PokeSync (Pokemon Fanfiction)

B4 — 26. Fun in Celadon

Newly Released Series Winter’s Rebirth: Echoes of the Past - Check Discord


I've been trying to write new series and see if people like them enough for me to continue. So, if you do enjoy it, then make sure you let me know you want me to continue!

ATM V1 Audiobook - (21 Hours Long)

ATM Kindle Book - (185k Words Long)

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1:  Rhea Everhart (Our Blonde Bombshell Future Supervillain)

Pokemon Map: 

I loosely follow this map as a visual guide; the creator made it in paint?!?!  It's insane!  Some errors here and there, but I follow its design for the most part.  Areas can be further apart, some cities are in the wrong places or not listed, and the regions aren't nearly so close.  The best map I've found, though!

Current Gyms Completed


Family Tree / Characters


6:43 a.m. October 24th, Saturday, 106 PH (Post Hoopa Event). Day 137.

Events: Rhea and the girls are on a Badge Hunt, trying to get all the Kanto Encrusted Badges before time runs out! Our girl started her journey on the 9th of June, and the end of registration for the Winter Indigo Cup is December 5th (41 days away).

Rhea’s jaw slackened as she walked into the biggest shopping mall in all of Kanto. Overwhelmed, she had to stand at the entrance in shock while scanning the ten floors that rose in a tiered crescent shape. Waterfalls cascaded down the middle and sides, showing dozens upon dozens of Water Pokemon playing and having fun.

Her focus darted left and right as the large groups of people and Pokemon moved about their errands. Elevators, unlike any she had seen before, rose on their sides up the levels, their glass walls allowing the occupants to look down on the shoppers. The ceilings of each floor were unusually high, enough to allow Flying Pokemon to travel through the air in their own lanes.

“It’s…so big!” she mumbled. “I didn’t expect so many people so early. Where do we even start?”

Lori scanned the place in a somewhat impressed hum. “It’s big, but I’ve seen bigger in Castelia City. Still, the wide, open layout is cool. Where do you want to start, Ruby? We’ve got a while to chill.”

Amira motioned them to the far left, looking totally comfortable and like she knew where they were going. “It’s bigger than the international airports, so stay close; it is easy to get lost. We’ll take the escalator system to reach the Restaurant Section since…”

“Oh! Are we getting breakfast? Perfect timing!”

Rhea jumped with the rest of her Pokemon and friends as a very familiar, very unexpected voice crept up behind them. Spinning around, she saw an elegant blonde giving her a mischievous grin.

“Auntie Cynthia! What are you doing here…and I don’t often see you dressed like this! What happened to the 14-hour marathon? How much sleep did you get?”

Jumping forward to hug her legendary aunt, Rhea relished the embrace as she heard her chuckles reverberate through her chest. The fine fabric of her aunt’s high-neck, sleeveless crop top tickled her nose, and her sapphire pendant was cool against her collarbone. Her aunt pulled away to get a good look at them, placing a hand on her hip and showing off her ripped blue jeans, matching shoulder purse, and black heels.

“Five or six hours, so I’m still a little bit loopy. Aren’t you girls looking cute today?” Waving her hands dismissively, she shifted to the side to present her giant Togekiss and Porygon-Z, keeping her hidden from the public with her illusions. “As for the marathon, I left Chase and Elaine entangled on their couch, snoozing away. I also brought someone special!”



Ambrosia jumped off the Togekiss’ back to meet her jumping daughter in the air, taking the smaller girl to the ground and rolling across the tile. Their Pokemon eagerly surrounded the Eevees, greeting the mature Evolution Pokemon.

Her aunt winked and held up a finger at the excited group of Pokemon as her 8’11 Togekiss flew over to join them. “Micky wanted to get to know your Pokemon while we’re here. I hope I’m not interrupting something special for you girls, but my schedule is always pretty busy, so I find it easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. Would you mind?”

“Not at all. Are you guys fine with it?” she asked, seeing their Pokemon were already jumping around the big Togekiss.

Amira swapped her arm behind her back to grab her elbow and shook her head. “Actually, I’d love your company, Cynthia. If we have the time, it would be great to go over your thoughts on the strategy I’ve thought about against Erika tomorrow.”

“Yes, tips would be nice,” Lori openly nodded, her purple bangs floating up and down with the movements. “So, we hang, talk about how to crush Erika, and casually shop for the morning?”

