Power Trump’s All

Thawne is mad

My Patreon is at Chapter 30. Patreon.com/Saintbarbido


(General P.O.V)

"Hey Iris, that cute guy you like is baaack."

Cindy, one of the baristas at Jitters told Iris. Iris looked over at where Cindy was pointing at. She didn't really know the guy apart from his name and the fact that he had also been affected by the particle accelerator explosion like Barry.

" Cindy I told you, I don't like him."

She denied, trying to play aloof. Cindy looked at her friend and smiled mischievously.

" Oh, so you wouldn't mind if I went over to talk to him, right?"

"Yes. No. Wait! Fine, I sorta like him but I don't think he feels the same. I mean, I've been sending him all these subtle hints and…nothing."

Cindy sighed, sometimes Iris could be dumb.

"Iris, he's been coming around only when you're working your shift."

"What, you mean he's been stalking me!?"

She whisper-shouted.

"No. I mean he's memorized the time you're usually here and only comes around so that he can see you. Coincidence? I think not."


Iris blushed and Cindy was left surprised. Usually Iris was the picture of confidence. She must have fallen hard for this guy if she was acting this way.

"Yes. Now Go. Go and ask him out already or I will shoot my shot instead."

She pushed her to his direction and smiled. 'Man, I'm good at this matchmaking stuff.' Unfortunately for her, it really was a coincidence and the guy in question had no idea that he had an admirer.

(Jin's P.O.V)

I ran a hand through my hair as I thought. My laptop was on the table infront of me. I was inside the famous coffee shop, Jitters. I loved coming here because of the stable wi-fi connection. It had been 2 days since my fight against the Reverse flash and I finally had an idea of where I stood, power-wise.

In a fair setting, I would get my ass kicked by any run of the mill, speedster. Fair meaning, if I was restricted to only ground fights. The reason being, my reaction speed was too slow. Season 1 Barry could take me down if I wasn't paying attention. I needed to change that and that left me with 2 simple options. The first option, become a speedster by killing one or second option…find a way to enhance myself through other means to that level.

That was why I was back to studying runes. The Norse ones hadn't worked out previously (trust me, I know. I had tried drawing one on my body inside my mind-space, which by the way was a god-send, but it hadn't worked.) So I was now looking at, Mayan, Aztec, Chinese and African runes to see what would work. I of course knew that most of these runes were fake. I wasn't counting on landing upon a magical language or anything like that. I already had the power, the only thing I was counting on was the symbols resonating with the energy inside me.

I raked a hand through my hair in frustration. Nothing had been working so far. Maybe I should just forget about this issue and deal with it at another time or even another world. There were other ways to get stronger. Even if they weren't an option now. I nodded to myself as someone stopped at my table.

I looked up at the gorgeous face with a smile on my own. For a moment I was distracted by her eyes. When she cleared her throat, I understood I had been caught staring so I smoothly transitioned to a compliment.

"Hey Iris, have I ever told you that you have beautiful eyes."

She smiled a little bit wider.

"Thanks Jin. So what can I get you?"

"Mmh, I don't know. You in the menu?"

She chuckled and sat before me.

"You wish. So what are you reading on today."

"You know, the usual. Old texts and stuff."

"Oh, you're so lucky you're cute. Take away the face and body and you'd be a textbook nerd."

She said snidely.


I shot back in mock hurt. We talked for a while and I found myself enjoying it. Iris was an equal combination of brain and beauty and I could see what Barry and Eddie saw in her. It was easy to discount her as a shallow person in the first season of the show but after getting to know her personally, you'd realize just how great she was. We had grown to be friends and I appreciated a friendly face outside of the Star labs team.

"So uh Jin, there's a new place opening up in downtown and…uh well I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?"

I blinked my eyes and looked at her.

"You mean like a date?"

She nodded while breaking off eye contact.

"Yeah. I mean…you don't have to or anything. Just thought you'd like to…but it's ok if you…"

"I'm down with that."

I interrupted her with a smile. It had been almost a year since my girlfriend had cheated on me and so much had happened. Maybe it was time to move on and going out with her would probably be fun. God knows I needed a break to unwind. Not to mention she was gorgeous.

"So when do you want me to pick you up?"

