Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 74 – Dance of the Dragon: Axew’s Evolution

Axew panted heavily from the fight, his body beginning to shine.
"Axew, hold it back a bit. I already told you the plan, right?" Floyd said as he rushed to him, handing over his prepared Poké Blocks. "Eat this."
Axew struggled not to evolve and began eating all of the food. He felt his appetite increase, and the food in his bowl, which he would normally take a few minutes to finish, was gone in just seconds.
He stuffed all the food into his mouth and finished it, after which Floyd released his Dragon Energy. Axew closed his eyes and took in Floyd's Dragon Power. His body began to glow again, but he kept resisting the urge to evolve.
Kanraku, operating the camera, opened his mouth in shock. He had made some guesses about Floyd's power, but seeing it in action was still a surprise. He checked his camera, stopped the recording, and deleted the video, thinking of his own safety.
If others saw this, it could put Floyd in danger.
Dragon Energy was immensely potent. In mere seconds, with the help of five proteins and five Carbo tablets, it absorbed everything Axew had eaten. Axew's eyes began to turn red, but he still maintained control. This intensity was the reason Floyd only occasionally used it and even then, only in small amounts.
It was beneficial when used in moderation to heal Dragons, but harmful if overused, especially on base stage Pokémon. Only mid-stage or fully evolved dragons could handle such forceful energy.
He had used it twice before when he and Axew were in danger, and Axew had almost lost control. The third time was near an accident when he channeled his power into Axew and Horsea, enabling them to use Dragon Dance. This dance had helped divert the violent energy. The fourth instance was when he unleashed his full power on Growlithe, who became extremely aggressive. The energy was then redirected to the Outrage move, causing Growlithe to collapse.
Now, he planned to transfer his dragon power to Axew to benefit him further. As Floyd did this, he started to sweat, feeling his energy deplete. Axew, on the other hand, continued to resist as he absorbed the energy, his glow intensifying.
"Now, Axew, use Dragon Dance!" Floyd exclaimed, then withdrew his power and sat down, clearly tired.
Axew executed Dragon Dance again for the second time. Axew, filled with undying spirit, propelled himself into the air, spinning with a fierce determination to confront the violent energy inside his body. The atmosphere became thick with anticipation, and a radiant glow enveloped him, casting shimmering flecks of light all around.
This intense radiance signaled an approaching evolution. As Axew spun in the air, his body's brightness increased.
"Here it comes," said Floyd, who was seated, watching the spectacle with great expectation.
Kanraku, having turned on his camera when Axew leaped, recorded the scene. He was puzzled by this evolution, as it was his first time witnessing such a complex process. He had observed many evolutions before, but this was distinct.
Floyd's Pokémon, too, watched intently. Dratini, envious of Axew's imminent evolution, began to fantasize about evolving into a mighty Dragonite, his eyes sparkling with hope.
He must evolve into Dragonite! He must train even harder, Dratini resolved.
Other Pokémon, hidden behind nearby trees, also observed the extraordinary glow intensified, becoming almost too luminous to behold directly. Within this glowing cocoon, Axew's silhouette started to change. The first notable transformation was his tusks. Previously small and sharp, they now grew longer, curving more prominently from the sides of his mouth. His eyes, visible through the brilliance, became more fierce and determined.
As Axew spun, amidst the radiant brilliance, his eyes sharpened, gleaming with a newfound resolve. The scales on his back, once soft, started to harden, forming a protective layer, reflecting the teal markings that dotted his body. These teal markings were a clear distinction, setting him apart from the usual Axew evolution. His legs, too, became more robust, signaling enhanced power and agility.
His overall stature transformed – no longer was he the diminutive and vulnerable Axew. He had grown in size, exuding an aura of strength and maturity. The green of his body lightened, contrasting beautifully with the teal markings that adorned him.
