Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.456 God and Sin part 1

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In Kanto's Viridian City, the shadows of World War II lingered, plunging the region into a harsh Great Depression. To control the chaos, certain pleasures were stripped away; alcohol and other vices were banned, reasons rooted in desperation to maintain order and morality amidst economic despair.

An illegal bar nestled in the heart of Viridian became a silent witness to these trying times, its emptiness speaking volumes. Inside, only two souls broke the silence: a man with a curly afro, diligently cleaning glasses, and a red-haired woman, idly tuning a radio.

The man, Terry, glanced at his only company. "You know, Miyamoto, I didn't hire you to fiddle with the radio."

Miyamoto, unphased, turned to face him. "Terry, when people actually start coming to this shitty bar, I'll start working."

"It's not a bad place," Terry defended, though his tone lacked conviction.

"Keep telling yourself that," Miyamoto retorted, giving up on the radio. "Nothing interesting on there anyway."

She shifted the topic, curiosity in her gaze. "Terry, you're from Unova, aren't you?"

"Yeah," he acknowledged.

"So why leave? Unova's on the rise," she probed.

"It's my skin color," Terry revealed, a hint of bitterness in his voice.

Miyamoto's confusion prompted Terry to delve into history. "Unova has a bloody past. Two kingdoms, once at war over ideals and truth, fell to outsiders when weakened. The conquerors enslaved the survivors. Even now, we're seen as lesser, as outsiders. I left after Unova eradicated Orre's capital. There's no hope for change, not for people like me. So, I came to Kanto."

"To run an illegal bar?" Miyamoto couldn't help but laugh.

"At least I met the world's worst employee," Terry shot back, earning an eye roll from Miyamoto.

"When's my shift end?" she asked, eager to escape.

"Half an hour," Terry replied.

"Thank God," she sighed, then, half-joking, asked, "Can I get a martini?"

"No," came the swift reply, but Terry's tone softened. "However, I'll make you one if you join me for a meal after work."

Miyamoto raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the offer. "Sure."

"Then it's a date," Terry declared, watching as surprise flickered across Miyamoto's face before it settled into a warm smile.

"I'd like that," she said.

Just as Miyamoto was starting to enjoy the quiet moment, the shrill ring of a phone broke the silence. She answered, knowing she had only given the babysitter the number to reach her at work. 

"Mrs. Miyamoto, did I do something wrong?" the babysitter's voice came through, tinged with confusion.

Miyamoto's brow furrowed in confusion. "What happened?"

"You called another babysitter," the woman explained, her voice laced with uncertainty.

A frown creased Miyamoto's face. She hadn't hired anyone else. "Did they give you their name?" she asked, a sense of urgency creeping into her voice.

"She called herself Madame Boss," the babysitter replied.

A chill ran down Miyamoto's spine at the mention of that name. She turned to Terry, her face pale. "Emergency, I have to go," she blurted out.

"I'll come with you," Terry offered immediately.

"No!" Miyamoto's response was sharp, almost a shout, as she dashed out of the bar, leaving a cloud of worry and unanswered questions behind.


Miyamoto raced through the streets, her heart pounding as she reached her modest apartment. Bursting through the door, she froze. There, holding her baby Jessie, stood Madame Boss, a gun pointed directly at Miyamoto.

"Long time no see," Madame Boss greeted her with a sinister smile.

Miyamoto's glare was icy. 

"This is how you greet an old friend? By threatening them?" she snapped.

Madame Boss cooed at Jessie, ignoring Miyamoto's anger. 

"I'm just here for a chat," she said casually, as if the gun in her hand wasn't a deadly weapon.

"And you need a gun for a friendly talk?" Miyamoto retorted, her voice laced with sarcasm.

"It gets the conversation going," Madame Boss replied with a smirk. They sat, an uneasy tension in the air.

Madame Boss eyed Jessie. 

"Cute kid. Red Ketchum's bastard, I presume?" she taunted.

"What do you want from me?" Miyamoto demanded, ignoring the jab.

"I want you on Team Rocket's team," Madame Boss revealed, as if it were the most natural request in the world.

Miyamoto was skeptical. 

"Team Rocket; Team Cipher's Kanto branch, wasn't it destroyed?"

Madame Boss leaned back, a smirk playing on her lips. 

"The original, yes. But I've rebuilt it."

Miyamoto's response was swift. 

She kicked the table towards Madame Boss, attempting to grab the gun. 

With the gun in hand, she pulled the trigger, only clicks sounded. 


Before she could react, a Hunter slammed her against the table. 

"Behave, Miyamoto," Madame Boss chided.

