Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.429 Giovanni’s Mega Ace

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Giovanni watched as his defeated Pokémon lay scattered across the rooftop. He was down to his last Pokémon, yet his opponent had not lost a single one. Taking a deep breath, Giovanni's gaze turned cold as he faced Austin.

"Your father was overwhelmingly strong, but you, Ash, have far surpassed him at your age," Giovanni acknowledged, a hint of respect in his voice. "Let's see if you can defeat my starter."

With a sense of finality, Giovanni released an Ultra Ball. From it emerged Beedrill, a Pokémon resembling a bipedal, yellow wasp. Its round head, large red eyes, and black, sharply bent antennae gave it an intimidating appearance. Its forelegs boasted long, conical stingers, while it stood on its two other insectoid legs.

Giovanni's command was firm, "Respond to my desire for power." He initiated Beedrill's Mega Evolution without hesitation. "Mega Evolve!"

A torrent of energy surrounded Beedrill, signaling its dramatic transformation. As Mega Beedrill, it took on a more formidable appearance. Its antennae became shorter and T-shaped, and its eyes elongated and sleekened. It now had three pairs of wings, the uppermost strikingly larger with a black trim. The stingers evolved into larger, lance-like structures, and additional black-and-yellow stingers with white tips replaced its legs. Its abdomen, now larger and grooved, connected to the thorax with a black structure. The abdomen's stinger turned a pale yellow, and black stripes adorned Beedrill's entire body, completing its awe-inspiring transformation into Mega Beedrill.

Austin quickly strategized, "Flash Clone!" In response, Pidgeot executed a combination of Double Team and Aerial Ace, creating a swirling mass of identical birds encircling Mega Beedrill.

Giovanni countered, "Pin Missile!" From Mega Beedrill, a barrage of dart-like, greenish projectiles shot out in a full 360°. The missiles pierced through each clone, their trajectories converging towards Pidgeot.

"Twister!" Austin commanded. Pidgeot, responding with agility, spun rapidly. A vortex of draconic energy formed around her, deflecting the Pin Missile back towards their origin.

Giovanni was unfazed. "Aerial Ace!" he ordered. Mega Beedrill, with its enhanced agility, dodged each returning missile. Explosions echoed – Boom, Boom, Boom – as the Pin Missiles detonated in mid-air.

"Aerial Impact!" Austin shouted. Pidgeot was enveloped in a purplish aura, transforming into a bullet-like projectile aimed straight at Mega Beedrill.

In a split second, Giovanni reacted, "Flash!" Mega Beedrill glowed intensely, disorienting Pidgeot. The bird Pokémon, blinded by the sudden brightness, couldn't halt its momentum and crashed into the rooftop.

Before Pidgeot could recover, Giovanni seized the moment. "Mega Beedrill, Giga Impact!" he commanded. Mega Beedrill struck Pidgeot with immense force. Pidgeot struggled, clawing at the air before succumbing to unconsciousness.

As Mega Beedrill prepared for another attack, Austin acted swiftly, returning the defeated Pidgeot to its Pokéball, sparing it from further harm.

Austin released Scizor, the iron bug positioning its injured claw behind its back while pointing the other claw at Mega Beedrill. Mega Beedrill looked back with a smirk, ready for the next round.

"Tailwind," Austin commanded, focusing on boosting Scizor's agility. Giovanni, seizing the offensive, ordered, "X-Scissor." Mega Beedrill crossed its spikes in an X shape, glowing with a bluish-green energy. As Scizor unleashed Tailwind, increasing its speed, Mega Beedrill's X-Scissor struck, slicing across Scizor's chest. The impact cracked its armor, sending Scizor staggering backward.

Without missing a beat, Giovanni followed up with, "Assurance." Dark energy swirled around Mega Beedrill's pincer, morphing into a lance-like shape. It thrust forward, engulfing Scizor's head in a beam of darkness. Scizor's head armor cracked under the pressure, blood seeping out. However, anger flared in Scizor's eyes as it swiftly locked Mega Beedrill's arm, positioning its claw dangerously close to the wasp Pokémon's face.

"Dodge it!" Giovanni yelled. But Scizor, with sheer determination, held Mega Beedrill in place, preparing to use Flash Cannon. A metallic beam formed at Scizor's claw, but before it could unleash, Scizor's strength faltered. Just as it seemed Scizor had fainted, it unleashed a Bullet Punch, throwing Mega Beedrill back with the last of its energy. Scizor stood, bloodied and injured, fainting yet remaining upright in a final display of resilience.

Austin, with a smile of pride and respect, returned Scizor to its Pokéball.

Austin unleashed Gengar onto the battlefield, its sinister grin widening in the midst of the storm. Giovanni inhaled deeply, aware of the threat this Pokémon posed. He knew the battle had to be concluded swiftly.

