Prestige Grinding : I Can Reset My Level

Chapter 20 : Second Rebirth !

Sora woke up in a daze, his body cold and unsteady. For a moment, his thoughts were a jumble as the memory of his death replayed in his mind. Something incredibly powerful had erased him in an instant, and he had no idea how.

'Was it a slap? A strike? A spit? I haven't even seen it coming.'

It was over before he could comprehend anything.

His thoughts drifted to the studies conducted by Public Universities, particularly their research on monsters above level 80. According to estimates, such creatures had a power level of at least 150 billion. That kind of power was inconceivable, and it only existed because of the post-apocalypse rules of Earth. The containment of these monsters in specific high-level areas suggested something even more terrifying: whoever orchestrated these world changes had even more power.

'If creatures like that are mere ants, then what am I?' he thought, a bitter smile on his face. Reality came crashing down—he was still weak.

Sure, he had unlocked new skills, surpassed his former self, and grown tremendously. But in the grand scheme of things, his power was insignificant. His potential might be infinite, but potential meant nothing without knowledge, skill, and actual power.

"Status," he muttered, almost on autopilot. The familiar notification for his prestige skill appeared in front of him, asking if he wanted to activate his innate ability.

[Do you want to use your Prestige to revive ?]

[Yes] [No]

This time, he pressed yes without hesitation.

The dark space that typically accompanied his Prestige activation was replaced by a bright, blinding space.

[Choose an identity for an immediate revival or create an identity]

[Sora Hashino]

[Ralph Eden]

[New identity (30 Days penalty)]

He opted to keep his current identity, Ralph, without changing his appearance. Unlike before, the lady's voice was silent this time. He had grown used to her guiding words, but her absence now felt like a small step toward self-reliance.

As soon as he chose to keep his identity, he reappeared as an ethereal form above the area where he had died. A new notification popped up, indicating that he could revive anywhere within 1,000 kilometers from his death point.

"Maybe it's because I didn't change my identity," he mused, intrigued by the added flexibility.

He revived in a safe zone, within a level 1-9 area near Barcelona. As soon as he reappeared, mana swirled around him, reforming his body. His familiar, Hiyoko, appeared as well. Their bond was still intact, but Hiyoko's face showed a mix of confusion, surprise, and happiness.

Without warning, the tiny bird leapt onto Sora's belly, chirping and hopping excitedly as if checking that he was truly alive.

Sora smiled, feeling an odd sense of comfort from the little Piou's joy. "I'm fine, Hiyoko," he whispered, stroking the bird gently. "Let's go on."

He quickly checked his status.

[Status Update]

Profile: Ralph Eden (Sora Hashino)
Status: Alive (Prestige 2)
Class: None (Level 1)
Title: Innocent

Power Level: 200
Energy Level: E
Body Level: F
Talent Level: 4


His class was reset to none, and his titles, skills, and power were back to the familiar starting point. All class-based skills were either locked or reduced to level 1, but his classless skills remained intact. His Supreme Skill, Mana Evolution, was still active and as powerful as ever.

When he was around level 34 in his previous life, [Mana Evolution] had made him eight times stronger than a regular player. But now, with his Prestige multiplier at 4, [Mana Evolution] made him ten times stronger.

Doing the mental math, Sora smirked. "Forty times stronger than average players of my level. It's insane."

His base strength was only five, but with the combined effects of his two skills, it was multiplied to an astronomical degree. This time, however, Sora felt different. He didn't let it get to his head.

"There are others like me out there. For now, I'm just a frog in a well. No use getting arrogant," he muttered to himself.

He looked around the area and decided his first move was to retrieve his items from the bank. He didn't care about fighting monsters just yet. With Hiyoko perched on his shoulder, he strolled back to the nearest city, quickly heading to the bank. Once there, the clerk was surprised to see this experienced adventurer he has seen before return with level 1 clothes...

"Did you lose all your levels ??" the clerk asked, but Sora didn't answer, asking for access to his vault.

He retrieved all his stored equipment—level 1, 10, 20, 30, 40, and even 50 gear, as well as his training equipment. The items he put before resetting were still there, but he would sell them later as he was not in the mood to do that.

"Let's get strong quickly this time," he thought, a determined glint in his eyes. "It won't take 30 days to reset this time. I'll hit level 50 as fast as I can."

He wasn't in the mood to relax or celebrate. The memory of his death still weighed heavily on him. All that power he'd accumulated—gone in a second. He was nothing compared to the true monsters of the world.