Furious yet trapped, Miyamoto glared at her captor.

"It's simple. Join me, or your 'Fake' death becomes a reality," Madame Boss threatened, her eyes flicking towards Jessie. "And your daughter... Well, she could be of interest to our scientists."

Faced with the unimaginable, Miyamoto ceased struggling. 

"Alright. I'll join. Just... don't hurt my daughter," she conceded, her voice barely a whisper.

Madame Boss's smile widened. 

"Glad you're being sensible. I have a task for you. After seeing what mythical Pokémon can do, I want you to find me Mew."


For many years, Miyamoto traveled far and wide in search of Mew. Her journey led her to bustling places and quiet corners of the Pokémon world. She explored the bright lights of Celadon City and the ancient ruins scattered across Unova, listening to old tales of legendary Pokémon carried by the wind.

She walked the peaceful beaches of Alola, watching the sunset paint the sky, and faced the harsh lands of Galar, where the sound of cheering crowds couldn't ease her heartache.

In Johto, she studied mysterious symbols in the Unown Ruins, hoping they'd point her to Mew. She wandered the eerie halls of Unova's Relic Castle, her mind filled with memories of betrayal. In the icy Snowpoint Temple of Sinnoh, she fought against the cold, driven by a quest for answers hidden in the frost.

Miyamoto visited places of legend, like Spear Pillar atop Mt. Coronet, a place of mysteries. She dived into the ocean to explore the sunken Sea Mauville, searching its depths for any hint of Mew.

Throughout her travels, Miyamoto never stopped working. She battled other trainers and braved dangerous spots, all for any clue to find Mew. She pushed herself every day, driven by the hope of seeing her daughter Jessie again.

Miyamoto missed Jessie deeply. She wondered about her daughter's life, if she was happy and loved. She felt the pain of every missed birthday and every moment they couldn't share. But the thought of reuniting with Jessie one day kept her going, even when doubts tried to hold her back.


Miyamoto sat in the dim office across from Giovanni, the weariness of her long journey showing on her face. In front of Giovanni lay a tiny, precious fossil—the eyelash of Mew, the goal of all her efforts.

"You've done an amazing job, Miyamoto," Giovanni said, his voice full of real respect. "Finding Mew's eyelash fossil is a huge deal."

Miyamoto just nodded, her eyes locked on the fossil. Her whole life had been given to this hunt, leaving behind friendships, comfort, and calm. And there it was, the reason for her quest, sitting quietly before her.

Giovanni softened his voice, "I have something for you, something special." He took a simple folder from a drawer. Miyamoto was puzzled.

When she opened the folder, her heart jumped. Inside were photos, capturing her daughter Jessie, now seven, full of life and laughter in the snow.

Tears filled Miyamoto's eyes as she tried to control the flood of feelings. She had dreamed of being with her daughter again, of hugging her, being her mom. These photos showed her all the moments she had missed, a stark reminder of everything Team rocket had cost her.

Looking up at Giovanni, her voice shaking, she asked, "Why... why are you showing me these?"

Giovanni looked at Miyamoto with a soft, almost regretful expression. 

"I've been watching you, Miyamoto. I know about the sadness and yearning you've felt for years. I can't change what happened, but I wanted to show you the happiness you've missed. These photos come from our surveillance. They're a reminder of what's truly important."

Miyamoto was torn, feeling both thankful and heartbroken. She clutched the photos tightly, overwhelmed by the emotions they stirred.

"What do you want from me, Giovanni? Why are you helping me now?" she asked, wary of his intentions.

Giovanni leaned back, his smile mysterious. "I have my reasons. Let's just say my heart has changed. I think we can help each other."

"But can I trust you, Giovanni?" she asked, cautious.

"Trust is tricky," Giovanni admitted, amused. "But let's try to be friends. We have common interests."

Miyamoto was curious but cautious. "What do you want in return?"

"Just keep an open mind," Giovanni said, his smile deepening. "We can achieve a lot together."

As Miyamoto got up to leave, Giovanni added softly, "If you need anything for your reunion with your daughter, just ask."

Miyamoto stopped, torn by hope and desire. "A video of her would be nice. Until I can see her myself."

Giovanni's smile grew kinder, his eyes shining with an unreadable emotion. "You'll have your video," he promised.

Leaving Giovanni's office, Miyamoto was filled with mixed feelings, her heart aching for her daughter and her mind buzzing with the possibilities Giovanni had hinted at.

After Miyamoto left, Giovanni's friendly smile disappeared. He picked up his phone and dialed quickly. "Domino, are you near Agent Miyamoto's daughter?" he asked.

"Yes, sir," Domino responded without delay.

