Pokémon Master from Another World

Page 17

"Uh, then I'll recruit you depending on the situation..."

"Ascendant, Divers, Forbidden Technique!"

Paqiuli usually casts magic directly and instantly (as mentioned before, the master of elements can directly cast magic instantly, and the effect will not be reduced), and when she releases magic by singing The power will increase several times, and even when it reaches a certain level, it can increase several times. In other words, it is a very cheating local cheat.

"You can't just stand still here!"

After turning on the electric shocker mode (the current skill proficiency is 12/100, because although the cooling time is 6 hours, people always have to rest, so it can only be counted as about 3 and a half times a day), Ye Bainian will not Consciously began to emit weak electromagnetic waves to the surroundings - this is also Mikoto's ability, she can perceive subtle changes in the surrounding reflected waves through electromagnetic waves, and thus perceive changes in the surrounding environment, so Mikoto's evasion ability is purely in terms of reaction. And compared to the field of vision that 360° white eyes rely on, electromagnetic waves are completely invisible and comprehensive.In other words, Mikoto could move only a few millimeters if she wanted to.

However, according to Miqin's personality, it is estimated that she is only used to judge rough or relatively specific actions, or her development direction is not here-one ability can extend multiple abilities, and everyone's development direction is also different. of.

"Strange feeling, is it your ability?"

Paqiuli immediately felt the difference in Ye Bainian.

"Hey, can Patch feel it?"

"No, it's just that there is a strange feeling coming from your body. Is it really your ability? I don't think I can feel it if I haven't touched you personally."

"What what? What are you talking about?" Marisa was completely confused, "Tell me too!"

"That's right, that's good."

It would not be a tragedy if the super powers were sensed by the magician - but this is actually determined by Patchouli's own special attributes. After all, she is a magician of the seventh department, so she has been feeling the magic elements around her, the special electromagnetic waves. It is also thanks to the instant response of the magic elements (electromagnetic wave is a kind of wave that is ubiquitous in nature, as long as it is an object whose temperature is higher than absolute zero, it can emit electromagnetic radiation, that is, electromagnetic wave, so if it is not instant response Most people will not feel the change of electromagnetic waves), "But this is not my ability, the person with this ability is much stronger than me."

"Oh? Can the ability be borrowed?"

I was originally curious about Ye Bainian's ability, but now hearing about Paqiuli's heart itches even more—the term "ability" is also very common in Fengshen Continent, and the innate skills explained by the system are called innate abilities by the people of Conferred God Continent , and under normal circumstances, the natural ability belongs to the individual itself, and can only have one kind of ability (usually the birth of the natural ability is not limited to the level, it may be present at birth, or it may not be available at the holy level), this The point is actually similar to the definition of capacity development in Academy City.

"Hehe, you can regard this as my innate skill."

Ye Bainian smiled and didn't explain too much.

"Innate skills?" Her purple eyes lit up, and Paqiuli became more interested, "Can you tell me about innate skills? Although I have encountered innate abilities (the general term for innate skills) before, but for some reason, I have never seen them." I can see it with my own eyes."

"Of course, but I think I can introduce you to a master in this regard."


"Ah, what are you guys talking about? What talent, what ability?"

Marisa yelled frantically, while Guinevere still curled up obediently in Ye Bainian's arms.

"I'll tell you later, Marisa, it seems like I don't have time now~~~"

You'll forget about it anyway.Ye Bainian added from the bottom of his heart.


Marisa was taken aback, and just about to say something, the door of the room was knocked to the ground by a strong shock wave, "Is it finally here? Take the move, Aurora Flame!" Because of its special nature, Marisa actually There is no need to chant, but with the idea of ​​"it's more handsome to shout out", every time she makes a move, she will be accompanied by a burst of shouting.

"found it."

After Marisa's attack, there was a strange voice faintly, as dry as a person who was about to die after dehydration for many days.

"Found it." xn

"It's all right? Look at this trick! Super·Aurora Flame!"

When Marisa raised his hand, it was another spell with extremely exaggerated sound and shadow effects, but it seemed exactly the same as the previous Aurora Flame, except that the word "super" was added when shouting.

