Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 35 – Sibling’s Past

After listening to them, Floyd, Kanraku, and Blastoise now knew their origins. The reason why Floyd just saw Horsea on the side of the beach is because his brother Gyarados lost her, and Horsea, who didn't know what to do, kept wandering carefully on the sea until she reached the beach exhaustedly. Horsea, who was pampered and get spoiled by her father and brother has no survival skills and doesn't know how to find food.

So she just lay at the side of the beach hoping many seafood would come to her, or maybe her brother could find her, but she actually smelt something delicious, and she met Floyd.

As for Gyarados, he was actually scolded by his father saying don't ever come back if he didn't see his lost sister. So, since Gyarados was scolded, he traveled alone, threatening many sea creatures if they have seen his sister, and one day some sea creatures told him that they have seen the one he's looking for and told the ship, and this is how Gyarados appeared.

As for their father, he was also Gyarados, they said that they were traveling randomly across the ocean, and rarely randomly saw humans, and if they saw one they would attack them, so they thought they were just weaklings, and it was no wonder compared to the other beasts who hated humans, this brother Gyarados impressions to them is they were just weakling, as for Horsea, she seems has no bad impression to humans.

On their mother, Horsea has no memories about her, and it seems she didn't even see her, and brother Gyarados seems to have just a bit of fragmented memories about her when he was young; all he remembers is she looks like Horsea; but bigger than her, that's it.

As they talked happily the atmosphere was getting better, although brother Gyarados still talked arrogantly about how weak they were as a human, he had no harmful intentions, Floyd and Kanraku didn't care about it, and even Blastoise reduced his wariness about him.

ROAR~ (Then what should I do? Father said I take you but you don't want to go)

Gyarados looked at Horsea with a bit of dilemma thinking about his father.

Horsea~ (No, no, no, Big fish, tell father I don't want to go back, this place should be where I was, it was paradise)

ROAR~ (Yeah, paradise…)

Thinking of delicious food, Gyarados was entranced in his self-imagination as he started to drool.

ROAR~ (I don't want to go back…)

Horsea~ (Then don't go back, just let father be alone, he can do it by himself)

This rebel girl was savage.

ROAR~ (I also don't want to go… The food was delicious here)

ROAR~ ( But you… if father hears you, you will be dead.)

Horsea~ (Hmph, anyways he's not here, and if he knows, the culprit should be you, big fish~ ouch)

Floyd knocked her head lightly then looked at Gyarados and said: "Then how about letting your father come here, isn't it better?"

"Yeah, isn't it better for him to come here?" Kanraku was also delightful because the more Gyarados the more he easier he can study rapidly about them.

ROAR~ (Hmph, you humans…? If Father sees you, you will be dead)

"Compared to Blastoise who is stronger?" Floyd pointed at Blastoise.

ROAR~ (Stronger…? Of… of cou…rse, f-father must be… stronger)

Gyarados shivered to look at Blastoise in front, but of course, since he's proud and son, how could he praise the opponent? For sure his father must be stronger.

Yes, it must be… right? But he hesitated a bit because he felt their strength was the same level, even this turtle was… no, no, impossible, how could? Father must be stronger! Gyarados thought.

"Then why you're hesitating?" Floyd asked.

ROAR~ (Hmph, I admit their level was the same, but I'm confident my father was stronger)

"Blastoise" Hearing this Gyarados keeps bragging, Blastoise releases a fighting intent that he will challenge his father. Blastoise himself had also pride, how could willing to admit that the opponent he didn't fight was stronger, he wasn't convinced.

"Then let your father come, that way it's more easier" Floyd feels confident about Blastoise strength because he has seen it by himself.

ROAR~ (Fine, I will go now)

"Wait… didn't your father say if you didn't bring Horsea, you can't come back?" Floyd hurriedly reminded.

Hearing what Floyd said, Horsea became terrified "Horsea" (Master, I won't come back!)

ROAR~ (Yeah, you remind me, hey, little sis come back with me!)

Horsea (No, I won't go!)

ROAR~ (If you won't come back, the father will kill me)

Horsea (Then just die)

ROAR~ (You…)

Floyd waved his hand for them to stop and said: "Sorry, but Horsea is my beast, I won't give him back"

ROAR~ (You weak human! You dare to say my sister is yours, that's my sister…)

Gyarados shouted and then he heard "Blastoise" on the other side he regained his sanity, but still looked at Floyd angrily.

"Think about it. if you take your sister, then what's the purpose for you all to come back here? There will be no sense right?"

Horsea~ (Yeah, that's right, and we can't eat delicious food. Big fish do you still want to eat that disgusting food because I don't.)

ROAR~ (Yes… it seemed reasonable, but what I'm gonna do? Father will kill me)

'System, spend 4,000 points for Gyarados Breeding Method'

[Ding! Congratulations, you've acquired 'Gyarados Breeding Method' from the shop]

Suddenly countless information appeared in Floyd's mind, whether the recipe for pokeblocks making, massage technique, training, etc. But he can't take this much information so he just focuses on pokeblock making for now.

Then he took his Berry Blender, a Durin Berry, Nomel Berry, and Ginema Berry that he took from Kanraku's storage yesterday.

"Floyd-san, what are you doing?" Kanraku was confused about his actions.

ROAR~ (You weak human, you dare to ignore me? I'm still not finished talking, how dare you!)

Horsea~ (Big Fish, can you please shut up, master is making food)

ROAR~ (What, a food? You mean the food we ate earlier?)

Horsea~ (Of course, you ignorant fool)

Horsea looked at him with disdain.

Upon hearing their conversation, Kanraku's curiosity piqued, and he approached Floyd. "Floyd-san, is this the pokeblock you mentioned?" He had long wondered about Floyd's technique, especially since he noticed all Pokémon seemed to enjoy it. He observed the machine Floyd held with intrigue, anticipating his first glimpse into how Floyd crafted it.

Floyd first added the Durin Berry and Topo Berry to the blender. The Durin Berry possessed a strong bitter taste with a hint of sourness, while the Topo Berry had a balanced blend of spicy, sweet, and sour flavors. Floyd's strategy was to use the dry flavor to neutralize the bitter taste of the Durin Berry, retaining only its sour notes.

There are five primary flavor categories: Spicy, Sour, Bitter, Sweet, and Dry. When combined in a pokeblock, some flavors complement each other, while others conflict. For instance, Spicy clashes with both Sour and Dry. Sour opposes both Bitter and Spice. Bitter doesn't blend well with either Sweet or Sour, and Dry conflicts with both Sweet and Spicy.

The Topo Berry, with its three conflicting flavors, is particularly challenging to handle. Especially when one needs to mix it with another berry that might have dual, triple, quadruple, or even quintuple flavor profiles. Such combinations can quickly turn chaotic, and typically only those at an intermediate breeder level or higher can masterfully manage them.

This complexity was a significant factor in Floyd's challenges as he tried to progress from a Novice to an Intermediate level. While in the game, one might press four buttons to craft a pokeblock, real-life situations could vary, sometimes requiring only three or even two button presses. It's all about adjustments.

Pressing all four buttons aims for a balanced pokeblock. However, if five conflicting flavors are blended in balance, the outcome may lack any distinct taste, resulting in a bland or even flavorless product.

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