Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 177 – Invitation

Floyd's eyes widened in utter astonishment as he gazed upon the leader Venusaur before him.

"This..." he began, his voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and awe, "Where in the world did you find this?"

"SAUR!" Venusaur responded, shaking his head, his expression a complex mix of confusion and innocence as if the origins of his discovery were as much a mystery to him as they were to Floyd.

As Floyd listened intently to the translations provided by Fraxure's unique ability, a deep, resigned sigh escaped his lips.

His eyes then shifted from Venusaur to the extensive assortment of items scattered on the ground. "Is all of this really for us?" he inquired, his voice laced with a mixture of disbelief and gratitude.

"SAUR!" Venusaur nodded emphatically, his gesture clear and decisive.

Floyd, however, felt a wave of conflicting emotions. "No, this... this is far too generous," he protested, his tone earnest. "Remember, we rescued you, but let's not forget how you once saved us too. We're even, there's no need for this," he added, gesturing towards the pile of items with a gentle yet firm push, trying to refuse the offer.

But Venusaur, with a determined flick of his Vine Whip, skillfully maneuvered the pile back towards them. "SAUR!" he insisted, adamant in his generosity.

Floyd felt a sense of helplessness wash over him. The materials, while not immediately necessary for him, were undeniably valuable. Among them were leaves perfect for brewing tea, and even some medicinal leek, berries that were rare and highly sought after.

Yet, amidst this exchange, Floyd's mind lingered on another matter. His gaze returned to Venusaur, concern etched on his face. "Venusaur, may I inquire about something else?" He paused, collecting his thoughts. "It's about Vivichoke..." Floyd proceeded to describe the elusive Vivichoke in detail.

"SAUR!" Venusaur's response was a shake of the head, signaling his lack of knowledge about Vivichoke. This left Floyd feeling a tinge of disappointment.

Resigned yet practical, Floyd began sorting through the materials. Suddenly, he tossed the Blastoisinite towards Blastoise.

Blastoise caught it, his eyes widening in surprise. He examined the stone, a sense of familiarity washing over him. He looked back at Floyd, eyes filled with questions.

Floyd merely responded with a knowing smile, offering no explanation. He then rummaged through his backpack, pulling out a berry blender. Turning back to Venusaur, he asked, "May I gather some berries here? I've also brought something for all of you."

"SAUR?" Venusaur's brow furrowed slightly in curiosity but he nodded, intrigued by Floyd's intentions.

Then Floyd's Pokémon quickly assisted him as they moved towards the tree to gather some berries. After spending a few moments collecting them, he began to blend them with his berry blender.

The leader Venusaur, along with his subordinates, watched Floyd with a mix of curiosity and anticipation.

More than half an hour had passed, and the curious gaze of Venusaur and his subordinates was fixated on the cube at Floyd's side.

A tantalizing aroma wafted through the air, igniting a hunger in them. They yearned to reach out and take a piece, their desire palpable in the air, but a sense of embarrassment restrained them, knowing the owner was Floyd.

Meanwhile, Floyd was deeply engrossed in his task, his hands moving with practiced precision. He hadn't finished yet, as he was still diligently crafting an array of pokeblocks, each one a small masterpiece of culinary skill.

Two hours ticked by, and the large stockpile of pokeblocks created by Floyd had grown significantly. Venusaur and his subordinates couldn't help but stare at the bounty, their eyes gleaming with an unspoken desire to indulge in the treats.

Finally, Floyd completed the last batch of pokeblocks. He stood up, his movements reflecting a sense of accomplishment, and graciously offered them to Venusaur and his team.

"I know this may not compare to the valuable gift you've given us," Floyd began, his voice warm and sincere, "but please accept this offering as a token of my heartfelt gratitude."

The leader Venusaur was intrigued and gingerly took a pokeblock, tasted it, and his eyes lit up with delight. The taste was an unexpected surprise, a burst of flavors that seemed to dance on his tongue.

Ivysaur, who had been eyeing the pokeblocks with a growing curiosity, could no longer hold back. He quickly grabbed one and tasted it.

"Ivysaur~" he shouted, the word echoing his delight. Without hesitation, he grabbed another, his enthusiasm clear. "Ivysaur!"

