Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 202 – Abandon?

"Professor, about that pocket ball," the village chief began, pausing for a moment to collect his thoughts before continuing. "Have you considered presenting it to the government?" His voice carried a tone of earnest curiosity mixed with a hint of concern.

"You know, this invention could be a groundbreaking item, potentially reducing human mortality significantly once we learn to control it. With this, we might stand a chance against the beasts," the village chief added, his words reflecting both the potential he saw in the invention and the weight of responsibility it carried.

Kanraku, listening intently, gently shook his head. "Village chief, you are aware of my primary objective. It has always been to foster a relationship of harmony between humans and beasts, not to harm them. My goal is to promote coexistence, and that will never change," he stated firmly, his commitment to his principles clear.

"As for introducing it to the government, it is indeed part of my plan, but the timing isn't right yet. The world isn't ready for such a revelation at this moment," Kanraku elaborated, hinting at the complexities involved in unveiling such a significant discovery.

The village chief nodded, understanding the delicacy of the situation. "Professor, you must realize that keeping such an item a secret won't be feasible for long. Many villagers have already witnessed it. Sooner or later, government officials will become aware of its existence and seek you out," he pointed out, highlighting the inevitability of the situation.

Kanraku sighed, acknowledging the truth in the village chief's words. "I'm aware of that. My current efforts are focused on buying time to develop adequate regulations and suggestions for the government. The reason I hesitate to introduce it now is my fear that it might be misused by those with malevolent intentions. I need about one to three months to devise a comprehensive plan for managing this item responsibly," he explained, his gaze meeting the village chief's.

"I understand your concerns," the village chief replied. "By the way, since you're planning to introduce this item, do you have any specific plans for the villagers? Many have approached me with inquiries about your intentions. They are eager to hear what you have to say."

Kanraku nodded, "After the competition concludes in two days, I intend to start addressing the villagers. Involving them has been a part of my plan from the beginning. My team and I have prepared sufficient materials and are ready to make the necessary preparations. We'll begin our outreach and recruitment efforts shortly," he assured.

The village chief let out a sigh of relief, reassured by Kanraku's commitment to their village. He then scratched his head, a bit embarrassed about his next inquiry. "By the way, professor, the members of my patrol team have shown interest in the pocket ball as well. Is it permissible for them to—" Before he could finish his sentence, Kanraku interjected affirmatively, "Absolutely, it's completely fine. I wholeheartedly agree with their involvement."

Kanraku then added a further assurance, "In fact, it's not just limited to your patrol team. Even you, Village Chief, are welcome to participate."

The village chief's eyes widened in surprise. "Really, even me?" he asked, his tone reflecting both astonishment and curiosity.

Kanraku nodded, elaborating on his policy, "Yes, anyone is allowed to partake. We don't have preferences based on one's background or occupation. The only condition is that participants should not harbor any malicious intent towards using this item. However, for now, we need to impose some restrictions, mainly concerning the quota, for security reasons. But rest assured, we plan to ease these restrictions gradually. I hope you understand this approach."

The village chief nodded in understanding. "Of course, I understand completely. Your selflessness is evident, especially since you've even extended this opportunity to foreigners. I knew you wouldn't neglect or forget about our own villagers," he said, expressing his gratitude and admiration for Kanraku's inclusive vision.

"Well, that's because this item was not entirely made by me. A foreigner also contributed significantly to this item, and he was one of the main reasons why it was created," Kanraku said, reflecting on all of Floyd's contributions and feeling grateful for him. If not for Floyd, his research would have been delayed by more than just a few years.

After their lengthy discussion, the village chief made his way back to the village, leaving Kanraku to continue overseeing the event planning with his team. The competition was still in full swing, and there was much to be done.

Later that night, in the secluded Kemonohaji forest, Hu Tianyi had released all his Pokémon, including Raticate, Butterfree, Eevee, and others. His current demeanor was solemn and intimidating as he observed his Pokémon struggling near the giant meteorite rock.

