Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 37 – Pokemon’s Abilities Assumption

Floyd looked towards Gyarados and thought, 'When the time they will meet again, he must defeat him'

"It's a pity I really want him to stay but it much better to wait, our harvest this time was already big" Kanraku looked where Gyarados departed and sighed helplessly.

"Professor the next time we meet him maybe there will be a big battle with his father, you must be prepared" Floyd reminded.

"Don't worry, I fully trust my partner, right partner, we can do it" Kanraku patted his shell.

"Blastoise~" Blastoise nodded with some expectation. He really wants to fight that father.

Floyd just rolled his eyes, this professor guy didn't even know how to command his pokemon. But he also admitted that this Blastoise was really strong.

"By the way, Floyd-san, there's something I wanted to ask you" Kanraku looked at him directly.

"What is it, professor?" Floyd said.

"I'm quite curious about what happened earlier because I really don't understand how my partner who was severely injured suddenly got healed instantly?" Kanraku was already itchy to asked this question earlier if not only for Gyarados sudden appearance.

"You mean that, professor didn't you realize it?" Floyd asked pretending innocently.

"Realize what? What do you mean?" Kanraku asked.

"Wartortle should be the evolution of Blastoise right professor?" Floyd asked.

"Oh, you realized that?" Kanraku smiled and said.

"It's perfectly obvious, their appearance were same." Floyd said.

"So, is there something wrong, is there a connection?" Kanraku asked.

"I noticed yesterday when Horsea using that Raining Moves and accidentally hit some wartortle who was controlling the ship, their expression suddenly became better as if the fatigue suddenly were gone, so, I let her test it to some other wartortles, while some were not affected, nut other get affected"

"I tried to other beasts but it seems it was not affected at all" Floyd added confusingly.

Horsea on his side looked at him confusingly. Did we that? Why I didn't know? Anyway, let's pretend that I did that.

"To be honest, I just bet on my guts earlier, but I didn't expect it really is" Floyd said.

"So, it is…" Kanraku why he felt it was not reasonable as if there was something missing.

"And there's another that I discovered. When they were in the stage of being weak, it seemed there was an energy that surged into their body that made them strong and surpass their original strength" Floyd didn't care if he doubted him, he already gave him the hints of having the possibility of pokemon posses an ability, the rest is for him to know.

Floyd just wanted to hasten the progress of the pokemon in this world while staying low-key and not being in the limelight. Much better to give all of this credit to a passionate guy like Kanraku while he was silently reaps the benefits.

"Blastoise!" Blastoise on the other side nodded and told Kanraku his experience, and it seemed as Floyd said, that every time he felt he was weak, he became strong suddenly, and it happened to him many times over the 4 years that he and Kanraku got together. He also told his feelings when he felt a bit unconscious, it seemed there was a watery feeling coming to inside him that made him feel better.

"Really? It seemed I need to study this, it seemed I overlooked something here. I knew this wartortle for more than years but I didn't noticed it but you who just saw him a day already noticed it. Floyd-san, should I say, you are a genius? How about help me studying research after we landed in Takihama Island" Kanraku suggested.

"For sure, professor, I will certainly help you, but let me apologize because I'm not going to be researcher. My dream is to be together with my beasts, please pardon me for rejecting" Floyd bowed down.

"No, no, you don't need to apologize to me, actually, it's I who should be apologizing to you. I've burdened you with responsibilities you shouldn't have had to shoulder, like caring for the beasts. Even saving my partner's life wasn't your duty, yet I kept imposing on you earlier. I'm truly sorry for my past behavior. Honto ni sumimasen, arigatou gozaimasu." Kanraku bowed deeply in apology.

"You saved me yesterday, and I assisted you. How about we consider it even?" Floyd responded, shaking his head with a smile.

"The help we received from you carries far greater weight than what you received from us," Kanraku began, but Floyd raised his hand to interrupt him.

"Professor, allow me a moment. It wasn't just about saving me, but also countless beasts. If it were only for my sake, I wouldn't have taken the initiative. You put both yourself and Blastoise in danger to save hundreds of creatures. Don't belittle your efforts. I believe many of the beasts you rescued are deeply grateful. I shudder to think what might have become of them without you." Floyd admitted himself that he had always been selfish. Over the past eight months, he could have helped many Pokémon but chose to not do anything instead to avoid trouble, focusing solely on his and his Pokémon's strength.

He preferred to let events unfold naturally rather than take action. If he hadn't come across that flyer about someone aiding Pokémon, he might still be in Maharlika, potentially falling prey to the BloodSmoke Association's hunters. While he felt gratitude towards Kanraku, part of his appreciation was driven by self-interest. Meeting Kanraku enabled him to survive, to get many varieties of berry, to meet Goomys, and Gyarados, and especially to stay under the radar while the professor took the spotlight.





Various Pokémon voices chimed in, expressing their heartfelt gratitude to Professor Kanraku.

Overwhelmed by the outpouring of appreciation, Kanraku wiped away tears. The show of gratitude fueled his determination and reaffirmed his purpose. Seeing the joy in the Pokémon's faces, he was certain he was on the right path.

"Blastoise~" Blastoise added, patting his shoulder supportively.

Suddenly, Jonathan and others appeared.

"Professor, did we make it?" Suzuki inquired.

"Yes, and it's all thanks to Floyd. You should express your gratitude," Kanraku confirmed.

"Professor, who shouted earlier? Was it the dragon?" Jonathan questioned.

"That dragon has already departed," Floyd replied, understanding Jonathan's reference to Gyarados.

"You just let it go? It's such a remarkable beast – the most majestic I've ever seen!" Jonathan protested.

"Do you want to capture it?" Floyd queried.

"Absolutely! Given its size, it must be powerful," Jonathan asserted.

"Strength isn't determined by size," Floyd countered.

"It's irrelevant; I want it," Jonathan insisted.

"I'd like that one as well," Floyd added.

"You… you have plenty already," Jonathan said, pointing accusingly.

"I still desire to have one more," Floyd admitted.

"You're greedy," Jonathan declared.

"Yes, I am," Floyd agreed with a nod.

"Enough bickering. Professor, can you fill us in on what happened earlier?" Suzuki interjected, turning to Kanraku.

"Of course, let's discuss it indoors," Kanraku suggested with a smile, leading the way into the reception.

"Floyd, the way you directed those beasts was impressive. They even managed to deflect numerous missiles," Jonathan commented admiringly.

"When Pokémon unite, their strength is limitless. That's why size isn't an indicator of power. Did you see? They may be small, but they defended against a barrage of missiles."

"So, if we had larger Pokémon, they could fend off even more missiles?"

"Sigh, you just don't get it," Floyd sighed in exasperation.

They quickly made their way to the ship's reception room.

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