Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 201 – TOP 16

Hu Tianyi stood in disbelief, his gaze fixed on his unconscious Raticate. The reality of his defeat was hard to accept. He had underestimated Bianca's Swablu and Bayleef, not realizing their true strength. Hu Tianyi had harbored ambitions of advancing to the quarterfinals, semifinals, and even dreaming of winning the championship.
Yet here he was, struggling to come to terms with the fact that even reaching the top 16 was out of his grasp. The feelings of disbelief and humiliation were overwhelming, especially under the watchful eyes of the audience.
"Useless!" Hu Tianyi exclaimed, glaring at his defeated Raticate. In his rush of frustration and shame, he didn't even bother to return Raticate to its Poké Ball. Instead, he quickly left the arena, eager to escape from the humiliation.
In the commentator booth, Nakamura expressed his bewilderment at the outcome of the match. "It's peculiar. Why did Swablu suddenly demonstrate such strength?" he questioned, reflecting on the unexpected turn of events.
Floyd, also puzzled, chimed in, "This should be Swablu's true strength at the Pro level. I'm not sure why it didn't perform at its best earlier, but it certainly showed its full capabilities this time."
Kanraku sighed, acknowledging the finality of the situation. "It's hard to understand, but what's done is done. We can't change the outcome now," he said, accepting the result of the battle.
Yamada, holding a list of names, began to read out the top 16 contenders. "The top 16 have been decided. Here's the list," he announced, "Aizawa Haruko, Suzuki Ryota, Ivan Quinto, Le Mai Linh, Huu Xuan Thao, Xiao Yun, Huang Mai Phuong, Kang Jihoon, Jonathan Perez, Nguyen Thanh Cuong, Li Qin, Chen Xin, Nghiem Min Tuan, Li Zhengui, Inoue Kazuki, and Bianca Jimenez."
Nakamura then added, "Now, for the final event today, Chen Yu will spin the roulette. We'll soon find out the matchups for the next round."
After half an hour of anticipation, the results of the roulette were revealed:
Chen Xin vs Huang Mai Phuong
Bianca Jimenez vs Nguyen Thanh Cuong
Jonathan Perez vs Li Qing
Suzuki Ryota vs Aizawa Haruko
Kang Jihoon vs Ivan Quinto
Inoue Kazuki vs Li Zhengui
Nghiem Min Tuan vs Le Mai Linh
Huu Xuan Thao vs Xiao Yun
Ryota, looking at the results, was struck by the irony of his situation. Having already faced his senior brother, Inoue, he was now set to battle his senior sister Aizawa.
Kang Jihoon, the sole remaining contender from his country in the top 16, felt a mix of nervousness and excitement as he learned that his next opponent would be one of the 'Big Four,' Ivan. This revelation stirred a buzz among his fellow countrymen, who were simultaneously anxious and hopeful. Kang Jihoon's anticipation was palpable; the prospect of facing such a renowned competitor filled him with a sense of eagerness and expectation.
Following the tension-filled roulette, the atmosphere lightened with a captivating exhibition performed by a group of Pokémon. The stage was set for an enchanting dance featuring five Goomys, a group of Wartortle, and Horsea.
The Goomys positioned themselves strategically, one at each corner with the leader in the center, creating a symmetrical formation, releasing their Water Gun to form a fountain. Then, the Wartortle initiated the performance by releasing a mesmerizing Rain Dance, setting the stage for the aquatic ballet.
At the heart of the formation, the leader Goomy playfully uses Water Gun to propel Horsea upwards. Horsea, caught in the jet of water, spiraled into the air with joy, activating her Dragon Dance. She twirled and danced gracefully in the air, her movements fluid and elegant.
As Horsea began to descend, the four corner Goomys, in a perfectly timed maneuver, adjusted their Water Gun aim trajectory. Along with the leader Goomy, they created a fountain-like effect, propelling Horsea even higher. The audience watched in awe as Horsea soared, her dance becoming more enchanting with each moment.
Then, in a stunning climax, a majestic Gyarados appeared, soaring through the air to catch Horsea gently on its head. Gyarados let out a powerful roar, showcasing its grandeur and might, while Horsea lay contentedly on her 'big brother.'
This performance particularly captivated the viewers with Gyarados's grand appearance, reminiscent of a dragon. Initially, there was a flicker of fear among the villagers, as Gyarados brought back memories of a recent attack.
However, their fears were soon allayed as they observed the creature's joyful demeanor, realizing that this Gyarados was not a threat. Speculations arose that perhaps Kanraku had tamed this formidable Pokémon.
The day's events left a lasting impression on everyone, not just the human contenders, but also the Pokémon spectators. Young Pokémon like Teddiursa and Ekans watched with envy as Pokémon partnered with trainers showcased their skills in battle.
These observations sparked a longing within them, making them wonder what it would be like to have trainers of their own. The thought of their parents' likely disapproval cast a shadow over these dreams, yet the seed of aspiration had been planted in their minds by witnessing the day's events.
Adult Pokémon who were watching the screen were equally captivated by the battles. While they recognized that the competitors' strength might not match their own, the prowess displayed by the Pokémon in the competition was undeniably impressive. It prompted memories of their own days as young Pokémon, where they were not nearly as strong.
They mused that their strength back then was perhaps on par with some of the weaker competitors' Pokémon, but certainly not with the ones trained by the strongest contenders. This led some of the adult Pokémon to contemplate what it might be like to grow stronger with a trainer. A few even resolved to encourage their offspring to become trainers' Pokémon, a significant shift in their perspective.
The shock and awe of the day's events extended beyond the Pokémon to the human audience. The scenes from the forest, where seeds transformed into towering trees with the assistance of Pokémon, left an indelible mark on their minds.
The appearance of Pokeballs, the strategic and systematic battles, and particularly the enchanting performance by Horsea, Wartortles, and Gyarados at the competition's conclusion, were moments that the people knew they would not soon forget. The events of the day were so stirring that many felt they would be restless through the night, replaying the day's wonders in their minds.
Meanwhile, in the village, spectators were left feeling frustrated and enraged by the outcomes of the roulette. Many felt the matchups were once again stacked against them and couldn't help but suspect Chen Yu of foul play.
Despite their anger, the spectacle they had witnessed left them in awe, and some were so moved that they contemplated rushing to Kanraku's laboratory. However, they were dissuaded by Village Chief Suzuki's intervention. He was acutely aware of the dangers that lay within Kanraku's laboratory; without proper guidance or permission, an impulsive visit could lead to perilous situations.
In the serenity of the Tatami room, Suzuki Akiko carefully poured tea for both Kanraku and his father before discreetly excusing herself, sensing a private conversation was about to unfold.
The Village Chief, after taking a thoughtful sip of his tea, turned to Kanraku with a mix of concern and curiosity. "You've really stirred things up today, haven't you? Do you realize that today's event is the talk of all the villagers? They've already started inquiring about the current event," he said.
"I wasn't aware of that, but I had already anticipated something like this happening since it was part of our plan," Kanraku replied with a smile.

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