“Sounds good to me,” Cynthia snickered. “Seriously, though, I don’t know how much help I can be. I’ve been running on two days of sleep, caffeine, and energy drinks for the past week. I’m feeling a little loopy,” she said with a dazzling smile that showed nothing of the like.

“Yeah, we know you’re superhuman, Auntie,” Rhea laughed. Skipping back a bit and taking out her phone, her teammates smiled and closed in as she held up the device for a selfie. “Picture! Say, Garchomp!”


Snapping it, she promptly shared it with her social media and boyfriend. She was totally going to get a disappointed emoji from her grandpa that he wasn’t there and a cute text emoji from her great-grandma.

Her Aunt Cynthia waved off their Pokemon with them as Micky teleported them somewhere mysterious; by the distance they felt to her spirit, it was still inside the mall.

“I was sure you’d bonk me on the head for neglecting my sleep like you do with your mom.”

Rhea huffed and put her phone away as Amira led the way to the escalators; her Porygon-Z spun above them in broken parts, continuing to glamor the Legendary Trainer so they didn’t get swarmed with fans. She’d become used to it with Diantha, and it seemed it was a normal thing for super famous, top-tier Trainers. She just never experienced it since she’d never left her tiny village.

“Oh, believe me, if you looked like my mom usually does, then I would be,” Rhea said, jogging ahead a tad to flip around and walk backward to talk to her aunt. “You know she’s talking at the college today?”

“I do!” the blonde Champion chimed, brushing back her half-pulled-up hair and semi-loose bangs while scanning the giant shopping district. “I promised her I’d make it, so I’ll have to ditch you girls around noon, but we have four or five hours to catch up. I look like a big, scary bodyguard to everyone, so don’t worry about us being interrupted,” she said, pointing up at her cycling Pokemon.

“Convenient!” Lori mumbled, rubbing her chin and glancing at Rhea. “So…do you know what Pokemon your sister is teasing us about—the Galar Pokemon? Rhea is getting her new Pokemon tomorrow, right?”

“Are you?” Cynthia shrugged, her head bobbing a little to the rock music playing over the speakers. “That’s cool. Christie doesn’t typically talk to me about that stuff, which is sad, but I think she just doesn’t want to bother me. You’d have to ask our granny or mom for that kind of info.”

“Grandma Glacia knows?” Rhea asked, thrown off by the news. “I didn’t know Mom talks to Grandma about that stuff.”

Her aunt’s silver eyes didn’t linger on anything, darting around the environment and vibing to her own rhythm; Rhea was sure it was her need to be completely aware of her environment and dangers, but she made it all look like positive interest in everything around her.

“Mom’s always tried to be in our lives as much as she feels is acceptable. It’s hard for her sometimes, I know. Being regions apart is tough, but she’s looking at retiring soon to spend more time with the family.”

“Retiring…really?” Amira whispered, brow furrowing as they slowed behind a small group that hurried forward onto the escalator as the blonde Legend neared, making them a tan nervous. “I know Drake and Glacia have been pillars in Hoenn for a while, and with how…free-spirited Champion Steven is.”

Rhea winced at the pause Amira made, but her aunt and Lori laughed at the shade the redhead threw, and Rhea paid close attention to the subject as they stepped onto the moving floor. There were a lot of rumors surrounding the Champion of Hoenn and her aunt; if they only knew half of the stories she knew about the pair, then they’d be even more suspicious, but her aunt never really talked about her love life.

“Free-spirited is one way to describe Steffy,” she said with a fond tilt of her head while staring at the apprehensive people who traveled on the other escalator, going in the opposite direction. “The man has the balls to call me ‘Nubers’ without a second thought.”

“Oh?! Oh?!” Lori chirped, practically bouncing on her toes. “What’s the story behind that nickname? Share the juicy details! I’ve heard you two are totally dating.”

Rhea’s heartbeat seized, the air in her lungs compressing to punch her in the chest.

Lori! You can’t just come out and ask that—not to my aunt! That’s like…suicide! No one asks that—not even my mom!

A small smirk lifted her aunt’s lips as she leaned against the moving rail guard, resting the back of her hand against her cheek while studying the eager violet-haired girl.

“I can’t go a week without some headline chasing that angle. Chris never misses a chance to tease me and ask how things are going between us.”

