Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 77 – From Attack to Atonement: Redemption

Having just entered the chaotic scene, Chansey witnessed the relentless uppercut Fraxure had dealt to Arbok, leaving the snake Pokémon teetering on the edge of death. The sight was so heart-wrenching that tears welled up in Chansey's eyes. Without a moment's hesitation, she sprinted to Arbok's side, channeling her healing powers to tend to the wounded serpent.

"Will the big serpent die? We must aid her; she's in such a pitiful state," Ryota asserted, his voice trembling, feet already moving. But before he could get far, Inoue's hand clamped down on his wrist, restraining him with a somber shake of his head.

"Ryota-san, venturing there is dangerous," Aizawa's voice was hushed but firm as he gently took Ryota from Inoue's grasp, enveloping him in a protective embrace.

"Look at her, so grievously wounded. She so pitiful," Ryota murmured, his gaze locked on Arbok's battered form.

"Please, stand back. If harm you will be in-danger, how could we ever explain it to Kyouju and Sensei? Trust in Onee-san's words, okay?" Aizawa's fingers sifted through Ryota's hair, offering solace.

Chansey what are you doing here?

Floyd's eyes landed on Chansey. The sight of her tears, her desperation in trying to save Arbok, sent a jolt of guilt through him.

While Floyd generally harbored warmth for Pokémon, his past had rendered him bitterly cold towards a select few, especially Arbok and Seviper. Their cold-blooded, remorseless nature had tainted his perception. Ren Mingzhe was just a few examples of it.

Gazing upon the palpable desperation emanating from Chansey, a torrent of doubt overwhelmed Floyd. 'Could he have been wrong all along?' The realization pierced through him.

Every Pokémon, including Arbok, surely possessed feelings, bonds, and emotions akin to other Pokémon. Why then, did he reserve such bias against them? Was it fair to discriminate?

If Arbok had the capacity to kill humans, wasn't it plausible that other Pokémon shared the same potential? Was his aversion to Arbok merely rooted in personal bias, clouding his judgment?

As these thoughts swirled, the poignant sight of Ekans caught his attention. The creature, fraught with grief, slowly made its way to the injured Arbok, curling around her in a heart-wrenching embrace, its cries piercing the air.

A wave of memories washed over Floyd; the scene evoked visions of a young Dratini, curled protectively around its mother. The stark resemblance between the two instances sent shivers down his spine, vividly recalling a time when Dragonite bore the wrath of humanity.

If the sentiments echoing in both events were identical, then what truly differentiated him from those people? Weren't they, in essence, the same?

His dreams of uniting pokemon, and his aspirations for a harmonious Pokémon future, all seemed to crumble under the weight of this realization. Dismissing or belittling someone based on unfounded biases was nothing short of hypocrisy and prejudice. Indeed, he had been a hypocrite.

A bitter smile tugged at the corners of Floyd's mouth. Tears, bearing the weight of guilt and realization, brimmed in his eyes, threatening to spill. He wasn't alone in this introspection. Fraxure, Horsea, and Dratini, too, seemed taken aback by the unfolding scene, its uncanny similarity to what they witnessed with Dratini. Shadows of remorse clouded their visages as they collectively hung their heads, lost in contemplation.

The poignancy of the moment was suddenly shattered by an accusatory voice. "You! Why do you aid them? Are you siding with these creatures?" Hu Tianyi's voice dripped with disdain as he pointed at Chansey.

"Hiss~" Ekans, emotions raw and close to the surface, retorted with a venomous hiss, its eyes a mix of rage and sorrow.

Uncertainty spread amongst the onlookers. They were torn, struggling with their own internal battles, but Ekans' hostile stance set them on edge.

With a fierce urgency, Hu Tianyi's voice cut through the air, "Kill it!" The very order jolted Eevee to her core, surprise evident in her widened eyes. For a fleeting moment, she wavered, uncertainty marring her usually composed face.

"Dare you defy my command?" Hu Tianyi's voice was laced with a chilling edge. Eevee shuddered, a shiver running down her spine. With a gulp of resolve, she nodded and lunged, her body becoming a blur as she tackled Ekans.

