PokeSync (Pokemon Fanfiction)

B4 — 15. A Friend Date

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1:  Rhea Everhart (Our Blonde Bombshell Future Supervillain!)

Pokemon Map: 

I loosely follow this map as a visual guide; the creator made it in paint?!?!  It's insane!  Some errors here and there, but I follow its design for the most part.  Areas can be further apart, some cities are in the wrong places or not listed, and the regions aren't nearly so close.  The best map I've found, though!

Current Gyms Completed


Family Tree / Characters


1:26 a.m. October 21, Wednesday, 106 PH (Post Hoopa Event).  Day 134.

Events:  Rhea and the girls are on a Badge Hunt, trying to get all the Kanto Encrusted Badges before time runs out!  Our girl started her journey on the 9th of June, and the end of registration for the Winter Indigo Cup is December 5th (44 days away).

Throwing out her arms and feeling the pleasurable burn stretching brought, Rhea twisted left and right with a short grunt.  Her Pokemon mirrored her, making her giggle.  It felt like a massive weight had been taken off her chest; they were in the Silver Cup and guaranteed Gold-tier.  Well, the absolute baby-of-the-barrel Gold-tier, but that was huge.

The blood-pumping pulse of having plans feeding her, she snatched her phone off her lap and messaged Amira, letting her know that she was ready for something new.  A giggle shook her chest as she quickly changed her name; it only showed for her, but it still made her smile.

1:26 p.m. Honey Tree - I’m feeling great!  I can’t wait to chat and get an update on what you’ve been up to.  Recording a new single, too?  Ahhh!  Exciting!  I can’t wait to hear it.  A Double Rookie Performance sounds super fun.  Sign us up!  My team and I decided Nova would join.  It feels a little weird only going with one Pokemon after all the Two Pokemon battles we’ve done.  When can we talk about it more?

She switched to her parents’ phones, linking them both to the message, but Amira responded shockingly fast. The notification pulled her eyes up. It was short and filled her with anticipation.

1:27 p.m. Singing Ruby - I’ll be in Saffron in 10 minutes.  Have you eaten?

Glancing at the boxes of donuts around her, she forced a laugh as her stomach rumbled, feeling less like a Munchlax and more like a starved Snorlax.

1:27 p.m. Honey Tree - Not nearly enough!  I need to get ready, so don’t rush.  Give me like 30 minutes.

1:27 p.m. Singing Ruby - Wonderful.  Take your time, too.  Let’s make it 45 min.

1:28 p.m. Honey Tree - Sounds like a date!  I’m so happy to have a friend like you.  You’re the best, Amira.

1:28 p.m. Singing Ruby - That’s a two-way street, sister.  Why not give our Pokemon a chance to hang at the PokePark since we’ll be primarily focused on Serenity and Nova?  Amber wants something to distract her from Gables being away; she’s been a bit of a moody teen, and Holly wanted to spend time with your girls.

Rhea glanced between her bright-eyed Pokemon as they read the message, snuggling next to her; well, Lulu was perched on her head, which she wasn’t always going to be able to do, so Rhea was happy to accommodate her.

“What do you girls think?  Remember the park you went to last time with Lulu?”


“You remember?”

“Nee!  Nee-ne!”

“I’ll take that as a yes,” she said, holding up her finger for the puff cloud to grab it, jumping up and down.  “Alice and Mya?”



“Alright, you three have fun, and make sure you include Mariah and Lulu.  They’re getting old enough now to play some of the older games you big girls do.  And you know how shy Mariah can be.”

The Mawile, Lopunny, and Cosmog nodded emphatically, and Rhea turned her focus back to her phone.

1:29 p.m. Honey Tree - They love the idea.  I’ll see you around 2:15.

She looked up to see Nova digging around a new shoulder bag, which made Rhea’s eyebrows pull together before it clicked in her mind; the Silph project her mother had been teasing for some time.  Nova took out a capsule, carefully nudging it over with her head, tail wagging.

“Pwe.  Pwe-pwe,” she insisted, nudging it forward.

“Oooh.  Looks like someone was already spoiled on the surprise!  What do we have here…  Portable closet?  Interesting…  Is this the real reason Amira went to get us some new clothes?  Hmm.”

Sliding her fingers over the name printed across the larger capsule that was about twice as large as a Poke Ball, Rhea looked at the bottom, where instructions were clearly printed.  It wouldn’t activate unless it sensed that the space was able to hold its contents, and setting it down, she pressed the button and stepped away.

