Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 191 – Sleep Powder

"In these early matchups, the focus was on Inoue-kun, Aizawa-kun, and Ryota-kun. Professor, what are your thoughts on this?" Nakamura queried, turning his attention to Kanraku for his expert opinion on the matter.

Kanraku responded with a thoughtful nod, "To speak candidly, when it concerns the training of beasts, they might be slightly lagging due to their emphasis on research. However, in theoretical aspects, they certainly hold an advantage," he stated firmly, shaking his head slightly. "As for the outcome, it's still up in the air, and I remain undecided."

Nakamura, intrigued, further inquired, "And your perspective on the Inoue-kun versus Ryota-kun matchup? Who would you predict as the victor?"

"That's quite the surprise. I hadn't anticipated they would confront each other so early in the tournament. Choosing a likely winner is challenging, but if pressed, my bet would be on Inoue-kun. His greater age and deeper well of experience give him an edge," Kanraku elaborated.

Upon Yamada's translation of these observations, Floyd interjected with a contrasting view, "I have a different view. I think Ryota is going to win this. Don't underestimate him just because he is 10 years old. His beasts started evolving before Inoue's did. And when it comes to theoretical knowledge, Ryota is not lagging behind. Besides, this kid has more free time to train his beasts than the busy Inoue."

Kanraku considered this, then replied, "True, Floyd-san makes a solid point. Nonetheless, Inoue's greater age grants him a level of stability and maturity."

Floyd countered with a slight smile, "But Professor, perhaps you're being too conservative. Haven't you considered that youth brings with it a more imaginative and adaptable mind, traits that are crucial for a Trainer?"

As the debate began to intensify once more, Nakamura intervened, "Let's not forget the actual competitors. They are already engaged in the field as we speak."

The scene shifted to the villagers watching the screen, their excitement palpable as they saw their fellow countrymen preparing for combat. The rule of the game mattered little to them; they were confident they would grasp them soon enough.

This time, their national pride was at stake, especially in a tournament battling with international challengers, which stirred their emotions deeply.

Hearing Kanraku's critique of his disciples, the villagers grew visibly agitated.

"What is Kanraku implying? Is he belittling his own students? Does he lack faith in them?" a male villager exclaimed, his frustration evident.

"I can't believe this! Go for it, Aizawa-san, you've got this!" cheered another male villager, showing his support particularly for the young and beautiful Aizawa.

"But isn't it too risky for Suzuki-san to participate?" a female villager voiced her concern.

"Didn't you notice earlier? That young child bravely mounted the beast and emerged unscathed," another villager pointed out, countering her worry.

"I'm with the foreigner on this one. The younger they are, the more creative they tend to be. I'm backing Suzuki," declared one middle-aged man, nodding appreciatively towards Floyd.

Meanwhile, the Village Chief felt a mix of worry and hope for his grandson, silently praying for his safety, comforted by the knowledge of Kanraku's presence.

On the field, Aizawa was visibly nervous, hesitantly looking down, reluctant to face her opponent. Xin Yuexin, though anxious, maintained a calmer demeanor compared to Aizawa. Seeing her opponent's nervousness helped Xin Yuexin to steady her own nerves slightly.

Chen Yu addressed them, "You both know the rules, correct? A defeat of both beasts signals your loss. Please adhere strictly to the rules as any violation will result in immediate disqualification. Remember, only beasts from your pocket balls are permitted in this match. Understood?"

Xin Yuexin nodded affirmatively.

Aizawa, flustered and at a loss for words, stuttered before nodding in agreement, her embarrassment clear.

Chen Yu announced, "You have a one-minute break for preparation, then the battle will commence." He began adjusting his watch.

The contenders busied themselves with their final preparations. After a minute, Chen Yu declared, "Time's up. Release your pocket balls."

"Emerge, Squirtle!" Xin Yuexin commanded confidently.

"Appear, Butterfree!" Aizawa called out hesitantly.

Chen Yu, holding a small red flag, informed them, "As soon as I lower this flag, the battle will begin."

Moments later, he brought the flag down, signaling, "Start!"

"Squirtle, execute Rapid Spin!" Xin Yuexin instructed.

Aizawa, caught off guard, struggled to command, "Butterfree, uhm... hide!" It was too late; Squirtle was already propelling towards Butterfree with significant force.

"Butterfree~," Butterfree screeched, recoiling sharply as it retreated in pain.

"Squirtle, now's your chance, use Water Gun!" commanded Xin Yuexin, seizing the opportunity.

"Quick, Butterfree, find cover and retaliate with Gust!" Aizawa, gathering her wits, issued her command. A powerful gust billowed, forcing Squirtle to brace against the pushing wind.

Undeterred, Xin Yuexin urged, "Hold on, Squirtle! Counter it with Rapid Spin!"

Aizawa, her mind racing, called out, "Um, Butterfree, try... Bug Bite!" Though slightly confused, she managed to quickly decide on her strategy.

A loud BANG echoed as the two Pokémon clashed fiercely. Butterfree wailed in pain once more, clearly suffering more than Squirtle, who, despite feeling some discomfort, seemed to be in a comparatively better condition.

Observing Butterfree's dizzy state and its struggle to maintain balance, Aizawa's nerves spiked. Then, a technique she had discussed with Floyd and Kanraku sprang to mind. "Butterfree, this is it! Use Sleep Powder!" she commanded swiftly.

"Butterfree~," it cried as it released a flurry of spores towards Squirtle.

Xin Yuexin, puzzled by this new development, dismissed it and instructed, "No matter, Squirtle, keep going! Use Water Gun!"

"Squirtle~," it acknowledged and was about to unleash Water Gun when the cloud of sleep-inducing powder enveloped it. The drowsiness was instant; Squirtle's body began to sway, and it closed its eyes, succumbing to sleep.

"What just happened?" Xin Yuexin gasped in shock, witnessing her Squirtle's sudden slumber.

Chen Yu, along with everyone else watching the match, including the commentators, participants, and the villagers, was taken aback. The tide had turned unexpectedly. Aizawa had deployed Sleep Powder, a move known to induce sleep in its target.

Chen Yu, recalling the specifics of the move, realized its effectiveness, especially as Butterfree was one of the Pokémon capable of using it.

"Professor, for the benefit of our audience, could you please explain what just transpired with that move?" Nakamura asked, though he was familiar with the tactic, he preferred Kanraku to detail it for the viewers.

Kanraku, understanding the educational value of the moment, explained, "What we witnessed was Sleep Powder, a Status move of the Plant type. It's quite a tactical maneuver, as it can incapacitate an opponent by inducing sleep."

"Intriguing. And is there a known method to counter such a move?" Nakamura inquired further.

Kanraku pondered, then admitted, "At the moment, a straightforward solution isn't apparent. However, I believe Floyd-san might have some insight or alternative strategies. Floyd-san, your thoughts?" He turned to Floyd, inviting him to share his expertise.

"Well, in dealing with such a situation, there are actually two method that come to my mind," Floyd began, eager to share his knowledge. "The first involves a bit of psychological maneuvering. There's a move known as 'Taunt' which is quite effective. It provokes your opponent into using an attack move, potentially disrupting their strategy and giving you an advantage."

He paused for a moment, ensuring everyone was following, before continuing. "The second approach is to use specific berries. I'm familiar with two in particular – the Chesto and Lum Berries. Each has its unique properties. For instance, Chesto Berries can awaken a Pokémon from sleep, which would be quite effective against a move like Sleep Powder. Lum Berries, on the other hand, are more versatile, capable of healing any status condition, including sleep.

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