"Good," Giovanni said, his voice revealing a deeper plan. "I need you to film a video of her. Make it touching and real. We have a part to play in this story, Domino, and it's time to start."

"May I ask a question, sir?" Domino inquired.

"Go ahead," Giovanni allowed.

"Why are we doing this?" Domino sounded confused.

Giovanni's reply was vague but hinted at his ambitions. "Miyamoto is close to her limit. Just a little push, and Team Rocket will be fully under my control," he explained. Hanging up the phone, Giovanni was already thinking ahead, ready to manipulate the situation to his advantage.


A few months later, Madame Boss was in her big office, surrounded by the smells of cigars and brandy. Her hair was tied back tightly, and she looked serious as she thought deeply. Standing across from her was Ghetsis, dressed in a black suit and red tie, looking very stern. On her right, Giovanni was there too, looking sharp and with a slight smile on his face.

Madame Boss was looking at a picture of Mew and a very special item, the Jewel of Life, on her computer. She believed that this jewel was the key to gaining ultimate power. With Mew now in their sights, they were closer to their big goal.

She gave an order to Ghetsis without looking away from the screen. 

"Get in touch with Miyamoto and her team," she said. "For now, just watch Mew. We need more information before we act."

Ghetsis understood right away. "And what about the orb Mew has? Should we do something about it, Madame?" he asked.

Madame Boss gave a sly smile. 

"Not yet," she replied. "But soon, Mew and the orb will be ours."

Giovanni stayed quiet, his brain already working on a plan. He gave Madame Boss a knowing smile as he left the room. She could tell he was up to something big.

After Giovanni left, Madame Boss told Ghetsis, "Keep a close watch on Miyamoto and her team. I don't want to miss anything."

Ghetsis agreed, focused on the task. Madame Boss leaned back in her chair, the room quiet except for the soft sounds of the computer.

Outside the office, the noise of the Team Rocket headquarters buzzed with activity. But inside Madame Boss's office, it was calm, only the sound of her thinking and the advisers talking quietly.

They would wait for the right moment to make their move. And looking at the picture of Mew again, Madame Boss was sure they would succeed in their plan.


Giovanni left Madame Boss's office with a clever smile still on his face. The rich smells of the office faded behind him, replaced by the cool air of ambition and secrets. Walking through Team Rocket's headquarters, he was deep in thought, plotting betrayal and dreaming of power.

Madame Boss was strong, but Giovanni always played by his own rules. The thought of having the power of a God, with Mew almost within reach, was too tempting. Yet, Giovanni had his own plans, ones that didn't include sharing power with anyone, especially not Madame Boss.

He thought about their earlier conversation, her desire to capture Mew, and her dreams of divine power. Giovanni knew he had to be careful and keep his true intentions hidden. His moment to turn on her would come eventually, and it would be sudden and total.

Walking through the headquarters, he thought about who could help him. He looked at the busy operatives around him, thinking about who would be useful and who would be disposable in his plan.

He then thought about Miyamoto and her team. They were dedicated, skilled, and loyal—qualities he knew he could use. Giovanni planned to use their loyalty against them, making them tools in his quest for power, all while they thought they were working towards their own goals.

Giovanni's pace quickened as he got to his private room. Inside, he found a hidden communicator and called someone.

"Domino," he said, his voice cold and serious. "Start Plan Omega."


Agent Domino was hidden by a tall pine tree in the peaceful village of Frostwood, located at the bottom of Mount Silver. The village looked like a picture from a fairy tale, with small houses covered in lights and smoke rising from their chimneys. The people of Frostwood went about their days, not knowing the dark plan that was about to unfold.

Domino watched the family that had taken in Jessie, Agent Miyamoto's daughter. Seeing them made her feel a bit sad, but she reminded herself that the mission came first, even if it meant involving innocents. Plan Omega, created by Giovanni, was designed to play on Jessie's feelings, tricking her into leaving her adoptive family. This plan was meant to control Agent Miyamoto through her love for her daughter.

It was a risky plan, to use a mother and daughter's love against them, but Giovanni believed the power they were chasing was worth it.

Domino watched Jessie play in the snow, laughing. She pushed aside any doubts. The success of Team Rocket and Giovanni's plan was too important.

Taking a deep breath, Domino sent a secret message to other Team Rocket members in the area. They were ready to make Jessie think she needed to leave, making her believe it was her own idea to search for her mother.


Late at night, Jessie's house was filled with eerie sounds as ghostly figures entered the old attic. Their glowing forms lit up the room, moving silently and gracefully. These ghost-type Pokémon, sent by Team Rocket, were there to carry out a secret part of Plan Omega. They were experts in trickery and hypnosis.

