame, even when alive. And indeed, these monks seem to handle the flames better than most, although their contorted faces make it obvious that they have not yet achieved enlightenment if there even is such a thing.

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