Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 196 – Bet

AN: It's been a week, but I can't manage to write more than one chapter a day. I don't know what's happening to me. Before, I used to write 2-3 chapters per day, but now, every time I finish writing one chapter, I feel too lazy to write the next one. It's like I'm getting used to the idea that I only need to write one chapter per day.


"Raticate! Unbelievable, Hu-san's Rattata actually evolved into Raticate! This is truly unexpected!" Nakamura's voice echoed with genuine astonishment, as his eyes widened in awe at the sight of the evolved Raticate.

He swiftly turned his gaze towards Professor Kanraku, his tone laced with excitement and curiosity, "Professor, with Hu-san now commanding a fully evolved Raticate, the balance seems to have tipped significantly in his favor, don't you think? What's your take on this?"

Kanraku, who had been observing the scene with a discerning eye, responded with a hint of caution in his voice, "Nakamura, it's premature to conclude that Raticate is at its final stage of evolution. There might still be untapped potential, an avenue for further evolution." His eyes flickered with a glimmer of academic intrigue.

Nakamura, slightly embarrassed by his hasty assumption, chuckled and patted his head in a self-deprecating manner, "Ah, of course, you're right, Professor. My apologies for jumping the gun." His smile was wry, yet it showed his respect for Kanraku's expertise.

"As for the odds in this matchup," Kanraku continued, his tone becoming more analytical, "undoubtedly, the favor is to Hu-san. Possessing a beast like Raticate is a considerable advantage. Jonathan's chances to counter this seem relatively slim." He paused thoughtfully, then turned to Floyd with a curious expression, "Floyd-san, what is your perspective? I presume you agree with my assessment?"

Floyd, who had been listening intently, offered a gentle smile and slowly shook his head, signaling disagreement. "My view differs somewhat," he said calmly. "I believe Jonathan still has a fighting chance."

Kanraku's expression shifted to one of mild annoyance, mixed with a hint of amusement. "Oh? Is that because Jonathan hails from your homeland, prompting a biased view?" he inquired, his voice tinged with a playful yet slightly acerbic undertone as he crossed his arms.

Floyd let out a soft snort, slightly irked yet amused, "Professor, is that the low regard you have for me?" His question was rhetorical, layered with a mix of jest and challenge.

Kanraku raised an eyebrow, his voice carrying a note of mock seriousness, "Who knows, perhaps? I've noticed you often hold a contrary opinion to mine."

"Well, differing viewpoints make for a more engaging discussion," Floyd countered with a confident grin. "And my opinions are not without merit. Recall how I accurately predicted Ryota's victory earlier?" His grin widened, subtly taunting Kanraku.

Kanraku, momentarily lost for words, began, "You… That's because-" but was swiftly interrupted by Floyd's playful interjection. "Remember the saying, 'A loss is still a loss. It's not just about strength, but also the Trainer's knowledge and strategy.' Now, who was it that said that earlier?" Floyd's tone was teasing, his eyes playfully challenging Kanraku.

Annoyed but amused, Kanraku pointed a finger at Floyd, about to retort, but Nakamura quickly intervened, sensing the escalating banter, "Let's focus on the battle, gentlemen. What are your thoughts, Floyd-san? Professor?"

Kanraku, slightly flustered but regaining his composure, replied, "Well, fine. This time, I'm certain my analysis won't be off the mark," he said, nodding assertively as he turned his attention back to the ongoing battle between Jonathan and Hu Tianyi.

However, Floyd, seizing the moment, interjected with an intriguing proposal, "Professor, how about we make this more interesting with a bet?"

Kanraku, taken aback, repeated, "A bet?" His eyes narrowed slightly as he considered Floyd's proposition, his interest clearly piqued.

"I bet Jonathan will emerge victorious," Floyd stated, his smile brimming with confidence. "And your stake is in Hu Tianyi, correct?"

Kanraku's eyes twinkled with amusement. "Really now, you're that sure of Jonathan's victory? Or are you just handing me an easy win? I'm intrigued. What's your wager?" His voice carried a playful, challenging tone.

"10 Pocket Balls," Floyd responded, the offer clear in his steady voice.

"Fair enough," Kanraku replied with a nod, a sly grin spreading across his face. "Then I'll raise the stakes: eight sacks of Pokéblocks, and I won't accept a penny for them. What do you say?"

Floyd's smile widened, and he nodded in agreement. His confidence wasn't without reason; he had a keen understanding of Hu Tianyi's Pokémon's condition in comparison to Jonathan's. Although Hu Tianyi's Rattata had evolved into Raticate, its overall stats were not substantially greater than those of Jonathan's Growlithe.

