Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 64 – Horsea vs Growlithe’s

"Are we gonna start?" Chen Yu asked.

"I will throw a coin. Once it touches the ground, the battle will start," Floyd said, taking out a coin from his pouch.

"I see. Did you hear that?" Chen Yu nodded at Growlithe, who also nodded in response.

"I see, I will start now," Floyd declared, throwing the coin into the air. As soon as everyone saw the coin, their focus shifted to the impending battle, filling their hearts with excitement and anticipation.

With the sound of 'Pong' reverberating through the air as the coin landed, Chen Yu shouted, "Go!".

"Horsea, Smokescreen!" Floyd commanded immediately.

In response, Horsea released a cloud of black smoke around itself, blinding Growlithe.

"Hide and do it!" Floyd instructed Horsea, who then moved a few meters away from its previous position and started a Dragon Dance.

Frustrated, Chen Yu yelled in his native language, "Growlithe, what the hell are you doing? Find it!" Growlithe, despite being blinded, rushed to Horsea's previous position but found her missing.

Not long after, Growlithe sensed strong wind from one side and rushed at it, finding Horsea spinning there.

Growlithe shot forward to attack but Horsea, having completed her move, dodged swiftly.

"Horsea, use Water Gun!" Floyd commanded.

Horsea nodded and did as instructed, hitting Growlithe with a powerful stream of water. Unable to dodge, Growlithe screamed in pain as he writhed on the ground.

"Growlithe, will you really forget my words? If you fake losing, even if we lose, I'll never let you free," Chen Yu threatened.

In response to Chen Yu's threat, Growlithe, despite being in extreme pain, gritted his teeth, stood up and charged at Horsea.

Remained calm, Floyd instructed, "Horsea, use Tackle,"

Benefiting from the Dragon Dance, Horsea's physical attack and speed had greatly increased. Before Growlithe could react, he was hit and sent flying backward. In a daze, Growlithe swayed back and forth before falling unconscious.

Chen Yu, who had been watching from afar, stood dumbfounded. He felt that their battle had been overly short and was perplexed by their instant defeat.

"Growlithe, stop pretending! Stand up. Do you think you can trick me with your acting? Stand up!" Chen Yu yelled, but received no response.

"Do you remember what I said before? If you start pretending, even if we lose here, I will not let go of the iron-ring that binds your neck," Chen Yu added.

"It's useless, Captain. He's already defeated." Kanraku uttered, shaking his head. He explained that the battle's advantage had been with Floyd from the beginning considering that his opponent, Growlithe, was a Fire + Rock-type Pokémon, which is four times weaker than water. In addition to Horsea's Dragon Dance Buff + Tackle.

Sadly, Chen Yu was unaware of this fact. He hadn't commanded his Pokémon properly, just letting Growlithe enter the battle and doing nothing but threatening him, and lastly, it was obvious that he had not formed a bond with him, thus Growlithe's will to fight for him was not robust as he expected. The defeat, therefore, was inevitable.

"It's impossible...I can't accept it. How could Growlithe have been defeated so quickly?" Chen Yu gasped, rushing toward his defeated Pokémon. "Wake up! Have my words fallen on deaf ears? Stop pretending. I meant every word I said - I swear, even if we lose, I would not keep the promise."

A deathly silence enveloped the spectators. The outcome had been swift and unforeseen, sparking whispers of suspicion. They too suspected Growlithe might be feigning defeat.

Kanraku, distancing himself from the commotion, moved closer to inspect Growlithe's physical state, checking its eyes, mouth, etc. To his surprise, Growlithe was truly unconscious.

"He isn't responding to your threats anymore, Chen Yu. Growlithe is genuinely knocked out. You've lost," said Kanraku sighing and shaking his head in utter disbelief.

"This... this is impossible. How could it be?" Chen Yu stammered, struggling to comprehend the reality before him.

"Captain, allow me to step in," interjected a chilly female voice.

Chen Yu turned to find himself facing the striking Li Qin, with her companion, a female Growlithe, by her side. The female Growlithe gaze shifted from its unconscious comrade to Horsea, simmering with barely contained outrage.

"I want to find out if this Seahorse is as strong as she demonstrated earlier, or if it was just a fluke," Li Qin said as she observed Horsea cautiously.

"I'll carry this little guy for now," Kanraku said, then picked up Growlithe.

"Youngest, I'd like to be your opponent," Li Qin challenged Floyd.

Floyd look on this woman. She exuded an aura of royal sister, and she was undeniably attractive. However, Floyd didn't give much thought to her as the age gap between them was significant. He simply smiled and replied, "Sure, let's go."

With an air of finality, Floyd tossed the coin into the air again.


Upon its landing, Li Qin called, "Growlithe, be cautious!"


"Smokescreen," continued Floyd, relying on the Dragon Dance's lingering effect.

Horsea obeyed, blanketing the surroundings with dense, black smoke.

"Growlithe, retreat. Maintain distance from the smoke," Li Qin shouted.

"Awwwr," followed Growlithe, retreating to stand before Li Qin, all the while eyeing the shroud of smoke warily.

Floyd's eyes widened. How unexpected, this woman can actually command, he thought. However, he knew this was not enough.

"Horsea, use Water Gun!" shouted Floyd.

Horsea fired a powerful stream of water.

"Dodge it, Growlithe!" Li Qin warned her Pokémon, aware of the impending attack.

Growlithe made an effort to evade but ended up being hit by Horsea's perfectly aimed Water Gun. Although Horsea has always been lazy, her proficiency in using Water Gun was only behind Dragon Dance and her exceptional accuracy was good, although she's weak in close combat, rendering Growlithe's attempts at evasion futile.

As Growlithe screeched in pain, an unfamiliar fury stirred within her. Involuntarily, she retaliated with an Ember attack.

Unperturbed by the unexpected reaction, Floyd commanded, "Horsea, respond with Water Gun!"

Horsea promptly obeyed, resulting in a mid-air collision of Ember and Water Gun. Horsea's Water Gun, superior in strength, prevailed and ended up striking Growlithe, who was hurled backward and, ultimately, lost consciousness.

Li Qin's Growlithe, too, like Chen Yu, had lost.

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