Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 50 – Inside Kemonohaji Forest: Battle!

In Kemonohaji forest,

"Dratini, stay away! Use Twister!" Floyd commanded. Suddenly, a gust of wind came towards them.

Floyd and Axew were only slightly affected, while Horsea, the five Goomys, and Munchlax took a step back.

"Ehew!" Dratini dodged the attack but was still somewhat affected. He then used his tail to launch Twister at Pidgey.


"Tweeet." Pidgey managed to dodge it, quickly retaliating with Sand Attack.

"Ehhew." Lightning surged through Dratini's body and directed it at Pidgey.

Sand Attack and Thunder Wave clashed.

For a few moments, Floyd and the others couldn't see anything because of the sand.

Shortly after, Dratini opened his eyes to see a paralyzed Pidgey in front of him.

"Dratini, now! Use Extreme Speed!" Floyd shouted seizing the opportunity.

"Ehhhew." Dratini moved swiftly, appearing in front of Pidgey almost instantly.

"Tweeet!" Pidgey cried out, attempting to fly away but can't.

"Finish with Twister!" Floyd urged.


A small twister ensnared the disoriented Pidgey.

"Eh-hew!" Dratini proudly gazed at the sky.

"Good job, Dratini!" Floyd praised, noting a 10-point notification.






"Munch? Munchlax?"



Various Pokémon cheered in response, lending their support to Dratini. Feeling encouraged, Dratini wanted to show his pleasure but refrained for the sake of his dignity. Instead, he snorted proudly, "Ehe-w."

"Alright, alright, simmer down. You're still developing. Just look at your tail – it's almost pointing up," Floyd teased.

"Eh-ew." Dratini's elation dampened, realizing he still had a way to go.

Floyd observed the wild Pidgey, wondering if he should capture it. But knowing it was a wild Pokémon, he recognized the potential danger. Instead, he offered it some pokeblocks and moved it to a safer location.

"Come on, let's proceed," Floyd declared, leading the group further into their journey.

(Rattata from Chapter 4: Why didn't I receive such treatment? T_T)

"Horsea, use Water Gun!" Floyd ordered.

Horsea unleashed Water Gun, striking Bellsprout.

Seizing the moment, Floyd directed, "Horsea, use Smokescreen!"

Horsea exhaled a cloud of dark ink.

Suddenly, Bellsprout's Vine Whip caught Horsea off-guard, causing her to recoil.

Another Vine Whip lashed out, hitting her again.

But the pain overwhelmed Horsea, preventing her from responding.

Soon after, Bellsprout's vines ensnared her.

In a desperate attempt, Floyd offered, "Horsea, if you listen, I'll reward you with two pokeblocks. Use Dragon Dance!"

Upon hearing the promise of pokeblocks, Horsea's spirits lifted. She performed Dragon Dance, breaking free from Bellsprout's grasp.

However, Bellsprout was persistent and launched another Vine Whip.

"Horsea, evade it! Use Water Gun!" Floyd called out, lamenting Horsea's lack of physical moves.

Horsea barely dodged, retaliating with another Water Gun.

Despite being hit, Bellsprout remained resilient and attacked again.

This time, Horsea wasn't quick enough to avoid it.

She released one final Water Gun before collapsing.

The injured Bellsprout also faltered and passed out.

As Floyd approached Horsea with the intention to retrieve her, an enraged mother Weepinbell appeared.

She lashed out with Vine Whip, forcing Floyd to retreat, cradling Horsea protectively. The Weepinbell then used Growth, increasing its size.

"Axew, First Impression!" Floyd shouted as he rushed back.

"Axew!" Axew responded and attacked Weepinbell.

Weepinbell screamed and took a step back, preparing to unleash her Vine Whip.

"Axew, use Dig!" Floyd instructed, eyeing the advancing Weepinbell warily.

Axew promptly dug a hole in the ground.

Without hesitation, Weepinbell spread a cloud of Poison Powder.

"Everyone, back off!" Floyd warned, leading the retreat.

The group hastily followed his lead.

Anticipating this, Floyd held a mouthful of antidote powder made from Pecha Berry, ready to counteract the poison.

"Axew, emerge now!" Floyd commanded.

Caught off guard, Weepinbell screeched and used Wrap on Axew, binding him tightly.

"Axew, power through with Dragon Dance!" Floyd encouraged.

Axew tried to break free using Dragon Dance, but Weepinbell's strength proved overwhelming.

Seeing Axew's plight, Floyd charged at Weepinbell using his Dragon Power.

Weepinbell, underestimating human strength, was caught by surprise.

With a powerful impact, Weepinbell released Axew from her grip, screaming in pain.

"Now, Dragon Claw!" Floyd directed.

As Weepinbell cast Sleep Powder, she was simultaneously struck by Axew's Dragon Claw.

Feeling the drowsy effects of the powder, Axew began to falter. Floyd channeled his Dragon Power into Axew, exclaiming, "Axew, snap out of it!"

Revitalized by Floyd's energy and call, Axew regained his vigor.

With her last reserve of strength, Weepinbell launched a Vine Whip.

"Counter with Breaking Swipe!" Floyd instructed.

"Axew!" Axew parried the attack successfully.

"Finish with Slash!" Floyd commanded.

Axew lunged, and with a powerful slash, Weepinbell crumbled.

Exhausted, both Floyd and Axew tried to catch their breath. Floyd then noticed a game panel indicating a 50-point gain - an unprecedented score.

Pondering about this unusual score, he wondered aloud, "Could it be level 36+ or even level 40+ Ace Level?" but he found no answer.

He eyed the defeated Weepinbell warily, not daring to approach. Picking up the unconscious Horsea, he gently patted her head and infused her with his Dragon Power, murmuring, "I'm sorry."

Self-blame consumed him. Realizing he had allowed Horsea to battle without the necessary physical move and overlooked Axew's disadvantage against Weepinbell's Growth-powered Wrap weighed heavily on his mind.

Turning to Axew, he asked, "Can you still move?"

"Axew," Axew responded with a nod, signaling he was okay despite some injuries.

Dratini observed with newfound respect. The formidable prowess of both Axew and Floyd erased his earlier arrogance. A burning determination to train harder ignited within him.

As they retraced their steps, Dratini took on adversaries while Goomys and Munchlax watched from the sidelines. The leader Goomy yearned to participate but Floyd didn't let them for now; Although a bit disappointed he understood Floyd's doing this for their own good.

For now, their foundation was more important. Floyd just wanted them to see a battle, stoking the flames of determination in their hearts, preparing them for battles yet to come later.

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