Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 66 – How To Win Reverse Attribute Battle

With a commanding tone, Floyd directed, "Dratini, use Extreme Speed—dodge it!"
In an instant, Dratini vanished, deftly avoiding the synchronized attack from both Mankey and Tyrogue.
"Axew!" Floyd's shout pierced the air.
Suddenly, the ground rumbled beneath Mankey and Tyrogue's feet, and from the shadows, Axew emerged, catching them completely unawares.
"Breaking Swipe!" Floyd's voice resonated.
With a swift motion, Axew struck both foes with his tail. Not missing a beat, Floyd added, "Twister!"
Dratini, leveraging his tail's power, summoned a fierce Twister aimed straight at them. Before Mankey and Tyrogue could regain their composure from Axew's surprise attack, the looming Twister threatened to engulf them.
In a surprising twist of events, Tyrogue valiantly threw himself into the path of the Twister, effectively shielding Mankey and getting thrown off in the process. This sacrificial move allowed Mankey, now imbued with the 'Anger Point' Ability, to launch a furious series of Fury Swipes at Axew.
"Axew, use Claw!" Floyd instructed with urgency.
Axew's hands ignited with the radiant energy of Dragon Claw. As the two forces met, Axew parried Mankey's first swipe with his right hand. Then, he seamlessly transitioned to block another attack with his left, completely nullifying Mankey's assault. Losing both momentum and balance, Mankey's Fury Swipes were abruptly halted.
Seizing this brief window, Floyd commanded, "Breaking Swipe!"
There was a resounding 'Bang', and Mankey lay motionless, defeated.
Axew, though triumphant, was quickly targeted by Tyrogue's Rapid Spin. Barely managing to defend himself, Axew was caught off guard.
Without a second's delay, Floyd called out, "Dratini, Extreme Speed!"
Responding instantly, Dratini surged towards Tyrogue. A loud 'Bang' echoed as Axew was repelled by Tyrogue's onslaught. Almost immediately, Tyrogue was met with Dratini's counter-attack and succumbed to unconsciousness.
[Author's Note: I would like to explain that in this scenario, Mankey's 'Anger Point' ability merely amplifies his Attack by one Stage. This is because he has yet to master the full potential of this ability. A similar instance happened with a previous young Gyarados that lost control when attempting to execute Dragon Dance twice. Additionally, Mankey's foundational training is inadequate, particularly in harnessing his ability effectively. If not for these limitations, an enhancement of two stages could have been feasible. Then he used a Normal Move, Fury Swipes against a higher level Axew, who used STAB move, Dragon Claw.]
The sight of this intense battle left Kanraku applauding in sheer appreciation. Despite having attended to an injured Growlithe and entrusting it to Chansey's care, he arrived just in time to witness the riveting showdown.
Following Kanraku's lead, the gathered crowd erupted into applause, astonished and enthralled by Floyd's tactical prowess.
Axew struggled to remain upright, visibly fatigued and still bearing remnants of injury from the previous fights with Fearow. Even with the help of Floyd's powder, dragon power, pokeblock, and Chansey's healing, the consecutive battles against Mankey and Tyrogue exacerbated his injuries. Similarly, Dratini bore the brunt of Tyrogue's attack due to his lower combat level. In a moment of tender concern, Floyd caressed their heads and nourished them with a pokeblock.
Observing his injured companions, Floyd remarked pensively, "I believe training will have to be postponed." Before Dratini could protest, Floyd gently added, "Rest now and reflect on the lessons of today."
Turning to Le Mai Linh, Floyd acknowledged, "Sister Linh, I must admit, your beasts are strong. They genuinely took me by surprise." He contemplated their strength, surmising that if there was a level to gauge their prowess, they would likely be ranked between 17 and 19, especially Tyrogue, who seemed on the cusp of evolution.
Le Mai Linh, slightly exasperated, retorted with sarcasm, "Strong? When you all beat mine!"
Floyd countered gracefully, "That's because we're always training, it's different compared to yours"
She shot back, slightly vexed, "I've also trained mine rigorously in martial arts, yet they were defeated by yours."
