Prestige Grinding : I Can Reset My Level

Chapter 28 : Badge Assessment

Sora stepped into the bustling Adventurer's Guild of inner Paris - also known as Intra-muros.

The grand hall was filled with adventurers, merchants, and guild staff going about their business. Massive quest boards lined the walls, covered in listings for tasks ranging from simple monster slaying to full-scale wild boss [RAIDS].

The room buzzed with energy, but Sora's eyes were immediately drawn to the list of available quests.

He moved closer to the quest board, scanning the options. Some were too easy, aimed at lower-level adventurers, while others seemed more fitting for someone of his strength. He knew he had the power to handle a few more difficult quests. With his level now being 50 and his enhanced strength, speed, and skills, he felt confident he could take on anything the guild had to offer below level 65.

However, there was a problem. As he examined the quests more closely, he realized he couldn't accept any of them.

Sora's badge, the [Sapphire Badge] he had earned long ago, was gone—lost when he died for the first time at Rachel's hands. Without the badge, he couldn't officially take on quests, no matter how strong he was.

"Of course," he muttered, shaking his head. He had forgotten about that little detail.

Not wasting any time, he made his way to the counter. The clerk, a middle-aged man with a slightly weary expression, looked up as Sora approached.

"How can I help you today?" the clerk asked politely.

Sora leaned on the counter. "I need a new adventurer's badge. I lost mine a while back."

The clerk nodded and began typing into the system. "No problem. What's your name?"

"Ralph Eden" he replied, without thinking. Then, realizing his current identity and his badge name being different, he added, "Well, it should be under 'Sora Hashino.' I go by Ralph Eden now."

The clerk raised an eyebrow but continued checking. After a few moments, he looked up, slightly confused. "It says here you had a Sapphire Badge, but... your level now is showing 50."

He hesitated, glancing at Sora with a mix of curiosity and doubt. "You're asking for a replacement Sapphire Badge? Do you want to upgrade it to Ruby?"

Starting from level 10, adventurer badges ranged from Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Jade, Sapphire, Ruby, Emerald, Diamond, Obsidian, Shadow, Phoenix, to Celestial. Sora didn't know the names of levels beyond that.

Sapphire was for level 45 to 49 players who matched the strength of their level, while Ruby was for players in the level 50–54 range.

Sora winced internally. He didn't want to waste time with a badge that no longer reflected his true abilities. He was already far stronger than when he had earned the Sapphire Badge. Even a Ruby Badge felt insufficient.

"Actually," Sora began, leaning in slightly, "I'd like a Diamond Badge instead."

The clerk blinked, caught off guard. "A... Diamond Badge?" He glanced at the system screen, then back at Sora. "You're level 50. Are you sure? Diamond badges are for local powerhouses—those who can handle the toughest quests."

Sora remained calm. "I'm sure. I can handle it."

The clerk hesitated again, clearly conflicted. While the system verified Sora's identity, the level mismatch was unsettling. Above Sora's head, the name "Ralph Eden" floated, but the system confirmed this person was indeed the same "Sora" who had previously held the Sapphire Badge.

It was strange, and the clerk wondered if this was some high-level identity-changing trick or ability. Even though he had rarely seen someone ask to skip two badge ranks, he still had to give the adventurer a chance. Rules were rules.

"The system doesn't lie," the clerk murmured under his breath, then cleared his throat. "To give you a badge, as you probably know, since you're a member of our Guild, we'll need to put you through a test to verify your power."

"I'm ready," Sora replied confidently.

The clerk nodded. "You'll have to pass a series of combat trials to prove you're worthy of the Diamond Badge. Only those who meet the strength and skill requirements can get one.

If it turns out you're too weak and waste the test administrator's time... there's a hefty penalty. So don't test their patience."

Sora considered this. He wasn't afraid of the challenge. If anything, the test would be a good way to gauge his current strength and see where he stood.

Plus, having a high-ranking badge would make it easier to take on quests, even after his next reset. When he was back at level 1, he could still access higher-level quests with the right badge, allowing him to level up quickly. He was aiming for this loophole to take any quest he wanted after his prestige reset.

He nodded firmly. "I'll take the test."

The clerk gave him an appraising look, then sighed and typed a few more things into the system. "Alright, you're scheduled for the Diamond Badge test. Head to the combat arena downstairs. One of our evaluators downstairs will evaluate you there shortly."

"Thanks," Sora said, giving the clerk a nod before turning away.

As he headed toward the combat arena, Sora thought about the future. The Diamond Badge would be crucial, not just for proving his strength, but for leveling efficiently in his next life.

