Practicing business and practicing medicine

Chapter 19 Recommend Gao Ming

Male patient No. 4 belongs to the wind-fire toothache disease, which is mild. Traditional Chinese medicine is the most effective treatment for this kind of ailment. Among the six techniques of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is the most effective.

It would take about half an hour to wake up from the injection. Bian Mu smiled and explained a few words to male patient No. 4: "It will take a while to wait for the injection! There is another patient behind you, an elderly man, but he has been waiting for a long time. , I have to invite the old man in quickly to take a look."

"I'm fine! Go about your business." Male patient No. 4 said politely with a smile.

Bian Mu smiled at Patient No. 4 and nodded. He quickly walked a few steps to the door of the consulting room and was about to open the door. The door had already been pushed open from the outside.

"Doctor Bian! The last patient has left on his own accompanied by his family members. You are going to be popular!" Nurse Xiao Liu informed with a smile.

"Suiyou said that! The number has also been withdrawn?"

"Quit! I explained to them that you were very careful in your medical treatment and advised them to wait a little longer. The family members said that the old man had waited too long and was hungry. He was worried that he would suffer from hypoglycemia again, so he left in a hurry."

"Forget it! I'm sorry to delay you from getting off work. I have nothing to do here. You should go home from get off work as soon as possible!"

"It's okay. It's a good thing that there are more patients! Then you should be busy first while I go to the supermarket to buy some things."

"Walk slowly!" After saying that, Bian Mu turned around and returned to the consulting room.

He picked up a copy of "Ziwu Liu Zhu Shu Yi", sat back in his seat, flipped through a few pages, found the difficult part, and was about to make some comments when he heard the male patient No. 4 ask him for advice. sentence.

"Dr. Bian! To tell you the truth, I have been teaching myself acupuncture for many years. I also know that I need to prick the 'Hegu' point to treat toothache. Other doctors have also pricked me many times. Compared with you, why is there such a big difference? ?Is there any secret to it?”

"What should I tell you...Have you studied this kind of ancient books before?" As he spoke, Bian Mu walked to Patient No. 4 and gave him the "Ziwu Liu Zhu Shu Yi" in his hand and glanced at it a few times.

"I have never seen this set before, but I know a little bit about the acupuncture theory related to Ziwu Flow. I also carefully choose the time when I insert the 'Hegu point'. Sometimes I even measure the sunshine time and light angle. Why is the effect not so good? Obvious?"

"Haha... Time is only one aspect of it. Individual factors such as age, zodiac sign, height, fatness, and thinness... are also important reference factors. For example, if your zodiac sign is pushed back or forward one space, and your weight increases by more than 14 kilograms, I will probably choose the 'Neiting' point, and at the same time add another needle at 'Zusanli', and the score will be left and right. Prick the 'Neiting' point on the left, and then add another needle at 'Zusanli' on the right, which will help relieve and nourish you. Excessive stomach qi in the body should be directed away from the soles of the feet as much as possible. In this way, the acupuncture pathology will follow the completely opposite meridian path." Bian Mu patiently explained for a long time.

"Good guy! It's so complicated! I understand! No wonder people say that learning Chinese medicine by yourself is like closing your door to look for the sun. There is no way! By the way, let me ask you again, is the unique skill you just showed off the legendary 'Tian Tianliang' 'Stitch?"

The so-called "Tiantianliang" is the name of a kind of acupuncture therapy. After this acupuncture treatment, the patient's body will produce a continuous cold feeling, either locally or all over the body. In the industry, this is considered a relatively mature method. Acupuncture techniques.

"It's somewhat similar to 'Tian Tian Liang'. In terms of the principle of acupuncture, they follow the same path. However, my time to practice medicine is limited, and I can't reach the level of 'Tu Tian Liang' with just one shot. Otherwise, you can't You don’t need to spend so long here. If the acupuncture expert performs acupuncture, I don’t even need to ask you a few questions. The acupuncture will cure the disease in less than ten minutes. I’m still far away!” Bian Mu smiled and gave a few words of humility.

