Pokemon ouroboros

Relic castle

Zubat and alolan raichu was picked

Seeing larvesta rum away,  Avan ran after it

"Hey, larvesta! where are you going!" Avan said running after it

Larvesta was running fast towards a certain direction not long away from the dessert hotel

"It's going in the direction of.... Relic castle?" Avan stated in confusion as he ran after it. He wasn't stupid, well just a bit but he knew that the ancient volcorona used to live there. maybe there more?

"ScREeee" Larvesta cried as it ran in the direction of  relic castle

"You won't get far Larvesta" Avan said with a wry smile. 

although the first 2 floors are accessible, only after having a certain amount of hms can you reach the bottom floor

Running into relic castle, Avan watched as larvesta sunk into the quicksand. hoping that larvesta wasn't hurt, he jumped in after it 

Quickly reaching the second floor, Avan tried to pick larvesta up

"Come here larvest-" Suddenly, avan got kicked by Larvestas stubby feet as it escaped and reached the stone wall. suddenly, it calmed down and waited for avan to catch up

Seeing it calm, Avan looked towards Larvesta.

"What's a wrong buddy?" Avan asked

"SCReEee" Larvesta cried with a hint of sadness

Suddenly,  Avan saw Larvesta flare up as it looked towards the stone wall. The Fire radiating off its body hit the stone wall

Suddenly, the fire coming from Larvesta swirled up into the ball and shot towards the wall

Suddenly,  the fire engraved a pattern into the wall. it seemed to be engraved before, but larvesta fire traced around the stone wall

it's hard to explain , but think of the wall as a piece of paper with a couple of lines and Larvestas fire was tracing over it, making the Peice of paper have a complete shape on it

The shape on the wall was the outline of A volcorona and a larvesta 

Suddenly, the Stonewall opened and a powerful looking claydol came






"Did that pokemon just talk? also whos Mr Klarius"



It seems like Mr klarius is part of my family. Also, what's the problem with this claydol? it seems like a robot more than a pokemon

"Hmmm, how interesting. an ouroboros seal holder and one of my kin are here. such a peculiar event. I thought they learned their lesson 100 years ago."

Avan couldn't move even a single muscle. his body was frozen in place. this didn't work for Larvesta however since it happily trotted over to the voice direction

"Give me a reason why I shouldn't kill you."

Suddenly Avan could move his mouth

"Could you please even tell me who you even are?" 

"What a stupid question."

"You've got a point." 

Avan had a thing for asking a stupid question.

He knew what this pokemon was. it was a volcorona and a powerful one at that. it seemed to have malice towards me

"To think one of your family had the audacity to come back after what they did to me."

"What did they do?" If avan was going to die, he at least wanted to know why he will die

"Don't act dumb human. you should be aware of your family sins"

"Would be nice if you told me what they were"

"Your going to die anyway , might as well tell you. ever since I was sealed i haven't had a good conversation for around 2448 now"

"Did you count that?" 

"didn't have nothing better to do anyway human"

"Should of being around 8000 years ago now I did a deal with your ancestor to help stop the tyrant kings and the bloodshed in the region. Although I was old and about to die, Your ancestor died before me. , your ancestors set up a seal to prolong my life at the cost of my power.  for generations and generations, I watched as my kids had kids and lived happy lives, with me outliving them all. in an endless cycle, I watched in happiness and sadness as every generation fell and a new one arose to fulfil their spot.it should be around 100  ago when a family member called klarius Hisoka managed to get through the defensive mechanisms in the relic castle and reach my body. he started collecting my already weak essence and forced me to sleep. as a fail-safe, he put a claydol built to guard me and keep me, prisoner, in this relic castle. when I was awoken, 50 years had passed.  there was no family left anymore. only a near-death klarius and his newborn son. he apparently killed the whole family with only his at the peak. not even servants remained. luckily the strong man that was the ex-family head manage to take him down with him. Which lead his son, Alder, to continue the family heritage by gaining the newborn of his fathers volcorona. Forced to sleep again, I woke up 7 years ago "

"So my grandfather has origin like that huh?" Avan needed a second to think about this information. he never thought that it would be this deep. he thought it would be a simple cliche fantasy get born get rich get stronger kind of story.

"At least this little one is happy."     Avan could have sworn he heard a giggle

"Come over here human. this little one seems to trust you a lot" The volocorona said 

Walking around the corner, avan saw the true mastermind behind the voice

it was a humungous Volocorna with piercing blue eyes and a dark blue underbelly. its wings were nearly black with red spots, its fur around its belly was pure white without a hint of impurity in it. even when sealed it had the power level at an estimate of level 80. its horns were black as well.

"Uh ancestor you look, different?" 

"Suprised at what you see child?" the volcorona said " my different colour scheme is due to the blessings legendary gave me. The creation trio all blessed me with power. Palkia gave me power over ultra wormholes, Dialga gave me the power of time with basic clairvoyance and power to see the events that are happening and Giratina gave me the power to enter its dimension" 

"Ancestor not to be rude but if you have clairvoyance couldn't you predict the events?"

"It's not that simple child. clairvoyance is extremely limited and can be achieved in certain conditions. and more towards that is my power has faded and I'm unable to achieve any of the creations duo powers anymore."

"What about Giratina? couldn't you enter its dimension?" 

"it's been 5000 years since someone dared to speak to me like this. but ill entertain you. no, I cant simply pop in for a chat with Giratina. I've tried doing it while sealed and it didn't work. and even if I did go there the only one it would be benefitting would be Giratina." 

"How come"

"The only reason why Giratina give me this power was to pop in and have a chat with it. It's a lonely and bored pokemon but it has a kind heart. it was only Arceus  who pushed it to the edge "

A legendary pokemon that gave someone its powers since it's lonely? poor fellow it must be an incel

"now human let's stop the idle chit chat. I want you to do a request of mine."

"Which is?"

"Kill me."







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