Pokémon Master from Another World

Page 6

Thus, the Frante family and the Holy See of Light officially went to war—although the members of the Frante family were somewhat critical of the family head's affair with the demonic blood, the magic family known for their unity still aimed their spearhead at the Holy See of Light .And this was obviously beyond the expectations of the Holy See of Light, but at this time, they could only bite the bullet and stare at it.

It stands to reason that although the strength of the Farrant family was not as strong as that of the Holy See at that time, the Holy See would need to involve the whole "body" in order to completely defeat the Farrant family. winner.However, the bad thing is that the younger brother of the Farrant family patriarch was bewitched by the people of the Holy See of Light, and stabbed the Farrant family in the back.

As a result, the Farrant family continued to be defeated, and important members including Patchouli's father were almost wiped out.And as the successor of the patriarch after that, Bailit Farrant, the younger brother of the patriarch, announced his surrender to the Holy See, and connected with the power of the Holy See to forcibly suppress the opponents at that time.However, the ambitious Bailit also lost his precious life in an "accident" after being used by the Holy See.Since then, the entire Farrant family has completely perished, except for the only remaining Patchouli.

In fact, the reason why the Holy See of Light searched the entire Conferred God Continent for people with demonic bloodlines was because of their powerful potential—some of them were brainwashed and became the backbone of the Holy See, and some of them were dissected as experimental subjects by those sneering and cruel executioners.Fortunately, Paqiuli's potential is unprecedentedly strong - she is a natural awakener of the seven elements of metal, wood, water, fire, earth, light, and darkness.

Elemental awakeners, generally a magician can only have one line of magic as their most fundamental magic in their life, and a few people with outstanding talents will have two to three elements as their basic magic.Fundamental magic, commonly known as elemental magic.The difference between elemental magic and ordinary magic is that elemental magic requires very little mana to use, and the control is very simple.To use an analogy, in an online game, your skill cooling time has not yet expired, but the opponent is using the cooling potion to fight the same as you, and the proficiency between you and the opponent is like the difference between a child and an adult in terms of "maturity" .

Of course, elemental magic cannot be awakened simply.Now the ratio of element magic awakening in Fengshen Continent is 1:10000, that is to say, only one out of every 1 magicians can successfully awaken!The natural element awakeners are also called element masters. This type of people can use some simple elemental magic at will.And as the age continues to grow, the power of its elemental magic will become stronger and stronger.The difference between an element master and an ordinary element awakener is that the former can easily cast spells instantly, while the latter can cast spells without chanting spells, but the power will be greatly reduced, and the slow condensation of elements will also cause the entire magic to be released too slowly .

Therefore, Paqiuli was regarded by the people of the Holy See as the perfect tool given to them by the God of Light!If there hadn't been that accident, Paqiuli, the only descendant of the Frante family, would have truly become the most powerful tool in the hands of the Holy See!

Marisa, whose full name is Kirisame Marisa, is an ordinary magician.Kirisame was a very eccentric family a long time ago. The whole family didn't like to use magic props, but they were extremely powerful in combat. It's just that Marisa's generation has basically declined—because Marisa is the only one left. (Author: Wuyu's family has been harmoniously harmonized by me, ahaha...).Unlike Paqiuli, who is the master of elements, Marisa can be said to have no talent for learning magic.

However, Marisa is a dead-headed guy. After accidentally seeing the power of the magic crystal cannon, he vowed to learn this powerful bombardment—can he learn the magic crystal cannon's shelling? !No matter how poor your talent is, just work hard!Marisa thought so at first.

However, the reality is always cruel. Marisa, who has no magical talent, struggles to learn even the basic magic, let alone the advanced magic.

There must be a way!Marisa thought stubbornly, and then she began to delve into alchemy.Unexpectedly, Marisa's alchemy talent is comparable to that of the current geniuses.However, this is definitely not what Marisa cares about. What she needs is a way to increase her magic power, that's all.By accident, Marisa developed a strange soup according to a strange formula-not so much a soup, but a murderous poison with various poisonous mushrooms!

From the beginning of the body twitching all over, Marisa deeply understood what death is!However, what made her happy was that her magic power had improved a lot after that!This method works!Marisa thinks so, of course she has been in contact with alchemy for a while, and she also knows that this method may have some bad side effects.It's just that Marisa, who has always been careless, immediately discarded it after realizing the sharp increase in magic power.