Condensed into a beam of laser-like bombardment, and released with a mini gossip furnace as a magic tool, although the flame of the aurora is not as powerful as the astonishing power, it is definitely not as effective as the magician's when it comes to a small area, especially a single target. The magic is poor, but such a magic is still not able to stop the enemy from advancing.

"Pattapata" came into view were six guys in strange clothes, but their faces were no different from those of the dead. The reason why they were said to be dressed strangely was because each of the six people had different clothes. Some wore gorgeous knight clothes, some There were those wearing old magic robes, some standard mercenary outfits, and some even wearing suspected military uniforms.

But at this time, the six people were drooling in disgust, the sound of "tick tick tick" began to spread throughout the room, and at the same time there was a foul smell, making Ye Bainian and the others frown.

Chapter 36 The Sad Dead

"Ding, the main mission: The Curse of the Gods ([-]) The sad undead has been activated. As a follow-up mission, it is mandatory to accept."

This is the system message Ye Bainian received when Pachiuli found the enemy.

"The task has been accepted. Please kill the incoming necromancer within 1 hour, and purify the soul desecrated by the necromancer. If you succeed, you will be rewarded with 10000 baby points and a free lottery ticket. There is no penalty for failure."

Ye Bainian found that the system always didn't punish him when he was relatively rich. Of course, he guessed that the first task was too simple for the system to have the so-called punishment, but he only hoped that this was because he was thinking too much. There are not many missions.

"Be careful, it's a necromancer. These are probably corpse servants controlled by him, that is, corpses that have been specially refined. Initially, it seems that most of these people have some background in life, so they may have a sense of fighting. Be careful!"

Paqiuli calmly judged the other party's identity.

"Battle awareness? What is that?"

Marisa asked strangely, and Ye Bainian turned his head slightly to look at Paqiuli.

Immediately, Paqiuli was speechless: "Simply put, it's a person's instinctive reaction to an attack. You just need to treat them as if they were alive. Be careful, the attack is coming!"


The corpse servant who was probably a mercenary let out a hoarse cry, and swung the big knife in his hand, which was no different from a butcher's knife, and rushed towards him with a fierce fighting spirit.

"Guardian barrier!" Paqiuli's defense directly blocked the attack, "Everyone, be careful, as long as the caster is not dead, the corpse servant will not stop attacking if it is attacked, and even if it is broken into powder, it will recombine to its original shape I'm afraid Marisa's attack did hit them just now, but they 'healed' immediately."

"Huh? Isn't this too cheating?"

Marisa called.

"Just find the caster, Patch?"

Ye Bainian asked.

Glancing at Ye Bainian appreciatively, Paqiuli said, "Well, just defeat the caster and interrupt his magic power output."

"(⊙o⊙) Oh that's it! Then let me just sweep them away!"

Pointing the mini gossip furnace at the six people, Marisa was going to release magic.

"Wait, Marisa, we still don't know where the caster is, and besides the six people in this room, there are four people in other places in this house. I feel that one part of the previous compound magic has been destroyed, and the other Attacks are happening everywhere!"

The previous composite magic was used for defense and countermeasures, that is, there will be certain attacks while defending. If this magic is not broken, there will be a disadvantageous environment to a large extent.

"Be careful, Marisa!"

Seeing another attack, Ye Bainian pulled Marisa past him in time.

"Hey, I'm sorry." Marisa rubbed her head, "But are these corpse servants only warriors?"

"Idiot! Because I used the banning technique in this room before, no one except me can communicate with the magic elements in this room, unless the strength is much higher than mine." Paqiuli said, The subordinates also continued to emit magic bullets, "Go to the other four corners to find other enemies first, and confirm whether there are necromancers, and leave it to me here!"

Nodding his head, Ye Bainian just said: "Be careful, Paqi!" As for Marisa?He was dragged away directly.

"Hmm..." Covering Ye Bainian and the others to leave the room (how to leave? Of course, directly breaking through the wall!), Paqiuli blushed slightly, and shouted coquettishly, "Then, it's my turn next!" You have to confirm it, otherwise it's just a waste of magic power!

And Marisa complained to Ye Bainian: "Really, don't drag me along!"

