Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 213 – Expedition Plan (2)

Kanraku's announcement reverberated through the room, "We will recruit another group from all your respective countries."
This statement caught everyone off guard, prompting them to shift their attention towards him. The Village Chief, however, was not as easily swayed. He raised an eyebrow, a frown etching across his face.
In his view, the idea of recruiting foreigners harbored potential risks, primarily the chance they might exploit Kanraku's trust.
The Village Chief believed a more prudent approach would be to engage in dialogue with the government, ensuring that the soldiers were well-informed about Kanraku's groundbreaking research.
However, it was important to remember that Kanraku currently had strained relations with government officials. His presence in this Kagoshima Prefecture was no coincidence; it was a direct result of being ostracized by those in power.
Though the Village Chief was itching to voice his concerns, he hesitated, considering the presence of the foreigners in their midst. He didn't want to cause offense, deciding it would be wiser to hear Kanraku out first before raising any objections later.
Chen Yu, meanwhile, seemed to have an inkling about Kanraku's intentions. "For what purpose?" he inquired, seeking confirmation of his suspicions.
"I had already conceived this plan when I first recruited you. My original intention was to recruit a new group from your respective countries before the completion of your six-month stay here. However, I never anticipated that our progress would accelerate this much, to the point that it even surprised me. This rapid progress is all thanks to everyone's contributions." His eyes swept over the group, filled with profound gratitude.
He continued, elaborating on his earlier vision, "Remember when I mentioned earlier that I planned to create a platform connecting our countries, with you managing the alliance in your respective nations? Given the scale of our operations, your current numbers alone aren't sufficient. Therefore, I plan to introduce a second wave of recruits, following your tenure."
This revelation sparked a collective recollection among the group. They remembered Kanraku's promise when they were first recruited. Thoughts filled their minds - this island was temporary, not their homeland. They couldn't stay here indefinitely.
The concept of establishing alliances within their respective nations seemed more promising than staying here permanently. Each member could potentially lead these alliances, enhancing their significance and influence in their own countries.
There was a shared understanding among them of the immense potential this alliance held. They were confident that it wouldn't just be a passing trend, but something that would shape the landscape for years, even decades and centuries to come.
"Can we truly accomplish this?" Kang Jihoon queried, a tumultuous mix of nervousness and excitement quivering through his frame as he pondered over Kanraku's ambitious plan. The very thought of it sent a thrilling shiver down his spine.
Kanraku, with a confident gleam in his eye, responded, "Initially, I harbored doubts, but now I'm certain. This island, which once seemed a daunting challenge to overtake, now appears entirely within our grasp. It's not as expansive as we feared, and with our nimble mobility, coupled with the aid of Pokémon, our task becomes significantly more feasible."
Floyd chimed in, adding a suggestion, "Moreover, it's not just about battling with Pokémon. If there's an opportunity for negotiation, we should seize it. That way, we can save time, avoid unnecessary conflicts, and foster a more harmonious relationship with the Pokemon."
Kanraku continued, outlining the strategy, "That's right. So, my first plan is to gather all the villages on this Takihama Island to reconnect them, and to spread the knowledge of Pokémon. Once we've accomplished that, you will return to your respective countries. There, you will be the ones to spread influence about the alliance. And don't worry about resources; Takihama Island will serve as your platform for obtaining them. Please don't discard the metal card I gave you. You can still use your points there, and you can trade resources on this island. It will also serve as your identity as a member and a pioneer of this Alliance," Kanraku elaborated.
This bold declaration from Kanraku left everyone, including the village chief, in a state of astounded silence. Wide-eyed, they began to grasp the potential global impact of Kanraku's vision if it came to fruition.
Several hours had drifted by since the meeting's conclusion. This period, typically earmarked for rest and reflection, was now charged with a restless energy. The minds of all who attended were abuzz, relentlessly turning over the implications of Kanraku's profound announcement.
Sleep? It seemed, was a luxury that the weight of their thoughts would not afford them this night.
