Prestige Grinding : I Can Reset My Level

Chapter 15 : New class !

Sora walked down the bustling streets of Córdoba, his mind already on the next step of his journey. He had spent two days clearing all the offices, raking in an impressive amount of gold—185,000, to be precise—far more than he initially expected. On top of that, he had his prior earnings from looting monsters and auctions, which left him with well over 345,000 gold in total. It was a fortune by any standard, enough to live comfortably for years or buy the best equipment money could buy.

But gold wasn't his priority. His real goal was power—true, unshakable power that no class, no skillset, and no level could limit.

With that in mind, he headed straight for the Combat Training Center. It was the place where players went to choose and upgrade their classes. Sora had delayed his decision long enough, and now it was time to take advantage of the system. Not for its intended purpose, but for his own.

The center itself was a massive structure, buzzing with activity. As he approached, Sora could see players of all levels milling around—some fresh-faced and nervous, others seasoned veterans who had already unlocked powerful classes and were here to further specialize or evolve their existing skills. The sound of clashing weapons, spells being cast, and the general murmur of voices filled the air.

Sora paused at the entrance, taking it all in. The building was designed like a fortress, with high stone walls and banners depicting different classes fluttering in the wind. Inside, there were various stations where players were being evaluated, given quests, or undergoing trials to unlock more advanced classes. Each station was dedicated to a particular class or combat style.

He walked inside, scanning the various groups of people clustered around each station.

The Swordman station was packed, with people practicing different sword techniques, and mana-enhanced sword strikes filling the air. Sora could see why it was so popular—swordmen were reliable in combat, with a clear path for growth. Their ability to refine mana into sword energy gave them consistent, reliable power, making them a popular choice for those who wanted steady, dependable combat prowess.

To the right, there was the Mage station, where players were learning to manipulate the elements—fire, ice, lightning, and more. Mages took mana and refined it through long, complicated spells, converting raw power into devastating magical attacks. They could level cities with a flick of their wrist if they reached the highest ranks.

Nearby, the Brawler class attracted those who preferred to use their fists and raw physical strength. Brawlers channeled mana directly into their bodies, increasing their speed and strength exponentially. They weren't as reliant on weapons, which made them highly adaptable in close combat.

Sora even spotted a few more specialized classes, like Rangers who focused on ranged attacks using bows, and Assassins, who specialized in stealth and critical strikes from the shadows.

"Each of these classes uses mana differently," Sora thought, his eyes scanning the scene. "But the path they follow is fixed, limited by the system. Once you choose a class, you're locked into its methods."

But not for him. For Sora, choosing a class was a strategic decision. He wasn't bound by the limits of the system. Each time he reset, he could pick a different class and carry forward the knowledge he gained, eventually turning class-specific skills into classless ones. He would become a jack-of-all-trades, mastering every form of mana manipulation the system had to offer.

The thought brought a grin to his face.

Sora's strategy was simple: choose a class that would synergize with the base he had already built as a swordman. His goal was to understand how classes manipulated mana, steal their techniques, and use them in future resets. Every class he took would be a stepping stone toward mastering mana on his terms, not the system's.

His previous swordman experience gave him a solid foundation. But now, he needed something that would complement his growing control over mana. He wasn't just looking for power—he was looking for versatility, for adaptability.

A class that could blend well with his current abilities and give him insight into how other types of mana could be used.

As he walked through the Combat Training Center, Sora considered his options. Swordman was out of the question—he had already walking on that path. Brawler might be interesting, with its ability to channel mana directly into physical strikes. It could complement his sword-based combat with raw, explosive power.

Mage was another option, but he was already familiar with the basics of elemental magic from Enzo. While powerful, it wasn't what he needed right now. He wanted something that gave him control over mana in ways that were less predictable, something that would let him refine his raw mana without locking him into a narrow skillset.

He paused in front of a class station that caught his eye: Battlemage.

Battlemages were known for their ability to wield both physical and magical attacks simultaneously. They could channel mana into their weapons and bodies like a swordman or brawler but also manipulate the elements like a mage. It was the perfect blend of raw power and magical refinement.

Sora's eyes narrowed as he considered the possibilities. The Battlemage class could give him access to a wide range of mana techniques. He could learn how to fuse physical strikes with elemental attacks, how to weave mana into every aspect of combat. And the best part? It wouldn't lock him into just one path. He could experiment, mix, and match techniques.

"This could work," he thought, stepping forward. "I can learn from this."

Battlemage wasn't as popular as some of the other classes, likely because it required more versatility and higher mana control than most people were willing to handle. But for Sora, it was exactly what he needed. He wouldn't be limited to a sword or a spell—he could have both.