As he left the city, equipped with his level 1 sword, Sora prepared to head to the wilderness. But as he was about to move, shouting caught his attention. Curious, he approached the commotion.

A group of players was bullying someone. The victim, a level 5 player, was desperately fighting a level 9 Giant Mosquito, while his tormentors—players ranging from levels 12 to 19—blocked his escape. They jeered and taunted him, cutting off his retreat and watching him suffer.

The leader of the bullies, level 19, seemed to be motivated by personal hatred—the victim had apparently caught the eye of his sister, and he had followed him to these dangerous parts to make him "disappear."

Sora was about to walk away, uninterested in their drama, when the leader of the group noticed him. "Just a level 1... he's not a threat," the leader muttered to an assassin in his party.

"Take care of him," he whispered. The assassin nodded, his hand reaching for a PK Token—a rare item that allowed players to attack others despite the protective rules of the world.

The assassin crept toward Sora, but before he could land a hit, Sora turned and swung his sword. A flash of mana surged through his blade as his [True Mana Strike] sliced the assassin in half. The assassin died instantly, his body falling to the ground before he could even register what had happened.

Sora felt a rush of energy as notifications filled his vision.

[You have killed Ramen, a level 15 player.]

Sora's level instantly shot up to 8, a powerful surge of mana coursing through him. He could feel more of his strength returning, his body swelling with the power he had lost.

[Legitimate Defense System activated.]

[You may now defend yourself against all members of the attacking party.]

Without hesitation, Sora rushed toward the remaining group of bullies. His body moved faster than they could react, though he missed the Speed Surge skill he'd been accustomed to. He made do with a swift dash, sending out a Mana Sweep that obliterated most of the bullies and the Giant Mosquito in one go.

[Level up! You are now Level 13.]

He hated PVP, but some players couldn't help but hunt other players.

Only the level 19 leader remained standing, shaking in disbelief. He had just watched Sora—who was level 1 moments ago—wipe out his entire group with ease. The shock in his eyes was palpable.

"What the hell are you?" he shouted, panic setting in as he tried to fight back.

Sora didn't give him the chance to attack. With a flash, the bully blacked out, dead before he even realized it.

Without a word, Sora turned around, gave a few gold coins and a shield to the bullied player and helped him get into a safer zone.

These guys ruined his mood as he hated killing other players. However, seeing the experience gains, it seemed less real.

Equipping his level 10 gear, Sora moved on to the next zone. In just a few hours, he had leveled up to 20. By nightfall, he was level 24, cutting through monsters and threats in zones far above his level.

He returned to Barcelona, entering an inn to rest after a long day of grinding. The city was just another pit stop on his path to power.

Sora stood in the small, dimly lit room he had rented at the inn, his mind racing with thoughts of the day's progress. He had torn through levels far faster than he'd expected, reaching level 24 in just a single day.

But even as the power rushed through his veins, he knew it was still just a fraction of what he'd wielded the day before. The room was quiet, the only sound coming from the soft chirps of Hiyoko, who was perched on the windowsill, watching the fading light of the setting sun.

His power level had skyrocketed since that first encounter in the morning—rising by leaps and bounds with each level-up. His stats, even without a class, were starting to approach those of players much higher in level. It felt exhilarating, but there was a lingering feeling of unease gnawing at the back of his mind. It wasn't the fast progress that unsettled him—it was the knowledge of what still lay ahead.

As he stared at the walls of the room, his mind wandered back to his parents. He hadn't thought about them much in the chaos of leveling up, but now, the memories came flooding in.

His heart ached as he remembered how they lost not just one son, but both.

His brother Nathan—killed, most likely by Rachel.

Sora clenched his fist at the thought. Rachel, their childhood friend, the one who had betrayed him, had also taken Nathan away. His parents must have been devastated by their deaths, not knowing the true reason. He had to make things right. He needed to fix this.

Tomorrow morning, he would choose a new class, then head home. The thought of returning to France filled him with a strange mix of dread and longing.

His parents didn't know he was alive, and the idea of revealing himself to them after all this time was... complicated. But he had to see them. They deserved to know the truth, and he wanted to protect them, no matter what.

With his mind set on the road ahead, Sora turned toward the bed. He glanced at Hiyoko, who chirped softly before tucking its tiny head under its wing. He allowed himself a small smile before lying down, pulling the thin blanket over himself.

"Goodnight Hiyoko"

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