Pokemon Era: From Pokemon Professor To Champion Superstar

Chapter 11 Ralts

Chapter 11 Ralts

After another strong feeling of dizziness, Ye Yun opened his eyes again and found that he was in his room again.

Ye Yun looked at the time and was surprised to find that in the real world, only about 5 minutes had passed.

Ye Yun shook his head to dissipate the dizziness in his head, and then looked at the three Poké Balls in his hands with satisfaction. Two of them were naturally from Beedrill and Charmander. This last one was Ye Yun's last in the game world. The one that took a few seconds to catch.

Time was very tight at the time. In fact, Ye Yun did not see the specific qualifications of this Pokémon, but speaking of it, this type of Pokémon was indeed rare, and there was no time to think about it at the time, so Ye Yun decided to kill the wrong one. With the principle of not letting go, I threw the last Poké Ball.

But Ye Yun didn't particularly care. Even if the Pokémon qualifications were poor, it wouldn't be a big deal. Ye Yun had absolute confidence in himself.

Ye Yun smiled softly and threw all the Poké Balls in his hand.

Three Pokémon with different expressions appeared in the center of the room.

Beedrill: Male

Attribute: insect, poison

Height: 1.2m

Weight: 25kg

Ability: Insect Premonition

Hidden Ability: Snipe Shot

Strength: Quasi-Elite Beginner Level

Qualification: Best lower level (88)

Favorability: 210

Skills: Harden, Poison Barb, String Shot, Focus Energy, Twineedle, Rage, Toxic Spikes, Agility, Toxic, Protection, Quick Attack

Evaluation: Beedrill with amazing qualifications, fatal Twineedle is indestructible and is in a period of rapid development of strength. It is recommended to strengthen training.


Attribute: fire

Height: 0.6m

Weight: 8kg

Ability: Fierce

Hidden Ability: Solar Power

Strength: Intermediate to mid-level

Qualification: Top Intermediate (93)

Favorability: 150

Skills: Claw, Growl, Ember, Smokescreen, Flamethrower

Evaluation: A Charmander with excellent qualifications, perseverance and high morale. It is recommended to train him with all his strength. Living alone for a long time and suffering from malnutrition, it is recommended to take good care of yourself and strengthen your strength.

Ye Yun looked at the two Pokémon with satisfaction. Both of them had broken through the original realm, especially Beedrill, which had entered the quasi-Elite realm. Compared with the original strength, it was already very different.

Then Ye Yun turned to look at the third Pokémon, and saw a Pokémon that was all white and wearing a green hat, standing timidly in the center of the room, its slightly trembling body showing its inner fear.

Ralts: Female

Attribute: Psychic, Fairy

Height: 0.6m

Weight: 6.6kg

Ability: copy

Strength: Beginner level

Qualification: High-ranking (83)

Skills: Growl, Confusion

Favorability: 80

Evaluation: A very rare super-type Pokémon with excellent qualifications. It is recommended to train it carefully. It has a sensitive heart and low favorability. It is recommended to cultivate the relationship carefully and not to start training immediately.

This Ralts was the Pokémon Ye Yun saw at that time, and Ye Yun did not hesitate to use the last blank Poké Ball. You must know that Psychic and Dragon type have always been synonymous with rarity in Pokémon. Of course, it goes without saying that Dragon type , is synonymous with rarity and power, but the Psychic type is notoriously difficult to catch.

You know, most Psychic Pokémon can learn Teleport. Many Psychic Pokémon will not even fight you at all. Once they find your figure, they will escape immediately. This Ralts, if it were not for being too young, has not learned Teleport. , Ye Yun couldn't catch it at all.

What surprised Ye Yun even more was that this Ralts turned out to be a top-grade Pokémon. Although it was not top-grade, it was already extremely rare. You must know that top-grade Pokémon are rare but rare. If a top-grade Psychic Pokémon is spread, It's enough to make people force their scalp, and it can even be said to be no weaker than Normal's best Pokémon.

But taking a closer look, Ye Yun couldn't help but feel regretful. With a qualification of 83 points, he was not far from the best, only 3 points short of it, which was a bit regretful.

At the moment, Ye Yun didn't care to think about it and walked towards Ralts. You must know that Ralts is an extremely sensitive Pokémon, and because time was urgent at the time, Beedrill's attack did not have any impact. Not entirely good.

At this time, he suddenly appeared in an unfamiliar environment. Ralts must have been frightened and uneasy. It could even be said that he was trying to keep his spirits up. If he was not comforted well, it would easily leave a shadow on Ralts' sensitive heart.

You must know that many Ralts are unable to evolve throughout their lives due to this reason.

Of course Ye Yun would not allow this to happen. He walked gently to Ralts and reached out to gently touch the red horn on its head.

A cold and smooth touch spread into Ye Yun's palm. Ye Yun could clearly feel that when his hand was placed on Ralts' horn, its whole body trembled violently.

Ye Yun did not speak, but gently stroked Ralts's horns back and forth, because Ralts' horns can clearly capture a person's mood, and exactly like this, Ralts is a Pokémon that is greatly influenced by Trainer.

With Ye Yun's gentle comfort, Ralts seemed to feel the peace in Ye Yun's heart, and gradually let go of his anxiety. Soon he relaxed and fell asleep in Ye Yun's arms.

Ralts was injured, but the injuries were not particularly serious, but long-term mental stress was very mentally draining for such a young Psychic Pokémon.

Ye Yun gently placed Ralts on his bed and did not rush to treat its injuries. For it now, rest is the best way to heal its injuries.

After doing all this, Ye Yun had time to pay attention to the other two guys in the room, and saw Charmander glaring at Beedrill. Of course, Beedrill was not a good-tempered person, and he also glared back fiercely.

The two Pokémon just stood in the middle of the house with their eyes wide open. There was a tense situation between them, and they tended to get into trouble if they disagreed.

Ye Yun patted his forehead. It seemed that Charmander must have remembered that Beedrill defeated him, and with Charmander's character, he would definitely not be convinced.

Of course, Charmander is definitely not stupid. He must know that he is not Beedrill's Rival now, so he just glares at Beedrill angrily.

Ye Yun thought about it for a moment and completely understood the cause and effect. He understood that they could not fight, and he immediately felt relieved.

Now that he understood the situation between the two guys, Ye Yun completely let go of his worries.

After walking back and forth in the game world for a long time, Ye Yun was already exhausted and had no time to care about the little temper between the two Pokémon.

Now he just wants to find a place to have a good rest.

However, Ye Yun finally worked up the energy and prepared delicious food for Beedrill and Charmander. Then he sat on the sofa, closed his eyes and exhaled a long breath.

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