With a deep breath, Sora approached the Battlemage station, where a few other players were already gathered, preparing for their trials. He had no intention of sticking with this class for long—just long enough to understand how it worked, to steal its secrets, and then move on.

The idea of blending physical combat with magic was intriguing, but as he thought about it, he realized something important.

"Isn't this just a lesser version of what I'm trying to create?" he muttered to himself.

Battlemage was essentially the combination of a warrior and a mage—someone who had learned both paths and merged them into a singular class. It was an advanced class, for sure, but it didn't align perfectly with his long-term goal. He wasn't here to simply follow a path that someone else had already carved out. He wanted something more than just combining two distinct forms of combat.

His true aim was far beyond that. His plan was to use mana to transcend the very idea of classes. Battlemage, while tempting as a first step, wasn't what he was looking for right now. Maybe it could serve as a stepping stone later, but for now, it didn't offer him the kind of insight into mana manipulation that he needed.

What he needed was synergy—a class that would enhance the base he already had with his swordsmanship and growing control over mana.

Sora's gaze moved away from the Battlemage station, searching for something else, something that would truly complement his existing skills. He scanned the stations, passing by Assassin, Mage, and Brawler classes. Then, something caught his eye.

A class focused entirely on buffs.

His pulse quickened.

The Buffer class was specialized in empowering others—and oneself. It could give all kinds of buffs, from boosting speed and strength to enhancing defenses and increasing mana reserves. The description was fascinating: it wasn't just about casting a simple spell and leaving it at that. The class specialized in layering buffs, amplifying them until someone's power could be pushed to extreme levels.

Sora's mind raced with the possibilities.

What if, when combined with his current abilities, the effect wasn't simply additive, like 1 + 1 = 2? What if the buffs he learned could multiply his strength exponentially? What if he could take the mana he was learning to control and use it to supercharge his attacks and defenses?

The idea of becoming nearly unstoppable flashed through his mind.

This class wasn't just about increasing one's power—it was about maximizing potential.

Sora smiled as he imagined it: a swordsman with the ability to boost his own physical and mana capabilities to the point of breaking through normal limits. A perfect synergy with his evolving sword-based mana techniques.

He could almost feel it—layering buffs on top of his existing power, transforming into something far beyond what any normal class could achieve.

His thoughts didn't stop there. Another idea struck him as he looked around the center. He could also see the value in classes that specialized in healing and protection. There were a few that focused on creating shields, barriers, and increasing survivability. The idea of becoming nearly unkillable, a walking fortress, crossed his mind. If he could layer buffs on top of healing and protection, wouldn't that make him like a cockroach—impossible to kill, no matter what?

What about tank classes? He glanced over at the Tank station, where players were learning to absorb massive amounts of damage. What if he combined the defensive power of a tank with the offensive capabilities of a swordsman and mana user? A tank who could dish out as much damage as he took? The possibilities were endless.

He hesitated. There were so many directions he could take this. So many paths to explore. His mind kept spinning through the options.

But then, as he weighed all the possibilities, his gaze returned to the Buffer class. This was the most logical next step for now. Buffs would complement his swordsmanship perfectly, and with his newfound control over mana, he could push himself beyond what any normal warrior could achieve.

The Buffer class wasn't just a support role. With the right understanding of mana and how to manipulate it, he could turn himself into a one-man army.

A grin crept across Sora's face. He had made his decision.

He walked toward the Buffer station, where a few players were already deep in their training. The instructor at the station glanced at him, raising an eyebrow as Sora approached.

"Interested in enhancing your power?" the instructor asked, noticing the determined look in Sora's eyes.

Sora nodded. "Yeah. I think this is exactly what I need."

The instructor gave him a nod of approval and handed him a small tablet with the class details.

"Welcome to the Mana Amplifier class," the instructor said. "You'll be learning how to increase not just your own abilities, but the abilities of others. The key is understanding how to amplify your mana, layering effects on top of one another for maximum impact."

Sora skimmed through the class details. The potential was incredible. By focusing on how mana interacted with physical and magical abilities, he could amplify his sword strikes, make his mana stronger, and even empower his defenses. And that was just the beginning.

"This is perfect," he thought. "With this class, I can learn how to amplify my mana, and after the next reset, I'll be able to use these buffs without any class restrictions."

Each reset would give him a new opportunity to steal skills and improve his understanding of how mana worked across different classes. The Buffer—no, Mana Amplifier—class would be the first of many steps toward becoming something beyond classes.

His mind already buzzing with ideas, Sora signed up for the class, excitement brewing within him.

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