She winced.

"I was thinking I'd text you and we'd meet up there?"

Oh. She probably didn't want her dad to know she was going out with me.


We talked for a while before I left. I still had something left to do and I wanted to do it before meeting up with her. It's time to get a secret lair.

(General P.O.V)

(2 days ago)

The Reverse flash burst into the time vault while breathing heavily. He stumbled out of his outfit and into his iconic wheelchair, transitioning into his alter ego, Dr. Harrison Wells.

"Gideon bring up any reference to weather wizard from the future."

"Dr. Wells, your condition is worsening. I recommend…"

The AI begun before Thawne shouted,

"Just do it!"

In the panel, a series of articles were cycled through before a lone page from the central city citizen appeared. A line in the article was highlighted by Gideon and Thawne started to read aloud.

"Clyde Mardon also known as Weather wizard was the first meta-human taken down by the flash on his debut."

Thawne scrunched up his already anger filled face and spat out.

" This makes no sense! Any reference to Mark Mardon?"

"Negative. The only information on him, is on the string of heists and robberies he committed with his brother. Everything else is out of context."

Thawne closed his eyes and visibly calmed himself.

"Gideon use the visual and auditory files on my suit to identify anything you can on the meta I fought tonight."

It took only a second for a bunch of articles to appear on the screen.

"Filter out any conspiracy theories, irrelevant and untrustworthy sources and information dating back to before I fought him."

The articles on the panel were reduced and only a dozen were left.

Thawne picked out one from a newspaper that had a good reputation and read.

His eyes widened and he ground his teeth in anger.

"Gideon. What's the likelihood that this meta's real identity is Jin Anderson?"

"A probability of 99%."

Thawne removed his glasses and rubbed his eyes, chuckling softly.

"Make a call to Eiling. It's about time we have a long overdue talk."

(Present time)

(Jin's p.o.v)

I made my way to a table where a man dressed in a grey suit was sitting. He looked up at me as I pulled out the chair and sat on it.

"Mr. Lawyers I presume?"

I said to him. He was a bit on the thin side, average looking and those spectacles on his face did nothing to help his meek look. I could however see a crafty mind underneath it all. He licked his lips and shook my hand.

"Mr. Drakon. A pleasure to meet you."

He had a briefcase by his side which further cemented the thought that he could pass for a lawyer if he tried to. God, a lawyer with a surname like Lawyers? Oh the jokes! I chuckled a bit at that and he got a knowing look on his face.

I shook my head and started paying attention to what the real estate agent was saying.

"As we discussed on the phone, Your requirements while not impossible will be a bit…hard. That's not to say that we can't deliver. It usually comes with a lot of scrutiny on the person who makes a purchase on a ware-house near the docks though."

I nodded.

"That was just an example as to want I want. It doesn't necessarily have to be a ware-house, nor does it have to be near the docks. As long as it's a secluded spot, large space inside and with the right amenities then I'm good. Our mutual acquaintance told me good things about you. I hope you don't disappoint me."

The shorter man swallowed and nodded while looking around, slightly afraid. We were at one of Amunet's hotels at a private dining table and I was wearing my mask. I didn't trust Amunet at all but she was the only one with the right connections I knew about. My secret base wouldn't be a secret if another person knew about it so most of the places that the guy infront of me offered would be used as a reference for me to find one for myself.

I needed to know the layout of the city and plan accordingly otherwise I would be caught off-guard by whatever Thawne was planning. I wasn't stupid enough to believe that he didn't know who was behind my mask. My mask would hold up to a stranger but to someone who really knew me, they would recognize my voice in a heartbeat. This wasn't a fictional world where that would be solved by distorting my voice and hoping for the best.

An hour later and with a promise to talk more, I left for my apartment to wash and meet up with Iris. I was a little bit excited about that by the way. It had been so long since I'd been with someone and I was definitely gonna tap that if I got the chance. Fuck being the Flash's girlfriend. They hadn't started dating and she was a hottie. 'Enough of the self-justification, Jin. Time to fly.' I thought to myself as wind gently carried me up to the air.

I was lucky it was 8 in the night so nobody saw me flip and swim across the air dexterously. I'm telling you man, flying is amazing.

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