Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 26 – Transaction Completed

"Do you want my slaves?" The man turned his back to the five creatures, then looked back at Floyd with confusion.

The five Goomys stopped what they were doing and became frightened as they looked towards Floyd. Was this guy trying to take them away? Although their day-to-day lives were extremely harsh, they were much better compared to what they had experienced before. And now someone wants to take them away?

"Goo..Goo…Goomy!" the oldest one cried out in fear with pleading in his eyes.

"You… Shut up! Do your own thing there; don't bother me!" The man's eyes were already red as he was looking greedily at the berry and wanted to take it, and now there was an idiot foreigner who wanted to take his slaves with this berry.

But he became wary because this might be fake, and soon he asked Floyd, "Would you mind if I perform a test?"

"What test?" Floyd frowned and asked what he meant.

"Wait, I'm going to find something." The man hurriedly went to the cabinet and dug through his belongings as if he were searching for something.

Floyd became wary, thinking it might be a gun or weapon.

"Here it is." The man took out a case and opened it, revealing a needle.

Floyd was still wary as he focused his attention on what the man was holding. No way, he cared about his life; previously, he almost died, and now, looking at the needle, he recalled a martial art he watched in his previous life where something like this was used to assassinate someone.

"Eh, what are you doing? I need to test it using this," The man took one needle from the case, which made Floyd alert.

"For what?" Floyd asked, still feeling alert, and even beckoned Axew to be alert.

"I need to test if the berry you brought is real, and since we can't slice it, I'm using a needle to extract some juice and then try it on the arm. If the bleeding stops and heals, then your berry is real." Seeing Floyd become wary, the man tried to explain.

After hearing the explanation from the man, Floyd became embarrassed; it seems he overthought something.

"I see, then you can try it." Floyd permitted, but he was still wary of him.

The man started to inject the needle; after a few seconds, he took it out, and Floyd could see the fluid on the needle. The man then injected it into his arm. Floyd could see the blood coming out but soon disappear.

The man opened his eyes with joy and greed; he knew this berry was real. He's going to be rich! He's going to be rich! He thought.

But first, he needed the consent of this foreigner. At first, he really thought about how to kill this guy, but seeing that he only needed to buy his slaves, he rejected that idea. He had only bought his slaves from the commercial area for 50,000 TWD. No one even wanted these slimy creatures because they felt disgusting, and he had no money to buy an expensive beast for his circus show, so he had no choice but to get them. Seeing that they were good at using water magic, which might impress people, he trained them hard to earn money.

And now someone will spend 10x the money; this was a great profit.

"Do you really want to buy my slaves?" The man confirmed again whether what this foreigner had said before was real.


He was really going to buy them!

"Do you know how much your berry is worth?" The man asked.

"Isn't it in demand in your city? This berry should cost 150,000, right? I think it's enough." Floyd started acting as if he didn't know the price but was still pretending he knew the price.

He doesn't know, he doesn't know, Oh my God, I'm going to be rich, the man was very happy deep inside.

"Ehem, cough, young man, do you know how much my slaves are worth? It's 60,000 TWD each, with a total of 300,000 TWD, and it took me half a year to train them. I spent a lot of money investing in them, so do you think one berry is enough? You should add two more berries. Well, since I'm generous, I'll give them to you with a discount. Two berries, and you can have them." The man still hoped to increase the price, maybe at least double the price if Floyd had another berry. But he didn't dare press too much, afraid that Floyd would back down. If he doesn't have more, it's okay to trade with one berry.

"That's too expensive?" Floyd widened his eyes, acting as if he was surprised.

The man became afraid. Would Floyd back down since he couldn't afford it?

"Well, then… If you… don't have another… one is okay." The man hesitated, thinking that one was enough, don't be greedy anymore, but he didn't continue what he was saying when…

"Well, I have one last one here, this might be my last one. You said you can trade them for two, am I right?" Floyd took out another one.



This…. Guy…?


The man acted normal, but in his mind, he was already jumping happily and celebrating. He didn't even think of killing Floyd this time. This poor guy has been scammed by me, he thought.

He checked the berry first with a needle, and it was true, another genuine one. Then he didn't wait anymore and started the transaction quickly, afraid that Floyd would back down.

The method of transaction was easy.

Floyd looked at the man putting his thumb on the iron ring on their bodies.

(AN: Since Goomy has no neck, the iron ring was on their body, like a belt.)

"Hurry up, put your thumb on the other place," the man hurriedly shouted to him.

Floyd was unfamiliar with this technology and just followed what he said and put his thumb on the other part of the iron ring.

He saw that the Goomy they were holding was already desperate, his eyes starting to cloud, and tears coming out.

"Goomy… Goomy," he looked pleadingly at the man.

"Shut up, from now on, he is your owner," the man scolded him indifferently.

Goomy was heartbroken; although the man didn't treat them well, it was much better compared to the previous one, and having stayed here for half a year, he had already gotten used to it. He felt a bit of reluctance. He felt his world was gone now and felt lifeless.

Then suddenly, he felt energy and sensed something familiar. He looked at the source of the energy and was surprised; it was the man who wanted to buy them.

Floyd released a little energy from his fingertips and touched the Goomy. And since he was on the other side and it was in a blind spot, the man didn't see it.


The ring sounded, and it meant the owner had changed.

Floyd was surprised by this because his country didn't have technology like this. It was like an upgraded version of the iron ring. The people here were more advanced.

"Let's move on to the next one," the man, already in a hurry, grabbed another Goomy.

A few minutes later, the transaction was finished.

Floyd had already paid with two berries, and the man started running.

"Hahahaha, I actually scammed a guy, Oh my God, with these two berries, if calculated in TWD, almost 1 MILLION!" The man shouted.

"50,000 TWD for the price of slaves in exchange for 1 million TWD, hahahaha, that fool, hahahaha, WHAT A STUPID!" Now he was going to the commercial area to exchange them and buy new slaves.

At the back, Floyd saw him running; his mouth started to curl up and said, "What a Stupid!"

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