Emboldened by their leader's approval and Ivysaur's vocal enjoyment, the rest of the group, consisting of various Ivysaurs, Bulbasaurs, and even Venusaurs, eagerly took their turns. Each one savored the pokeblocks, their reactions a chorus of pleasure and satisfaction.

An hour later, the atmosphere had transformed. The group of Pokemon, led by Venusaur, now looked upon Floyd with newfound respect and admiration. Not only had he rescued their leader, but he had also healed them, and now, he had presented them with these delicious treats.

Then Floyd's phone suddenly rang, breaking the serene moment. Glancing at the phone, he saw it was Old Man Kazuma calling. Floyd pondered, suspecting Kazuma might be growing impatient about his prolonged absence.

After hanging up, his phone rang again within moments. This time, it was Kanraku on the other end. Floyd, however, chose to hang up once more, his focus remaining on the present company.

"SAUR?" The leader Venusaur stepped forward, breaking the brief silence with an inquiry. Floyd quickly understood what Venusaur meant. The majestic Pokemon was proposing an exchange with Floyd's own Pokemon.

Floyd's eyes sparkled with realization and excitement. This was an opportunity for another transaction, a step further in the growing relationship between them. First, it had been with Vespiquen, and now with Venusaur – this was indeed a significant development for the Alliance. Floyd mused that if Kanraku were to learn of this, he would surely be overjoyed.

And speaking of Kanraku, Floyd's phone vibrated once more with his caller ID flashing on the screen. But Floyd, deeply engrossed in his conversation with Venusaur, chose to dismiss the call again.

He continued his discussion, proposing an exchange with Venusaur. "As long as it's something valuable," Floyd suggested, listing possible items like Leaf Stones, Miracle Seeds, various Berries, Medicinal Leek, King's Leaf, etc.

The leader Venusaur, understanding the proposition, nodded appreciatively. "SAUR!" he exclaimed, his tone conveying gratitude and willingness to cooperate.

Floyd nodded, deciphering Venusaur's response. Soon, he understood that Venusaur felt a deep sense of debt towards him, Blastoise, and their team for their help. "If there's anything you need, just ask, and we will help," Venusaur seemed to be saying.

A sudden idea then struck Floyd, and he scratched his head in a slightly embarrassed manner before speaking up. "Actually, there is something we really need from you," he admitted.

"SAUR?" Venusaur inquired, tilting his head slightly, curiosity evident in his gaze.

"Well, the thing is..." Floyd began, explaining the Live Broadcast event scheduled for four days later. He detailed how he, Kanraku, and the rest of the group had invested significant effort in planning grand activities for the event. One of these plans involved showcasing Cherrim on a sunny day.

To be frank, Floyd and Kanraku had originally intended to visit Venusaur to ask for his participation by using his "Grassy Terrain" move. However, the unexpected development of the Poké Ball had shifted their focus away from this plan.

As a result, the idea of using "Grassy Terrain" in the upcoming event had become merely optional. Yet, unexpectedly, Floyd had ended up meeting Venusaur and even assisted in defeating Ursaluna.

Upon hearing Floyd's explanation, Venusaur fell into deep contemplation, then looked at Floyd and nodded in understanding.

Another half hour ticked by, and Floyd had since departed from Venusaur's territory. He was now soaring through the skies on the back of Pidgeot.

His phone rang again. This time, Floyd accepted the call, only to be greeted by a burst of loud, concerned shouting from the other end.


Floyd, slightly startled by the volume, moved the phone away from his ear, then chided, "Can't you speak normally? I'm fine! And soon I will be back."

[So, you're okay?] The voice on the phone, unmistakably Kanraku's, sounded a mix of relief and curiosity.

"I'm completely fine, okay? We just had an unexpected but fortunate encounter," Floyd replied, a sly smile playing on his lips.

[What, really? Can you tell me what it is?] Kanraku's voice buzzed with excitement. Knowing Floyd for almost a month, he was aware that Floyd often stumbled upon unique and interesting situations.

"Hehe, I'll tell you all about it later," Floyd responded with a teasing tone, then ended the call.

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