Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.441 Ashura’s Mystery

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In the ever-evolving digital landscape of the Pokémon world, a new website named PokeTube had recently emerged. Launched just a few weeks prior by a small group of enthusiastic, tech-savvy trainers, it was an online platform where people could share videos of their Pokémon adventures, battles, and day-to-day life with these extraordinary creatures. Despite its novelty, PokeTube was still far from being a household name, overshadowed by more established sites like MonVid, TrainerStream, and PokéFlix.

In a modest apartment serving as the makeshift headquarters for PokeTube. The trio of friends, glued to their computer screens, were monitoring the site's traffic when suddenly, the numbers started soaring at an unprecedented rate.

"What's happening?"

"Look at this video that just got uploaded."

Someone said clicking on Green's recent upload of Austin's performance. "It's bringing in a ton of traffic!"

"This is huge for us. Let's make sure it gets featured on every active account's homepage."

As they refreshed the page, the view count on Austin's video climbed at an astonishing speed. 


They blinked, refreshed again. 


As the night progressed, content creators from all corners of the digital world began reacting to Austin's song. With no copyright issues to worry about, remixes and covers started flooding online platforms, each version bringing its own flavor to the original performance.

Meanwhile, back at the party, Austin and the others remained blissfully unaware of the storm he had just ignited.


[Celadon City - Pokemon Centre] 

Misty, her hair half-dyed black, was meticulously applying the last touches when Brock suddenly burst into the room. "I knew it!" 

Misty shot Brock a sharp glare. "Brock, this better be important, or I swear, I'm going to kill you."

"I found the identity of Ashura."

"If this is some lame scheme to impress Nurse Joy, you know I can just break your spine and get you some personal time with her, right?"

"No, Misty, I'm serious."

Misty rolled her eyes. "Alright, Mr. Detective, enlighten me. How did you figure it out when even the international police are clueless?" she said mockingly, finishing the last of her hair dye.

"Ash is Ashura."

Misty froze for a moment, then turned to look at Brock as if he'd lost his mind. "Ash? You mean Ash Ketchum?" 

"Yes, that's exactly who I mean."

Misty couldn't help but laugh sarcastically. "What, did some girl con you into taking hallucinogens?"

"No, I'm totally sober, Misty. This is real."

Misty crossed her arms. "Okay, then, genius. Explain to me how in the world Ash Ketchum is supposed to be Ashura?" 

Brock pulled out a journal, causing Misty to look at him, half-impressed yet still skeptical. "Yeah, because carrying around a journal definitely proves you're not out of your mind."

"I'm serious, Misty," Brock insisted, opening the journal to reveal a page filled with notes on magnetism, lightning strikes, and illustrations of Pikachu. "Look at this."

"What is that?"

"This is Ash's journal."

"Why do you have that?" 

"Some of Ash's stuff was in my giant backpack."

Misty's mind raced as she pieced together Brock's theory. "You think Ash created that lightning strike that took out Team Rocket?"

"Yes," Brock said earnestly. "Think about it. Ash had every reason to target Team Rocket after what happened to Raticate." They both paused. "And judging by his journal, Ash has the knowledge and drive to engineer something like those strikes. Plus, he could have had inside information from Team Rocket."


"Jessie and James," Brock said. "They were the only ones not arrested."

Misty's eyes widened. Brock's theory, while far-fetched, held a certain weight. "So you're concluding that Ash is Ashura?"


"And what now? You're going to take this to the police?"

Brock hesitated. "No, I... I don't know."

Misty sighed, her frustration evident. "Brock, this could all be a coincidence. Maybe Ashura just had a similar idea to Ash. And remember, Ashura is considered Champion level, far beyond Ash's capabilities. Plus, Ashura could have spies in Team Rocket. Jessie and James might even be those spies. Who knows?"

Brock was speechless, unable to counter Misty's logic.

"Why does it even matter if Ash is Ashura? He made it clear he doesn't want anything to do with us. Just let it go, Brock."

She slammed the door as she left, leaving Brock alone with his thoughts. He sat down on the bed, pulling out a photo from his wallet. It was a picture of Ash, Yellow, him, and Misty in front of Pokétech School. A single tear escaped his eye, landing on the photo.

"I just want to understand why Ash left us," Brock whispered to himself, his voice choked with emotion. "Maybe then I can bring us all back together. Maybe we can go back to how things were, simple and less complicated. I just want us to be friends again."


Outside the room, Misty leaned against the wall, her emotions a tumultuous storm. 

"How dare he bring up Ash now, of all times?" she thought angrily. "Just when I thought we'd all moved past that chapter, Brock has to dredge it all up again."

"Why can't he see that Ash made his choice? That we've all made ours? Why can't he just let it be?"

Misty's mind replayed those bittersweet memories. "We were a team, a family. But Ash left, and we... we survived. We had to."

The idea of Ash being Ashura, the very thought seemed ludicrous to her, yet part of her couldn't help but wonder. "If it were true, what then? Do we just throw everything we've built since he left away? Chase after shadows and maybe's?"

"No, Brock needs to see reason."

The idea of Ash being Ashura seemed ludicrous to her, almost an insult to the memories they had shared.

"Ashura is a legend, a figure shrouded in mystery and power. Ash was... just Ash. Our friend. Clumsy, stupid, and nowhere near the level of a supposed antihero mastermind."

Her mind replayed Brock's words. "He's so caught up in this fantasy of reuniting everyone. But things change. People change. Why can't he see that?"

Misty's train of thought was abruptly interrupted by a tune drifting through the hallway. 

"The power to understand. 


Gotta catch 'em all," the chorus echoed.

Curious and slightly bewildered, Misty followed the sound. It led her to a group of trainers huddled around a computer. As she approached, the screen came into view, and her eyes widened in disbelief. There was Ash, unmistakable in the video, singing with a passion she had never seen in him before.

"What in the actual fu..." 


[Omake Paragraph]

Small enough to fit under a large hat or a deep pocket, and light enough to be carried around without difficulty, Seedot were among the most valuable tools of the shinobi in the golden age of ninja. Although most of the techniques they learn are useless against human soldiers, let alone militarily trained pokemon, a Seedot kept small long after their brethren evolve into Nuzleaf learns two enormously valuable attacks for a ninja's mission of spreading chaos. Not only can they intensify sunlight, blinding enemies and feeding fires, but they can also explode in a giant cloud of light, giving their trainer ample time to escape after an attack.

Many of the ninja would even carry two or more Seedot for extra ease of disappearance, although this carried risks; a famous ninja thought to be extremely overweight was once caught when a Seedot fell out of his armor, and after capture, he was revealed to be a thin man who appeared otherwise because he had stuffed his clothing with ten Seedot. In time, the smoke bomb and the pokeball gave the ninja better tools and bigger explosions, and Seedot's role as the ninja pokemon faded from public memory.

Today, Seedot are absent from the tall grass of Fuchsia City, unused by its gym leaders and unseen in the trees above. They are known as the acorn pokemon, depicted as falling out of the trees from which they once kept watch as sentries, for no reason other than to hit people on the head. There are those who say they remain watching and training, learning hidden tactics more valuable than Explosion, but have become a secret weapon too zealously concealed for any but a skilled shinobi to notice even their presence.

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