Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 85 – Battle Between Skill and Innate Strength

Le Mai Linh moved with swiftness, darting towards Floyd. Her intention was clear: to intimidate him by feigning a strike, only to retreat before making contact.

So fast!

That was the collective thought of many spectators.

But Floyd, with his keen eyes, could discern her movements. As she approached, he swiftly stepped back. In an unexpected twist, Le Mai Linh mirrored his action, stepping back as well.

Seeing him respond similarly, Le Mai Linh expressed surprise. She hadn't anticipated Floyd's reactions to be so swift. Increasing her speed, she dashed towards him again, but Floyd continued to match her, evading her every move.

"Is this what you meant when you said you didn't know martial arts?" Le Mai Linh remarked with a hint of sarcasm, "Youngest, you sure really wanted to play pig eating the tiger,"

"How many times must I tell you? I genuinely don't know martial arts," Floyd retorted, unsure how to convey that his physical prowess far surpassed that of an average person.

Le Mai Linh's eyes narrowed, her expression cold. "Be cautious. This time, I won't be holding back."


Her movements became a blur, so fast that even Floyd was momentarily caught off guard. He instinctively raised his arm in defense.


The forceful impact between Le Mai Linh's kick and Floyd's forearm echoed. In a surprising turn of events, it was Le Mai Linh who was forced to retreat slightly.

Her eyes widened in disbelief at Floyd's undamaged arm. He had effortlessly deflected her powerful kick. She pondered, How is this possible? Even a black belt master would flinch and hurt from such a blow, especially when defending solely with their arms.

Witnessing Floyd's seemingly unyielding strength, she couldn't fathom the depth of his physical capabilities.

Her eyebrows furrowed, determination evident. "Youngest, now I'll truly give it my all."

In a flash, she surged forward, leaping into the air to deliver a left-footed kick to his chest. Floyd instantly raised his arms in defense. As she used her left foot as a springboard, her right leg arced, aiming to ensnare his neck. Floyd, caught off guard once more, used his left elbow as a shield.

Utilizing the momentum, Le Mai Linh coiled her right leg around his defending elbow. Her left foot found purchase on the ground, enabling her to exert force and attempt to topple him using her right leg.

But to her astonishment, Floyd, although slightly off-balance, pushed against her with his left elbow. In one swift motion, he tried to throw Le Mai Linh off him. However, she managed to disengage, retreating with an expression of bewilderment etched on her face.

Even with her efforts, Le Mai Linh's power seemed insufficient to overpower Floyd. She wondered about his extraordinary physique. Even a black belt fighter would have been overwhelmed, yet Floyd managed to deflect her attacks effortlessly.

She could discern that Floyd was likely truthful about his lack of martial arts expertise. His actions seemed more instinctual than trained. Skill-wise, she definitely had the upper hand. Yet Floyd's astonishing physical prowess made Le Mai Linh question the value of her years of training. In comparison, it appeared almost inadequate.

Chen Yu, observing the fight, expressed his astonishment. "Le Mai Linh's agility is very impressive. Her combat style seems reminiscent of 'Vovinam'. Even skilled martial artists from our region would be caught off guard by such technique. Yet, she seems to have met her match in Floyd."

Though not a martial artist himself, Chen Yu was informed about various fighting styles.

Li Qin weighed in, "Her combat style prioritizes speed over sheer force, resembling Kung Fu in some respects."

Chen Yu nodded, adding, "Yet, despite sacrificing power for speed, her strikes aren't to be underestimated. An average person, and even a trained fighter, would find it hard to contend with. However, the sheer physical strength and agility Floyd displays are off the charts." He mused on Floyd's all-around excellence – intelligence, charisma, physique – his only flaws might be his looks, but despite Floyd not having good looks as Kang Jihoon or him (Self-proclaimed), he was certainly above average in the looks department.

(Note: Floyd's looks resemble Lance.)

Back in the heat of the battle, Le Mai Linh unleashed her full might, attacking Floyd without restraint. She darted towards him, lowering her stance, and launched a High Front Kick with her right leg. Floyd promptly evaded and gripped her leg with both hands. In response, Le Mai Linh twisted leftwards, aiming a kick at Floyd's head with her left leg. Floyd released one hand to parry the kick, and as Le Mai Linh grounded herself with her both hands, she swept her right leg towards Floyd's neck, quickly followed by her left, in an attempt to destabilize him.

However, despite the intricacy of her moves, they lacked the force to truly affect Floyd. As he prepared to seize both of her legs, Le Mai Linh adeptly placed her feet on Floyd's shoulders and executed a backflip to distance herself.

Panting, Le Mai Linh stared intently at Floyd, her dignified expression was evident. Not only was his physical strength remarkable, but his reflexes were sharp too. He had successfully countered several of her complex techniques. Coupled with his immense strength, Floyd seemed virtually omnipotent.

Challengingly, Le Mai Linh queried, "Why don't you fight back? Are you belittling me?"

Floyd sighed, torn between choices. It wasn't that he was unwilling to engage, but he struggled to choose a technique. Reluctant to deploy Axew's fighting style — more raw aggression and barbaric style than refined martial arts — he nevertheless recognized the importance of responding to Le Mai Linh's challenge.

"Alright," he resolved, "this time, I'll take the offensive."

Le Mai Linh braced herself, her focus sharp, anticipating his next move.

What Floyd chose was primal yet effective: he shaped his hand into a claw reminiscent of a dragon and lunged at her, aiming the claw strike directly at Le Mai Linh.


Le Mai Linh's reflexes kicked in. Taken aback by the speed of his approach, she rapidly lowered her stance, evading his strike.


The onlookers could practically hear the gust created as his clawed hand sliced through the air, missing its intended target.

Reacting swiftly, Le Mai Linh launched a counter. As she did, Floyd's hands, both formed into claws, swung downwards in her direction — a move reminiscent of the 'Breaking Swipe' technique. Le Mai Linh narrowly evaded but with a minor scratch on her cheek, drawing a droplet of blood.

Floyd hesitated momentarily, considering halting his attack. But Le Mai Linh's voice, determined and clear, urged him on: "Continue."

Anticipating her next move, Floyd raised his hands, parrying Le Mai Linh's right kick. He had studied her patterns, recognizing the kick as a mere precursor to a sequence of combination moves.

True to his prediction, Le Mai Linh pressed on, thrusting her right leg again forward towards Floyd's chest, quickly followed by her left. As Floyd prepared to defend against her left leg, Le Mai Linh grounded it, using it as leverage to drive her right knee into Floyd's chest. Floyd already anticipated this as he used his next move.

But the surprise came next: instead of relying solely on kicks, Le Mai Linh reached out with her left hand, gripping Floyd's head tightly, and delivered a sharp elbow strike to his left cheek with her right elbow.

This was a testament to the versatility of Vovinam, not just a series of leg moves like Taekwondo. The strike left a slight swelling on Floyd's face.

It wasn't debilitating but a reminder: never underestimate a true martial artist.

(AN: I hoped there's no Vietnamese here or else... hahaha)

(Notes: When the Pokemon theme became a Martial Arts ("….…"))

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