Pokemon ouroboros

World building part 2

Feeling intrigued by the title


This could be his ticket for understanding the political relationships between the countries.

All though It probably looks all friendly, it's probably way more advanced than a simple "they all get along together" Opening the book, Avan read the first chapter

all though nowadays the regions are in peace, it was never like that before. ancient regions had different laws and stereotypes. fighting for power and political struggles were common. most countries had wars against the other looking to swallow each over.

the first-ever recorded case of war was 10,000 years ago when Johto and Kanto were separate. it is said that they were common enemies and due to being at the border of each over. Kanto was the one to win the war and claimed Johto. they combined the lands and made Johto. different from nowadays however was that Johto citizens were treated like 3rd class citizens. today, although Johto and Kanto have "reformed" its an alliance, not a dictatorship of Johto by Kanto

the second most notable case was the unovian war known as the " war of truth and ideals"

"oh?" this was probably the war between the 2 brothers

the story was about 2 brother that constantly fought one each over for possession of their late father possession. one believed in the ideals of the country while the other believed in truth. out of pure avarice, it said that the brother of ideals split the original dragon into 2 legendary dragons to dominate over his brother. unfortunately for him, one of the dragons represented the brother of truth more than the brother of ideals. the war that came afterwards was brutal. people and pokemon dying in thousand every day by 2 foolish brothers who thought their ideals were better than another. suddenly, however, in the final confrontation of the brother, the battle that would decide who win, a burning light showed onto the palace they fought in. Apparently, both brothers died in the battle and all that remained were 2 rocks that were names the white stone and black stone. the pokemon that killed the brother was unknown but it seemed to turn Unova peaceful again.

it is said that the daughter of the "king" of truth took over. enlightened by her father's stupidity, she ruled the region well and made Unova stronger and better


The 3 rd main war was the "The war of AZ" also known as the Kalos war. the war was a struggle to try to claim Kalos as it was just found after living in isolation from the outside world. the king of Kalos, Avery Zaharias or commonly referred to as AZ or the "mad king". most countries except Unova wanted to colonize it because Unova still recuperating from the war of truth ideals. all countries were killing each over in an attempt to gain control of Kalos because of its large resources and "Mystical energy" coming from a crystal in nowadays anistar city. although kalos were very peaceful and pacifist, they had to send their lives and their pokemon lives on the battlefield to buy more time for their country to think of a solution. AZ was leading research into a deal that could negotiate peace at the cost of his life. as long as his people were fine he was happy for sacrificing himself. as the year went by, due to Kalos being a small region 25% of people remained. realising how foolish he had been for thinking of negotiating a peace, AZ built a superweapon but was hesitant to use it. that was until his brother and precious floette died of an attempted assassination attempt by Sinnoh. Feeling heart-wrenching pain over his brother and his floette death, he activated his superweapon. bring all the war to the end due to the suicide attack that killed everyone nearly everyone in kalos. most countries especially Kanto, Hoenn and Sinnoh couldn't make a move on Kalos because the only thing that remained was scorched earth a couple of thousand people and a weird crystal without a hint of the damage sitting there. taking advantage of kantos crippled state due to the war johto people overthrew the Kanto government and managed to get their land back. to this day regions hate kalos for what they did against their countrys.

The rest of the book covered petty small civil wars but compared to all of that avan felt sad for kalos. all those people died and avan hates it that kalos gets discriminated against to this day when it was the countries greed that driven kalos in the wall. I'm sure when he's in power avan will try to get them better social rights.

it seems kalos has made a full recovery with the power of grass types supplied by Unova who were the only region besides galar and alola to take part in the war





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