Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 57 – Training Before Twilight

September 3, 2005

4:00 a.m.

"Ehew" (Master, wake up.)

Floyd, who was deep in sleep, felt someone nudging him.

"Ehew" (I want to train.)

'Train?' Floyd slowly opened his eyes, seeing Dratini above him. Still groggy, he inquired, "Train?"

"Ehew" (Yes, training.)

Yawning, Floyd checked the time. The surroundings still bathed in darkness confirmed it was indeed early morning. With a sigh, he hugged Dratini closer, murmuring, "It's early. Let's sleep a bit more."

"Ehew" (I don't want to.)

Dratini tried to wriggle free from Floyd's grasp.

"Ehew" (I really want to train.)

Feeling Dratini's noises, Floyd opened his eyes and became fully awakened. "Oh, so it wasn't a dream. You really want to train now?" he asked.

"Ehew" (Yes.)

Rubbing his eyes, Floyd stood up, went to the refrigerator, sipped some water, and contemplated Dratini's eagerness. While Pokemon didn't require as much sleep as humans due to their heightened stamina, he realized his own Dragon Power also adjusted his sleep requirements. But out of human habit, he tended to follow a typical sleep pattern.

Thirty minutes later, at the Beast Sanctuary:

Currently, Horsea was intently practicing her marksmanship with the Water Gun move. Floyd, along with leader Goomy, played the opponents. Owing to the early hour, Floyd chose not to engage the Squirtles, instead enlisting the leader Goomy and him as Horsea's primary sparring partner.

Having invested 1,000 points in Goomy's Breeding Method, including the Hisuian method, Floyd had a Hisuian variant among the team. These Goomys are already capable of training in mild battles, even if they were just soy sauce here.

The leader Goomy was tasked with challenging Horsea with Bubble and Water Gun moves. Horsea's primary objective was to hit Floyd while leader Goomy had the freedom to hit her without getting hit back. For fairness, Floyd lowered his skills to level the field against Horsea.

If it's a normal fight, Horsea would not stand a chance against Floyd, but Floyd adjusts his speed and strength to be lower than her.

And now Horsea was struggling with them, in her mind, he already cursed Dratini countless times. If not for him initiating a training early this morning, she should still be sleeping few more hours, and now because of Dratini, she was also forced to train here.

In the midst of the struggle, Horsea's thoughts were filled with frustration, cursing Dratini countless times on her mind for initiating this dawn training, if not for him, she would still be sleeping a few more hours. And now she was sharing the struggles.

On the other hand, leader Goomy was elated to participate. Don't underestimate this little guy, his prior experience with the circus with his previous owner had honed his Bubble and Water Gun Moves.

In a strategic move, Horsea unleashed a Smokescreen, creating a dense fog.

Floyd shrouded by black smoke, sensing her intent, "Goomy, you know what you're going to do"

"Goomy~" Goomy nodded

Floyd signaled Goomy, and both braced for her next move, then he rushed first towards her.

"Goomy~" Goomy uses Water Move.

Inside the smokescreen, Horsea was in the midst of a Dragon Dance. As she neared its completion, Floyd closed in towards her. Simultaneously, a stream from Goomy's Water Gun struck her.

Although Floyd came to her first, Goomy's water move hit first, and then Horsea momentarily lost balance, as she stepped back and she managed to finish her Dragon Dance, boosting her agility. Floyd's attempt to tag her was thwarted as she deftly dodged him.

Floyd had previously coached her on this tactic: since she would just lose points, just endure some hit or touch to ensure the Dragon Dance's completion for increased agility and evasion.

This tactic was particularly effective when outnumbered in real battles. However, there some scenarios where the pokemon will succumb to pain that causes them to deactivate their skills, losing calm and focus. Pokemon must need to endure pain without losing focus. This was a skill Horsea was still lacking.

She must have been treated like a princess from a young age, given that she was unfamiliar with Physical Moves. She excelled in special attack moves, but the moment she felt pain, she would lose her focus.

This time, however, she managed to endure the pain, successfully executing Dragon Dance. She retreated several meters, seizing this opportunity.

She unleashed her Water Gun on Floyd. Floyd just smiled, calling her "Naïve," before evading the blast and charging at Horsea.

Seeing him advance, panic surged through Horsea. She scrambled to remember the rules. If she initiated contact first, she could score points. Realizing this wasn't a foul and could be considered a counterattack, a glint of determination appeared in her eyes.

As Floyd was moments away from tagging her, Horsea made an unexpected move, dodging him and striking Floyd in the stomach.

"Pu!" Floyd grunted in pain as he was thrown back into a tree.

Meanwhile, Horsea was met with Goomy's Bubble attack, sending her spiraling backward. Axew, who had been struggling fighting with Dratini and four other Goomys, halted and darted toward Floyd. Munchlax, despite being engrossed in his meal, followed suit.

Groaning, Floyd tried to stand, brushing off the pain.




"Goo? Goomy?"



Floyd coughed, but managed a grin. "Don't worry, I'm fine. Continue your training," he assured them. Seeing their trainer in good spirits, the Pokémon resumed their exercises.

The leader Goomy approached Floyd, pointing toward Horsea. Following the gesture, Floyd noticed Horsea's despondent expression. "Why so down?" he inquired.

Horsea looked up, lowering her head in response. "Horsea~" (I got hit five times.)

Hearing her reason, Floyd offered a comforting pat. "Remember when I promised to increase your food portion if you learned a new move?"

Her eyes sparkled with hope. "Horsea~" (Did I learn a new move?)

Floyd grinned. "Indeed, you've learned Tackle, so, I'll keep my promise."

"Horsea~" Horsea leaped joyfully, her earlier disappointment forgotten.

Turning to the leader Goomy, Floyd praised, "And you, thanks for your efforts today."

"Goomy~" The leader Goomy bobbed his head, overjoyed to have made a significant contribution.

Together, they watched the face-off between the four Goomys, Dratini, and Axew. After observing for a while,

Floyd signaled a halt. "Now, two against one. Dratini, take on the Goomys, matching your moves against theirs. Axew, defend the moves of the other two Goomys and try to grasp the essence of the Protect move. Understood?"

"Goomy!" x4



Without delay, they plunged back into training.

Meanwhile, Floyd directed Horsea and Goomy. "Both of you, run five laps. Follow Munchlax."

Knowing that not exercising after eating meant no refills on food, Munchlax was motivated to start his mild training regime.

After an intensive two-hour training session, they made their way back into the Kemonohaji Forest.

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