Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 164 – Entering Vespiquen’s Territory

Oddish cautiously hiding its food, watched the group intently, anxiety clear in its eyes. The memory of them taking all the Apricorns lingered in its mind, igniting a fear that they might renege on their earlier kindness and take back the pokeblocks Floyd had given.

With a protective stance over its pokeblocks, Oddish eyed them nervously.

"Don't worry, we have no intention of doing anything harmful. We're not bad people," Floyd reassured with a gentle smile, trying to ease Oddish's apparent distress.

Oddish, however, shook its head, its actions clearly indicating skepticism and distrust.

Kanraku, noticing Oddish's apprehension, stepped forward gently. He sat down and lowered himself to appear less intimidating. Flashing a friendly smile, he spoke softly, "Oddish, there's no need to be scared. We won't harm you. We're just looking to find more Apricorns like the ones we took earlier. We promise to compensate you generously. Look, we have plenty of pokeblocks here," he said, showing a sizable amount of pokeblocks to Oddish.

Oddish, observing Kanraku's demeanor, felt a sense of warmth and familiarity, almost wanting to trust him. However, upon hearing 'Apricorn', it became slightly wary again, its eyes darting between the pokeblocks and the humans.

"What's the matter? Can't you share the information with us?" Floyd asked, noticing Oddish's hesitancy.

"Oddish~," Oddish began, its voice a mix of caution and revelation.

"You mean you know where the Apricorns are but it's dangerous there?" Kanraku clarified, understanding the implications of Oddish's response.

"Oddish~," it nodded, beginning to communicate more openly.

Kanraku's eyes brightened with anticipation. "You mean there's a lot of them?"

"Oddish~," Oddish confirmed with another nod.

Meanwhile, Tetsuya, watching the exchange, interjected with impatience, "Professor, why don't we just take this beast and have it show us the location of the Apricorns? This seems like a waste of time."

Oddish tensed up upon hearing Tetsuya's blunt suggestion, its wariness returning.

Upon hearing Tetsuya's words, Oddish began to look uneasy. Kanraku responded with a smile, saying, "Kurogane-kun, it's important to treat beasts with sincerity if you want them to respect you. These beings are strong, intelligent, and possess their own sense of pride. What's crucial is our patience and understanding towards them."

Tetsuya didn't argue further, as his primary concern was acquiring the Apricorns and Tumblestones.

Oddish, moved by Kanraku's words and understanding, felt a newfound sense of trust. Kanraku, sensing this change, smiled kindly at Oddish. "How about you lead us to the Apricorns? We'll ensure your safety and even offer you an extra reward. How does that sound?"

After a moment of contemplation, Oddish gave a slow, deliberate nod, signaling its agreement.

"Excellent, let's go!" Kanraku exclaimed, his voice tinged with excitement as he and the team, along with Oddish, mounted Pidgeot and Gyarados and took to the skies.

As they soared over the rugged terrain below, Floyd's keen eyes caught sight of something. "Professor, look, there's the Tumblestone," he pointed out.

"Let's move quickly to retrieve it," Tetsuya urged, his impatience evident.

"We'll land first and then collect it," Kanraku affirmed with a nod.

"Everyone, stay vigilant. It's not uncommon for some beasts to guard these stones," Floyd warned as they neared their destination.

"Understood," Kanraku replied, acknowledging the warning.

As they landed, Floyd's sharp senses picked up on a potential threat. "Everyone, be cautious," he warned.

Suddenly, a Graveler emerged from its hiding spot, its eyes burning with rage at the intrusion.

"Dratini, it's your turn. Use Water Gun!" Floyd commanded decisively.

Dratini responded with an enthusiastic "Ehew!" and launched a powerful Water Gun from its mouth.

Graveler, infuriated by theur sudden appearance on its territory, countered with a Rollout. The two attacks collided, resulting in a painful cry from Graveler.

"Now, Twister!" Floyd shouted, seizing the moment.

"Ehew!" Dratini skillfully swung its tail, sending a twisting vortex towards Graveler.

The Graveler, caught off guard by the sudden Twister, reeled in confusion. Floyd didn't miss this opportunity and commanded, "Water Gun, now!"

A few moments later…

With the situation under his control, Floyd gave another order. "Dratini, use Extreme Speed!"

The attack was swift and decisive. "Bang!" Graveler was overwhelmed, losing consciousness.

Tetsuya, who had been watching the entire encounter, was in shock. Witnessing the seamless teamwork between human and Pokémon. He had never expected such a harmonious partnership in battle.

"Did you see that? This is the harmony between humans and beasts. Once they respect each other, they form a bond and help each other against their opponents," Kanraku said, seizing the opportunity to explain this to Tetsuya, who was one of the village members.

Little by little, people's views in the villages about the beasts will also change. This is part of Kanraku's plan, and it will start with each individual, including Tetsuya.

"Is that so?" Tetsuya murmured, absorbing the lesson.

"I've got the Tumblestones. Let's move on," Floyd announced, having swiftly gathered the stones. They then resumed their journey, flying off towards their next destination.

Minutes later, they arrived in a lush part of the forest, where Apricorn Trees were abundant. The area was also rich with Tumblestones, flowers, berries, medicinal leeks. and even rare finds like King's Leaf.

However, what caught their attention the most was a giant hollow tree a few meters away. Its imposing presence stood out amidst the forest's greenery, drawing their curious eyes.

"What are you waiting for, let's go and get it!" Tetsuya was filled with eagerness as he started to dash towards the Apricorn tree. However, Floyd quickly grasped his arm, pulling him back with a firm, "Be careful!"

Their eyes then fell upon a massive swarm of Combee buzzing around the forest, many of them concentrated near the giant hollow tree.

"This is… Combee," Floyd uttered, a hint of surprise in his voice upon seeing the large gathering of the Pokémon.

Tetsuya, who had been ready to charge ahead moments earlier, felt a surge of nervousness at the sight of so many creatures. He silently thanked Floyd for his timely intervention, realizing the potential danger he could have walked into.

"Combee? Are these the ones known for producing high-quality honey?" Kanraku inquired, turning to Floyd for confirmation.

"Yes, that's them. And be cautious around that giant hollow tree over there. It's the residence of their boss, the evolved form of Combee, known as Vespiquen," Floyd explained, pointing towards the imposing tree.

"Vespiquen? An evolved form? I'd be thrilled to see it," Kanraku remarked, his voice laced with excitement and curiosity. He then faced Floyd, "This is their territory, so what's our approach?"

"If we just barge in, we'll likely provoke them and they might attack. Negotiating is a 50-50 chance. It all depends on whether Vespiquen is open-minded. Otherwise, our options are limited to either fighting them or trying to sneakily collect the Apricorn," Floyd outlined their options.

"So, should we give negotiation a try?" Kanraku sought Floyd's opinion.

"Yeah, for now, that seems like our best bet. But let's devise a plan first to ensure our approach is sound," Floyd suggested.

"Okay," Kanraku agreed, and they huddled together to discuss their strategy.

A few minutes into their planning, the Combee in the area started buzzing louder, signaling alarm to their peers.

Soon, a large number of Combee converged, forming a defensive wall. They looked warily at Floyd, Kanraku, Tetsuya, and the intimidating Pokémon accompanying them.

Kanraku stepped forward, bowing his head, his voice calm and diplomatic, "Everyone, we come in peace. We simply wish to negotiate with your leader. Please, could you allow Vespiquen to come forth?" As he spoke, he subtly activated his powers, hoping to make a positive impression on the Combee and ease the tension.


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