Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 71 – The Sacrifice of Dreams: Fading Faith and Rising Resolve

Floyd and everyone already had a hunch about this result. It had been two hours since Ren Mingzhe and his Starly disappeared. When Kanraku, Floyd, and some scouts searched for them, they couldn't find them. Everyone had a hunch that they had already fallen prey to or had been killed by wild beasts. But as Floyd searched, he found an unconscious and bruised Starly. It was the same one that had helped him fight the Fearow before, and it belonged to Ren Mingzhe.

This Starly was female; both of her wings were broken, she was full of injuries, and there was a lot of blood oozing from her body. She was still struggling to move, but she couldn't. If not for Floyd, Starly would surely have died. But even with Floyd's healing powder, it didn't do much. She needed to be rescued immediately by Chansey.

He placed her inside his backpack and was about to move when he saw an Arbok swallowing something. Their eyes met, and the rest was history.

Floyd covered Ren Mingzhe's body and carried it on his shoulder. He took the poison sac from the dead Arbok, put it in his bag, and quickly pulled the tail and ran. Even though it was heavy, he still managed to carry it. It wasn't even comparable to his Munchlax.

"Everyone, let's go," Floyd shouted. His Pokémon nodded.

Floyd took out his phone and started to call.

A few moments later, "Floyd, what's up?" Le Mai Linh answered.

"I found brother Ren," Floyd said.

"Really, Floyd-san, is he okay? Where are you now? We'll come," Floyd heard Kanraku's voice on the phone and knew he was with Le Mai Linh.

"Youngest, is he okay?"

"We will come with you, where are you?" This time it was Hu Tianyi and Chen Yu speaking.

"Professor, Captain, everyone…" Floyd paused, his face solemn, then continued, "Please be prepared for disappointment."

The phone line went silent.

"Y-youngest, w-what… do you mean?" Floyd heard the shaky voice of Hu Tianyi.

"He's no longer with us," Floyd said solemnly.

Floyd heard a muted gasp on the phone.

"I-I see, did you b-bring his body?" Hu Tianyi tried to steady his voice, but the quiver was evident.

"Yes," Floyd replied.

"Then, we'll wait for you here… Please be careful," Hu Tianyi said.

"Don't worry, I'm fine," Floyd reassured, then hung up.

A few minutes later, near the safe zone of the Kemonohaji forest, he heard a Pidgeotto cry in the air. Floyd knew it wasn't an enemy but an ally.

As he continued walking, he saw many unconscious Pokémon, including some larger ones like Onix, Arbok, Rhydon, and Ursaring. There were also Weepinbell, Gloom, Beedrill, Ekans, Pidgeotto, Kecleon, Nuzleaf, Cherrim, Sunflora, and many younger Pokémon like Bellsprout, Cherubi, Seedot, Teddiursa, Sunkern, and Shroomish. All were unconscious.

Floyd guessed that Blastoise's family was responsible, and other significant Pokémon like Butterfree, Graveler, Pidgeotto, and Breloom had been involved. These Pokémon, under Kanraku's command, were also injured, suggesting they had faced a formidable opponent.

Soon, many people appeared, running towards him. Floyd saw Kanraku, Le Mai Linh, Ivan, Hu Lai, and others rushing to him. When they saw the body wrapped in cloth on his shoulders, they recognized who it was. Then they noticed the Arbok Floyd was holding and deduced it was the culprit.

Hu Tianyi, upon seeing the body, trembled and knelt, crying. Chen Yu gently patted his shoulder, clenching his fist and biting his lip until it bled, evidently angered.

The atmosphere grew heavy.

Seeing Chansey crying nearby, Floyd approached her with the injured Starly from his backpack. "Chansey, please save her," he pleaded.

Chansey was shocked at Starly's condition and immediately began healing her. Happiny also followed suit, using Heal Bell. Floyd assisted by offering Healing Powder to Chansey, who then applied it to Starly.

Soon, Starly regained consciousness, though she was still weak. Panicking, she began to search for her owner.

Hearing her distress, Hu Tianyi, still grieving for his lost comrades, looked at her resentfully. He lunged forward as if to kick her, but Floyd intervened, holding him back.

"Brother Hu, what are you doing?" Floyd asked as he held him.

"Youngest, don't stop me! IT'S YOU! WHY ARE YOU STILL ALIVE? WHY DID YOU NOT PROTECT YOUR MASTER!" Hu Tianyi struggled to break free from Floyd's grip, pointing at Starly and shouting.

"Starl~ Starl~" Starly, shaken by Hu Tianyi's reaction, her eyes started to tear up as she looked at her master. She then found her master and rushed to him.


"Hu-san, don't blame this creature, it's my fault. Blame it on me. I should have tightened the security here. I'm truly sorry," Kanraku said, kneeling in apology.


"Blame me. It's my fault," Kanraku reiterated, knocking his forehead to the ground in regret.

"Professor," Suzuki rushed towards him.

Kanraku's gesture did not appease Hu Lai. If anything, it infuriated him more.


"I'm sorry…" Kanraku continued to kneel, filled with regret. He had underestimated the dangers of the wild. Perhaps Blastoise's protection had lulled him into complacency, making him forget that not everyone had a partner as strong.

"IS THIS HOW LOW YOUR PRIDE IS? JUST KNEELING HERE SO EASILY? YOU FUCKING JAPA-" But Hu Tianyi was cut off when Floyd placed a hand over his mouth and pulled him down, speaking calmly, "Brother Hu, calm down. Don't let your anger consume you. Please, take a breath and calm down."

Chen Yu, from a distance, just coldly stared at Starly, who was sobbing beside Ren Mingzhe, before walking towards Floyd. "Thank you, Floyd. Let me handle him now. We'll take our leave."

"Chen Ge, you don't need to apol-" Hu Tianyi began, but Chen Yu interrupted as he took Hu Lai to the Safe Zone, "Just calm yourself for now, you're not calm. Come on, Let's go."

Moments later, seeing Starly still crying beside her master, Floyd patted her head, comforted her, "You did your best."

Starly didn't seem to hear him and remained immersed in her grief.

Floyd approached Kanraku, "Professor, let's return and take Brother Ren with us."

"Floyd-san," Kanraku began, still kneeling.

"Yes?" Floyd responded, slightly confused.

"I'm the worst," Kanraku admitted. "If I had made the plan seriously… and protected them here… If I didn't underestimate these beasts… Ren-san would still be alive… I deeply regret it," tears streamed down Kanraku's face.

Suzuki comforted him with a pat.

"Professor… you are truly the worst," Le Mai Linh said solemnly, biting her lip, thinking one of his subordinates died.

"I know," Kanraku nodded, not disputing her statement.

"And I'm also worst..." Le Mai Linh approached Ren Mingzhe and called out to her team, "I'll carry him. Help me, everyone. Let's go."

As everyone began to move, Starly tried to follow, but Floyd picked her up. Seeing her struggling in distress, he handed her to Chansey, who carried her along with Happiny.

"Professor, are you giving up?" Floyd asked Kanraku.

"I don't know… but today, I feel like giving up," Kanraku confessed.

"Are you really going to give up now when you're already here?" Floyd challenged. "Mistakes happen, and sacrifices are made in the pursuit of success. The key is to learn from them and ensure they're not repeated. I don't know who will be next, It could be me, you, or any of us next-"

Kanraku interrupted, "No, I won't let anyone else be sacrificed. If there has to be a next, it should be me." He stood up, dusting off his pants, and his demeanor shifted. "Floyd-san, thank you. I'm better now. I won't turn back. This is the path that I've chosen, it's hard to turn back," With that, Kanraku and Suzuki left.

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