Pokémon Master from Another World

Page 22

One of the middle-aged guards with a crew cut smiled, and then waved his hand, indicating that Ye Bainian could pass.

"Yeah, I think so too, so this time when I brought her to the imperial capital, my mother specially told me to take good care of my sister!"

Ye Bainian is now the kind of young man with a dark face who has just entered "society".

After hearing this sentence, the other middle-aged guard with a more dignified gaze didn't say anything, his expression relaxed a bit, and he waved his hand to indicate that he could pass.

The city guards of the Vatlas Imperial Capital are composed of "veteran" soldiers with rich battlefield experience. This is related to the fact that Emperor Vatlas has always trained in the barracks. They all look at people such as the city fee - if a third-rate nobleman or that kind of sleazy guy comes, they will definitely pay a heavy price.On the contrary, they take more care of those who are relatively poor. This is probably because most of these "veteran" soldiers are of civilian origin.

According to the words of Watlas No. 20 Emperor Watlas: If an emperor has to rely on fees for entering and exiting the city, then the country itself is a failure!

"Has it passed?"

Feeling slightly relieved, Ye Bainian just picked up the horsewhip in his hand, and before he had time to drive it away, he heard a voice from behind——

"Wait, the carriage ahead!"

In an instant, Ye Bainian's whole body tensed up immediately, and then he immediately relaxed. He glanced at the two middle-aged guards and heaved a sigh of relief when he found that they were looking at the back of the carriage.

"Wait, can you drive us to the nearest city?"

The person who asked the question was not a beautiful girl, but a man with a scar on his face, but unexpectedly gentle. He was accompanied by a little girl who was about the size of Guinevere and had a brown single ponytail. .

His face froze, Ye Bainian said: "Is the nearest city?" I'm dizzy, hitchhikers!Sure enough, the plan couldn't keep up with the changes!

"is it okay?"

asked the man with the scar, while the little girl with the brown ponytail clutched his trousers tightly.

"Uh, come up, it's okay, it's not inconvenient for anyone to go out!"

Ye Bainian made a statement that best suited his current status.

The scarred man beamed with joy, and said, "Thank you, brother!"

"My sister is sitting in the car, don't scare her!"

Ye Bainian warned, then turned his wrist, started the chariot and drove out of the city gate.

Looking at the back of the carriage leaving, the middle-aged guard with a flat head said: "Tsk tsk tsk, what a poor makeup technique!"

"Hehe, you can see it too? You are indeed the marshal's favorite scout, although you are useless except for scouting!"

Unexpectedly, another middle-aged man's mouth was full of poisonous tongue.

Compared with the fingers, the middle-aged guard with a flat head looked disdainful: "You are the one. The reconnaissance is a little bit, the search is a little bit, and tracking is not good! And mine, the marshal said, is called 'fine', do you understand?"

"I understand your sister, I'm so skilled that I can't overwhelm you! And you, don't always say what the marshal said. The marshal said that we must learn to understand ourselves, do you understand!"

"Tch, as long as you understand, let's go!"

The middle-aged guard with a crew cut gave him a middle finger.

"But why didn't you stop the two people just now?"

The middle-aged guard with a flat head rarely said seriously: "Don't tell me you don't recognize who that man is!"

"Hehe, the genius Kakarot Vegeta who was deported by the Berserkers, isn't he?" The poison tongue guard's eyes overflowed with inexplicable light from time to time, "However, the important thing is the child beside him, isn't it? "

With a slight shock on his face, the flat-headed guard said: "I didn't expect you to see it too! Yes, I didn't expect that the legendary descendants of the Twilight Clan with the blood of the dragon will appear here!"

"Hehe, isn't this similar to the prophecy that the marshal's wife told us back then? Moreover, the two of us alone can't stop Kakarot, even if he is injured."

Nodding, the flat-headed guard agreed: "What we can do now is to prevent 'those people' from getting into the imperial capital. For the rest, we can only pray that the young master has a safe journey."

While the two were talking, the corner of their eyes kept watching the carriage going away.

Ye Bainian, who didn't know the conversation between the two guards, drove the carriage away from the Vatras Imperial Capital very quickly, and then he drove the carriage into the relatively hidden tree on the side of the road.

"Huh? Why did it stop?"

The scarred man, the Kakarot mentioned by the guards, frowned.

"No, just something to tell you."

Ye Bainian touched Guinevere's little head that jumped on her body as soon as the carriage stopped.


Kakarot narrowed his eyes slightly. Although he is a berserker, he is not an idiot who doesn't know anything. After being deported, the various things he experienced have made him understand what it means to be dangerous in the world.


Saying that, Ye Bainian took off the magic mask on his face, revealing the amazing face inside.This magic mask was carefully crafted by Paqiuli. She originally planned to use this mask to escape from the Holy See of Light (when she was a saint), but an accident made her discover that the Holy See of Light has a unique defense against such things. system (that is, enchantment), so it has been thrown aside and never used.

Nodding his head, Kakarot was not surprised, but suddenly realized: "It turned out to be a magic mask, no wonder I felt that you looked a little awkward when I saw you just now. Well, I probably understand what you said Now, he should be being hunted down like us!"