"Okay, now it's time to fight, we have to hurry up, it's not good if Paqi needs support!"

Ye Bainian knocked on Marisa's head, and at the same time pulled her towards the nearest target among the four "people" based on the induction of electromagnetic waves.

"I see!"

No more words, except for the sound of explosions in the whole room, there were dull footsteps.

The house where Paqiuli and Marisa lived was in the back mountain forest of the Maple Leaf Mowu Academy. Although the house was built relatively wide, no one knew there was a building under the cover of the tall and unusually tall trees in the Conferred God Continent.What's more, except for a few men and women who like to play exciting games occasionally, no one passes by in the back mountain forest, and now the whole Watlas feels a little flustered, so not many people have the thought to go to field battles.Therefore, the movement here did not cause any commotion.

After rushing to the target, Ye Bai read: "The first one, I'll leave it to you, Marisa!"

"Understood, don't worry, da☆ze!"

Marisa gave a thumbs up when she turned her head.

"Then, try to be careful!"

Ye Bainian didn't say anything more, talking too much nonsense during the battle will only affect his own side (Ye Bainian: By the way, we talked a lot just now, in front of those six people! Author: Don't say that, you always have to explain something Time, just like magical girls must have an invincible transformation time, every time you encounter a new enemy, you always need an explanation time).

"Wow, that's really enthusiastic, da☆ze! But I won't lose!"

Marisa flashed a few rockets (Paqiuli's banning technique only works in the room she is in. Of course, the banning technique will only imprison the magician from contacting the elements of the external environment. People like Marisa who use their own magic power are useless. - Of course, Paqiuli definitely has the advantage in the long-term battle, because the supplement of magic power requires contact with external elements), and also returned several fireballs - she doesn't just rely on the mini gossip furnace!

"Next, Marisa will also start, so it's up to you! Mikoto, come out!"

In the next moment, during the flash of the movie, Miss Pao appeared in front of Ye Bainian with her gorgeous posture.

"It's really slow, go find someone to torture it first!"

Meiqin said to herself that she already knew what happened here from Ye Bainian through telepathic communication.

"Uh, Mikoto, this is my friend's place, try not to go too far..."

With a little red face, Miqin shouted: "What is too much? You say it like I like to destroy..."

Not like!Rather, he is simply a tsundere destroyer!Ye Bainian yelled in his heart, but he said, "How could it be, hehe..."

"Tch, I always feel that you are thinking about something impolite, but now let's find the other three guys first!"

Because Ye Bainian's electric shock ability is only 10 minutes, and it took three or four minutes to detect the four targets just now, so when facing the second target, Meiqin just nodded at him and tacitly went to clean up The next mobs (Ye Bainian: Well, I respect myself, in fact, Meiqin and I communicated everything through telepathic communication).

"Oh, is my opponent also a swordsman? Uh, why did I say 'also'? I'm not a swordsman, am I..."

Ye Bainian didn't think too much, hugged Guinevere with one hand, flipped a coin with the other, and was about to launch Meiqin's signature special move, but a golden beam of light struck from behind!

Note to Qiong's sad message box:

Woohoo, obviously I'm the first "brother", why are my appearances less and less?Even the latest character showed his face several times!Or should I not be called "brother", but should be called by my first name?But isn't it said that the title of brother and sister can bring more sense of taboo, thus deepening the relationship?

Chapter 37 The First Exchange of Science and Magic (The Fog

Thanks to Olalut for the reward (it seems that everyone is used to putting it at the front?), using the language of this book to describe it is another reader...

The golden beam of light slammed straight into the swordsman-shaped corpse servant in front of Ye Bainian with strong power, and the next moment a huge hole was split in the chest of the corpse servant, but if you look carefully, you will find the hole It is healing very fast.

"╮(╯▽╰)╭It's not a necromancer, it's so boring, da☆ze!"

As soon as I heard this tone, I knew it was Marisa.

Turning his head, Ye Bainian stared fiercely at Marisa who had no "enlightenment" at all, and said, "Ma-Li-Sa!"

"Hey, what, what?" Startled by Ye Bainian's gloomy face, Marisa rarely asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

"Don't you guys pay attention? If I move a little bit, I will be pierced by you and hang up!"

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