Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 169 – Willpower, Dedication, and Success!

"Oddish, are you okay?" Ryota asked, picking up Oddish and hugging it gently.

"Od-dish~" Oddish felt dizzy. It tried to open its eyes and look at its food, wanting to reach it, but its body wouldn't cooperate. Oddish was severely injured.

Floyd glanced at the unconscious Rattata, showing no concern for them. He walked forward and picked up the bag.

(Rattata, from Chapter 4 which had become part of nature: (╥﹏╥)… Discrimination!)

Floyd hadn't expected that the trouble of the food he gave would cause Oddish, almost leading to a fatal encounter with Rattata. This incident was a stark reminder for Floyd to exercise more caution when distributing food in the wild.

"Let's head back first," Floyd suggested, turning towards Ryota.

"Uhm," Ryota agreed, gently patting Oddish's head as the Pokémon slipped into unconsciousness.

An hour had passed since they had left, and upon their return to the base, Ryota rushed to the clinic, carrying the injured Oddish, his Pokémon trailing behind him. With a sense of urgency, Floyd headed straight to the laboratory while Gyarados returned to the lake.

Inside the laboratory, the team was taken aback by the large quantity of Apricorn and Tumblestone that Floyd had brought back.

"Where did you get all this? It's an enormous amount," Kanraku inquired, his curiosity piqued.

Floyd, however, was more focused on the ongoing research. "That's not important right now. We need to prioritize our research," he replied, subtly diverting the conversation. He had a feeling Kanraku would soon be too engrossed in the research than dwell on the origin of the materials that he took.

"Have we made any progress with the experiments?" Floyd asked, eager to know the status.

Kanraku let out a sigh, his expression tinged with disappointment. "Yes, we have results, but unfortunately, it's still a failure," he admitted. "Despite using supporting materials, the metal wire continues to break. It's a persistent issue we haven't been able to overcome."

Just then, Aizawa interjected, "Professor, the latest model is ready for testing."

"Let's go and observe the results," Kanraku said, leading the way.

As they approached the new model, they noticed a significant change – the metal wire had vanished entirely.

"This metal wire is proving to be incredibly challenging," Tetsuya explained, looking extremely exhausted. "It's stubbornly breaking despite our best efforts to incorporate it with supporting materials. I'm still trying to figure out how to integrate the wire effectively without it breaking."

Floyd examined the new sphere ball closely and was struck by its resemblance to a Pokéball, albeit with notable differences. The sphere was a distinct gray color, crafted from an alternative metal type. The anticipation in the room was palpable.

"Let's give it a try," Kanraku suggested with a hint of excitement.

"Call Caterpie for the test," Inoue chimed in.

(Caterpie: (╥﹏╥) Enough, please…)

Moments later, they initiated the test. Caterpie was once again absorbed into the sphere ball, but unfortunately, the result was the same as before – a failure. Caterpie managed to emerge from the ball unharmed.

Tetsuya, inspecting the sphere ball closely, discovered the issue. "The metal wire inside the ball broke," he announced, his voice tinged with frustration.

Floyd intervened, "I've gathered a significant amount of materials this time, which might help."

Tetsuya's eyes sparkled with renewed enthusiasm. "Really? Hand them over—" His excitement was cut short as a wave of dizziness overcame him. He swayed on his feet but managed to stabilize himself by grasping the edge of the table.

"Kurogane-kun?" Kanraku and the others rushed over, concern etched on their faces.

Suzuki, looking worried, called out, "Tetsu-kun, are you alright?"

Despite his obvious fatigue, Tetsuya insisted on continuing. "Aki-chan, everyone... don't worry about me. I can still do this!" he asserted, reaching for the materials. However, Kanraku, sensing his exhaustion, firmly grasped his hand. "Let's stop for now," he urged.

The room fell silent, everyone understanding the gravity of Tetsuya's condition.

"We can continue tomorrow. For now, you must rest," Kanraku insisted. He knew, if it was him, he would push himself further just like in Tetsuya's position, but he couldn't ignore his conscience when it came to others.

Tetsuya, however, was undeterred. He pulled his hand away from Kanraku's grasp. "Huh, what do you take me for?" he retorted defiantly. "This is just a minor setback for me. Don't tell me to rest. I'm here to achieve something, not as a subordinate. I will not listen to you. I will not rest"

His determination was evident as he gathered all the materials. This time, he was filled with determination, sensing that success was near. In fact, he felt a strong confidence about making it this time.

He silently pleaded with his body for the strength to continue. 'Just this time, please. Give me the strength to hold on,' he thought, gripping his hammer with renewed determination.

Floyd watched Tetsuya with a growing respect for his unwavering commitment to his craft.

Shortly after, the heated alloy was ready to be removed from the furnace. Tetsuya, showing signs of weakness, almost dropped it, but fortunately, Floyd was there to assist, helping him safely extract the alloy.

Floyd, observing Tetsuya's unwavering dedication yet growing fatigue, asked with concern, "Can you keep going?"

"I can! Trust me!" Tetsuya responded, his voice imbued with a fighting spirit.

Ting! Ting! Tang! Tang! Ting!

Tetsuya relentlessly hammered the alloy, shaping it with each determined strike. Hours ticked by, and Tetsuya's determination never wavered, even as fatigue threatened to overwhelm him.

Floyd, ever vigilant, supported Tetsuya, ensuring he didn't collapse from exhaustion. His willpower was the fuel that kept him going.

Kanraku watched this display of tenacity with a mix of concern and admiration. Suzuki had urged him several times to intervene and stop Tetsuya, but the situation was complex, he couldn't stop it.

Kanraku couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy seeing Suzuki's evident concern for Tetsuya, his love rival. However, he quickly dismissed these feelings, recognizing that this was a rival he couldn't resent but only respect.


Finally, Tetsuya ceased hammering, revealing a finished sphere ball with a rich brown maroon hue. "I-I… made… it" he managed to say before his strength gave out, and his vision blurred into darkness.

Floyd was quick to catch Tetsuya as he lost consciousness, providing crucial support in the critical moment.

Kanraku and the others immediately sprang into action. "Let's get him to Chansey for medical attention," Kanraku instructed urgently.

Suzuki stepped forward, taking charge of the situation. "Let me help him," she said, her voice laced with concern.

Aizawa and Nakamura joined in, assisting Suzuki in transporting Tetsuya to receive medical care.

As the group departed with Tetsuya, Kanraku watched them for a moment, his gaze lingering on Suzuki before turning his attention back to the task at hand. "Let's see what we have achieved," he said, resolutely focusing on the sphere ball.

Floyd, standing beside him, advised, "Let's allow it to cool down first," his tone reflecting a mix of anticipation.

Half an hour later, after the sphere ball had sufficiently cooled, they reassembled it, placing one sphere metal inside the ball and situating the other as an external lock.

Kanraku, holding the sphere ball, declared with a sense of finality, "Whatever the outcome, I am prepared to accept it, regardless of today's results. I still have the patience to continue our work later,"

"Let's proceed," he announced, touching Caterpie's head with the sphere ball. Instantly, Caterpie was absorbed into it.

The ball began to shake, startling everyone. It continued to shake sporadically – once, twice, thrice, and then a fourth time, each tremor increasing the tension in the room.

It lasted for more than ten seconds before the shaking finally ceased, leaving everyone in anxious anticipation of the outcome.

"It didn't appear. Could it be, could it be..." Yamada trailed off, his excitement building as he speculated.

Floyd, smiling, confidently announced, "It should be a success!"

"Have we... have we really succeeded?" Kanraku's voice quivered with excitement as he questioned himself.


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