Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 47 – The Youngest

More than hours after the meeting started, Kanraku and the others made a decision to follow Floyd's framework. They also added some additional suggestions, such as insisting that rice planting couldn't be stopped no matter what, promoting collaboration in technology development, focusing on ecological planning, brainstorming new industry ideas related to beasts, adopting the healing powder method suggested by Floyd, incorporating the term 'scout' as suggested by Ivan, and even utilizing the cloth made from berries by Bianca.

The last batch of suggestions surprised them. If one were to take a closer look at these four members, Jonathan would appear to be the most conventional of them all.

After hours more of discussion regarding assignments, they reached the following decisions:

Chen Yu would be the captain, with Kang Jihoon as the vice-captain. They'd manage the food and berry supplies, oversee how to best utilize the beasts for maximum output, and prioritize the first mission about planning silk production using caterpie.

Kanraku, Floyd, Bianca, and his disciples would work on technology, research berries, study beasts, provide materials, oversee breeding research, and assist Chen Yu and the others with various challenges.

For scouting, Le Mai Linh and Ivan would be captain and vice-captain, respectively, responsible for exploring the forest. Jonathan had wanted to object to Le Mai Linh's appointment as captain, but everyone was shocked by her martial arts skills. She actually knows Martial Arts!

Seeing Jonathan beaten up in a physical confrontation, Floyd sighed and applied a healing powder to him, thinking, "Poor soul, he's provoked a true monster this time."

This gathering also marked the first time he observed their Pokemon. Surprisingly, only a few had them. For instance, Kang Jihoon owned an Elekid. In his group, two possessed a Meowth and a Vulpix. Chen Yu and Li Qin had Hisuian Growlithes, while Chen Yu's sister kept a Shuckle. Two others in the group had an Eevee and a Starly. On Le Mai Linh's side, she had both a Tyrogue and a Mankey, while three others had a Pidgey, a Poliwag, and a Hoppip.

Floyd was taken aback because most of these were Gen 4 or earlier Pokemon. But as much as they surprised him, the others were even more astonished by his beats: an Axew, a Horsea, a Dratini, five Goomys, and a Munchlax. The number and diversity of his beasts were extraordinary, second only to Professor Kanraku.

Most impressively, it seemed he shared a deep bond with each of these beasts. The other group members were still somewhat wary of their own Pokemon, fearful of potential attacks. They often restrained them with iron rings.

Observing all of Floyd's Pokemon being unrestrained, they felt bitter, especially seeing the longing eyes of their beasts. Bianca, too, seemed to be following Floyd's and Kanraku's route, having a Swablu, a Poochyena, a Tailow, and a Chikorita. Ivan too had a Spinarak, but it seemed it was insignificant compared to the Pokemon that both Floyd and Bianca showcased.

After their meeting, Kanraku invited everyone to a communal celebration, lighting a bonfire and sharing food. As everyone partook, many Pokemon were also present. At first, many in the group were a bit apprehensive, but after witnessing the harmonious interactions, they gradually relaxed, but they remained slightly on guard.

The undeniable star of the evening, however, was Togepi. Its adorable appearance made it an immediate favorite, particularly among the women, they wanted to hug it. Even Le Mai Linh, with her tomboyish demeanor, couldn't resist holding it close with her arms. Every girl seemed to follow suit, except for Bianca, who looked on enviously but was nervous to go seeing the pressure of many people. Overwhelmed by the sudden hug, Togepi let out a distressed cry, subsequently leaping into Bianca's arms.

Seemingly unsure of how to react, Bianca simply let the adorable creature cling to her. Floyd mused that if this were an animated scene, Bianca eyes would probably sparkle with hearts, given her nervous yet enchanted gaze upon Togepi.

Many female looked envious, and Le Mai Linh approached, sitting beside him.

"Floyd, right?" Le Mai Linh asked casually.

Unsure of her intentions, Floyd answered, "Yes, Miss Le, is there something?"

"No, I just came here to apologize for my behavior earlier. I hope you can forgive me," Le Mai Linh stated directly.

Floyd was taken aback by her straightforwardness, silently thinking she was really true to herself and unashamed in her approach. "No, Miss Le, it wasn't entirely your fault. Actually, it's also my fault; I didn't read the mood..." Before he could finish, Le Mai Linh patted his shoulder repeatedly.

"Why are you apologizing? From the very beginning, the fault was mine. I'm just deliberately looking for a fault to blame you. You have no reason to apologize."

"This..." Floyd, a bit at a loss for words, continued, "Actually, it's not just about me. I also want to apologize for Jonathan's behavior. He didn't mean any harm; he was merely trying to protect me. I hope you understand."

"Hmph, that Hippopotamus! I get what you're saying, but him calling me an old woman? That's unforgivable," Le Mai Linh exclaimed with indignation.

Then, her demeanor shifted to a warm smile. "Floyd, you're surprisingly mature for your age. I didn't expect you to forgive me so easily. I was ready for your refusal, but you surprised me, hahaha you're so good" she laughed as she continued to pat his shoulder. "Unlike a certain someone in your group. He might be the oldest, but he acts so childishly."

"You... Who are you referring to?" Jonathan interjected, having overheard the conversation and now glowering at her.

"What?" Le Mai Linh retorted, returning his icy glare.

Feeling a chill, and vividly recalling their earlier fight, Jonathan frightened briefly, he gritted his teeth as he looked at her before quickly retreating.

"Hmph, such a coward! He think he's tough, but he's no match for me. If he dares to try that again, I'll disable him," Le Mai Linh declared, her fists clenched.

Floyd just sighed, realizing that peace between the two seemed unlikely.

"Floyd, thank you for understanding. From now on, call me Sister Linh," she offered, standing up.

"Well, Sister Linh, it was really no big deal. We are both fellow from Southeast Asian, right?" Floyd smiled.

"Yes, right, right! We should share a drink sometime, as a sign of our Southeast Asian bond, hahaha that's a cool name, anyway, you'd better not refuse!" Le Mai Linh laughed heartily.

"Uh, Sister Linh, I don't think I can," Floyd replied, blushing, noticing some eavesdroppers nearby.

"Why? Are you turning down an offer from your sister?" she teased.

"No, no, no, it's not that. It's just that... I'm only 14," Floyd waved her hand as he confessed, his cheeks reddening.

"WHAT? YOU'RE ONLY 14? I THOUGHT YOU WERE 18!" Le Mai Linh exclaimed, her voice drawing attention from everyone around.

"Sister... you're being so loud," Floyd whispered, his face turning a deep shade of red to his ears and coming down through his neck as he felt everyone's gaze upon him.

"Hahaha, you surprised me there! You looked like 16 or 18 based on your physique, but you're actually just 14? You're suitable for practicing martial arts. If you want to ask me just go with me I'll teach you" Le Mai Linh patted his shoulder.

"No wonder you can't drink. But don't worry, big sister will cover you. From now on, I will call you the 'youngest'," Le Mai Linh added.

As the celebration wrapped up, many began referring to him by his new nickname: the 'youngest'.

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