With ever-changing emotions in his heart, Ye Bainian said: "We can also be said to be being hunted down. To be honest, I am Edward Edwards, the current patriarch of the Edwards family. My sister and I are married. Therefore, there are always people who want something in the family, I think you should understand!"

"The Edwardian family? So that's the case, no wonder it's silver hair!" The so-called magic mask has a natural effect that even covers up the color of the hair. "However, since you are dressed like this, you should have found a way out for yourself, right?" ? And when you said your sister just now, the expression in your eyes was not sadness but gentleness, I'm afraid she has already been arranged by you, right?"

"Just like you thought, Qiong stayed in an absolutely safe place. However, I have already revealed my identity, so what about you? It can be seen that you are not simple!" Ye

Bai Nian seems to have a calm expression now, but in fact he is always on guard against Kakarot.

And Kakarot obviously understood this, saying: "My name is Kakarot Vegeta, a wanderer who was expelled from the Berserker clan."

"Really? Kakarot Vegeta!" Ye Bai read it clearly, but he roared in his heart, "Nimma's Kakarot and Vegeta! You're a berserker! And since when did Kakarot become so smart? This is neither science nor magic!"

They seemed to be waiting for the other to continue talking, and the two stared at each other.

ps1: Can you guess which character the brown single ponytail is?But even if she guesses which character it is, no one will think of her name in this world. We are very confident about this, quack~~~ Uh, it seems that I have given a lot of clues, is it too full of words?I hope I don't get slapped in the face...

ps2: Well, the author is really busy these days, so the author just read it without talking, (*^__^*) hee hee...

ps3: Unscrupulous, please click to bookmark and recommend, ahaha...

Chapter 44 Nanoha; Inbas

Thank you Yinyue‰→Maple, Chihiro Azami, and Sunny Diffuse for their rewards, and thank you for your review votes~~~

Kakarot Vegeta, a super genius who was once proud of the Berserkers.But I never thought that because of its powerful and terrifying potential, Frieza, the second genius of the berserker clan who secretly envied and hated him, would eventually fall into the scheme.After some tangled twists and turns, Kakarot was exiled from the Berserker clan for the crime of coveting the bloodthirsty blood and killing his grandfather because of "this".

The so-called bloodthirsty blood refers to the super fighting blood of the berserkers who once nearly exterminated the berserkers, but it is super fighting blood, it is better to say that the berserker blood is mutated due to intense stimulation It is more appropriate.

And after that, bloodthirsty blood has been affecting generations of berserkers.Because it is said that as long as you can perfectly control the bloodthirsty blood, you can become a peerless powerhouse.Therefore, many people, including the Berserkers themselves, are extremely interested in the bloodthirsty blood left by that person.

But the facts have proved that bloodthirsty blood is not the kind of rotten street stuff, almost everyone who comes into contact with bloodthirsty blood will explode and die after a frantic killing.

After the bloodthirsty owner died, his body was stolen, and his blood was collected by the Berserkers and placed in a special container, because judging from the circumstances of the battle with him, the bloodthirst The blood has the power to influence the bloodline of a berserker.In order to solve the possible hidden dangers and obtain the power hidden in the bloodthirsty blood, the Berserkers did this.

Speaking of which, because Kakarot played an extremely subtle role in this matter, many forces have targeted him.

After many battles, Kakarot met Naye Imbas, a descendant of the Twilight Clan who also suffered the same misfortune!

The legend of the Twilight Clan originated from the blank era between the first war of gods and demons and the second war of gods and demons. It is said to be a blank era because the history of the entire Conferred God Continent was missing more than a hundred years at that time (Author: Uh, please don’t use This is regarded as the king of the sea...).

Among them, no one knows what happened in the Conferred God Continent in the blank age!And those who know have become less and less with the passage of time, and now I am afraid that even facts will be regarded as fantasy.

Of course, according to the content of the first 43 chapters, it can be known that after the blank age, the definitions of gods and demons changed in the second war between gods and demons.

The demons who originally helped mankind or joined the unequal chessboard with an attitude of benefit judgment became historical losers.The so-called history is written by the victors, which is probably the case.

The existence of invaders from different time and space is hidden by the blank age.

In the words of Herodotus Halicarnassus (see note 1 at the end of the chapter), the most prestigious historian in the Conferred God Continent, it is: "We don't know what happened in the past hundred years, But the only thing we can be sure of is that those 100 years are a dark moment in history! It may be a natural disaster or a man-made disaster, and no matter what it is, we must pay attention to it! Otherwise, the next 100 years will still come to us or ours On future generations!

Why do you say that?This is the simplest question, history is not a love-hate entanglement between lovers, so it may have right and wrong questions for various reasons, but no matter what history there is always a record.

Unless it is those civilizations whose faults have reached tens of thousands of years that are unique in ancient legends, and do not even know whether they exist or not!However, the blank age was born, only a few hundred years away from us, and we did not have any major problems of decline and decline in these hundreds of years ago, so why did no one know about the civilization of those 100 years?