However, having magic power doesn't mean you can learn powerful magic!Marisa has always studied in books by herself. She is a country bumpkin who has no concept of "school" and "teacher" at all, or because her family has left one after another, she has not received the education that ordinary people should have.So Marisa started searching for magic books.

After that, Marisa became famous!"Famous" as "The Blonde Book Thief"!Of course, in Marisa's own words, "it's just borrowed to look at it, anyway, it's just for collection if you keep it."From this sentence, you can see that Marisa acts according to the "interesting" magic books she has heard.However, the magic books that ordinary magicians have basically do not have any rumors. In contrast, those second- and third-rate nobles like to buy magic books and other rare items to gain the so-called sense of noble honor through publicity.This is one of the reasons why Marisa was not caught.

While nestling in her alchemy cabin, Marisa filled in her various deficiencies based on the magic books she "borrowed".It's just that, without any other learning books, it takes many times longer for a person to learn something about a subject.Moreover, this type of people will inevitably encounter such a problem in the learning process-the classification of high-level courses, simply speaking, they don't know which book is about basic knowledge and which one is about high-level content of.

And with Marisa's bullish temper, she didn't know what classification learning is. The book she learned for the first time was her favorite shooting magic (well, in fact, she chose it according to her own preferences). Under the premise of failing, Marisa still did not give up on learning shooting magic.

Since this method doesn't work, I'll condense my magic power and shoot!One day, Marisa suddenly had such an idea.The general nature of magic is that the caster releases magic by communicating with the corresponding elements between heaven and earth.And Marisa's concept is to directly use one's own magic power as an attack method, that is, to rely entirely on one's own magic power without resorting to the magic power of external elements.This is actually quite in line with Marisa's personality of not relying on people.

Chapter 12 Paqiuli and Marisa's love story (2)

Because of long-term consumption of poisonous mushrooms called love mushrooms, Marisa's magic power has grown at a speed that ordinary people cannot match, but the hidden dangers brought about by this method are also hidden in Marisa's slender body without knowing it. under the body.It is predictable that at the moment when the hidden dangers are fully erupted, if no miracle happens, then Marisa's fate is doomed to die under this "explosion".

Leaving aside this relatively heavy topic, Marisa and Patchouli first met when she went to the city to replenish the necessities of life-because when living in the city, Marisa's research studies always cause Great destructive power, and every time she caused damage, she slipped away immediately.In the end, Marisa, who was too troublesome, chose to stay in the forest she was more familiar with to build her own magic workshop, which can also be said to be an alchemy laboratory.

But at that time, Paqiuli had already mastered the power of a high-level magician, and she was proficient in all seven departments!However, she is still only a relatively useful tool in the hands of the Holy See of Light.I don’t know if it’s God’s pity on the Farrant family, but Patchouli actually had her own thinking circuit when she was born, or she already had consciousness when she was still in the mother’s body.If this is just the place where she can amaze the world at first, then the learning ability she showed later can make people even more frightened.

Like a sponge absorbing water, Paqiuli has been learning through the induction of the outside world when she was in the mother's body.The brain is even more scary than the most advanced supercomputer—because even if the computer has certain intelligence, it must execute according to the corresponding program, but Patchouli can organize the content of those "external information" at will and refine it into her own. The required part, perhaps in the eyes of some people, this is the Demon Race among the Demon Race!

Because of this, Paqiuli naturally knew her life experience, but her biological nature and innate wisdom made her understand that if she resisted rashly, she would only be harmonized by the Holy See of Light. This is not the worst result, the most painful thing is to be completely brainwashed into a The minions of the Holy See of Light.Learn the knowledge of the enemy, use the enemy to gradually become stronger, strong enough to escape from this huge cage!Patchouli thought so.

However, after all, the natural controller of the seven element elements is too attractive to the darkness and longing of human hearts, so Paqiuli has to undergo regular "examinations" under the arrangement of the Holy See of Light, and a certain amount of blood will be drawn every time, and even Some stimulating experiments must be accepted (Author: Don't think about it, it's just a simple elemental stimulus).This made Paqiuli's body gradually weaken over a long period of time.