Moreover, Floyd noticed something troubling in Hu Tianyi's Pokémon's eyes – a certain lifelessness, as if it were merely a tool for battle. Additionally, on Raticate, he observed minor injuries that could be caused by excessive training or wear, which might go unnoticed by others.

In contrast, Jonathan's Pokémon, though not as physically imposing, had a robust foundation. It was clear that Jonathan had diligently followed Floyd's training regimen. Even if Floyd lost the bet, he wasn't overly concerned. To him, crafting Pokéblocks was a simple task.

The scene shifted back to the intense battle unfolding in the center of the field. Raticate, under Hu Tianyi's command, charged towards Geodude and unleashed a ferocious Bite attack.

But Geodude, having already executed a Defense Curl, was prepared. On Jonathan's quick command, "Use Protect!"

Geodude shielded itself with both arms, effectively blocking Raticate's assault. This Protect move was a skill it had learned from the Meteorite's rock.

Raticate and Geodude collided with force, yet Geodude remained unscathed. Hu Tianyi's expression darkened into a frown, his frustration mounting as he realized that his Raticate's attacks were futile against Geodude.

He couldn't fathom why most of his Pokémon except at one Mankey seemed incapable of learning moves from the Meteorites, a thought that led him to suspect Floyd might be concealing vital information. Yet, he restrained himself from confronting Floyd, wary of exacerbating his already precarious situation.

Fuelled by his growing anger, Hu Tianyi shouted, "Raticate, use Bite again! Don't let up!"

"Geodude, counter with Smack Down now!" Jonathan commanded with equal fervor.

The battlefield echoed with a resounding BANG as Raticate's fangs sank into Geodude, eliciting a pained cry from the sturdy Pokémon.

Angered, Geodude's eyes flared with intensity. In a swift motion, it retaliated, unleashing a powerful Smack Down with both arms.


Raticate howled in agony as Geodude's powerful smack sent it crashing to the ground. Hu Tianyi's eyes narrowed in frustration. "Damn it! Raticate, retreat and circle around him. Don't let Geodude land another hit," he commanded, realizing he had greatly underestimated Jonathan, which allowed his opponent to seize the upper hand.

On the other side, Jonathan, his face etched with concern, urgently directed his Pokémon, "Geodude, stay alert and use Rollout!" He watched anxiously as Raticate, swift and agile, began to dart around Geodude at a dizzying pace.

Seizing the moment, Hu Tianyi yelled, "Now, Raticate!" This sudden command caught Jonathan off guard, prompting him to react hastily, "Geodude, Rollout, now!"

"Geo-dude!" With determination, Geodude curled into a ball and rolled with increasing speed towards Raticate.

However, Hu Tianyi's expression shifted into a cunning smile. "Fool, it was a feint! Raticate, dodge and use Quick Attack!" he exclaimed with a sly tone.

Raticate instantly changed its trajectory, nimbly evading Geodude's Rollout. As Geodude's attack missed its mark, Raticate swiftly counterattacked, charging towards Geodude with a blistering Quick Attack.


Geodude groaned under the impact, the pain evident in its cry.

"Geodude!" Jonathan called out, his voice laced with concern as he watched its struggle.

"Geo~" Geodude, now visibly injured, strained to maintain its stance. The Defense Curl it had used earlier had undoubtedly mitigated some of the damage, but it was still in a precarious state.

Hu Tianyi, smirking confidently, seized the moment. "This is it. Raticate, go for the Bite!" he shouted, sensing victory was within reach.

Jonathan, however, was not ready to concede. "Geodude, hang in there! Use Protect, now!" he commanded, his voice resolute.

The two Pokémon collided once more, but this time, Geodude managed to successfully shield itself with Protect. Jonathan, seeing an opening, didn't hesitate, "Rollout again, Geodude!"

"Geodude~" the rock Pokémon cried out, gathering its strength to roll towards Raticate once more.

Hu Tianyi, his expression turning to panic, quickly ordered, "Raticate, Quick Attack to dodge!"

Raticate prepared to move, but this time, Geodude's Rollout connected, hitting Raticate squarely. Raticate screamed as it was hurled away, but skillfully backflipped and landed, regaining its composure while warily eyeing Geodude.

Hu Tianyi, now visibly anxious, urged, "Circle around him, Raticate. Wait for the right moment to strike." He was taken aback by the difficulty they were facing. He had been confident that his evolved Raticate could easily overpower any challenger, but Jonathan's Geodude was proving to be a formidable opponent.

Raticate heeded Hu Tianyi's instructions, beginning to rapidly encircle Geodude, who struggled to keep track of its fast-moving opponent. Then, seizing an opportune moment, Raticate lunged in with another Quick Attack!

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