Pokemon: Haunted

Chapter 1

I'm dead, or at least that's what I believe, as no matter how hard I try no one can see nor touch me, I just phase right through them. It was weird at first, I don't even remember how I died, but the small Duskull I kept as a trainer has kept me company all this time, Mori was caught by my uncle who ran a lab dedicated to researching ghost type Pokemon, and she had served as my loyal partner long after my death.

It's been far too long since I was alive, all the memories having faded away, I watched as towns went from barely even having any technology like phones to almost everyone and everything having technology. Today was different however, because a girl had seen me, and was now chatting with me.

"Hello there, are you lost?"

"You can see me?"

"Yes, why wouldn't I be?"

"I'm dead, no one can see me, I only have Mori to keep me company."

The girl looked shocked at this before thinking for a bit, she looked around the age I was when I died, about 16, though her chest was significantly smaller than mine, a small sense of pride at that fact.

"I know! It's cause I'm an Aura user, you must only be visible to us."


"The power of the spirit, as a spirit you are made purely of the stuff, and since those who don't use aura can't see it, your invisible to non-aura users."

"But I don't know how to use aura either, I'm just a simple ghost."

"I'll Teach you! Follow me!"


Following the girl closely, my phantasmal tail trailing behind me, I noticed more and more people seemed aware I was here as we approached our destination, a large dojo with many students training outside, all of them looking at me like I was a ghost, oh wait I am a ghost never mind.

"Um... are you sure this is the right place, I think they want me to leave."

Leaning over the girl's shoulder, I was fearful, If aura was the power of the spirit, and I was made of that spirit, then they could hurt me, and I didn't want to get hurt.

"Yep, My Dad was the one to teach me to use my aura, the Fighting Aura type, your is likely Ghost type aura, meaning you might be able to materialize a physical form with enough training."

"Physical... Form..?"

My excitement rose with the idea of being able to actually speak with people, my spectral trail began to wag with joy, as I basically rushed to get to our destination.

"Woah, calm down, you'll need to at least reach my level of aura control to even attempt that. Let alone mimicking Pokemon moves like my dad can."

"Oh yeah Pokemon, I need to find Mori, my duskull."

The girl looked at me with confusion, not expecting a girl who obviously was a lost soul to have a Pokemon know for eating them as a partner.


"Nevermind, she must have followed us."

Over came floating my partner a beautiful shiny duskull, my forever partner and starter back when I was alive, Mori.

"Hello Mori, did you have fun without me?"


Mori explained with joy, I knew that she would often wander to find souls to consume but I didn't care, she was my friend and the souls consumed went straight to the afterlife anyways, they just had any spiritual energy left keeping them tethered here to the mortal coil.

"Huh..? I didn't think that ghosts could have Pokemon partners, but sure, let's go see my Dad."

The Kanto region was full of traditionalists, and is was nice to see that the man behind the door was one of them, as most respected the spirits or at least didn't try to harass her like those paranormal investigators who while couldn't see her kept trying to get her to speak to her through a device that hurt to use.

"A lost Spirit? One with a considerable amount of Aura no less, must be why you can't pass on correctly, well then what do you need?"

"Dad, She became interested in aura after I explained that it can grant her a physical form, do you think you can teach her?"

The stern looking man wearing a training gi looked at me with thought, before responding to his daughters question.

"While I can teach her the basics, I have no idea how to train a ghost type aura user, only channelers and spiritualists might know and currently none of the ones I know are available."

Following the man to the center of the dojo, he sat on the ground with his legs crossed, the ensuing thud from the massive man's weight shaking the air itself.

"By the way lost one, do you know your name, or has your memory of life degraded to far."

"It was Willow sir, but I can't remember my last name."

"A first name is enough Willow, I am Gai, and this is my daughter, Mei, so to use aura, you must first find it, which should be simple as you seem to be made of your own aura, but then you must circulate it thought you veins, or at least what counts as veins for a ghost."

Nodding, already having changed the white kimono I wore over my form into a training gi, the man was both chuckling at my antics and agreeing that I at least knew proper courtesy. If you didn't enter a dojo to train, then why enter in the first place, I remember barely having a small amount of Martial arts training, but it was mostly self-defence training, not combat training, nor aura training.

"Good, you know what the rules are in the dojo, now try and feel the aura in your body."

focusing my mind towards myself, I tried to sense whatever it was he wanted me to sense, I felt cold, not ice cold, but chilled, like a cool breeze hit me. That was when I saw it, a purple orb sitting in the center of my being, one that only reacted when I tried to force it to do something. Following his advice, I began to move the energy through my form like my blood, the orb shifting to resemble a heart as veins formed across my body.

Opening my eyes, I noticed that the room had become dark, as Mori sat next to me seemingly asleep, even if I knew she didn't need sleep. Looking Gai and Mei, I noticed a note on the floor of the Dojo, written in somewhat bad handwriting.

'Hello Willow! Dad said your talent in aura was shocking, you got it down before he could even explain the feeling, another surprise was that your body seemed to form a physical state on its own, so congrats, you're technically alive again, for as long as you keep using your aura like that. See You, Mei'

Smiling, I noticed that I had legs again, I was still floating, but I wasn't just a phantom, I was warm, my body felt... Alive.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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