Because of her special potential, Paqiuli was promoted by the Holy See of Light as the Holy Maiden of Light, and her purple-haired and purple-eyed appearance was also said to be a feat that was eroded in order to eliminate the remaining demons from another world. It has to be said that this is a Great irony.And since she can be called a saint, her strength is absolutely amazing. Therefore, Marisa, who was not very interested in the saint, decided to have a good chat with the saint.

However, the degree of "care" of the Holy See for Patchouli far exceeds those of the so-called archbishops, although the "protective" forces around her have become relatively less because of Patchouli's devout attitude towards the Holy See of the Light all the year round. , but still has a defense line that is difficult for ordinary people to break through.However, I don’t know if God felt guilty for Marisa’s magical talent. When Marisa found Pachili, a group of guys who claimed to be the Dark Church came to assassinate the "Holy Maiden", or take her away.

In the midst of the chaos, Marisa (completely unaware of the chaos around her) finally sees Patchouli again.

"Yo, fight with me, da☆ze!" Pressing her black hat, Marisa smiled brightly.

is a strange person.This is the first impression of Paqiuli, but she is a simple fool with no intentions - this is the feeling after Paqiuli succeeds in fooling Marisa.

In fact, this time the Dark Vatican came to assassinate Paqiuli because Patchouli deliberately leaked some information to the Dark Vatican. As for how to leak it?Having lived in the Holy See of Light for more than ten years, he knows no less about the Holy See of Darkness than others.As the saying goes, the enemy always knows you better than yourself.Although in Paqiuli's view, the Holy See of Light and the Holy See of Darkness are the same thing.

"You want to fight with me?" Silly, it seems that it can be used!Paqiuli secretly made a fist gesture in her heart.

"Oh, yes, da☆ze!"

"However, the outcome between two people is a very sacred and serious matter, so don't you think we should fight in another place? If other people are attracted, our battle will come to an end."

Seemingly thinking hard, Marisa said: "It seems to make sense, so where to fight?"

"Come with me first." Simple!Paqiuli added in her heart.

Then, under the leadership of Paqiuli, the escape journey of the two officially started.Of course, nothing that can be used as a tool of the "Holy Maiden" to escape from the palm of the controller is unscientific or magical. When she successfully escaped from the Holy See, the Holy See hidden in Patchouli's body was used to control the "Holy See" The "key" of the "tool" is suddenly activated.

This "key" or "collar" is more appropriate. In fact, it is one of the necessary means used by the Holy See to control unstable factors. It usually does not affect any behavior of the target object. It will only appear when the caster activates it. , This is also the spell that Patchouli was cast when she was a baby, called "God's Gift", it sounds very emotional, but it is really a vicious spell.Besides escaping from the Holy See, Paqiuli's ultimate goal is to remove the "God's gift" in her body. What she is waiting for is the moment when this spell is activated!

Generally, when it comes to how to interrupt or eliminate the progress of the spell, they will choose to attack in the very small time difference before the spell is cast to cause the spell to fail.However, the spell cast by Patchouli has been completed, so there is only one way to eradicate it-kill the caster.So, question one: how to find the caster?Question [-]: How to kill the caster?Question [-]: How to ensure your own safety on the premise of completing these?

Originally, if Marisa didn't come to her, Paqiuli didn't plan to act this time, because after solving the first two problems, she still couldn't find a guarantee point for the third problem!Although the two only met for the first time, Paqiuli could feel the very warm smell of Marisa. Maybe this has something to do with Marisa being just a simple idiot? !

Yes, Paqiuli decided to kill the spellcaster. Of course, she also knew that this spellcaster was definitely the kind of person with a very high status in the Holy See of Light, but she also had her own thinking. After all, the conditions are now met. I don't know when this happens!How to find the caster and kill him?

According to Paqiuli's words, it is very simple. It is to use the caster's own spells to directly lock the opponent's breath fluctuations through the backtracking method, and to kill the caster requires some additional skills-this is an extremely dangerous process. , because she doesn't know when the caster will cast the spell, so Patchouli has been focusing on two things. While guarding against the people from the Holy See and the Holy See who are chasing after him, she must always pay attention to the movement of the spell in her body. .