The spinning began to slow, and the radiant light started to fade. As the glow dissipated, Axew, now evolved, descended gracefully onto the ground. Now standing as a Shiny Fraxure, he was a sight to behold. His teal tusks and markings gleamed, emphasizing his uniqueness. This evolution, marked by a dazzling display of light and color, was indeed a spectacular event., his presence was more commanding, and his demeanor more assured. The evolution was performed in a breathtaking aerial display for those people and Pokemon who had happened to witness it.
Shiny Fraxure!
"Fra-xure!" Fraxure roared.
Pokemon: Fraxure (Shiny)
Level: 39
Type: Dragon
Ability: Mold Breaker
Advanced Level: None
Intermediate Level: Dig, First Impression, Dragon Claw, Scratch, Slash, Breaking Swipe, Taunt, Bite
Beginner Level: Dragon Dance, Crunch, Assurance, Dragon Rage, Protect, Dual Chop, Dragon Tail, Scary Face, Dragon Pulse, Sword Dance, (Outrage),
Genetic Skill: First Impression
Damn! So many Dragon Moves! Like Dual Chop and Dragon Tail, which even managed to get ahead of Scary Face in mastery. There's also Dragon Pulse, and lastly, Outrage. Although he can't control it yet, it's a sign that he's begun to learn it. With proper training, he can master it.
Not only that, Axew also managed to learn Sword Dance. Where did he get that inspiration? It might have been from Dragon Dance.
Axew's mastery also started to improve, like Dragon Claw, which moved one step away from Slash, Breaking Swipe which surpassed Taunt, and Dragon Dance which surpassed Crunch and Assurance. Axew also leveled up to 39, and Floyd felt that Axew was almost one step nearer to level 40, the level of an Ace!
Axew, or maybe we should now call him Fraxure, has improved a lot in both moves and appearance. His height is 1.20 meters, more than 20cm taller than the average Fraxure. Not too tall, but also not too short. Floyd can see Fraxure's tight muscles in his arms and legs. This is perfect.
This is the combination of Medium-Grade Protein and Carbo's which have opposing effects. One makes a Pokémon stronger and bigger but slower, while the other makes it smaller but faster. As they oppose each other, the results are balanced.
Compared to the low-grade tablets that require long-term intake for significant improvements, while they might surpass Floyd's Axew in terms of height or speed, there's clearly a drawback that sacrifices one aspect.
"Fra-xure," Fraxure approached Floyd, and Floyd patted his head, "You've become bigger. Now, you're not called Axew, but Fraxure. Congratulations, Fraxure."
Fraxure caressed his owner's hand, reminiscing about the eight months they traveled together. If he hadn't met Floyd, he might have been caught by humans. If not for Floyd, he wouldn't be as strong as he is now. Filled with gratitude, he resolved to protect his master to the end.
"If we fought again, I'm not sure If I could beat you now, hahaha," Floyd laughed.
"Congratulations, Floyd-san, your beast has evolved. Honestly, I'm amazed. This might be the best evolution I've ever seen," Kanraku remarked.
"No, professor, you're joking, right?" Floyd replied with humility, shaking his head.
"No, I'm serious. This is the most unique evolution I've ever witnessed. Not even my Blastoise can compare. By the way, Floyd-san, I've deleted the previous video. This is the current one," Kanraku tossed the camera to him.
Floyd caught it and played the footage. He only saw Axew's evolution; the power he showed earlier wasn't in this video.
"Floyd-san, I know you have that power, similar to mine but also different. No wonder I felt a familiar vibe from you. We are alike. But don't worry, I won't tell anyone," Kanraku assured.
Upon hearing this, Floyd returned the camera, "Thanks, professor."
"Just be careful not to reveal it to others. It might endanger you," Kanraku advised.
"But I showed it to you. What should I do? Should I eliminate you?" Floyd teased.
"Hehehe, as if you don't know about my power," Kanraku chuckled in reply.
They both shared a hearty laugh.
"By the way, Floyd-san, what did you mean earlier by 'Dragon'?"

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