A small sensor popped up, did a small scan of the area, and then a light blue pulse of energy shot out of it, revealing a metal, rectangular box with a sliding door.  Curiosity piqued, Rhea pulled it open; it was fluid as oil, and her eyes widened upon spotting many items from her own home wardrobe, including the kimono she’d gotten in Fuchsia.

“Wow…  It isn’t massive, but more than enough to hold a few dozen outfits, if properly spaced…  It even has adorable little shoe places,” she squealed, dropping to her knees to study the button on the back that would retract the portable closet into the capsule, built into the design.  “A small accessory box, too.  Yeah, this is going to go big.  It’s like I have unlimited bag space, like a game!”

“Mawile?”  Her steely girl poked around it and tapped the side of the sturdy item.  “Maw-maw.”

Rhea pushed her lips to the side, flipping through the pants, skirts, and blouses inside to pick out something suitable for going out with the classy redhead.  A knee-length black dress seemed like a good option—with sandals and tights since it was a bit chilly.

“This changes so much,” she whispered, pulling out the items.  “And, yeah, Mya, I know it’s not unlimited, but it’s a lot.  It has a ton of safety stuff, too; it can only destabilize specific types of fabrics and materials…  Oh, yikes.”

She chuckled upon looking at the side where Alice was trying to read the blocks of text.  “If someone tries to hide inside, it won’t take the person but will strip off all their clothes.  Maybe we can get a certain someone to test things out—you know, for science!  Although… it can also cause a glitch that makes you lose all the items inside.  Hmm.  Worth!  Hehe.  I guess it is still in beta testing.  Mom’s awesome for this, though.  Well, let’s get ready!”

Rhea made a mental note as she spotted a dirty laundry hamper built into the back left side.  She texted her parents as her Pokemon went on ahead to prep the shower.  Carrying her chosen items, some of which she hadn’t seen since she left home, she smiled; she felt so happy.

1:35 p.m. Honey Tree - Don’t come back!  I’m going to spend the day with Amira; we’re going to do a Contest tomorrow.  For today, you two are grounded from doing boring stuff.  See a movie, have dinner, and have fun.

I don’t want to see you tonight!  I’m an angry teen.  Grrr!  I’ve got friends I want to be with, and my parents are LAME.  (Jking!  Jking!)  P.s. I love the wardrobe surprise, Mom.  Sorry, I opened my present early!  I blame Nova!  I want to see smiles on your faces tomorrow!  I want to have happy parents.

Leaving the towels since she could use the dojos, Rhea felt Butterfree in her belly as she made a quick adjustment to her Jigglypuff pajamas around her hips and pulled the hood over her head.  Meeting her Pokemon in the bathing area, she saw a notice pinned to the walls.

There were a few people in the training area, but most of the students seemed to be out, partying with their awakened Grandmaster since today was her first time back to address everything.  It was so nice to hear that Terri was up and doing better.

Apparently, the pair had gotten married hours after she’d awoken, and the party was planned for a later date.  It still made her heart warm, remembering the bittersweet moments just after Terri came out of her curse-induced coma.  She needed Kyle, and Kyle needed her.  The redhead wasn’t about to let any moment pass her by after her years trapped in darkness.

She hummed with her Pokemon in the shower, washing out her hair and spending a bit of time on her girls since they weren’t in a rush.  Nova’s fur was gleaming when they exited, the Eevee prancing around as Lulu swapped between combing her and Alice; her showy girl was excited to enter another Contest.

Donning her black dress and sandals and only lightly blowing out the liquid in her hair on the cold setting of the wall-attached dryer, Rhea tied her locks into a long Kalos braid.  She’d noticed it on a few girls in the beach photos Jason had sent her.

A muscular woman who had just finished her martial arts workout entered the room as she was just finishing, a big Machoke beside her, wearing a pink bow around her throat.  “My, don’t you look like you’re ready for a fun day?  Are you heading to the party at Kyle’s noodle shop?  It’s free food all day.  Hehe.  I heard Grandmaster Terri and Kyle are cooking together.”

Rhea beamed as the woman started the sink to splash water over her sweat-slicked face, her Machoke heading for one of the showers to start it.  “It sounds really cute!  No, I’m just going out with a friend, but I’m delighted to see everyone so thrilled about Terri’s recovery.  Like… no one is here!”