The moon shone through a broken window, creating spooky shadows. The Pokémon went to an old chest in the attic and gently opened it to find a stack of letters hidden under old items. Carefully, they picked one letter and floated down to where the family was sleeping, without making a sound.

They entered Jessie's room, a thin smile on their ghostly faces, as they began using their power to influence dreams, they made the family dream about the attic and the letter. They planted the idea in their minds, leading Jessie to discover the letter by herself.


In the dusty attic, Jessie was exploring a box of old belongings, each piece a fragment of forgotten stories. While digging through the memories, a letter caught her eye, addressed to her but in unfamiliar writing. A mix of curiosity and unease washed over her as she opened it.

[ My Dearest Jessie,

As I write these words, my heart is heavy with both joy and sorrow. You hold a special place in my thoughts and prayers, and I hope this letter finds you well, surrounded by love and happiness.

First and foremost, I want you to know that you are deeply loved. From the moment you came into this world, you brought immeasurable joy into my life. Holding you in my arms, I felt an overwhelming sense of love and a connection that words cannot adequately express.

Life has a way of presenting us with unexpected challenges and hardships. In those days when you were just a precious little baby, circumstances conspired against me, making it impossible for me to provide you with the life I envisioned. It broke my heart to make the decision I did, but I believed, with all my being, that giving you up for adoption would give you the chance for a brighter future.

Please know that my choice was made out of an abundance of love and a desire to see you thrive. It was never a reflection of your worth or value. You are a remarkable individual, gifted with a spirit that shines brightly. I have watched over you from afar, marveling at the person you have become.

As the years passed, I often wondered how you were, what dreams you held in your heart, and if life had treated you with kindness. Not a day went by without thoughts of you crossing my mind. You were never forgotten, my precious Jessie. You were always cherished, even in the moments when we were physically apart.

I understand that this letter may come as a shock, and I want to assure you that I respect the life you have built with your adoptive family. They are wonderful people who have loved and cared for you in ways I could not. They gave you the stability and support that every child deserves, and I will forever be grateful to them for their selflessness.

However, I must confess that as time has passed, I have come to realize the true depth of my loss. There is a part of me that cannot help but feel that you were stolen from me, that the life I could have given you, a life of luxury and opportunity, was unjustly taken away. I was not strong enough then, but now, I am ready to reclaim what is rightfully mine.

Therefore, alongside this letter, I am sending a copy to your adoptive parents. It is my hope that they will understand the pain and longing that has filled my heart all these years. I hope they will recognize the injustice of their actions and allow us the chance to be reunited.

My dear Jessie, I long to see you, to hold you in my arms once more. I yearn to give you the life that was meant for you, to shower you with the love and luxuries you deserve. Together, we can create a future that surpasses anything you have ever known.

I await your response, eagerly anticipating the day when we can finally be reunited. Know that my love for you is unwavering, and I will stop at nothing to ensure your happiness and well-being.

With all my love,

Your Birth Mother, Miyamoto ]

The letter's words, penned gracefully, hit Jessie like a tidal wave of emotions. It was from her biological mother, explaining the heart-wrenching choice to give Jessie up. The realization that her mother had always cared for her stirred a tumult of feelings within Jessie.

However, feelings of anger and betrayal soon took over. She couldn't understand why her adoptive parents had hidden this letter from her, denying her knowledge of her own past. Tears blurred her vision as she grappled with these revelations.

Her adoptive parents, caught off guard by her discovery, struggled to explain. They claimed they hid the letter to protect her, not wanting to burden her with the complexities of her origins—a reason implanted in their minds by Domino's ghostly intervention.

But for Jessie, the damage was done. She felt deceived by those she had trusted most, leaving her feeling isolated and disillusioned.

In the aftermath, Jessie changed. Her family watched, powerless, as the girl who once approached life with joy and trust grew distant and bitter. Even the comforting rituals of family life, like sharing warm meals in the snow, became painful reminders of the trust and innocence lost.


Jessie sat at the dinner table, barely touching her meal. It was the same simple food her adoptive parents made every night for the past year. "What's wrong, Jessie?" her adoptive mom asked, noticing Jessie's upset look.

"This food is gross," Jessie complained, pushing her plate away. "My real parents wouldn't make me eat this."

Her adoptive parents felt hurt and frustrated. They had always tried to give Jessie a loving home, and hearing her talk about her birth parents like this was painful.

"Jessie, your real parents left you," her adoptive dad said seriously. "We are your family now, and we do our best for you. You should be thankful, not complain."

"But my real parents were rich," Jessie argued, getting louder. "They could give me everything. You can't even make a good meal."