The battlefield erupted with shouted orders.

"Use Quick Attack!" Kang Jihoon's command had Elekid darting toward Ekans.

A synchronized chorus of "Bite" rang out from Chen Yu, Li Qin, and Jonathan, commanding to their respective Growlithe.

"Poison Sting," Ivan's voice was measured.

Le Mai Linh, not to be left behind, issued two commands, "Fury Swipes, Tackle."

Almost instantly, the forms of three Growlithe, a Spinarak, Eevee, Mankey, and Tyrogue moved in synchro.

Amidst the escalating tension, Swablu trembled, seeking refuge behind Bianca's flowing hair. Bianca's other Pokémon looked to her for guidance. Their eyes met hers, filled with questions and fear. But all they received was a somber shake of the head. Memories of the kind Arbok from Bird Saint's territory flooded her mind, leaving her hesitant and uncertain.

Then, she felt a tug on her hair and turned to see Swablu.

On the other hand, Yamada, Nakamura, Inoue, and Aizawa were just silent.

"Caterpie, Squirtle, we must help Serpent-san. He's in such a pitiful state," Ryota cried, tears streaming down his face as he beckoned his Pokémon.



Both Pokémon nodded in agreement, but before they could act, it was already too late.

"Please save Serpent-san!" Ryota shouted.

Suddenly, they felt a gust of wind invigorating them, accelerating their movements. It was Swablu's Tailwind move.

Ekans retaliated with a desperate 'Poison Sting'. Yet, against a horde of Pokémon, its resistance seemed futile. Resigned to its fate, Ekans closed its eyes, bracing for the inevitable onslaught.

"Chansey!" The panicked scream echoed as onlookers watched, their breaths held in shared anticipation.

But salvation came from an unexpected quarter. Fraxure intervened, casting 'Protect' to shield against the Growlithe's.

Squirtle and Caterpie use String Shot and Water Gun against Eevee

Horsea retaliated with a powerful 'Water Gun' against Tyrogue, and Dratini blitzed with 'Extreme Speed', its target being Mankey.

To many, the intervention was shocking. After all, Most of these were Floyd's Pokémon.

"Youngest? What are you doing?" Hu Tianyi's voice was thick with disbelief, echoed by murmurs from the crowd.

Floyd spoke, his voice broken, "I may be a hypocrite today, but I beg of you, spare them. The fault is mine."

Ekans, braced for the pain, was taken aback. The very Pokémon who had once attacked him now stood as defenders. The puzzlement deepened with Floyd's uncharacteristic act of penance towards the Ekans. "I regret the cruelty, please forgive me," he murmured, taking a Healing Potion as he rushed toward the gravely injured Arbok.

"Hiss~" Ekans sent a hissing warning, but Floyd didn't care. Even alone, he could take on this small snake.

"That snake tried to kill you. If not for your self-defense, you'd be dead," Ivan pointed out.

"Because she sensed my killing intent, that's why," Floyd responded, With tenderness, he administered the Healing Powder, all the while under the wary gaze of Ekans.

"You had no qualms injuring her before, and now you act like a saint? Quite the hypocritical act," Hu Tianyi's voice dripped with sarcasm.

"Yes, I am. I admit it," Floyd acknowledged, knowing he was indeed acting hypocritically. Yet, if he did nothing now, he would be plagued by regret for the rest of his life. It was better to be labeled a hypocrite than doing nothing.

Chansey looked at him in surprise but snorted dismissively, still angry about his earlier actions.

Happiny followed suit, using Heal Bell.

Some Wartortles appeared and used Life Dew.

A few Cherubi and Cherrim hesitated before using Heal Pulse and Aromatherapy, while others used the Helping Hand move on Chansey.

The scene left many who witnessed it, both humans and Pokémon, in astonishment.

Ekans couldn't fathom why they were assisting or healing his mother. Even some Pokémon, who were typically his prey, were aiding his mother right now. He didn't understand but felt profound gratitude in his heart.

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