Pokemon ouroboros

The chain?

Putting a drop of blood on the Chain, Avan waited.





"Welp that was anticlimatic"

"How do I know if it binde-" 

suddenly there was a flash of light as the chain moved and crawled up his arm and onto the spine

Avan felt that the chain was binding to his soul. how strange. 

Trying to call it, it moved to his arm. he then tried to launch it like a bullet and it did as told. he then did tricks with it to get used to it 

"Congratulations master,"  Claydol said

"Thanks claydol."

"It's time to go claydo-" 

"2 souls approaching at Mach 1 master."

"Probably just a gym leader or something. ill go talk to them. set teleport destination coordinates in driftviel citys please claydol"


Walking outside, Avan could see a dot flying towards him at ridiculous speed.

It was .... Alder? 

it saves him from going all the way to oplecuid city


"Avan?" Alder said with suspicion "I thought you were dead!"

"Did the police not tell you?" 

"They told me you were dead!"

That's suspicious, that's weird (if you know you know)

"I escaped from a facility that was planning to use my blood," Avan said

"Damn that's tough," Alder said "Who was the volocorona that died?" 

"It was the ancestor," Avan said 

"Impossible!" Alder shouted. there was no way it was alive.  there was no way it could survive 7900 years! 

"Well grandfather, I have a lot to tell you," Avan said with a wry smile. he didn't know if Alder was going to take this news well.

"Claydol lets teleport to driftviel city." Avan said. he didn't want to stick around for long. after all,  volocronas "dance" will draw lots of attention


"Did that Claydol just tal-" Alder was about to say when he got teleported

"Reporting in sir. suspects have just left via teleportation." A cloaked figure said

"Find them then."


3 Seconds later in driftviel city 

Alder suddenly got on his knees and puked. just wonderful

"H-How do you put up with this *Bleeeeeh*"

"Also where did you get that Claydol?"   

"Yeah about that"

5 minutes later, 


It ended up with alder punching a wall. and to be honest I don't blame him. if I learned my parents were like that I would probably have the same reaction as him 

"Although I knew it was suspicious I didn't have any family members, that bastard took it too far," Alder said 

"It isn't your fault," Avan said

"Volcorona died in peace." Avan said, "That's all that mattered."

"What about claydol?" Alder said "Your 7 years old I arent letting you keep a powerful pokemon.

"Yeah that isn't up for discussion Claydol is coming with me." Avan said "Hey claydol do you want to come with me?" 

"Indeed master."

"he said it not me."

"Anyway. grandfather could you take care of Andrea, I want to go to other regions to get stronger"

"Your 7 Avan you not even 11 yet." Alder said, "Come live with me until your at least 10."

This is cliche Avan thought.

"Ok." This isn't a bad thing since Once he turns 11 he gets more rights and he doesn't have to break laws. plus spending time with Andrea is bad at all

Damn this is forced as fuck

"Have you got a lead on my parents?" Avan asked Alder

"Yes but it's too complicated and difficult for someone at your age and power level to handle."

Finally. someone that treats him like a 7 year old

"Come now, let's go back to oplecuid city," Alder said as I hopped onto the braviary

Looking down , I saw claydol standing there

with embessment , Avan hopped down 

"Hey claydol, do you want to come into the Pokeball?" 

"is this an order or request master?"

"You can look at it both ways."

"I will stay with you"

Claydol hands touched the Pokeball as it wiggled





Oh yeah, I forgot why I needed to go to this city in the first place.

"Hey grandfather, do you have a prism scale?" Avan asked

"No, but I can request you one." Alder said " Now get on," He said with a smile









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