Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 44 – Hunger’s Innovation

"In this area, the total number of berry trees is estimated at 5,000. Out of these, only 1,500 berries have healing effects. The current total of ripe berries remaining is around 3,500 since the beasts have already consumed the rest."

"Among these berries, we have 450 Oran Berries, 300 Wiki Berries, 250 Lapapa Berries, 200 each of Aguav, Mago, and Lum Berries, 150 Leppa Berries – which are the beasts' favorites – and 100 each of Cheri, Persim, Sitrus for paralysis; Chesto for sleep; Pecha for poison, which is crucial for us; and Pasho Berries. These are all the berries with effects."

"The current total population of our beasts stands at 1,150: 320 are Caterpillar Beasts, 220 are Cocoon Beasts, 140 are Squirtle Beasts, 120 are Rat Beasts, 105 are Butterfly Beasts, 50 are Little Bird Beasts, and 35 are Wartortles…" Kanraku read the report line by line.

"Considering the other ripened berries that have no effects, it might be sufficient for now. However, the sudden addition of over 200 beasts, coupled with the rapid growth of the Caterpillar Beasts, has increased our food pressure," Kang Jihoon pointed out.

"I recall when I first arrived here; the population was only around 400. Now, it's more than doubled. In another two months, the population could rise again. The rice harvested last week might only last a month, especially with their population doubling every month. We need alternative food sources, or they will attack us," Chen Yu remarked with concern.

"Mostly, the Caterpillar Beasts consume leaves, so that should reduce the strain on food resources, right?" Le Mai Linh inquired.

"You don't grasp the staggering growth rate of these Caterpillar Beasts. When we first arrived over a month ago, their numbers were just a quarter of what they are now. Each week brings countless new Caterpillar Beasts hatching from eggs. Imagine this rate continuing for months or even a year. They might strip the entire forest of its foliage. Professor, given your background in biology, you understand the implications, right?" Chen Yu asked, looking intently at Kanraku.

"Such beasts shouldn't be managed by humans. They will only bring harm to us," Chen Yu asserted.

Kanraku paused, reflecting on Chen Yu's words. He had previously promised a peaceful coexistence between humans and beasts, but now he began to doubt the feasibility of such an idea.

"On another note, I've observed a new group of Rat Beasts reproducing rapidly. Their reproduction might not be as aggressive as the Caterpillar Beasts, but still exaggerated, and their appetite is much more compared to caterpillar beasts. They are a concern," Kang Jihoon added.

"Professor, relying solely on berry farming won't sustain this growing beast population. If you're determined to make this work, sacrifices will be essential," Le Mai Linh stated bluntly.

"Professor, might I suggest Floyd's pokeblocks method?" Jonathan chimed in, glancing smugly at Le Mai Linh as if to say, 'I'm new here, but I want to join in.'

Le Mai Linh snorted and turned her head away.

"Floyd's pokeblocks method might not suffice. We need some berries for medicinal purposes too, and we might not have enough to feed the escalating beast numbers," Kanraku said with a heavy sigh.

"Hold on, Professor. What is this 'pokeblock' you're mentioning?" Le Mai Linh inquired, echoing the confusion of the group.

"It's Floyd's innovative food creation. Many beasts are fond of it. Floyd, would you present it?" Kanraku invited.

"In fact, Professor, making pokeblocks isn't as intricate as you might think. These two berries, Kuo and Nutpea, are all we need," Floyd clarified, showing the fruits.

"I recall you mentioning that now," Kanraku responded, tapping his forehead in a moment of realization.

"For reference, this bag contains enough pokeblocks to feed a single beast for two weeks," Floyd explained, displaying a bag of the foodstuff.

"Are you kidding me? How can that be enough? Honestly, I thought it was great, but it's actually fake. That bag might only be enough for one meal for the beasts," Le Mai Linh disdained as she spoke with this pretentious guy.

"Don't compare this food to normal food. Each piece of this contains a lot of energy suitable for beasts. It's like the vitamin pills humans take, but unlike those pills that only have a few minerals, this pokeblock is a full package of minerals. 4-8 pokeblocks are enough for them for a meal," Floyd explained, showing them a sample cube.

"Ryota," Kanraku said.

"Shishou?" Ryota responded, confused.

"Call all the caterpillars outside and let them try it," Kanraku instructed.

"Got it," Ryota ran outside. A few minutes later, he returned with four caterpillars following him.

"I called them all," Ryota reported.

Floyd stood up and gave each of them five pokeblocks. The Caterpie looked confused initially, but once they smelled the food, they found it delicious and ate their share.

A few minutes later, three Caterpie had eaten two pieces, and two caterpies had consumed three pieces, looking full and content.

"That's it?" Le Mai Linh was taken aback, initially thinking they were acting, but the Caterpie's satisfied expressions seemed genuine.

"I'm even more surprised. Two of them managed to eat three pieces," Floyd said, picking up the leftover pokeblock. But seeing the Caterpie's anxious expressions, he smiled and gave it back.

"This food solution might alleviate our immediate concerns. Floyd, I'm assigning you to this," Kanraku stated.

"Understood." Floyd nodded, retaking his seat.

"However, this alone won't be a lasting solution," Kanraku added with a hint of disappointment.

"Indeed, if this new food can genuinely be made from just berries, it might tide us over for a few months. But thinking long-term, it's insufficient," Kang Jihoon concurred with a shake of his head.

"I admit that this method shows promise, but with just the caterpillars and rat beasts, we're already stretched thin. What if we encounter more species that reproduce at alarming rates? This isn't a comprehensive solution," Le Mai Linh countered with a snort.

"Professor, everyone, can I say something?" Floyd asked cautiously, not wanting to overstep since he was new.

"Please speak," Kanraku encouraged.

With the professor's nod, Chen Yu added, "Go ahead."

Le Mai Linh merely snorted, not objecting, signaling Floyd to continue.

With the group's tacit approval, and even though Le Mai Linh merely snorted without objecting, Floyd took a deep breath before saying, "There's an old saying: Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime."

"This principle applies even more to the beasts. Many have already surpassed human strength. Imagine training these beasts to perform tasks in exchange for food. Their efficiency could surpass human capabilities. For example, caterpillars could produce silk, rat beasts could be used for logging or moving boulders, bird beasts for rapid deliveries, and electric beasts for energy generation. The possibilities are vast," Floyd elaborated.

The room fell silent. The profound implications of what Floyd proposed left the group in contemplative shock. Even Kanraku hadn't considered this angle.

"Professor, this plan holds promise. It could revolutionize to a new industries," Kang Jihoon mused, his excitement evident.

"I thought about some applications, like utilizing Wartortles to propel ships or provide irrigation for trees. But Floyd, your depth of thinking is commendable," Kanraku admitted, clearly impressed with Floyd's contributions. His ideas started from the healing powder to the pokeblock, and now this... Floyd indeed is their lucky charm, he thought.

"But we still have a problem," Chen Yu interjected, bringing them back to reality.

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