"Ouch! Listen to what you said, then Nie Yixiong and Cen Songxue in Lijin City, how good are their acupuncture techniques?"

"Senior Cen has specialized in acupuncture for generations, and he has probably reached the level of proficiency by now, right? Mr. Nie Yixiong is extremely talented, has a profound family background, and knows everything in the encyclopedia. Since he is known as a 'miracle doctor', he is naturally very clever."

Hearing this, male patient No. 4 couldn't help but shook his head slightly and sighed. Looking at his expression, he was full of infinite admiration for Cen Songxue and Nie Yixiong, the famous doctors in the world.

Male patient No. 4 was very studious and talkative. He repeatedly asked Bian Mu for confirmation on the topic of acupuncture. Bian Mu was very patient and tried his best to tell everything he knew. After a while, the two of them got along well. It was a very interesting conversation...

"Ouch! Time's up! I can't continue chatting with you, I need a needle!" As he spoke, Bian Mu stood up and gently removed the two steel needles, threw them into the medical trash can, and then placed them near the needle's eye. Disinfected again.

Male patient No. 4 was not finished chatting, so he wanted to ask Bian Mu for a few more words. Hearing the unusual silence in the corridor, he thought that it would be some time since the hospital got off work, and it was time for Dr. Bian to go home for dinner. It would be inappropriate to disturb him again. .

"Listening to your words is worth ten years of studying! Doctor Bian! It's getting late, so I won't interrupt you. Thank you! I'll ask you for advice another day."

"Mr. Yue, you're welcome! Please walk slowly!"

"See you later!" The toothache had subsided, and Patient No. 4, Mr. Yue, went out happily and walked away.

"Ouch! I'm so exhausted! Let's rest for a while." Thinking of this, Bian Mu stretched and sat down on the seat to take a breath.

"I used to complain that people were ignorant and didn't know how to call me, but now it seems that I'm still far behind! If nothing else, I can't completely eradicate the condition of the patient named Zhang. What's the matter with that little boy?" How to apply acupuncture, what kind of moxibustion method to use, and how to cooperate with massage. I really can't come up with a clear plan in the short term. I usually let Sister Cai and others praise me so much that I got a little carried away. I can't do it in the future. You have to pay attention." Bian Mu thought to himself.

There is a world outside the world, and there are people outside the world. After contacting so many patients today, Bian Mu suddenly realized the gap between himself, so he wanted to calm down and summarize it carefully. He could no longer be arrogant and arrogant.

While he was sitting there feeling confused, the little boy came back accompanied by four elders and asked for medical advice.

"Doctor Bian! Your diagnosis is really accurate! There is something wrong with my Xiaoqi's ears. The doctor over there prescribed some Western medicine. So what is the next step for treatment here?" the little boy's grandfather asked with a smile. road.

"Everyone, please take a seat. To be honest, I really can't cure your precious grandson's disease. The child is still young. To be cautious, I suggest that you go back and discuss it with the parents of the child. It is best to go to Lijin City to find a doctor. A famous Chinese medicine expert named Cen Songxue came up with a solution. This senior Cen is proficient in pediatrics and has excellent acupuncture techniques. Your grandson is still very young. I dare not give acupuncture or massage casually. If I make a mistake, I am afraid that the child will suffer. It will cause some bad effects in future growth." Bian Mu explained truthfully, hoping that the four elderly people could understand his painstaking efforts.

Upon hearing this, the four old people were stunned and looked at each other for a moment. They didn't know if this was a good idea.

After a moment of silence, Bian Mu patiently introduced the taboos of the child's condition in detail, hoping that the four old people would take their precious grandson to another famous doctor and try to nurse the little boy back to health in the shortest time, so as not to delay the child's healthy growth.

The little boy's grandfather was quite well educated. He basically understood Bian Mu's explanation. In addition to admiring Bian Mu's noble medical ethics, he finally made up his mind to take his grandson to a private clinic run by Cen Songxue.

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