Rhea’s brain stopped working. “Huh? You…are dating—and Mom knows?! Why haven’t you told me?!”

Her aunt’s eyes drifted to the ceiling, a somewhat deviant smile playing at the corner of her mouth. “Well, I can’t really call it a ‘relationship’ if neither of us really is looking for one. And how can I tell my little niece, who looks up to me, that I randomly hook up with a guy from time to time? I think you’re old enough now to get it, though,” she said with an unabashed grin.

Rhea felt like her brain had been cooked, and she’d evolved into a Braixen. Yeah, there was probably fire coming out of her ears as she envisioned the pretty and handsome blue-haired stud and her aunt spending time together in a dark, undercover club.

“Mhm!” she managed to squeak as Lori giggled and bumped hips with her.

“A girl has needs, right?! Haha. Wow. What’s the story behind that nickname, and so, uh, are we talking every month, or so…every year…week?!”

Why are you still talking, Lori? Week?! Rhea cried, almost choking. Yeah, her cheeks were already turning pink at the hot topic situationship her aunt was in with the poster boy of the bachelor of the century. And suddenly, she was having a daydream of their wedding. Stop, stupid brain!

“What a topic to get into, girls!” her aunt chortled, shifting her posture to study her teammate. “If we’re going to play gossip, then I expect to get my own shots in. So be prepared!”

“So prepared!” Lori gulped, now looking excited. “Come on; spill the juice!”

Rhea even saw Amira perk up at the information, her ruby eyes locked onto her older woman. Honestly, she truly wanted to know, as well, because now, every time Steven had stopped by their house with her aunt, it took on a whole new meaning to her.

One particular encounter, where the pair had sat on their couch, with a mischievous look on her aunt’s face and uncertain side-long stare from Steven in the awkward silence. It filled her mind with Impish fantasies.

Her aunt folded her fingers at her front while glancing between them. “Our schedules are too busy to spend time together weekly, but I’ll say I haven’t gone without teasing him at least once a week. Take that however you will. Hmm? And where are your minds going, I wonder?” she snickered. “Oh, to be young.”

Lori’s cheeks even reddened at the comment as she held up her thumb. “Okay, I’ve got my deviant sweet fix for the day; thank you!” she giggled before pausing. “Wait, is he a good kisser?”

“Lori,” Amira groaned, rubbing her hot forehead, but her frame locked up as the Legend responded.

“Oh, his tongue is like chocolate melting in your mouth—the best! So, how is Jason, Rhea?”

“Ack-ack! Eh…umm, really good?” she whispered, wondering if the words came out at all as her body felt like it was about to combust spontaneously.

Her aunt’s smile softened while studying her nervous fidgets. “As if it would be okay if you were to die in his arms?”

“Auntie!” Rhea groaned, glancing left and right as the people giving them space glanced their way at her loud voice. “Do we have to…”

“I did reveal my little secrets, so it’s only fair,” her aunt countered, pushing away from the wall to bring her into a warm hug. “I’m just happy to see you growing up. It’s fun to tease you and see you bloom. Bianca was the same way, but I guess you two are somewhat like two peas in a pod—too old of a reference?”

Rhea sighed and tightened her arms around her aunt’s soft body; she felt safe in her embrace. “So…you made fun of Bi, too?”

“Hehe. Does that make me a bad mom? Bianca was pretty independent for a bit of her journey and pushed me away to be her own woman. So, I just want to enjoy a little bit of what I missed.” She combed back her bangs, gentle fingers grazing Rhea’s cheeks while looking into her eyes. “He makes you happy, though?”

“Mhm…he does… And really mad sometimes.”

“Then everything is how it should be,” Cynthia mused. “I’m glad it was Jason who swept out your feet and made you see stars.”


“It makes me feel safe…because love can hurt, My Fluffy Little Swablu… Love can hurt like nothing else. So, cherish it when it is sweet and pure because nothing else can compare.”

A sobering hush fell over them as Rhea clung to her vulnerable aunt. She knew there were very deep scars in her heart from some mysterious past, but she didn’t know and didn’t want to bring it up since she couldn’t dream of hurting her amazing aunt. It scared her a little, though. Her parents’ relationship had been enough of a ground-shaking revelation; she didn’t know if she could handle her aunt’s.