“It… really is a special day,” she whispered, using a hand towel to dry her face, eyes going distant.  “From what I hear, some mysterious girl showed up and healed her without asking for a thing.  It’s just… really comforting to know there are people like that out there, ya know?  There’s so much suffering after the Ultra War, but there are still people willing to do good.”

Rhea’s throat constricted, trying not to tear up as the martial artist gave her a casual wave before entering the shower adjacent to her Machoke, hanging a duffle bag on the hooks inside.

“Anyway, have a good day—Rhea, right?  I heard you crushed it against Gym Leader Sabrina.  You’re an inspiration, too.  My cousin told me she joined your fan club.  Keep killing it, babe!  You’re changing lives.”

“Uh-huh…  Thanks.”

The tightness around her chest was different than a lot of other times she’d felt pressure squeezing her lungs throughout her life.  Not having a place to put her Poke Balls on her dress since it wasn’t designed with an invisible Trainer line—making it far cheaper—Rhea folded them into her slept-in pajamas and returned to her room.

On her journey, she felt the Aura pulses of several martial artists that passed her, joyful greetings and positive words resonating within her.  From her parents to everyone else in Saffron, it was scary how one action could spark such a change on such a large scale, but probably the more terrifying thing was that she’d felt like this would happen.

Going somewhat silent in the following minutes, her Pokemon gave her bewildered looks, trying to decipher her complex emotions.  She tried to comfort them while cleaning up and checking her phone.  Her mother was the one to respond.

1:39 p.m. Loser One - Are you sure you want to subject your father to me, Honey?  He’s asking for help because I’ve had a lot of sugar, and I don’t know what I might do to him.  Do you really want that on your conscience?  I’m a real villain, Sweetie!  I don’t think you understand what I can be like if I’m not engaged in science.

Picturing her mom growing Impidimp ears and trying to act sus and mischievous made her want to roll her eyes more than feel frightened.  A smirk lifted her lips as she leaked her mom’s DMs to her father, hearing the boss music already starting to play for her unsuspecting mother.

2:11 p.m. Honey Tree - Agent Smooth, Mom seems to think she’s a hot Vulpix, coiling you around her finger.  It’s time to take her off easy mode.  Remove the limiters.

2:12 p.m. Loser Two - Captain Swablu!  I don’t think our little Teddiursa could handle that; her heart is already weak as it is!  You have no idea how fragile her ankles are; she’ll trip and break!  Are you sure about this?  She could be off her feet for a week with the whiplash.  ¬‿¬

Rhea’s inner Impish Nature slid through, and she channeled the spirit of Lori as her fingers skipped across the hologram keys, swapping her parents’ nicknames.

2:12 p.m. Honey Tree - I gave my order.  Operation Melted Heart is a go.

2:13 p.m. Agent Smooth - Baking sweets, whispered talk while dancing, and wine it is…  I hope to see you on the other side, Captain.  o7

2:14 p.m. Innocent Victim - Rhea!  What did you tell your father?  I’m

Her imagination sparked to life as the message cut off, obviously preemptively sent, and she could see her dad closing in:

His dangerous eyes brought the apprehensive blonde’s tongue to the roof of her mouth, throat thickening as he made her feel small.  His strong hand slid up her arm, the heat rising as his other hand looped around the back of her neck, trapping his stun-locked wife.  He locked their ocean-blue eyes, drawing the unsuspecting woman into his tide, and his lips melting against hers to share the sugar still on them before diving further into the abyss—mission accomplished.

This is exactly what Mom needs.  She needs to forget about everything but herself for at least one night.  Be careful looking into the abyss, Mom… because it has eyes, too!  Mua-hahaha!

Rhea’s evil smirk lifted as rainbow lights brought Amira and her bubbly mother outside the room, a knock coming from the door.

“Can we come—Mom…”

“Hello, Rhea!”  Lyra slid open the paper door, showing a blinding smile.  “Oh, you look so pretty, and I love that deviant Aura you’re releasing.  Hehe.  What’s the story?  C’mon, it’s not every day you give off those vibes!”

“Nosy much?”  Amira complained, rolling her eyes and showing off what had to be the sapphire-blue dress-based outfit she wore to the recording studio to record her song; her hair was curled and flowed down her back, highlighting the large ruby earrings she currently wore.  “You look great, Rhea,” she smiled, studying her.  “Ready to go out and have some fun?”

Rhea chuckled, accepting her small purse—which her Pokemon had filled with their Poke Balls—placing her phone inside.  “Thanks!  I’m so excited to go out and have fun again with friends.  As for my smile, I bought us an uninterrupted night away from my parents by sicking my dad on my mom.  She needs a night not thinking about anyone but herself.”

