Pokémon: My Pokémons are all maxed out

Chapter 56

After Lin Luo left, the remaining free trainers looked at each other in bewilderment.

What did they see?

That powerful Megalodon was actually beaten away? And it ran so fast that it could not be caught up.

And this was not the most shocking thing in the eyes of everyone. The most shocking thing was the man's Pokémon.

It was actually a Boskodora.

A Pokémon that even experienced trainers might not be able to capture was actually captured by an intermediate trainer.

And looking at the appearance of Boskodora, it seemed that it was willing, without a trace of dissatisfaction.

How could they not be surprised.

Although Boskodora is not a violent Pokémon, if we really talk about it in detail, I am afraid that Gyarados is not as good as it.

As a violent Pokémon, Gyarados has extremely high requirements for trainers.

In other words, even if someone gives you Gyarados to use, if you can't make Gyarados surrender with your own strength, then you can't use Gyarados in battle at all.

There is even a possibility of being attacked by Gyarados.

The same is true for Boskador.

Just now, when Lin Luo was using Boskador, the Boskador had no opinions and was extremely obedient to the trainer's orders.

And in the previous battle, Lin Luo signaled Boskador to step back a few steps.

And it was this small and inconspicuous order that the Boskador actually obeyed, which shows that the Boskador's recognition of Lin Luo has reached a very high level.

But what puzzled everyone was how he made Boskador obey his orders unconditionally.

By strength?

Then they shook their heads and said it was impossible.

What strength can he have? That Butterfree? Are you kidding?

Boskador can beat ten Butterfrees, and it's easy.

Everyone racked their brains and couldn't figure it out, so they could only sigh helplessly, envious and jealous.

How could they know.

Lin Luo's Boskodora evolved directly from Kodora to Boskodora, and it took less than a week.

In such a short time, it evolved directly into Boskodora, how could it not listen to the other party?

And since he followed Lin Luo, he could feel that he was getting stronger all the time, and it was visible to the naked eye.

The proficiency of mastering skills, the connection skills between skill combinations, and the powerful surfing trick that he learned inexplicably.

Which one was not taught by Lin Luo? If there was no Lin Luo, there would be no Boskodora now.

It's just that these things, others will never know, let alone understand.

On the other side, Lin Luo successfully returned to the fork in the road after half an hour and walked towards the lake.

Not long after walking along the road, he saw several trainers walking towards him in a mess.

Not only were they soaked, but they were also covered in mud, which made Lin Luo a little bit unbearable to look at.

One of them looked up and saw a trainer in front of him who seemed to be laughing at him, and that person was wearing the uniform of an intermediate trainer of the association.

The anger in his heart rose up immediately.

He pushed Lin Luo aside regardless of the two people around him trying to stop him, and cursed: "Are you sick?"

This insult immediately attracted the attention of other trainers nearby.

When many free trainers saw the uniform on Lin Luo, their eyes were more or less cold.

In this secret realm, there are definitely not a few people who hate trainers of the association.

And among the trainers, there happened to be an acquaintance of Lin Luo.

It was the person who tried to rob Lin Luo's Pokémon not long ago but was robbed instead. He was jealous of Lin Luo in his heart, and when he saw this, he also echoed.

"Association trainers should go to the place where association trainers are, not here."

As soon as this was said, many free trainers echoed it, and at the same time, many people approached Lin Luo, trying to drive Lin Luo away from this place.

Before Lin Luo knew what was going on, he saw a large group of trainers approaching him, and it looked like they were going to fight.

Seeing that they were going to fight, Lin Luo certainly wouldn't sit there stupidly. He waved his hand and Butterfree flew in front of him, posing as if it was about to use Silver Cyclone.

The man whose Pokémon was robbed saw this and immediately shouted: "Be careful! Butterfree is going to use Silver Cyclone!"

As soon as the voice fell, the free trainers released their Pokémon.

Almost in an instant, dozens of Pokémon surrounded Lin Luo and his Butterfree.

When Lin Luo heard the voice again, he felt that it seemed familiar. Then when he was about to look forward to see the person who was speaking, he saw a level 26 Nidorino blocking him.It was in front of him.

It was pointing the sting on its head at him. As long as the trainer gave an order, it would attack.

Lin Luo was a little annoyed.

He had come here to subdue Gyarados, but who would have thought that he would encounter such a thing. First, he was pushed for no reason, scolded, and then suddenly met with hostility.

I don’t know how much time it will take if this goes on.

You know, if the mission fails, he will lose 25 level candies and thousands of reputation points.

So he got angry for no reason and said angrily: "Get out of the way."

"Hmph, no."

The trainer of Nidorino stepped forward and said coldly.

He never liked the association, so he chose to be a free trainer, and his Nidoran evolved into the current Nidorino after hard work.

He now only needs a moon evolution stone to evolve Nidorino into Nidoking.

He and his friends came here to try their luck. After all, someone had found an evolution stone here, although it was of water attribute.

But it is not ruled out that there are evolution stones of other attributes.

Lin Luo was angry when he saw this trainer, and then he glanced at the Pokémon in the field, almost all of which were ground-type.

Then a sneer suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

In this case, don't blame me.

He planned to play a big wave.

Then he moved his mind and opened the skill column in the reputation store and found the skill.

Earthquake: Use the impact of the earthquake to attack all Pokémon around you.

It can be exchanged for 10,000 reputation points.

With a move of mind, he exchanged the earthquake skill and let Boskodora learn it.

Then he stepped back a few steps, leaving himself a large enough space, and when others saw it, they immediately let Pokémon rush up, as if they would not stop until Lin Luo was forced away.

And Lin Luo smiled and didn't mind.

Come up and deliver it yourself, then don't blame me.

"Boskodora, use Earthquake first, then use Surf!"

Before the words fell, Boskodora's figure had already appeared in the air, and everyone was dumbfounded when they saw the Boskodora released by Lin Luo.

How could he have Boskodora?

At this time, Boskodora was already very excited after mastering the new skills. After hearing the order, he immediately used Earthquake with all his strength.


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