However, Paqiuli still miscalculated, even though she also concealed her true power (it was probably in the realm of a magister at the beginning, and I don’t know how many times stronger than a senior magician). She miscalculated the power level of the caster— ——The opponent is an old guy at the peak of the holy level, and the power gap between the two sides makes this "no distance" battle extremely difficult.

However, miscalculation does not mean failure!

Paqiuli used the strongest forbidden technique she had mastered to forcibly improve her strength, reaching or even surpassing the intermediate saint level at that moment.Since it is not possible to kill the caster, then I choose this exceptional method!Paqiuli's only belief at the time was to break the cage of mastering herself.And this exceptional method refers to destroying the established spell channel, that is, cutting off the control channel.

However, this method is extremely dangerous, because Patchouli herself is the target of the spell. After destroying the control path, the "spell" remaining in her body will collapse instantly, which will cause a turbulent flow of its magic power. The possible ending is that the magic power explodes and dies. Fortunately, the magic power is completely lost. The "room" that condenses the magic power (although it is not troublesome to think of a new name, but I don't think it is necessary, so everyone thinks it is Dantian. This "room" is just The meaning of a simple container) was completely destroyed.It is conceivable that Paqiuli, who chose this method, insisted on her beliefs!Maybe it's God's mercy, Paqiuli didn't die, but her strength has directly regressed from the original magister to the realm of an intermediate magician, and her body also suffered from incurable injuries.

Of course, all this was worthwhile for Paqiuli, because she successfully escaped the cage that bound her. After all, even a mediocre woman couldn't bear to live in the hands of her enemies all the time, even though her mother was abandoned. Afterwards, she didn't take the Farrant family seriously - her mother was beaten for years before she met her father because she was a person of demonic blood, her body was covered with bruises, and she died soon after giving birth.And because it was indirectly caused by the Holy See of Light to a large extent, so Paqiuli also hated the Holy See of Light.

However, Paqiuli also knows that her current strength cannot pry a small brick of the Holy See of Light at all, so she chooses to temporarily "retire" with the countless knowledge she has gained from staying in the secret room of the Holy See of Light all year round. See if you can find a way to heal your body.

Chapter 13 Paqiuli and Marisa's love story (3)

On the other hand, Marisa, who is stupid but not stupid, also realized that she was being bullied by Patchouli, but she couldn't be angry with Patchouli who trusted her at the first meeting, so she could only With a wry smile, he brought Paqiuli, who was seriously injured and unconscious, back to the forest where she lived.Since then, the two have lived a happy love life... no wonder!

Because of Paqiuli's body, Marisa, who has the potential to be a bad person in many ways, can't let her go She will never let it go, on the contrary, she will try her best to work hard, this is the Marisa I know! In some ways, the protagonists of Gensokyo have this temperament).

However, almost no one dares to guarantee a complete cure if a single forbidden technique eats back the entire Conferred God Continent. Maybe a saint-level person who specializes in healing can do it, or a person with great ability above the saint-level level can do it.However, this is only a question of backlash from the forbidden technique, and there is also the question of the serious damage to the dantian. Regarding the matter of the dantian, the entire Conferred God Continent is also dominated by the Red Family, the Scarlet Family and the Pendra Family. The three legendary families of the Gong family are completely immune.Why?The Red Family is said to be able to use a very strange power to repair anything, and the Scarlet family is said to be able to automatically restore all injuries to the body. As for Pendragon, it is said that only its patriarch has the ability to repair all injuries. .

The Hongshi family can't find anyone now, maybe it has something to do with its powerful ability.The Scarlet family has long been framed by the Holy See of Light and has become a demon in everyone's mouth, and there is no trace of it. As for the remaining Pendragon family, let alone the civil war, even if the patriarch has time to see guests It is also impossible to help an unknown person for no reason, especially when this person is still blacklisted by the Holy See!

Yes, after Paqiuli escaped from the Holy See of Light, the Holy See of Light immediately announced the fact that the "Holy Maiden" was transformed into a real devil because she couldn't withstand the erosive power of the devil!That is to say, Paqiuli has changed from a saint praised by everyone to a devil shouted and beaten by everyone!This kind of thing can only be done by the Holy See.As for Marisa?Maybe it's the bliss attribute of the idiot, but this guy was not witnessed by anyone - the Bright Holy See who was chasing Marisa and Patchouli at that time were all killed by the Dark Holy See who caught up later!