Most of his Pokémon, except for Mankey, who had previously learned a move from this meteorite, soon lost consciousness.

Hu Tianyi's rage reached a boiling point as he unleashed his fury into the night sky. "Ahhhhh! TRASH!" he screamed, his voice echoing through the forest. The humiliation of not only losing the competition but failing to even make it into the TOP 16 gnawed at him.

It was a stain on his pride, a public embarrassment that he couldn't shake off. His anger intensified as he saw that most of his Pokémon were unable to learn a 'move' from the meteorite, a failure that seemed to magnify his own.

"WHY? WHY? WHY?" he shouted repeatedly, his feet stomping the ground in a fit of uncontrollable anger.

"Why can't you all learn? Are you all just trash?" His words were directed at his Pokémon, but there was no response. Most of them had already lost consciousness due to the intense training and exposure to the meteorite.

Mankey, the only one still conscious, watched its trainer's outburst with growing fear. It instinctively stepped back, sensing the dangerous escalation in Hu Tianyi's demeanor.

In a fit of blind rage, Hu Tianyi turned his frustration towards the unconscious Eevee. "You're all TRASH!" he yelled as he viciously kicked Eevee, sending it tumbling into a nearby tree with a thud.


Eevee, unconscious, was oblivious to the pain as it flew through the air.

"You are also TRASH!" He also turned his anger towards unconscious Pidgey, kicking it with the same brutality. The poor creature was also slammed against a tree.


"Let's go! Abandon them," Hu Tianyi said as he walked away without glancing at the Mankey, but the latter knew Hu Tianyi was referring to him.

Mankey, witnessing this cruel treatment of its comrades, let out a sad cry, "Mankey~" but didn't move, its eyes fixed on Hu Tianyi.

"What now?" Hu Tianyi snapped, turning back to face Mankey with a glare. "Aren't you coming?"

"Mankey~" Mankey gestured towards its fallen comrades, as if pleading with Hu Tianyi to take them along.

Hu Tianyi scoffed, "Your friends can't even learn a move from this meteorite. They're useless, just trash. You want to stay with trash like them?"

Mankey's expression turned angry, a rare show of defiance towards Hu Tianyi.

Hu Tianyi, sensing Mankey's anger, stepped back, a sudden fear gripping him. He realized that provoking Mankey any further might leave him with no Pokémon at all.

"Fine, I'll take them," he muttered resentfully. Feeling defeated and helpless, he reluctantly picked up Eevee and Pidgey. He hesitated when he saw Raticate, a pang of pity hitting him. Reluctantly, he took out Raticate's Poké Ball and returned it, leaving behind the other Pokémon.

Hu Tianyi, weighed down by the events that had transpired, began to walk away with his remaining Pokémon. However, in an unexpected turn of events, he happened to meet Floyd and his Pokémon in the depths of the Kemonohaji forest.

Floyd, who was in the midst of a rigorous training session with his Pokémon, looked up with a frown as Hu Tianyi emerged into view. Initially, Floyd considered ignoring him, recalling how Hu Tianyi had previously abandoned him, leaving him to fend for himself in this very forest.

Yet, some things off about Hu Tianyi's current state, particularly the number of his Pokémon, caught Floyd's attention.

"Where are your other beasts?" Floyd asked, his voice carrying a frosty edge as he scrutinized Hu Tianyi.

Hu Tianyi, sensing the intensity of Floyd's presence, felt a wave of fear wash over him. He knew that if Floyd discovered the truth about him abandoning his Pokémon, there would be severe repercussions.

Desperately searching for a plausible excuse, Hu Tianyi stuttered, "I, I..." He paused, scrambling for a convincing lie.

"You see, they were unconscious, unable to learn a 'move' from the meteorite rock. I had to carry them out one by one. But I have so many Pokémon, and only two hands. I planned to return for the others after bringing these to safety," he fabricated hastily.

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