Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 171 – Pocket Ball. The comprehensive plan

The room fell into contemplation upon hearing Floyd's query about naming. Kanraku's gaze settled on Tetsuya, acknowledging his pivotal contribution. "Tetsuya, you've played a crucial role in this project. It's only fitting that you have the honor of naming this item."

"Eh, me?" Tetsuya, caught slightly off guard, paused to consider. "Well, given its connection to beasts, the name should reflect that. But I'm struggling to think of something apt at the moment,"

"How about 'Pocket Ball'?" Floyd quickly interjected, suggesting a name before anyone else could propose something weird.

"Pocket Ball?" Tetsuya pondered the suggestion. "This sphere ball can conceal a beast like a pocket and then release it. That name does seem fitting. Actually, it's more than just fitting; I can't think of a name that suits it better. So, shall we go with Pocket Ball?"

Kanraku, impressed by Floyd's quick thinking and naming prowess, declared with enthusiasm, "Floyd-san, you indeed have a talent for this. From this moment on, our invention will be officially known as the 'Pocket Ball'!"

As the team delved deeper into the intricacies of the Pocket Ball, Kanraku led a detailed discussion on its mechanics. They explored the Pocket Ball's capabilities and experimented with new forging technologies specifically designed for its production.

Several hours into their research, Kanraku addressed his team with an important insight. "In crafting the Pocket Ball, it turns out we don't necessarily need to forge the sphere ball using the Apricorn and Tumblestone alloy," he explained, tapping the monitor to bring up a detailed presentation.

"The process of removing impurities is not only cumbersome but also resource-intensive. We must remember, the primary function of the sphere ball is to provide stability and balance to the two metal spheres, one inside and one outside the Pocket Ball. This stability is key to maintaining a secure connection," Kanraku elaborated, highlighting the essence of their design.

He continued, "These metal spheres are designed to encapsulate Pokémon within a special space and secure them safely. However, there's a pressing concern we must address." Kanraku's expression turned somber. "If misused, this device could cause Pokémon great suffering, trapping them without freedom. We must tread carefully, considering the potential implications if such technology were to fall into the wrong hands, if this technology becomes widespread..." He trailed off, his worry evident.

"Professor, may I say something?" Floyd interjected. He continued after seeing Kanraku's nod of approval. "While there is a downside, it's important to note that the Pocket Ball isn't guaranteed to capture beasts, particularly the stronger ones. To overcome a formidable beast, one must rely on powerful weapons or another beast's help. That's the only viable solution."

He then posed a thought-provoking question: "And if you're using your own beasts as teammates to defeat others, then you're torturing the beasts you've captured. What do you think your teammate beast would feel about this?" Floyd offered this analogy to shed light on the moral implications.

"That's a valid point, but we're still uncertain..." Kanraku replied, showing some hesitation.

"This is precisely why our Alliance's dream is so important," Floyd began. "As our Alliance grows, we will become pioneers in managing beasts, and I am confident that we are the only ones capable of doing so effectively. Professor, let me ask you again: have you ever seen any government negotiate with beasts or work towards reconciliation with them?"

"That's definitely impossible," Kanraku replied promptly, shaking his head without hesitation. Having once been part of the government himself, he was well aware of the impracticality of such an approach.

"Exactly, and here in this place, we've successfully achieved that. Have you all not noticed the increase in our work efficiency due to the cooperation of beasts? Yes, there are a few minor issues, but they are hardly significant. These beasts simply desire freedom and food in exchange for their hard work. That's all there is to it. Have you not observed their straightforward nature?" Floyd explained further.

He continued, "Recall our interaction with the Vespiquen? Our approach was not of subjugation but of mutual exchange. We managed a peaceful transaction without harm. If we could achieve this with Vespiquen, why not extend to other beasts?"

The thought struck Kanraku and everyone else profoundly. "It seemed we really have power just like the government?" pondered Kanraku, feeling a chill.

"Yes," Floyd nodded.

Then, a worrying thought crossed Kanraku's mind, and he looked at Floyd nervously, stuttering, "F-f-floyd-san, what are you implying? A-are you considering rebellion? We must abandon such thoughts immediately!"

The others were equally taken aback and looked at Floyd anxiously.

Floyd, hearing Kanraku's dramatic assumption, rolled his eyes and reprimanded him, "Professor, everyone, what on earth are you all thinking? Why would I want to rebel against the government? I'd much rather hide away peacefully with my beasts than confront the government. My life is too precious to me for such actions.

A collective sigh of relief washed over the room as Floyd clarified his stance. "What I'm saying is that we already possess the ability to manage beasts effectively. We've established a systematic approach, so it's possible for us to create rules that we adhere to."

Kanraku, momentarily lost for words, then asked, "But isn't that akin to declaring autonomy? How is that different from rebellion?"

Floyd, undeterred, pressed on. Floyd replied, "Do you really expect the government to establish human rights for beasts? I assure you, if you dare to propose such a thing, they'll likely label you a traitor."

Kanraku's face turned a shade of red, his frustration evident. "You're right... In fact, I've already faced some slander because of this," he admitted, his voice tinged with bitterness.

"You see, you've already experienced it," Floyd sighed. "The government, and most people, hold a low regard for beasts. We can't count on them to establish fair rules. So, for now, we'll set our own rules temporarily. Gradually, we'll work to slowly change their perceptions of the beasts. We'll work to impress them, and if a future opportunity for negotiation arises, we can integrate the Alliance with the government and incorporate some of our rules, which will be less of a hassle!"

He continued with renewed passion, "Remember what you said before about creating a new industry? It's happening now. We have the technology, the knowledge about beasts, breeding, training, and the Pocket Ball. What we need next is to develop a comprehensive plan and announce it to the world!"


The revelation left everyone in utter shock, their bodies trembling with excitement at the magnitude of what they heard.

Kanraku's eyes widened in disbelief at Floyd's words; he hadn't anticipated the scope of the plan he had envisioned being so expansive. His whole body shook with a mix of awe and excitement as he slowly walked towards Floyd, trying to comprehend the full impact of their groundbreaking work.

Floyd stood, baffled by Kanraku's sudden emotional outburst, as the latter enveloped him in a tight embrace. "Floyd! You are a blessing from the heavens!" Kanraku exclaimed, tears streaming down his face, "I had no idea my initial plan could evolve into something so profound. You're an incredible asset to our team. I have no regrets about bringing you on board," he sobbed, his voice, filled with a mix of joy and gratitude, echoed in the room as he continued to express his heartfelt appreciation.

Caught off guard, Floyd's face flushed with embarrassment. He awkwardly tried to wriggle free from Kanraku's grip, aware of all the eyes on them. "Uh, Professor, please let go," he stammered, his discomfort evident.

Kanraku, however, seemed oblivious to Floyd's discomfort. "No, no, let me express my gratitude a bit longer," he insisted, tightening his hold.

Floyd, increasingly flustered, protested, "I'm straight, Professor!" His voice rose in volume, a clear note of desperation creeping in.

"I'm straight too," Kanraku responded quickly.

Floyd, now almost shouting, repeated his request for Kanraku to release him. "Please, let go, let go, let go!"

The others in the room couldn't help but be amused by the scene unfolding before them. Giggles and chuckles filled the air as they watched the comical yet heartwarming interaction between Floyd and Kanraku.

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