"That's enough, Jessie," her adoptive mom said firmly. "Your birth parents might have had money, but they didn't have the love we have for you. You should be grateful to have us."

"Love?" Jessie scoffed. "If you really loved me, you wouldn't have adopted me. Maybe my real mom would've come back for me."

Her dad got very angry. "How dare you? We are your family and have always cared for you. We're not perfect, but we've tried to give you a good life. You need to appreciate that."

"Appreciate what? This?" Jessie snapped back.

Her words hurt her adoptive mom, who started to cry, while her dad reached his limit.

"Well, there's the door. You can leave and find your 'loving' real family," he said in anger.

"Fine, I will!" Jessie stormed out, slamming the door behind her.

"Get her, Theodore! She'll get cold," Martha cried, tears in her eyes.

Theodore quickly went after her, but Jessie was gone, as if swallowed by the night. They searched everywhere in the cold, but couldn't find her.


Hidden in the dark, Agent Domino watched the scene unfold with a cold satisfaction. She had done her job well, using her ghost Pokémon to manipulate Jessie's adoptive parents and push Jessie towards feeling angry and alone.

Martha and Theodore searched desperately for Jessie, but Domino was pleased with her work. A cruel smile appeared on her face as she saw the family falling apart. She had managed to break the strong bond between Jessie and her adoptive parents.

From her secret spot, Domino knew Jessie's hurt and anger would lead her to dark places. Although Domino understood the pain she caused, her loyalty to Giovanni and hus dark goals was more important to her.

Domino saw Jessie as the perfect person for Team Rocket to use. Jessie's anger and wish for a different life were exactly what Team Rocket needed. 

They could use Jessie to help achieve their plans.


Giovanni stood in front of Miyamoto, looking at her intently. 

He noticed her pain and the hope in her eyes as she searched for answers. 

With a sly smile, he began to talk, his voice full of fake kindness.

"I've got news about your daughter," Giovanni told her, pretending to be caring. "Jessie has left her adoptive family. She's out there, all by herself."

Hearing her daughter's name made Miyamoto's heart race with both hope and worry. 

She struggled to speak. 

"Since you know about her, you can help me... What do you want in return, Giovanni?" she asked, glaring at him.

Giovanni's smile grew, and his eyes shone like he was planning something. 

"All I want is your loyalty. Help me with my plans, and I'll make sure you see your daughter again," he answered, his sincerity questionable.

Miyamoto felt confused. 

She wanted to see her daughter, but she didn't trust Giovanni. 

"Why should I believe you?" she asked, torn between needing to find her daughter and not trusting Giovanni.

Giovanni laughed coldly, making Miyamoto shiver. 

"Because, Miyamoto, I'm the only one who knows where your daughter is. Without me, you might never see her again," he threatened, his eyes shining meanly.

With a deep breath, Miyamoto looked Giovanni straight in the eye, her voice steady but sad. 

"Okay, Giovanni. I'll help you. But once this is over, you better keep your promise and bring my daughter back safely," she stated clearly.

Giovanni grinned broadly, pleased with himself, and held out his hand to Miyamoto. "Deal," he said, happy to have her on his side.


Giovanni and Miyamoto walked deeper into a secret laboratory, their steps echoing in the dim corridor. 

The air felt heavy, making them uneasy. They stopped in front of a large metal door, guarded by two shadowy figures.

As the door opened, they saw something shocking. 

A huge tank filled with green liquid and a skeleton floating inside it caught their eyes.

"What is this?" Miyamoto asked, her voice shaking with fear and curiosity.

"This, Miyamoto, is Mewone, our first try at making a clone of Mew," Giovanni explained, his voice serious.

Miyamoto was stunned. 

"Why would you clone Mew? It's like trying to play God," she said, worried about the dangers of such actions.

Giovanni looked at her intently. 

"This was Madame Boss's idea, not mine. She wanted this, and that's why you've been searching for Mew," he said, hinting at secrets Miyamoto didn't know.

"Why does Madame Boss want Mew clones?" Miyamoto asked, feeling scared and curious.

Giovanni answered, "She wants power. With an army of Mew clones, she thinks she can rule the world."

Miyamoto felt cold fear as she thought about what could happen if Madame Boss succeeded in her plan. 

Giovanni handed Miyamoto a disk that shone strangely. She looked at it, full of questions. 

"What is this?" she asked, worried.

"This is your tool," Giovanni said quickly. "When you get Mew's children, you'll know when to use this. A fight against Mew's home is coming, and you'll lead the attack."

