Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 80 – Memories Beyond Time

In the Tohoku Region of Fukushima Prefecture, many jets have been deployed by Nihon. Their plan is to destroy the Pokémon in a forest named Kemono no Su (Nest of the Beast), located in Fukushima Prefecture. This action aims to mark a turning point for them to reclaim their territory near the Kanto Region. It's been five years since they lost this territory due to a similar issue in a Kanto prefecture involving beasts.

Another reason for their invasion is a report about a lake located in the Central Western of Fukushima Prefecture and the forest called Kemono no Su, it's reported that the water there can heal Pokémon instantly. This discovery was made through their satellite technology during a survey, before the satellite was destroyed. Ever since the appearance of the beasts five years ago, all countries' space satellites have been annihilated in space. They can't even reach the ozone layer or merely the sky without being attacked by random Pokémon. 

(AN: Inawashiro Lake)

As a workaround, camouflage satellites were developed for terrestrial use. Even if one is destroyed, its video feed would be transmitted to a designated location.

This video revealed how the beasts could heal themselves every time they soaked in this lake. Hence, capturing this lake became their ultimate objective. 

However, within hours of deployment, the scene turned tragic. Countless missile explosions triggered a vast wildfire in the forest. Many jets were destroyed, taking down the pilots within. The Air Force never even reached the lake's location before facing defeat.

Deep within Kemono no Su, there's a small, green fairy-like creature. It has round, toeless feet and its eyes are large with blue irises. It has long, translucent onion-shaped headgear on the back of its head that resembles antlers or feelers. The headgear is decorated with blue tips. Its body is green, with short arms that have three fingers on each hand. It has a pair of wings on its back, which are more like semi-circular, pale green appendages than traditional bird-like wings. 

It's Celebi!

"Biiii~" Celebi cried as it used its power to restore the forests.

Numerous Pokémon rushed to help quell the raging fire. Hours later, the fire was extinguished, but the aftermath was devastating. Both sides suffered whether humans or pokemon, but the Pokémon suffered as their forest bore the brunt of the tragedy.

"Cough, cough, cough," 

A pilot emerged from his crashed jet deep within the forest. After inspecting his surroundings and finding no one, he checked his jet, which seemed mostly intact. Knowing he needed to escape the forest to survive, he re-entered the cockpit.

After a moment, he entered the cockpit. Inside, the cockpit was a complex array of switches, gauges, and displays. It was a sanctuary of precision and technology. The pilot adjusted his seat to the right position, ensuring his reach to all the controls was comfortable. He then strapped himself in securely, feeling the snug embrace of the harness.

The pilot turned his attention to the instrument panel. He started by turning on the aircraft's electrical system. His hands danced over the controls, flipping switches in a sequence only he understood — a routine born from hours of practice.

He then fired up the jet's engines. They roared to life with a powerful resonance and flew to escape.


The jet seamlessly sliced through the forest, the jet's wings flexed ever so slightly, adjusting to the air currents.

Many Pokémon were shaken and ran away from this scene.

Celebi, just as exhausted as it had stopped the fire inside the forest, looked sadly at the burnt trees. Tears dropped from its eyes, and its sentiments resonated with the other Pokémon, prompting them to cry as well.

"Biiii~" Celebi cried out and then flew away with reluctance. As it glanced back, it realized that this forest could not restore its power anymore. It would take a year to nurture this forest back to its former state.

Many Pokémon watched with a heavy heart as Celebi departed.

"Biiii~" Celebi offered a melancholic farewell to them and activated its time ripple power. Just as it was about to leave, the loud roar of an engine echoed. Celebi and the pilot locked eyes in slow motion before the jet pierced through the time ripple.

"Biiii!" Celebi exclaimed in pain.

The jet froze mid-air, and the pilot inside screamed, clutching his head in anguish.

"Ahhhhh!" Waves of pain surged from his head as a flood of images flashed before him.

What is this? He wondered.

Images appeared: a man in a white coat with a massive blue turtle by his side and a young boy flanked by large violet snakes. Then the scene shifted to people tossing red and white colored balls, from which beasts emerged and later disappeared.

He saw many people smiling with their creatures by their side.

'What is this?' The man's confusion grew.

'Why are they so friendly with these beasts?' He pondered internally.

"Ahhhhh!" The pain persisted.

Suddenly, an image of the man himself materialized, showing him laughing manically as he captured the man in the white coat.

"Ahhhh," As the images began to blur, the last scene he perceived was of himself, panic-stricken, attempting to flee. But a shadowy figure in a black cape loomed behind, and by its side, a monstrous black beast approached.

'Why am I there? Who is that? Is this… the future?' He mused.

The pain subsided, and the flood of memories ceased. The jet's engine roared to life, catching him off guard. He swiftly regained control and made his escape.

Then, calamity struck.

Trees withered, rapidly turning to black ashes. Everything was obliterated.

Numerous injured Pokémon hurried to the lake, only to find its healing power diminished.

Many Pokémon vocalized their distress.

"Biiiii~ Biiii~ Lebiiii~" Celebi wailed.

Compelled by its wounds, it attempted to fly in search of another forest to recuperate. The once life-giving place lay devastated, nothing remained.


A female Ursaring, looking at her wounded son who couldn't be healed by the Lake of Life, unleashed a scream of sorrow. Echoing her feelings, other Pokémon roared loudly in anguish.

Their eyes turned toward the site of the human assault, thoughts of revenge brewing.

Such resentment! Vengeance was a must!

A few hours later, somewhere, Tochigi Prefecture

A jet was spotted making a desperate landing. A man stumbled out of the cockpit, hallucinating, and soon lost consciousness.

"Who is this?" An Air Force Officer inspected him, confirming he was alive. Numerous military personnel began examining both the jet and its pilot.

Eventually, they identified him – Second Lieutenant Akira Kuroyami.

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