Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 60 – A Hidden Fire with Fierce Determination

Floyd's breath hitched. "They're here." With a surge of anticipation, he peered through his binoculars.

"Damn it," he murmured, disbelief evident in his voice. "How can there be so many? 50? Maybe 60? Or 70? And... four Fearow?" Floyd's heart tightened at the sight.

"Axew, Horsea! Dragon Dance!" Floyd's command rang out with authority.

With a soft acknowledgment, "Horsea~" and "Axew~", both Pokémon began their graceful spin, dancing in perfect harmony.

"Bidoof, Geodude, Munchlax— Defense Curl!" he ordered.

Echoing Floyd's command, the Pokémon responded: "Bidoooof," "Geo~dude," and "Munchlax."

"Butterfree, Pidgeotto, Pidgey, take your positions!" Floyd's voice was filled with urgency.

The air around them buzzed as the Pokémon took flight, assuming their strategic positions.

"Starly, Machoke, Mankey, Rattata, Growlithe, Spinarak, be ready to use your skills or throw a stone as soon as they approach!" Floyd's instructions were precise, the gravity of the situation evident in his tone.

The chorus of Pokémon acknowledgments filled the air, signaling their readiness.

"Flaaffy, Eevee, Vulpix, it's up to you now," Floyd said, his voice heavy with responsibility.

As the enemy approached, Floyd's voice boomed, "Butterfree, Pidgeotto, Pidgey, strike now!"

Pidgeotto, with fire in its eyes, glared at its adversaries, Spearow and Fearow, and unleashed a powerful Whirlwind. The ensuing chaos saw several Spearow, who were at the forefront, sent hurtling backward, crashing into their comrades.

With impeccable timing, the Butterfree and Pidgey unleashed a formidable Gust Move. The sound of its power, "Swweeeeehshhhiw", filled the air as Spearow took the brunt of the damage.

"Goomy! Bubble! Bidoof, Horsea! Water Gun!" Floyd's commands were relentless.

The Pokémon responded in kind, their combined powers forming a spectacular display of might against their adversaries.

"Vulpix, Eevee, lend your support with Helping Hand!"

The two Pokémon poured their energy into Flaaffy. Empowered, Flaaffy released a roar: "FLAAAAAAAAAFY~", as a surge of electric energy crackled from her body, a Thundershock that resonated with the sound "Tsssssss…chichichichi. Drrrrrttttttttttt."

The devastating attack left half the group of Spearow writhing in pain, incapacitated. But the battle was far from over. The sight of the four menacing Fearow, eyes filled with murderous intent, sent chills down Floyd's spine.

"We must hold the line! Attack with everything you've got!" Floyd's voice was filled with desperation.

The battlefield was ablaze with moves and attacks. Amidst the chaos, two Fearows, now even more enraged, charged forward with deadly intent.

"Geodude, counter with Rollout!"

The ground shook as two Geodude rolled forward with immense force. Yet, shockingly, they were repelled back. The Fearows, far from defeated, attacked with renewed ferocity.

Floyd's voice echoed above the din, "Butterfree, Pidgeotto, Pidgey, strike once more!" The combined powers of Whirlwind and Gust tore through the enemy ranks.

In the midst of the battle, Floyd suddenly found himself targeted by another two Fearow. With no time to react, he tapped into his Dragon Power to shield himself. Just as the situation looked dire, a fiery-red Growlithe with stark black stripes and a majestic white mane intercepted, clashing head-on with a one Fearow.

Floyd grappled with the other Fearow, its beak piercing his hand. With all his might, he hurled it into a wall. The blood on his hand started to drop.

But the onslaught continued. As two more Fearow rushed in, Floyd, with desperation evident in his voice, yelled, "Axew, Breaking Swipe!"


Axew rushed forward, but despite his strength, was overwhelmed by the two evolved Fearow. They surrounded Floyd and his Pokémon, ready for the final assault.

"Everyone, fall back behind me!" Floyd's voice was resolute. He would protect them at any cost.

The scene was dire. Everyone had responded, even the two injured Geodude, each clutching a pair of Rattata. Machoke and Mankey found themselves at a disadvantage due to their types. Flaaffy, though brimming with courage, was drained from her previous onslaughts. The elegant Butterfree, Pidgeotto, Pidgey, and even the resilient Starly, bearing bruises marking their valor, were nearing their limits. While Bidoof, the quintet of Goomys, Spinarak, and Munchlax remained unscathed, their strength was not enough. Eevee and Vulpix, though injury-free, were gasping for breath. The four brave Growlithe, despite their resistance to Flying types, bore the scars of the relentless Spearow assaults.

Out of nowhere, two more Fearow charged at Floyd with menacing speed. This time, Horsea, filled with determination and buffed by her Dragon Dance, valiantly tackled one. The boost allowed Horsea to repel her attacker. Meanwhile, Dratini unleashed Extreme Speed against the other Fearow. But the outcome wasn't as hoped. Dratini's strength fell short, sending him spiraling away.

In this crucial moment, the previously displaced Growlithe surged back into action, sending the Fearow crashing to the ground, rendered unconscious. Growlithe, though victorious, staggered, panting heavily from the injuries of prior confrontations.

The battlefield count stood at three injured Fearow and thirteen battered Spearow against Floyd's dwindling ranks.

Addressing the Fearow that clearly led the flock, Floyd called out, "Fearow, shall we conclude this clash? Both sides are battered. There's nothing to gain from further bloodshed." Floyd hoped to stall, praying for Blastoise's timely intervention.

But the proposal seemed to infuriate the Fearow leader even more. Their pride wounded, the idea of retreat after suffering losses, especially at the urging of a mere human, was intolerable.

With tensions mounting, Floyd, filled with determination, rallied his troops. "We must stand united in this life-or-death battle. Fight with everything you have!" As he invoked the full might of his Dragon Power, his Pokémon tapped into this violent energy, bolstering their resolve.

Amidst this, Growlithe, blood matting his fur and eyes spinning from exhaustion, was plagued by haunting thoughts of loss. Memories of Kanraku's Blastoise, who had barely escaped death, raced through his mind.

If they will die, he will be slave.

If they are gone, he will be a slave.

I don't.

I don't.

Stop it!

I don't want it!



The fear of becoming slaves gnawed at him. The thought was unbearable. Determined to protect his home, Growlithe roared, appeared in front, sucking on Floyd's Dragon Power in a surprising twist.

"Don't!" Floyd shouted. He knew how violent his energy could be, especially towards non-dragon-related Pokémon. If Growlithe couldn't release this energy from his body, it would cause even more damage.

The battlefield fell silent. Everyone stared in awe as the wounded Growlithe, now with blazing red eyes, took a step forward.

When a Fearow lunged, Growlithe retaliated with a thunderous "ROAR!", sending it crashing to the ground, unconscious.

Another Spearow met the same fate. But the exertion took its toll on Growlithe, who then collapsed.

Floyd was taken aback. "That was..."

But he was interrupted by the sight of the remaining Fearow, filled with rage, with another Spearow attacking the fallen Growlithe.

"Defend him! Everyone, attack!" Floyd's command was clear. His Pokémon charged with renewed determination, overpowering the remaining Spearow and Fearow. Without their three Fearow, the strength of their adversaries dwindled.

Overwhelmed with gratitude and awe, Floyd gazed at the unconscious Growlithe.

Pokemon: Growlithe (Hisuian – Disappearing 45%)

Level: 17

Type: Fire + Rock

Ability: Rock Head


Intermediate: Bite, Tackle

Beginner: Howl, Ember, (Head Smash), (Outrage)

Genetic Skill: (Head Smash)

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