“Well, enough of the auntie’s obligatory teasing and check-ups,” the blonde whispered, pulling away to give her a calming look. “Let’s get some caffeine in us and do some shopping for you beautiful girls. Besides, we still have some fun to poke at Lori!”

“Oh, bring it on, Ms. Champion!” Lori boasted. “I’m an open book.”

Stepping off in the Restaurant District, Rhea couldn’t help shaking her head as her aunt promptly took them to the ice cream shop—she was such an addict. After some sweets and a nice noodle-based breakfast, they went to the mall’s TM shops and talked strategy.

Halfway through, her aunt jabbed a fast topic on Lori regarding her relationship with Kekoa. She took notes as the savage Champion taught her lessons on how to dismantle the Unovan girl’s mind; it wasn’t about going after the deviant things, but the sweet, endearing stuff that got a blush and stammers from Mallory.

Rhea had to hold back her tears, her heart melting as they slowly walked along the riverway that cut through the mall. Lori talked about the Alolan boy’s poetry that he wrote her every night, sent with the latest dances, in the second person as if Lori was dancing with him. They had this whole back-and-forth that now made sense to Rhea with how Zyra had been handling her phone when recording.

Amira was more aloof about romance, but Rhea knew she was still talking with both Kekipi and Lucian. She had the impression she was internally struggling with what to do about the two boys who were going after her heart.

They diverted away from the topic, going instead to strategy and Erika. However, her aunt discussed more about their Pokemon rather than Erika’s, which frustrated Lori a bit. 

Browsing around the seemingly endless stores as noon approached, Rhea doubted they’d seen a quarter of the place, even after checking out stores selling Evolution Stones, Pokemon accessories, Poke Balls, recovery items, outdoor activities, and so, so much more. Things came back to their Gym Challenge tomorrow as her aunt’s time with them nearly came to an end.

“…Mmm. Ultimately, girls, you can study your opponent all you want and still lose. Personally, my advice is to just…be strong. Simple and clean. Strategy can overcome great odds,” she said with a grin while browsing through the discount section of the TM shop they were in, “but sometimes, no strategy can save you from raw, bold power.”

Amira frowned at the advice, no doubt running counter to everything her grandfather taught her. “At a certain point, sure…but the whole point of the Gym Challenges is to force you to strategize and overcome an impossible battle—it’s about forethought… You’re known as the Queen of Strategy.”

“I am, aren’t I…but is that the reason for the Gym Challenges?” the silver-eyed Legend asked with a soft laugh, sliding her fingers over a slightly discounted label of Flamethrower.

Rhea tilted her head to the side while scrutinizing the list next to it, showing all the Pokemon that could use it. “I kind of beat Sabrina’s challenge through raw power…but not really because I lost…”

“No. You won,” her aunt chimed, showing a rosy smile while straightening to look at her. “At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter if you win.”

Lori scratched the side of her head. “Okay, I’m lost.”

Her aunt breathed in and let it out in a long stream. “Lose, win…it doesn’t matter. All that matters is that you come out alive and well—that you survived—well, Ash would add, ‘having fun’ in there, too,” she giggled and shook her head.

“No, all I’m saying, girls, is that at the end of the day, you shouldn’t think too hard about the Gym Challenges themselves. Your forever 10-year-old mentor would agree with me. Sometimes, the simplest answer is the best one… You can lose…just don’t be defeated… Don’t give up; survive, and you’ll win in the end…be it a fun battle…or war. Oh! Look at the time.”

Rhea pondered her aunt’s words as the blonde pointed at her shiny, stone-encrusted watch—Steven’s gift, she assumed. “Huh. Thanks, Auntie Cynthia, I had a lot of fun.”

“Me, too, girls! I should get this lunch over to your mom before she collapses from the dreaded daughter’s worry disease,” she added, holding up the meal she’d grabbed thirty minutes prior.

Amira’s confused frown turned upside down as she nodded. “Thank you for the advice, Champion Cynthia. I’ll remember it. I hope you have a lovely time with your mom, Rhea. I’m so proud of the little Honeypot young woman you are becoming.”

“Am I ever going to escape that nickname?”

Lori snickered. “Absolutely not!”

Her aunt gave her a sly wink, though. “Make it one word, sweetie, and see how it changes your opinion…because I use it as one word for you.”