He wasn't just thinking about the present anymore—everything he did now was part of a bigger plan. With the badge, he could continue taking on tough quests, no matter his level.

Sora descended the stairs, his footsteps light on the stone. His heart raced in anticipation of what lay ahead. This was no ordinary test—it would decide his future path. To prepare optimized ways of leveling up fast, he needed this.

He had faced many challenges, but something about the Adventurer's Guild test made it unique. It wasn't just about strength; it was a measure of his worth.

At the bottom, he reached a heavy wooden door. As soon as he stepped through, a strange sensation washed over him. It felt like his body was being pulled in all directions for a split second. The air shimmered, and before he could analyze it with his Mana Eyes, the feeling vanished.

"Was I... teleported?" Sora muttered, glancing around. He didn't sense any magic traces left behind. No mana residue, no illusions—just emptiness. 'My mana control is still too low to analyze high level phenomenons' his thoughts still on the teleportation

The room before him was vast, much larger than the guild building should allow. A gigantic training hall stretched out before him, the high ceilings arching far above. The marble floors gleamed under the soft light, and the space felt surreal, as though it existed beyond normal boundaries.

In one corner, a group of adventurers stood chatting. Their laughter echoed across the hall. One of them, a burly man in a cloak adorned with an intricate emblem, noticed Sora and smirked.

"Hey, kid," the man called out, his voice loud. "You're in the wrong place. This is the mid to high-level testing ground. Diamond to Shadow adventurers only." He chuckled, as if the thought of Sora being there was a joke.

Sora walked forward, his expression calm.

"I'm in the right place," he said. "I applied for a Diamond Badge."

The group fell silent, exchanging surprised looks. The burly man raised an eyebrow, clearly doubting Sora's words.

"You?" he scoffed. "Diamond Badge? You barely look like you've fought a real battle. You think you can just skip to the high ranks?"

Sora didn't flinch. His voice stayed steady. "I don't think. I know."

A tense quiet followed. The man stared, trying to figure him out. After a moment, a tall woman with silver hair stepped forward. Her black cloak marked her as a Shadow adventurer.

"If he's here, the Guild has already warned him," she said. "They probably told him what it cost to waste our time"

The burly man shrugged. "Prepare yourself. You'd better hope you're as tough as you think, kid."

As Sora stepped into the arena, the small group of adventurers in the corner kept a close eye on him. They whispered amongst themselves, sizing him up. His aura was unmistakably that of a Martial Titan, yet something about him seemed... off.

"Wait, is that a sword?" one of the adventurers muttered, raising an eyebrow, understanding why this player seemed off.

Another scoffed. "Martial Titans using swords? That's just plain wrong. They're supposed to rely on their bodies, not external weapons. He's probably someone who didn't push his body forging far enough."

But a third adventurer, more observant, leaned forward, his eyes narrowing as he studied the flow of mana around Sora. "Look at his mana. It's… smooth. Too smooth. That level of control is not something you usually see in a tank class. It's like he has high mana control."

The first adventurer frowned. "But he's a Martial Titan. They rely on brute force, not finesse. Why would a tank have such precise mana control?"

Before they could continue discussing, the tall woman who would be testing Sora stepped forward, drawing everyone's attention.

"Hey, focus," one of them nudged his friend. "The fight's about to start."

The woman's aura flared instantly, releasing the powerful pressure of a low Diamond adventurer. Her presence was overwhelming, and the fight began in a blur of motion. Without warning, she launched a punch at Sora.

But Sora was prepared. His body responded almost instinctively, activating [Speed Surge]. His movements became a blur as he dodged her first few strikes with remarkable agility. The adventurers watching exchanged startled glances.

"He's fast," one murmured. "Isn't he a Martial Titan? How is he using a speed buff like that? Doesn't it look like the skill from the [Mana Amplifier] class [Amplify] but even more potent?"

The woman narrowed her eyes. Sora's speed was unexpected, but she wasn't going to let him off easy. She increased her pace, her sword flashing as she closed the distance between them. Sora wasn't just relying on his speed—his [Mana Shield] activated the moment her blade made contact with him. The ethereal shield absorbed the impact, though it shattered after just a few hits.

But Sora was relentless. The moment his shield broke, he reformed it instantly. It was as if his shield was a black hole— absorbing mana from the surroundings, forming, breaking, reforming, breaking again, over and over. His insane mana regeneration kept up with the constant drain, and his mana pool, boosted by [Mana Evolution], seemed limitless. Each time his shield shattered, he rebuilt it, creating a never-ending cycle of protection.


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