Amira lifted an eyebrow, red eyes darting to her mom.  “Sounds like the prescription that someone else should take.  Dad obviously wants to spend time with you, Mom.  You know how he gets.”

It was Lyra’s turn to show a dubious, Impish smirk, holding a finger to her chin while looking to the side.  “Mmm, oh, I know, Sweetie.  I know just how much string I need to give to wind him up.  I’m getting Butterfrees waiting for the drop.  He’s good at creating the perfect, unsuspecting moment.  Don’t you worry, I’m already a target,” she whispered, twisting away with a wink and holding up a finger to her lips.  “I’d watch out, Rhea.  I’ve heard rumors; juicy ones!  Have a fun Contest.”

“Rumors?  So mean,” she laughed as the brunette woman vanished in rainbow lights, her Porygon-Z taking her to her tense battle.  “Do you think our parents are normal?”

“Each of them is one of a kind,” the redhead chortled, putting a hand on her hip and showing a dazzling smile.  “Well, I’m starved after all the work I’ve put in today.  Ready to have a friend’s day out and talk about the Drama: Improv Style Contest we’ll be doing?”

Tingles shot up Rhea’s arms at the name, images of her aunt’s performances flashing through her mind.  “Drama: Improv?!  Okay, that is a little scary; I’m so excited!  It’s not a Battle Style, then?  What’s the theme?  C’mon, tell me everything!”

Amira’s smiling eyes drifted between their Pokemon as they met, discussing their own adventurous plans for the day.  Naturally, Serenity and Nova were dancing around each other, the emotionless Feebas likely projecting a ton more emotion than her lifeless eyes insinuated.

“It’s in the Star League category, judging us in coolness, beauty, cuteness, cleverness, and toughness; the theme is castles, nobility, knights, and commoners.  They’ll have props and things available that will be added to the scenes as we introduce the characters our Pokemon will be playing, and two other team pairs will be performing with us.”

Slinging the purse over her shoulder, Rhea walked out of the room with her friend, positive vibes lightening her steps as their Pokemon followed.  “So, it’s that kind of Contest?  We need to adapt to the good and bad that the other teams throw into the mix and come up with a comprehensive story that meets all the category goals.  That’s Muking insane!  I guess this is a Bronze Key Contest.  A battle of wits and presentation!”



Amira held her elbow behind her back, vision wandering between the architecture choices of the dojo on their path toward the front entrance.

“I thought it sounded fun and challenging.  No one knows who gets to start the improv session, but they’ll be able to shape the initial setting.  We make a character, and the initiator sets the stage for us to follow up in our own turns.  We have two interruption points to insert a twist, which will be judged carefully.  Haha.  I’ve been thinking about this a lot over the last few days if you couldn’t tell.”

Rhea shivered when they entered Saffron’s cool Autumn breeze, looking up at the bright sun and cloudless sky.  She didn’t use her Aura since she wanted to also maintain her mental fortitude to deal with temperature changes without her powers; Maria was firm on mental strength being the biggest skill she needed to cultivate.

“I’m kind of spinning all sorts of ideas, too.  They can’t just kill us off early, or else that wouldn’t make for a compelling story, and they’d get poor scores.  We need to make the crowd invested, which, hehe, is kind of your thing, Amira.  You can turn the hearts of crowds like nobody’s business.”

“Mmm.  I suppose,” Amira hummed, taking them down the steps and waving at the martial artists that greeted them.  “Don’t ask me to get people to show up, though; that’s Lori’s department.  No one likes a pretty, spoiled rich girl who talks and ‘shows off’ too much, rubbing it in people’s faces.  A promise of a fun time, though?  Yeah, Lori can get a crowd.”

“Maybe to riot!”  Rhea snickered, recalling the giant Cerulean rave she’d sparked.  “Also, you’re wrong about the ‘talks too much’ part.  You don’t talk; you just take the stage and do Muk, which makes people notice you by your actions alone.  Sure, you’ve got a Meloetta, with a voice to match her, but you’re, like, my idol!”

“Low bar, but I appreciate it,” Amira giggled.  “There’s so much more to life than being an idol, songstress, actress, or being rich—it’s about character.”  She pulled back her bangs behind her ear and looked her way.  “To me, an amazing person is someone who makes the most out of the opportunities they’ve been given and never stays down when failure comes.  That is the type of character Serenity wants to play tomorrow.”