As for why Paqiuli and Marisa came to Maple Leaf Mowu Academy later, it was also because of Marisa—probably because Marisa was really lucky. When he was looking for medicinal materials for Paqiuli, his wicked personality broke out. I went to a ruin suspected to be haunted by ancient gods, which is said to have mysterious treasures.Of course, I happened to hear this thing on the road, but it was later proved that although it is an ancient relic, it is only a place where ordinary people live.

However, in fact, when Marisa sneaked into the ruins, he accidentally opened the hidden mechanism of the ruins, and found a strange box. Marisa, who was not vigilant, opened it and found a mini gossip furnace and an instruction manual. It seems that it is a little damaged due to the age.

Of course, after reading the instruction manual, Marisa was immediately full of interest, because according to the content inside, this mini gossip furnace is a semi-finished magic item that can support magic power or combat energy and directly attack with a cannon beam.According to the instructions attached to the instruction manual, it seems that a strong person gave the only mini-bagua stove that he had with him at that time in order to thank the owner of the ruins for taking care of the strong man when he was injured. At that time, magic props were very valuable things, so even half-finished products were a great fortune.

It's just that the owner of the ruins doesn't care much about wealth, and he's not a strong man like a magician or a vindictive master, and accepting the gift from the strong man is because the strong man gave it to him and threw a sentence "If there is If you need my help with anything, start the mini gossip furnace, I have left the magic power in it to support a launch" and left.When it was in Marisa's hands, the mini Bagua furnace could no longer be activated. I don't know if the owner of the ruins fired the Bagua furnace or the magic power slowly dissipated due to the age. It was not mentioned in the "Instructions".

An excellent magician is often an equally excellent alchemist. This is more concretely reflected in relatively advanced magicians, mainly to find various possible breakthroughs.In order to get rid of the Holy See of Light, Paqiuli has been deeply involved in almost any field, and even the fighting spirit, which is limited by her talent and cannot be cultivated, has reached a level that ordinary people can't match.then--

"Are you talking about repairing this gossip stove? Just take it as a thank you gift for helping me." Paqiuli flipped through the gossip stove and said casually.

"Hey? Can Pachi fix it? You really deserve to be a genius magician, da☆ze!" Marisa said with an expression of "I thought there was no hope, but fortunately I asked".

"Do you think I'm a half-baked alchemist like you? Also, I don't remember my name being Patch."

"Ahaha, isn't it because Paqi and I are not good friends? Wouldn't it be too strange to call her by name directly da☆ze?!"

"Friend? Do whatever you want, I'll fix this old antique!" Holding the book, Paqiuli walked away silently, but her red ears betrayed her heart.

With the help of Paqiuli, or completely relying on Paqiuli's ability, the repair of the mini gossip stove was finally completed smoothly. Of course, because of the age, the gossip stove still has certain instability. What Li said was, "Although it is indeed a very remarkable thing, it is only a semi-finished product in the end. If there are manufacturing drawings, you can try to modify it into a full version."And Marisa's answer was "That's enough, and even if it breaks, Pachi will help me fix it da☆ze!" plus a bright smile.

"Whispering, don't come to me whenever you have something to do!" Paqiuli reacted like this.

Now that the mini gossip furnace has been completed, Marisa will not just throw it aside.

"Then, the first shot will be fired by Marisa-sama, da☆ze!" Marisa yelled after inputting all the magic power in her body into the gossip furnace, "Wow, this absorption is really powerful, but this makes the People are even more excited, come out, Shenlong!" It seems that he said something strange? !

In an instant, a colorful cannon beam sprayed out from the mini gossip furnace!

"This is—this is it!" Marisa clenched her small fist, "This is the magic I'm after!"

"The demand for magic power is too high. With Marisa's current level, you probably won't be able to radiate it after using it three times." Paqiuli said calmly on the side.

"Is that so? Then I have to work harder!" Marisa didn't show any dejected expression at all, but practice hard?Are you trying to eat mushrooms? !

And at this moment, a voice came from the ears of the two of them: "Ah, it seems that the owner has changed? Or am I remembering wrong?"