Attempting to placate her, Floyd said, "Sister Linh, in the absence of your commands, you almost defeat me. Your beasts were indeed strong."
"Almost defeat your ass!, Youngest, there's no need for flattery. I am well aware of the capabilities of my beasts in comparison to yours," Le Mai Linh responded, dismissing his commendations, aware of the stark difference in their beasts' prowess.
She then sighed, reflecting, "Regardless, this bout was enlightening."
Kanraku, with a keen observation, interjected, "Floyd, it seemed you were really knowledgeable about specific beast moves. I've seen your commands in action. Perhaps we should categorize moves by type. but first, we need to prove it if it was true, but I know since it comes from your mouth, then it's mostly true, hahaha," He chuckled, adding a touch of levity to the atmosphere.
Recognizing the importance of such an endeavor, Floyd agreed, "I agree."
Suddenly, an assertive voice interrupted, "Floyd, I challenge you!" It was Kang Jihoon, who confidently declared his intent to battle.
Anticipating his choice, Floyd inquired, "Whom do you wish to face?"
"I choose to combat that Seahorse," Kang Jihoon proclaimed confidently, positioning himself on the battleground with his Elekid. "Given the type advantage with my beast, I don't believe I will not win against you. Anyway, prepare your Healing Powder."
Floyd, analyzing the situation, recognized that despite the Water type's vulnerability to Electric moves, the Electric type had no inherent resistance against Water. Thus, Horsea still stood a chance against Elekid, given the right strategy. This would be an opportunity to display the intricacies of reverse attribute battles.
The challenge commenced. A coin was thrown, signaling the start.
"Horsea, quickly move to your left!" Floyd directed.
Almost simultaneously, Kang Jihoon ordered, "Electric beast, unleash your most strongest electric attack!"
As expected, Floyd had already considered it because he knew they could penetrate his smokescreen. No move would succeed multiple times; otherwise, they would be foolish to repeat the same mistake.
Floyd had predicted this scenario because he had been cautious, especially regarding the Electric-type that could counter Horsea. It's a good thing he made that prediction.
"Horsea, deploy Smokescreen!" As commanded, a dense, black cloud engulfed the field.
Kang Jihoon, wary of this development, cautioned, "Stay alert, and refrain from venturing into the smog."
Elekid, heeding the advice, kept its distance.
Witnessing this, Floyd smiled and signaled his next move. The immediate reaction from Kang Jihoon was a stark reminder to Elekid, "Stay vigilant. They're going to attack."
Yet, as moments passed, the expected attack never materialized. Floyd's cryptic smile revealed a ruse – the interval had been exploited to rejuvenate Horsea's Dragon Dance.
Realizing Floyd's reaction, Kang Jihoon scolded himself, and urgently instructed, "We've been fooled, Electric beast, go to the smog, locate Horsea, and release your strongest electric barrage."
Then Elekid rushes to the smog.
"Come out, use Water Gun!" instructed by Floyd.
Without hesitation, Horsea emerged, launching a precise Water Gun at Elekid, who, caught off-guard, couldn't retaliate in time and stepped back in pain.
Floyd, seizing the momentum, executed another smokescreen. Elekid, disoriented, found himself bombarded once again by Horsea's Water Gun, vocalizing its distress.
Kang Jihoon, his frustration evident, exclaimed, "Youngest, you're scoundrel, Is this how you engage in combat?"
Floyd responded, maintaining his composure, "Vice Captain, this was called 'strategy' it is a testament to the art of battle. Being disadvantaged, would I merely allow your beast to overpower mine?"
A speechless Kang Jihoon, begrudgingly, instructed Elekid to unleash its electric might indiscriminately. However, Elekid's efforts proved futile, failing to find its mark amidst the smog. To add insult to injury, another Water Gun attack sent Elekid reeling.
Determined, Kang Jihoon encouraged, "Rise, Electric Beast!"
But Floyd, seeing the opportunity to end the battle, commanded, "Horsea, deliver the final blow—Tackle!"
Empowered by Dragon Dance, Horsea's tackle was devastating. Elekid succumbed, losing consciousness.

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