"Aerial Ace!" Giovanni commanded. Mega Beedrill darted forward with blistering speed, striking Gengar. However, Gengar merely laughed as a cloak of Will-O-Wisps enveloped it. As Mega Beedrill made contact, the burn transferred to the wasp Pokémon, an unexpected twist in the battle.

Giovanni, recalling the tactics from Nidoqueen's battle, quickly shifted his strategy. "Assurance!" he shouted. The dark lance of energy crashed into Gengar, who continued to laugh, undeterred by the attack. 

"Curse of Hell!" Austin's command was calm yet ominous. Gengar's smile widened, its eyes glowing with a sinister light as it prepared to cast its next move. Sacrificing half of its own health, Gengar invoked Curse on Mega Beedrill, a risky yet potentially devastating tactic.

As the Curse took effect, a spectral halo of life energy materialized above Mega Beedrill's head. This eerie glow began to siphon health from the Mega Evolved Pokémon, each pulse drawing more vitality from it. Meanwhile, Gengar, with a soft, chilling whisper, added a Hex to the mix.

The combination of Curse and Hex was crippling. The Hex amplified the burning effect already afflicting Mega Beedrill, causing it to wince in pain. The burn, now intensified, worked in sinister harmony with the Curse, draining Mega Beedrill's energy at an alarming rate. 


[ Mega Beedrill's POV ]

I felt an ominous energy enveloping me, a sinister chill creeping into my very core. The moment Gengar cast Curse, a spectral halo appeared above me, its ghostly light pulsing rhythmically. With each pulse, I could feel my life force being siphoned away, draining my strength and vitality. It was as if my own energy was betraying me, slowly being drawn out by an unseen, malevolent force.

Simultaneously, the Hex that Gengar whispered intensified the burning sensation that had already taken hold of me. The burn, once a mere annoyance, now seared through my exoskeleton with unbearable intensity. It felt as though my body was being consumed by an unquenchable fire, each flare of pain more agonizing than the last.

I struggled to maintain my composure, but the combined effects of the Curse and Hex were overwhelming. The pain was relentless, a constant torment that clouded my thoughts and weakened my movements. I tried to focus, to push through the agony, but it was like fighting against a tide that was steadily pulling me under.

As I grappled with the excruciating pain, Giovanni's voice cut through the chaos. "Roost," he commanded. Desperate for relief, I immediately responded to the healing move.

Despite the brief solace Roost provided, the effects of Gengar's Curse and Hex clung to me tenaciously. The life-sapping halo still hovered above, relentlessly draining my vitality. The Hex's burn continued to scorch my exoskeleton.

To duo's surprise, Austin suddenly recalled Gengar, leaving Giovanni puzzled.

"Why did he return the ghost? I was at a disadvantage against her. What is he planning?" Giovanni thought to himself.

Austin reached for his belt and sent two Poké Balls soaring into the stormy sky. They burst open, releasing a burst of light as two Pokémon emerged. The first was Aerodactyl, however it displayed an unusually muscular and powerful physique, likely enhanced by rare candy. Its expansive, leathery wings spread wide, showcasing bulging veins and rippling strength as it hovered menacingly over the battlefield, its sharp teeth ready for combat.

Beside Aerodactyl appeared Chansey, a stark contrast with its round, pink form and gentle demeanor. Yet, there was a distinct bloodlust in its eyes, uncharacteristic of its usual nurturing nature. This Chansey, its typically egg-shaped body now displaying a more solid, toned appearance. Its once stubby limbs now revealed well-defined muscles.


[ Omake Paragraph ]

As far as science is concerned, there is no Swampert in Sinnoh's Great Marsh. The lack of any Mudkip sightings there alone is proof enough of that fact, but if pressed, frustrated scientists will also point to the temperature being too cold for Swampert to survive in the wild, and the water which attracts poison types to the region is more acidic than any known Swampert species can endure

According to the locals, there is a single Swampert in the area, a male who has lived there since before human habitation of the land and is still alive today. He is thought to be male, which is why there are no Mudkip, but according to them many of the unique characteristics of Great Marsh pokemon developed not in isolation, but because, like a monstrous version of Zeus, he has sired countless children over countless generations with many local pokemon. Once, he was worshiped as a god, because he was ageless and thought to be a unique species, and fed on lavish sacrifices of human and pokemon alike. But when books from Hoenn found their way to this remote region, he was denounced as a fraud and wounded in a revolution.

Since then, the Swampert of the Great Marsh has refused to show his face in daylight. He digs countless deep traps in the marsh, which are claimed to be the reason why few can journey from one end to the other without getting stuck, and feeds on those hapless pokemon who do not climb out in time. A few people caught out there on late nights report catching a glimpse of his face, and some even claim to have been rescued by his mercy, but all know stories of children who went into the marsh at night and never returned.

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