The answer is obvious, someone can hide this history!And those who can do this, that is, those forces that control the strongest power at that time can do it..."

The topic is far away, come back and explain the Twilight Clan.

This is the only race handed down from the known blank age!

And because the Twilight Clan has the blood of the dragon, they were "attention" by schemers and careerists. In the end, they were persecuted just like the Qihuang Clan, with countless deaths and injuries. The rest either escaped or were captured by those forces to do it Some dark things, such as human experiments and so on.

And it is the legendary Lena Imbas who, in order to save the world, was engulfed by the gap in the world together with her companions!

Because she can slay gods and dragons!Its famous stunt, Long Po Zhan can kill all levels including the god level, while God Mie Zhan is a more powerful magic on the basis of Long Po Zhan, and it is said that it can kill everyone including the main god!

Moreover, there is also a vague rumor that Lina Inbas's strongest moves are not Dragon Breaking Slash and God Destroying Slash, but a more terrifying move (Author: Heavy Breaking Slash, World Bento if it is not used well...) .This level is no longer what map guns can call.

Because Lina Inbas is also good at swordsmanship, she is called the beauty of the magic sword by the world (the original name of Xiudou Sorcerer is actually the beauty of the magic sword).

Under the powerful reputation of Lina Inbas, and she has long since disappeared into the cracks of the world.Therefore, it led to the result just mentioned.

Naye Imbas, who appears now, is a baby found in a mysterious small valley. At that time, a woodcutter accidentally adopted her.

The woodcutter named her Naiye, and after thinking about the surname for her for a long time, the woodcutter decided to use the words written on the clothes that wrapped Xiao Naiye in it. According to his idea, if the above It would be better to write the name.

Originally, the woodcutter wasn't in a hurry. In Fengshen Continent, it was usually enough for the children of peasant families to have a first name, but there were actually many surnames.Specifically, you have to get married when you are an adult before you think of a surname, or the husband and wife use the same surname together.

However, when Naye was six years old, a "gentle" priest happened to pass by the mountain village where the woodcutter lived, so the woodcutter licked his old face and took Naye with him, intending to give her a surname.

However, when the priest saw the clothes that wrapped Xiao Naiye, his face suddenly changed, and then he immediately explained the words on the clothes to the woodcutter as gently as usual.After finishing speaking, the priest left the mountain village soon.

However, although the woodcutter is an uneducated old farmer and has never seen the world, he also understands that Xiao Naiye's identity may not be simple.

So, after the priest left, the woodcutter immediately hid Naiye in the small valley where she was found at the beginning, and gave her some money and food, and told her to go out only when the woodcutter called her, and if the woodcutter If you don't come out for three consecutive days at the agreed time, you have to leave the small valley and never come back.

Although she was only six years old, Naye nodded ignorantly in her mind, which was as mature as twelve or thirteen years old.

Then, the day after Naye left the small mountain village, countless people from the Holy See surrounded the mountain village.The woodcutter was also involved.Naye's "disappearance" made the Holy See very angry, so he took the woodcutter as a token of anger.

Originally, the woodcutter discussed with other people in the mountain village to let them leave the village, but the villagers did not do that.It's not that he doesn't believe him, but the village is basically full of middle-aged and elderly people.

Because the mountain village is really remote, few women will marry here. After a long time, there are only a dozen families, and the population is only 30 to [-] people.The existence of Little Naye makes the whole village full of joy, and everyone regards her as the most precious gift from heaven.Therefore, after the issue of Xiao Naiye was involved, the whole village immediately reunited and held a small meeting.

In the end, an old gentleman with a little bit of ink came up with an idea: if someone really came to ask, it would be as if there was no such person as Little Naye, even if they asked, they would not say anything.

As a result, when Naiye couldn't bear it and ran back to the small village, the entire mountain village was brutally killed.For a moment, Naiye ran away on the spot, and a burst of primitive magic power immediately wiped out the Holy See personnel who were still on the scene.After that, under the dying will of the woodcutter who was still holding his breath, she cried and left the corpse on this place, dragging her weak body and leaving.

At the beginning, the priest told the woodcutter that there was a surname on it, which was Yinbas, so Naye changed her name to Naye Yinbas.

However, regardless of whether she is a descendant of the Twilight clan or not, Naiye is still a six-year-old girl after all, and was overtaken by people from the Holy See after running for half a day.At the critical moment, Kakarot happened to pass by, and he, who was kind by nature, saved Naye without hesitation.Since then, the two have lived a life of escape full of thrills.

Later, Kakarot was seriously injured in the continuous pursuit, and he took Naye reluctantly to Watlas, a country that is not very interested in the Holy See of Light.

Along the way, he wanted to plead with Emperor Vatras—the old Bennett is very fond of the affairs of the Holy See.

However, after encountering the assassination incident, Kakarot considered that he could not get close to Bennett now, so he had no choice but to leave from the seemingly dangerous imperial capital.On the way, he encountered a wave of the Holy See of Light who was chasing the "dolls". After some action, he hid with Naye for several days before coming out.

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