Miyamoto was confused and couldn't understand what Giovanni meant. Then, another voice spoke, mysterious and deep. "This is for the future, Miyamoto. Trust the path you're on. Destiny doesn't lie."

She looked over and saw Ghetsis walking towards them, surrounded by an air of mystery. "How can you be sure this is right?" she asked him, doubtful and curious.

Ghetsis smiled, as if he knew something she didn't. "It's destiny, Miyamoto. It shows us the way in mysterious manners. Follow your path, for it's through the darkest times that we find our way to the light."

His words felt heavy and full of unknown meanings, leaving Miyamoto to ponder the journey fate had set for her.


The island far away seemed to cry, its beauty hurt by the terrible events happening on it. Miyamoto watched with a heavy heart as Mew laid weak and hurt before the cruel Madame Boss.

Madame Boss mocked Mew, taking pleasure in her cruelty. 

"Look at this—A God now begging humans for help," she said mockingly.

Miyamoto's heart clenched in sorrow and anger as she witnessed the degradation of a being so revered in the annals of Pokémon history. She had come here with a glimmer of hope, but that hope now seemed like a distant memory.

With a snap of Madame Boss's fingers, the Dark-type Pokémon under her command responded obediently, unleashing a barrage of Dark Pulses at Mew. 

Each pulse seemed to echo the pain that reverberated through the heart of the mythical Pokémon.

But as Miyamoto glanced to the side, her eyes falling upon Mew's two innocent children held captive, a desperate plan formed in her mind. 

She took out the disc that Giovanni had given her, its surface glowing with an eerie light, and placed it near the two cubs. 

As the disc emitted a faint hum, she hoped finally this nightmare would end but she was wrong, so wrong.

The device essentially teleported Mew's children away replacing them with the dead bodies of Mewone.

The fake bodies of Mew's children now lay lifeless before her, and fear crept into her heart as she began to realize the truth.

Giovanni had betrayed her.

Miyamoto felt overwhelmed by the consequences of her choices, realizing too late that she had trusted the wrong people. She felt used, a mere piece in a dark game played by those she thought were on her side.

Madame Boss, shocked by the turn of events and the discovery that the bodies of Mew's children were fakes, stood silent and shaken. Her dream of ultimate power shattered, she whispered, "What... have you done?" fear and disbelief in her eyes.

Around them, a powerful psychic force lifted the dark Pokémon and their human allies into the air, controlled by Mew's deep sadness. 

In a moment of anger, Mew ended the lives of those who had hurt it, sparing only Miyamoto and one other, marking them forever in its memory.

Frozen with fear, Miyamoto begged for forgiveness, but her words couldn't calm the storm of emotions Mew felt.

Mew moved closer, its eyes glowing with a supernatural light, making every second feel like an eternity of fear for Miyamoto. Her heart raced, and she was soaked in sweat, feeling the cold touch of doom.

When Mew touched her forehead, Miyamoto felt a terrifying chill. She understood then how small and helpless humans are in front of a God.


[ Miyamoto's POV ]

Through my eyes, I felt the incredible power of Mew's psychic energy rush into me, throwing me into unbearable pain. It was as though I was being pulled apart, bit by bit, by the immense psychic force moving inside me.

Around me, the world broke into bright lights, each one a piece of who I am. Waves of pain echoed inside me with each pulse of psychic energy. The line between me and the rest of the world faded away, and I became like a ghost, floating in a strange, empty space.

In that intense moment, time didn't seem to exist anymore. Seconds felt like forever, and everything around me started to come apart. The psychic energy was tearing into the deepest parts of me, breaking me down in ways I couldn't even start to understand.

My mind, once clear and determined, turned into a storm of confusion and sadness. I tried hard to hold onto who I was while the psychic energy hit me like a storm, trying to grab onto pieces of myself that were slipping away.

But the psychic power didn't stop. It peeled away everything that made me, me, with every wave. In the middle of this pain, I realized something scary—I was facing a power that was way beyond what humans can understand. Mew's psychic energy wasn't something simple; it was a force that went beyond our normal world. My human body just couldn't handle it. It was being taken apart by this incredible power.

As I started to come apart, I understood something important. I saw how huge and powerful psychic energy really is. Right before I felt like I was going to vanish, I saw how small I am compared to the endless psychic world.

Then, suddenly, with a bright flash and a wave of psychic energy, I felt like I was disappearing into nothing, scattered across the universe.

But it seemed Mew wasn't done with me yet. I felt like I was being put back together again.




In a strange world full of mist and shadows, I floated among scary, twisted creatures. They were like nightmares come to life, with their terrible screams echoing around me.