Rhea’s sour face softened as her aunt vanished in rainbow lights, returning their Pokemon and causing another slight stir amongst the shoppers when the glamor faded. Her focus was on her phone, though, looking up the word her aunt had used.

A very attractive girl… Honeypot. Thanks, Auntie.

Lori threw an arm around her to bring her into a hug. “You have the nicest family! Ugh. Adopt me! All I have is a spooky big sister, a little sister that I always worry about, and deadbeat, gambling parents!”

“Uh…you’re a gambler, Lori,” Amira mumbled.

“That’s not the point! Humph. My mom hasn’t even been by since when, huh? Apple City? That time a few days ago doesn’t even count! Half the time, she was off doing stuff in the farmstead and getting mobbed by fans. She is Muking close enough to teleport in every day! What a loser… Maybe I should text her and tell her she can see me now.”

Rhea gave Amira a look that the redhead returned; she was having withdrawals, and it hadn’t even been that long ago since Karen had spent the day with her daughter.

Patting her friend on the back, Rhea countered the purple-haired girl and took the initiative to bump hips this time; she’d learned Lori liked the contact, and it made her feel loved.

“Message her! Tell her she better not miss her mother-daughter date tomorrow after you get your fourth Encrusted Silver Badge.”

“Mmm. But what if she’s busy…”

Amira bumped shoulders with the physical-loving Unovan girl as they made their way to the front of the mall to reach the subway that would bring them to the Gym.

“Chase and Elaine don’t appear busy right now. Surely, they can spare some time to give your mom a break.”

“Mmm. You’re right; I want a gambling day with my mom while we’re here! Let’s do it!”

Rhea felt light as air as they poked fun at each other and talked about their time with her awesome aunt. It took them an hour to get to the Gym and check in for tomorrow’s battle, and instead of waiting for her mom to finish her speech, they attended the last hour.

She knew it was the right move when she saw her mom’s teary-eyed babble after the show concluded, and they met up. Her aunt gave them a parting goodbye, hugging her emotionally stimulated little sister before returning to Sinnoh to relieve Dawn.

They shopped for some good dancing clothes. Her uncertain mother took Lori’s recommendations, which was a little suspect in the modesty department for her mom’s tastes, but Rhea had to take a picture and send it to her dad when she exited the dressing room.

3:37 p.m. Honeypot - Look at ALL this you’re missing while camping in the woods! Mom’s all dolled up and ready for a fun night of gambling and drinking with the girls. It sucks to be you, loser! Bua-hahaha! Maybe you’ll have to take me out another time so I can spoil you. I have Mom all to myself, so keep your grubby hands in the dirt! Get Splashed!

She passed her phone to her mom, and she handed it back, giggling with her as they each took their own sentences. Sending the somewhat nonsensical message, they went to one of the fancy clubs, and Rhea had a fun night dancing and partying with her mom for the first time—they lost 25,000 credits…of her dad’s money. She won 2,500! And then her mom lost 2,300 on her account. Still positive!

Making it back to their hotel on a high, Rhea saw her very drunk mom off to bed, enjoying every bit of her mumbled, loving words.

“I love you…so, hicc…much, Rhea… I’m sorry. I’m sorry—I love you, hicc…”

“Good night, Mom.” She kissed her forehead, her heart being battered by a Mach Punch when her cosmic puff cloud drifted down to snuggle next to her mom. “I love you, too. Night. Take care of her, Lulu.”

“Ne-ne…” she yawned.

Tucking her into bed with her mom’s equally as drunk Pokemon, she smiled at her adorable mother’s whispers before slipping away into her own room, snuggling around her little girls.

Lori is more nervous than she’s letting on. Let’s be supportive of her tomorrow. We’ve got this! Erika is going down.

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+ 4 Chapters (4 Weeks) ahead in A Tail's Misfortune

+ 4 Chapters (4 Weeks) Ahead in The Oscillation Rewrite

+ 4 Chapters (4 Weeks) Ahead in UE Rewrite

+ 10 Chapters (10 Weeks) Ahead in PokéSync (Pokemon Fanfic)

- 8 Chapters in The Power Of Cuteness And Positivity

- Soul's Requiem - Getting ready for Amazon Release (whenever I get the cover art T_T)

+ Random stories, such as Mystic:  My First Attempt At A Male Protag Isekai

+ Access to Polls

+ All my commissioned artwork is up for free on my Patreon!


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