Digging around her purse, Rhea pulled out her phone.  “Okay!  Can you say that again, so I can record it and send it to your fan club because they’d die?!  Why don’t we have Rotom Phones?!”

Chuckled at her enthusiasm, Amira took out her own crystal-like device, projecting an advertisement with a half-smile on her full lips.  “You’re in luck.  The first rollout of the rebranded company just hit the market, backed by Rocket.  I have a free promotional voucher for three company Rotom for our phones if you want.”

Rhea gave her a dubious smile.  “Totally not planned.”

“Totally not.  Haha.  Want to go there before or after we eat?  Honestly, I’m a little famished right now, so I’d prefer after.”

“Ditto!”  Rhea hopped over to hug her friend, receiving a short embrace in return as they walked.  “Thank you for always thinking about us, Amira.”

“Again, that goes both ways,” she said, taking them onto Saffron’s busy city streets, alive with what appeared to be a City-State-wide celebration taking place from Terri’s recovery.  “It’s a little hectic after Sabrina’s speech about Terri.  I know you don’t do well in crowded places, so we can go to less populated areas if you want.”

Her blonde bun shook as she relished in the joy that radiated throughout the people of Saffron; it was like sugar on her tongue.  “Maria helped me with parts of my Aura that were making me uncomfortable around large groups.  It helps when they’re mostly positive, too.  Where did you want to eat?”

Amira forced a smile and pointed at a big skyline restaurant disk hanging over the other buildings.  “Somewhere less noisy and where we can have some privacy.  I’ve made enough to treat you.  We need a quiet place to discuss our strategy anyway.”

“Aww!  You’re the most amazing friend ever,” Rhea cried, hugging her again.  “So, we drop everyone but Nova and Serenity off and have a chill day hanging out together?”

The redhead shrugged, guiding her to the right to reach the Poke Park that they’d patronized the previous time they were in the city.  “You know I am not a clubbing person; that’s Lori’s scene.  A fun time for me is stimulating conversation, a classy environment, and a good meal.  Is there anything you’d like to do?  I know you’re more of an outdoorsy person.”

Rhea’s cheeks heated as she played around with her phone, a somewhat nervous giggle shaking her chest.  “Uh, actually… I wanted to ask you about some things—you know, about Jason, and some of the things he sent me.  I… don’t really have anyone else to talk about it with, and, uh, Lori will totally cook my brain, so…”

“I’m a good middle ground,” Amira smiled, now showing a curious twinkle in her ruby eyes.  “I have an idea about a few things you may have received.  “You know, the song I recorded was written about two boys fighting for attention in my heart?”

Rhea’s lungs practically jumped into her throat at the secretive twist in the redhead’s glossy lips, and the mental picture of two tall and handsome boys smacked her brain, one blond and from Kalos, the other raven-haired and from Alola.  Her heartbeat quickened upon seeing the classy-dressed girl between the two competing boys.

“I… think I’m scared to hear it.  Do they know?”

Amira’s giggle and backward glance made Rhea gulp; yeah, they knew she was recording a song, but who it was about would be left ambiguous, and, by the sounds of it, the redhead had woven both into it somehow.

“Interested?”  she asked, pulling out wireless earphones from her black and blue-themed purse.  “Some boys need a little… guiding to find the right places to touch.”

“Oh, you’re evil!”  Rhea laughed, the earphones already finding her ears as she snatched them out of her hand.  “Teach me, My Oshi!”

“Using words that my fan club uses now, are we?  I think you’ve been talking with Hannah too much,” Amira mused, pulling up her music App.  “Although, yes, I am sure they’ll make this song trend everywhere…  Fans can be terrifying with what they ask of you, but can you blame them when they hear something like this?”  she asked, showing a far more knowing and villainous smile than Rhea had seen on the Rocket girl.

The taps of the piano came from the background, and the air in Rhea’s lungs froze as Amira sang in a lower, luring tone than she’d done in the past:

“Heartbeat racin’

“I’ma put you through these paces

“Be the best you ever tasted

“Gon’ stay on your mind

“Come back every time…

“Baby, I’ma keep you cravin’ ”

Goosebumps slid down Rhea’s spine as the beat and Amira’s voice picked up, drawing the listener down a dark corridor, the walls closing in on them.  And all of a sudden, she saw herself in Amira’s place, guiding Jason into the darkness, one step at a time.  Yeah, Amira had a gift.