I felt scared and alone as these monsters moved closer. They reached out with their long, twisted arms and faces full of pain. Each one was a horrifying mix of flesh and fear.

Then, amid the chaos, I heard a sharp scream. I saw Madame Boss, but she was no longer herself. She looked terrifying, made of twisted faces and limbs, a creature of pain and anger.

She screamed at me, blaming me for everything. Her words were like cold wind, making me shiver.

But then, I felt angry. I was tired of being scared. I realized that it was Madame Boss who had caused all this trouble, seeking power without thinking of the consequences.

With a strong voice, I answered back. "You are the one who started this. You wanted power so much that you didn't care about anything else. You made me do this, and now you're upset about it."

With all the courage I had, I fought back. I kicked Madame Boss's hand with all my strength. For a moment, it felt like I was fighting back against everything wrong she had done to me.

Running towards the huge door, my heart raced with fear and a tiny hope. The air felt thick and scary, as if something bad was about to happen. Everything around me turned into a scary dream.

The sky, which used to be calm, changed into a storm of red colors. Strange and scary sounds filled the air, coming from terrifying creatures hiding in the dark. The ground turned into a living nightmare of moving flesh and bones, beating in a disturbing rhythm.

Reaching the door felt like a short break from the horror. But beyond the door was something even more terrifying—a cross made of reaching hands, a scary mix of limbs twisting in pain.

Caught in this horrifying structure, the hands grabbed at me, cold and damp. The pain was deep, reminding me of the horror of this place. The air was filled with the cries of twisted beings, their bodies a horrifying mix of flesh and souls gone wrong.

Then, a huge eye appeared, shining with a strange light, making everything even scarier. It looked right at me, pulling at the deepest parts of me.

Through the eye, I felt strange memories flood into me, not mine, filled with happiness and sadness, love and pain, all mixing inside me.

The scary creatures, the hands on the cross, everything here was made of lost souls. Each one, each memory, was a piece of someone lost to this cursed place. Their pain and fear became a nightmare that surrounded me.

Feeling the heavy guilt and sadness from these memories, I realized my part in all this horror. The power I wanted and the chaos I caused hit me with deep regret.

"Mew! Forgive me!" I cried out, realizing the harm I had done.


As Miyamoto's pleas for forgiveness echoed through the twisted abyss, her voice became a disarrayed chorus of fragmented words and phrases. 

"Forgive me... forgive me..." she repeated, each iteration tinged with a growing sense of desperation and madness.

The once coherent stream of consciousness began to fragment, losing its coherence and descending into a chaotic jumble. 

"Forgiveness... mercy... release... absolution... redemption... please... please..."

But as the weight of guilt and torment bore down upon her, Miyamoto's mind started to unravel. Sanity slipped through her grasp like sand, slipping away as she teetered on the precipice of madness. The words that spilled from her lips grew more twisted, more distorted.

"Forgive me... kill... kill... end... release... pain... kill... kill... forgive me... kill..."

Her voice took on an eerie cadence, each word uttered with a mixture of desperation and a chilling detachment from reality. The boundaries between her own thoughts and the nightmarish realm she found herself in blurred, melding into a symphony of madness.

"Forgiveness... kill... blood... kill... death... forgiveness... kill... kill... kill..."

Her mutterings became more fervent, more frenzied, as the duality of her plea for forgiveness and her descent into darkness intertwined. The fragments of her shattered mind danced in a macabre symphony, a twisted chorus of pleas for redemption mingling with the sinister whispers of violence.

In the face of the grotesque horrors that surrounded her, Miyamoto's sanity crumbled like a fragile facade. She no longer knew where the nightmare ended and her own psyche began. The agony of guilt and the weight of her actions pushed her further into the depths of her own madness.

"Kill... kill... forgiveness... kill... end... forgiveness... kill..."

The words became a mantra, a twisted prayer of absolution mixed with a yearning for release. She was lost in a labyrinth of her own fractured mind, trapped in the twisted realm of her own making.

And as the nightmarish landscape closed in around her, engulfing her in a suffocating embrace, Miyamoto's grip on reality slipped away entirely. 

In shadows deep where light does flee,

A sinner's plea rises to thee.

Forgive me, Lord, for I have sinned,

In darkness deep, my soul's pinned.

I've taken life, not mine to claim,

I've dealt in hurt, to my great shame.

The children pure, of divine birth,

Are gone from this forsaken earth.

Mew, our God, in silence veiled,

Has left us here, our cries have failed.

The world, abandoned, lost its gleam,

And I, in guilt, can only dream.

Forgiveness, Lord, I seek from thee,

For sins so grave, can't you see?

My suffering, let it end,

On bended knee, I can't pretend.