Following the prestige, the two found that the speaker was a very beautiful green-haired woman, wearing clothes mainly in blue tones, with some pure white mixed in during the period, and wearing a pointed hat depicting a golden sun on her head.

"Who are you?!" Paqiuli immediately stood in front of Marisa vigilantly and asked coldly.

The green-haired woman froze for a moment, tilted her head and thought for a while before answering: "Because the Bagua stove I gave to someone else was launched, so I came over to take a look, but it seems that the person has changed, um, it's the same anyway. If you need help, just tell me, as long as I can do it, I will do it!" He said and patted the extremely powerful weapon on his chest.

"you say……"

What else did Paqiuli want to ask, but Marisa said, "Then teach me how to increase my magic power!"

"Marisa, what are you doing? You are somewhat wary when you say this suddenly!" Paqiuli looked at Marisa speechlessly.

"No problem, my gut tells me this guy is not a bad guy!"

intuition?Marisa, do you have such a thing?You are simply not thinking!Patchouli really wanted to say that, but seeing Marisa's sunny face, she nodded unconsciously.

"Hey? Is there a way to enhance the magic power? I'll find out if there is any practice method in this area, wait a moment!" Saying that, the green-haired woman disappeared in place, which made Paqiuli's pupils shrink for a while.

So fast!And I can't feel the fluctuation of magic power at all. If such a person really wants to deal with me and Marisa... Paqiuli unconsciously looked at Marisa, and the latter responded quickly with a bright smile back to her Suddenly, Paqiuli, who was not used to facing other people, blushed. After all, when she was a saint in the Holy See, she had been in contact with those hypocritical guys since she was a child.

A few hours later, when Paqiuli and Marisa were waiting impatiently (in fact, it was only Marisa), the green-haired woman appeared in front of them with an apologetic face, and said, "Ah, sorry, I searched for a long time but couldn't find it, well, as compensation, let me teach you my own magic."

"Your magic?" Thinking of the magic bombardment fired by the Bagua furnace just now, Marisa's eyes lit up and asked, "Is it the same magic as the magic from this thing called the Bagua furnace?"

"Huh? This is just one of them, isn't it?" Why do you have to use an uncertain tone when talking about your own magic? !

"Then teach me this kind of magic! Please, master!" Marisa shouted, grabbing the green-haired woman's hands.

"Hey? Hey?!, master, master?" The green-haired woman seemed extremely surprised, but she seemed to have thought of something, and she didn't object, instead she said with the same affection, "Mmm, so I also have an apprentice~ ~~"

Here, the lives of Marisa and Patchouli become more... um, fuller of love because of the intervention of the green-haired woman?Uh, it's passion, um, Ji Qing...

Chapter 14 Succubus and this chapter is slightly more informative

Preface hint: It's a bit boring, but I hope I can read it as much as possible...

In ancient times, gods were ordinary life forms that could be seen everywhere, and so were demons, who were naturally opposite to them.The Protoss are arrogant and arrogant, thinking that they are the masters of this world, and the Demons are naturally arrogant (note: arrogance and aloofness are two different meanings, the latter has a meaning of self-admiration in it), so naturally they don't like the superciliousness of the Protoss Attitude.However, the two races came to this world by accident, and the demons didn't want to worry about it. Anyway, their purpose was to return to their homeland—and the gods slowed down their "home" because of everything in this world. eager.

Most of the original beings in this world are creatures with uncivilized spiritual intelligence, and human beings have just awakened their wisdom at this time. After seeing the powerful power of the gods by accident, the weak human beings devoutly believe in the gods as their True God, this satisfied the vanity of the protoss unprecedentedly, so they decided to give these lovely slaves some rewards—yes, in the eyes of the protoss, human beings are just slaves in their hands.

After all, the law of the jungle is the law of the universe.No matter who wants to refute this theory, the cruelty of reality cannot be avoided.

Slowly, human beings began to grow up, and they began to understand what is called compatriots, what is called friends, what is called father, what is called mother, what is called life... The endless sea of ​​knowledge makes people understand what is thirst for knowledge.So, I don't know when, doubts about "God" began to exist among human beings.Does God really exist?Is God really as great and omnipotent as humans think?What's more, the question of "Is God a kind of life form similar to the power of ancient fierce beasts and far surpassing human wisdom?"

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