Shivering as the song ended, she handed the earphones back, feeling a lot hotter now, combatting the chilly wind that pressed her dress against her frame.  “You… are bold, Ma’am!  Wow.  And I thought Lori was the deviant.”

Amira held up her hand, refusing them as they crossed a street.  “Oh, I recorded a song for Lori, don’t you worry.”

“Should I dive into the abyss?”  Rhea chuckled, putting them back in.  “A dance song?”


Rhea laughed as the beat and seductive vibes started; yeah, it was totally Lori:

“This the way that Arceus made me

“I’m a Lopunny in a dress on the dance floor, maybe.

“My-my-my mind

“Was running in circles the moment I met you

“Don’t lie-lie-lie

“ ‘Cause once you go under, I know you’ll be hooked too.

“I’ma be your new type

“From one hit, one look at my body

“Boy, I’m changing your life

“Bet that you didn’t see it coming.”

Rhea handed the headphones back, accepting the transfer of the songs as Amira tapped her phone.  “You really are talented.  I bet she’d be tickled that you made a song for her.”

“Don’t think I’m not cooking up one for you, as well, Sunshine,” the redhead said, picking up their pace as they entered another street’s traffic flow.  “So, want to talk about how Nova’s a princess and Serenity is the commoner?  What kind of story should we tell?  Let’s go over all the possibilities and how things can take a turn.  I think we can have a fairly unique backup plan with Nova’s transformations.  Care to theorycraft and predict what our peers will do?  One girl and three boys will be in our performance; I can’t be sure about their Pokemon, though.”

“Umm.  Yes!  Let’s do it!”


“Hmm.  She may try to go the princess or queen route then…  Whatever it is, let’s kill this Improv Contest.  Let’s craft our characters!”

Dropping off their Pokemon at the park to have fun for the rest of the day, Amira guided them further to the fancy restaurant she’d selected.  On the redhead’s insistence, she ordered everything she wanted, which apparently would be written off on Rocket’s music label account since this lunch was offered on their dime.  Rhea had to give it to her teammate; she was always so good at making use of any opportunity.

Nova and Serenity were bouncing on their chairs with the backstory and characters they were crafting with the multiple avenues it could be twisted.  Were they going to be villains or heroes, perhaps something in-between?  Whatever it was going to be, she knew that this was all for fun and not actually to win.  If they managed that, then they would win regardless.

Concluding their very long, complimentary ‘lunch’ near 9 p.m., Rhea felt stuffed, ready to go in any direction tomorrow.  Thanking the attentive staff and leaving a healthy tip that had some of the employees crying, Amira took them through the night, sharing an earphone and singing with her on their way to pick up their Pokemon.

Rhea most enjoyed days like this, where she could hang out with a girl her own age; it really was so different from spending time with Jason, and she could talk about things she couldn’t with her childhood best friend.  Plus, it helped that Amira was just so versatile and cool, making her feel special at every turn in off-handed ways that didn’t even sound like compliments.

Lying in bed with her Pokemon snuggled around her, Rhea closed her eyes, welcoming tomorrow to be even better than the last, mumbling, “Amira…”

“Hmm?”  The redhead shifted next to her, bundled up with her own Pokemon and a sleeping mask on to keep out any light.

“Thank you for being my friend…  You really have helped me, I don’t know… grow?  Everything you do makes me want to do better.”

“Haha.  You can be so dramatic and emotional, which is something I love.  You’re always so honest and determined.  You bring out a side of me that I like.  So thank you, Rhea.  Let’s do our best tomorrow and just have fun as friends.”

“Mhm!  Thank you for asking me to be your partner.  It means a lot…  Like, a lot.  Night.”


Turning over, she nestled in and let her mind drift into sweet dreams, seeing cute little moments that her dad and mom shared.  They could be real or her own imagination; either way, it melted her heart.  Life was getting so much better.

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+ 4 Chapters (4 Weeks) ahead in A Tail's Misfortune

+ 4 Chapters (4 Weeks) Ahead in The Oscillation Rewrite

+ 4 Chapters (4 Weeks) Ahead in UE Rewrite

+ 10 Chapters (10 Weeks) Ahead in PokéSync (Pokemon Fanfic)

- 8 Chapters in The Power Of Cuteness And Positivity

- Soul's Requiem - Getting ready for Amazon Release (whenever I get the cover art T_T)

+ Random stories, such as Mystic:  My First Attempt At A Male Protag Isekai

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