I was deceived, led astray,

To harm Mew's children, in dismay.

A puppet I, in vile hands,

Played my part in their dark plans.

The psychic force, once pure and bright,

Became my curse, my endless night.

Mew, divine, your grace I seek,

For I am weak, and you are peak.

The cosmic winds, they whisper low,

Of a sinner's heart, lost in woe.

God, forgive this soul so torn,

For in my guilt, I am reborn.

Oh, end my suffering, let me find,

Peace at last, for a troubled mind.

In your vastness, I am small,

A fallen leaf, in autumn's call.

Forgive me, Lord, for I was blind,

In your mercy, solace find.

My heart, it aches, my tears, they fall,

Mew, our God, to you I call.


[ Author's Note: Holy shit, this was a big chapter. Anyway, here is a full recap so you guys don't have to go back to 100 or so previous chapters to understand the full picture.

1- Miyamoto and Madame Boss are from Orre, specifically Team Cipher, which is essentially the Nazi regime in the Pokemon world, and Team Rocket was Team Cipher's branch in Kanto.

2- Miyamoto is tasked with killing Red Ketchum, which she uses to fake her death but ends up pregnant, resulting in Jessie.

3- Madame Boss survived Victini's V-create on Orre's capital, so she is obsessed with getting a mythical's power, so she forces Miyamoto to work for her.

4- Miyamoto abandons Jessie.

5- Miyamoto finds Mew's eyelash, and it helps create Mewone clones.

6- Giovanni has Domino manipulate Jessie into running away from her adopted family, with Jessie's existence being a leash on Miyamoto.

7- The entire Jewel of Life and Children of God chapters happen.

8- When Mew is down, Miyamoto replaces Mew's children with Mewone's failed clones; hence, Mew couldn't tell that those weren't her children because from all aspects, Mewone clones and Mew's cubs were identical.

9- Mew kills Madame Boss and the entire squadron, and then essentially reality warps Miyamoto into Project Eve, where Miyamoto suffers alla Berserk eclipse style until her mind breaks.

10- Mew's cubes are taken by Giovanni and Ghetsis, where Giovanni gets one cube, which he turns into Mewtwo with the help of Green's father, and Ghetsis gets one, which he turns into female Mewtwo, which is canon to the movie: 

Genesect and the Legend Awakened.

11- Jessie and James meet up, and then they do their scam and then get into jail and are recruited by Giovanni.

12- A decade later, The God Facility arc happens with Dr. Lyndis Flash and Ash's Dragonborn Charmander.

13- The facility is abandoned, with Blaine watching a close watch to see if Missingno or Project Eve/ Miyamoto escapes.

14- Austin learns all of this and then gets help from Mewtwo (reference to chapter 389), where essentially Austin finds that to save Miyamoto, you need to eliminate the drop of blood that is trapping Miyamoto in limbo hell; to do that, he has Mewtwo turn Thu-fi-zer into a dagger that is given to Jessie and James.

Alright, that's the Mewtwo, Miyamoto, Red, Jessie, James backstory, lore, etc.

Next chapter, we will see Jessie and James save Miyamoto from hell.

Blaine vs Missingno.

Austin reappears in the last paragraph as he talks with Green, who found her mother.



[Omake Paragraph]

There are two types of people who see themselves in the Slakoth and therefore become their trainers. The first are the procrastinators and layabouts, who see in this pokemon a warning of where their habits could lead, and train them to have a comrade (or perhaps someone to look down on) in a life which seems a constant struggle against laziness. They claim to have succeeded when their Slakoth evolve into Vigoroth, although they sadly revert to their old habits more easily than their pokemon.

The second are the ascetics – typically monks with an extreme devotion to their faith, although in this modern era some seek nothing more than a respite from a busy world. They admire Slakoth for their ability to block out their surroundings, to stand stoically against chaos even if it leaves them vulnerable in the middle of a pokemon battle. They see them as great thinkers and dreamers and have spent endless hours decoding this pokemon's speech, to see what so many hours spent lost in thought can reveal. Many have spent as much time translating as thinking, and today Slakoth's language is understood far better than most other pokemon. These ascetics return to society only when their Slakoth become Vigoroth, and see in Slaking a step just removed from enlightenment; many of them also brew Gastro Acid potions, and surprise the public with their remarkable skill in pokemon battles.

Yet these two groups, seemingly so different, are more often than not comprised of the same people at different stages in their life. A procrastinator finds discipline through an ascetic's path, but a devoted ascetic grows lazy from the strain of their routine and their detachment from external society. Only the Slakoth know how to balance such a life, but they refuse to inform anyone.

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