In the now quiet and dimly lit meeting room, Kanraku and the village chief remained, the only sentinels in a sea of empty chairs. The village chief, a portrait of restless contemplation, tapped his fingers rhythmically, a physical manifestation of his internal turmoil. As the last of the attendees filtered out, leaving a hushed stillness, he pivoted towards Kanraku with a look of earnest inquiry.
"Kanraku-kun," he began, his voice tinged with a mix of concern and hope, "I must ask you once again. Your grand scheme, it doesn't involve any form of rebellion against the government, correct?"
Kanraku offered a wry, helpless smile, "Village chief, let me reaffirm my stance. I harbor no such plans. My sole objective remains steadfast - to end this lingering conflict between Pokémon and humans. My journey thus far has been on the righteous path; why would I deviate into a crook road? I am not one to indulge in such pettiness, especially when my energies and time are wholly consumed to my research and some more important matters."
He paused momentarily, a thoughtful look crossing his face, "However..." Kanraku resumed, his tone tinged with a hint of unease, "I can't trust the government officials right now. They would ruin my plan if they were involved in its early stages."
The village chief exhaled a deep sigh of relief upon hearing Kanraku's reassurance. His primary concern had been to ascertain whether Kanraku's ideals had not strayed in the wrong direction.
Yet, another query lingered in the chief's mind. "Regarding these foreigners who are now part of your plan," he inquired cautiously, "do you not fear their potential betrayal? Entrusting them with such a significant role, aren't you apprehensive they might turn against you?"
"Village chief, to be honest, I'm not certain either," Kanraku's expression softened into a bittersweet smile. "But this is the fastest way to grow the alliances rapidly. I have no support from the government, and most people in Nihon probably won't trust my ideals. So, I have no choice. If they betray me, then so be it."
The village chief, moved by Kanraku's candidness, nodded understandingly, "We and the villagers are here to support you,"
"I appreciated it village chief, but that alone won't be enough," Kanraku asserted, shaking his head with a sense of urgency. "As our alliance expands, so too will our need for resources. This small island couldn't bear the brunt alone. We need a broader network, and support from other nations, to facilitate resource exchange and strengthen our position."
He leaned forward, the intensity of his vision clear in his eyes. "This is precisely why I implemented the card and point system. It grants these foreign allies access to our island's resources, creating a symbiotic relationship. Furthermore, this system serves a dual purpose – it reduces the likelihood of betrayal. We must ensure our technology surpasses theirs, staying several steps ahead. If they see we hold the upper hand, they'll think twice before betraying us," Kanraku explained, his voice trailing off into a sigh.
The village chief, absorbing the depth and foresight of Kanraku's strategy, realized the immense pressure Kanraku was shouldering. "You've already thought about all this? You're amazing," he remarked.
Kanraku allowed a modest smile to grace his features as he ran a hand through his hair. "Well, I can't take all the credit. Your daughter played a pivotal role in this. Without Suzuki-san's insights, it would've taken me much longer to formulate this plan."
"Akiko?" The village chief raised his eyebrows, surprised and intrigued to learn of Suzuki Akiko's involvement.
"Yes, thanks to her," Kanraku affirmed with a nod of gratitude.
"I see," the village chief said, a newfound respect evident in his tone. He stood up, signaling the end of their discussion. "I've asked all I needed to. I'll take my leave now." As Kanraku also rose to bid farewell with a respectful bow, the village chief paused at the doorway, turning back to add, "By the way, stop addressing me so formally. Call me Mr. Suzuki, Uncle Suzuki, or even Uncle Ryoichi – anything that feels less stiff," he suggested with a hint of warmth before exiting.
"Uh... Village Chie-" Kanraku began, but Suzuki Ryoichi had already departed, not waiting for a response.
Left alone, Kanraku's face flushed with an unexpected thought, and he quickly chastised himself, slapping his cheek lightly. "Stop it, Kanraku. Don't let your imagination run wild. It's not like that at all," he muttered under his breath, trying to refocus on the task at hand.

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