Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 54 – The Gathering of Minds: Evening Discussions

'It hurts,' Bianca felt agony as the flames engulfed her hand, blood dripping steadily from the open, burned wound.

"What are you doing?" Floyd rushed towards her, quickly taking the fire starter from her hands and offering her a healing powder. "Here, take it."

But Bianca refused, stubbornly enduring the pain from her burns.

"Bianca, are you an idiot? Why the hell did you do that?" Jonathan chided her sharply.

"You should use the powder immediately; otherwise, that burn will scar you permanently," Kanraku advised.

Ignoring their advice, Bianca pressed the fabric to her burnt wound and waited. Moments later, to everyone's astonishment, the wound began healing. Although the effect was slower compared to the healing powder and berries, it was still surprising.

"So, this is what you intended to demonstrate?" Floyd observed, marveling at her recovering hand. While the fabric's healing properties weren't as fast-acting as the healing powder or berries, it was still an impressive feat for a simple piece of cloth.

"Bianca-san, does this fabric have this healing effect permanently?" Kanraku asked, anticipation evident in his voice.

"Yes," Bianca responded, her voice quivering from enduring the residual pain.

Upon hearing her confirmation, everyone in the room understood the true value of this fabric, realizing it could be a game-changer in terms of survival.

"It seems we've overlooked this. You mentioned earlier that you could produce a fabric that resists or even delays poison. Is that true?" Kanraku, with renewed interest, probed further.

"Y-yes, p-professor, but… it depends… on the… quality… of… the… materials," Bianca explained timidly.

The room buzzed with questions, each aimed at Bianca. Though she stuttered through her answers, it was still a great improvement for her considering she has a social phobia. After addressing their queries, she retreated to her seat, feeling the weight of everyone's attention. She lowered her gaze, trying to escape the scrutiny.

After answering their questions, she returned to her seat, feeling their gazes on her, making her even more nervous. She responded by lowering her head.

"Bianca, you've truly astounded us," Floyd admired.

She blushed, mumbling, "I-it's nothing… compared… to yours."

"You've kept silent, but you can actually produce something like this," Jonathan noted, adding to the praise, causing her cheeks to redden even more and she lowered her head.

Subsequently, the discussion began.

Kanraku suggested allocating a portion of the berry harvest to Bianca.

Chen Yu recommended that Bianca train others, particularly the women, in her fabric-making techniques.

Le Mai Linh prioritized equipping the scouts with the fabric due to their frequent forays into the Kemonohaji forest.

After the suggestion for a few minutes, it was Floyd's turn to present. He shared foundational knowledge about pokeblocks, detailed the five flavors, and elaborated on his hypothesis regarding berries possessing specific types. He showcased samples of berries and explained the Berry Blender's functionality, demonstrating how to fine-tune its four buttons for making pokeblock and how to produce berry juice. Finally, he illustrated the process of converting berries into powder.

The audience was eager to learn more.

Kang Jihoon queried about obtaining a Berry Blender, to which Floyd clarified that he was currently the sole owner.

Upon Kanraku request if he could inspect the Berry Blender to possibility of replicating it, Floyd agreed, emphasizing that the device wasn't too complicated for someone familiar with its functions and process.

Le Mai Linh expressed her desire to obtain various types of this powder in case of accidents on their tasks.

Following Floyd's presentation, it was Kanraku's turn. Kanraku showcased the results of research he had conducted with the assistance of his four disciples.

He explained the types he had already confirmed, those he was uncertain about, and potential additions. He also raised the possibility, hinted at by Floyd before, which was the beasts might possess dual-type attributes.

Moreover, Kanraku listed the names of the beasts he had researched. Upon hearing these, Floyd suggested it might be better to name the beasts based on the sounds they made.

Floyd further speculated on the potential existence of a 'bug' type, citing families of creatures like Butterfree, Ledyba, and Spinarak as examples.

Kanraku paused thoughtfully upon hearing this, then nodded, indicating he would consider this angle in his studies.

Furthermore, Floyd suggested the concept of type opposition — for instance, Water opposing Fire, Fire opposing Plant (Grass), and Plant opposing Water.

Kanraku, taken aback, inquired about the basis for these relationships, asking if each opposing type also depending on how some environments can be opposed to nature.

Most of the gathered individuals simply listened, as only Floyd seemed to grasp the depth of Kanraku's insights. Even Kanraku's disciples appeared somewhat perplexed. However, the broader audience found their understanding of the beasts deepening with the unfolding discussion, fueling their enthusiasm.

As the conversation progressed, it became more of a one-on-one exchange between Kanraku and Floyd, with Floyd leading the initiative of creating topics. After several hours, the meeting concluded.

Chen Yu, Kang Jihoon, and their team excused themselves, citing preparations for managing the beasts' tasks the following day. Le Mai Linh and the rest soon departed as well.

Kanraku invited Floyd to discuss further research. Floyd agreed but asked for a brief delay to prepare dinner for his Pokémon. Understanding, Kanraku left with his disciples.

Checking the wall clock, Floyd noted it was already 8:30 p.m.

He quickly went to Axew and Dratini, who were still immersed in their training. Seeing their untouched food and their relentless dedication, Floyd sighed.

He called them over and led them back to their room. Dratini, still eager to train, felt restrained by Floyd's guidance. The Pokémon silently vowed to train harder once he grew stronger.

Upon returning to the room, Floyd found Jonathan asleep and Ivan deep in thought. Ivan noticed him entering the door. The two exchanged nods of acknowledgment.

Floyd then went about his usual routine, waking the five Goomys, Horsea, and Munchlax for dinner. Afterward, he took the Dragonite Mother to the bathroom for the usual routine then took him again inside the Pokeball before bathing.

Thirty minutes later, Floyd entered Kanraku's laboratory.

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