Prestige Grinding : I Can Reset My Level

Chapter 32 : Level 60 Dungeon !

The doors to the Adventurer's Guild swung open, and four players walked in together, chatting as they entered. Sora noticed them immediately, and even Hiyoko, perched on his shoulder, chirped softly in curiosity. Sora activated his [Mana Eyes], taking a closer look at the newcomers.

At the center of the group was a girl who caught his attention right away. She had short, dark auburn hair and sharp brown eyes. Her mana fluctuation were smooth and controlled, and Sora could tell she had excellent control over her mana. The way her energy flowed through her body showed she was not a beginner.

He guessed she was a healer based on her equipment. Her level stood out immediately: Level 61, and she carried a Diamond Badge, marking her as quite powerful for her level.

Sora glanced at Areva, standing beside him. He still couldn't get a read on her using his [Mana Eyes], but he had always assumed she was a warrior.

"Are you a healer too?" he asked, surprised by her strength despite her role as a healer.

Areva smiled and nodded. "Yes, I am. But I can do more than just heal. I'm strong enough to take on any adventurer up to Obsidian rank, whether it's with magic, weapons, or hand-to-hand combat. There's no way someone could tell my true class with such a big gap in strength."

Sora blinked in surprise. It made sense now—Areva's power was on another level.

Turning his attention back to the group, Sora studied the other three players. They were clearly not as powerful as Kara, the girl in the center.

The boy in the group had dark, curly hair that hung just above his eyes. He was slim, wearing a simple tunic and carrying a sword at his side. His bright green eyes had a serious look, but his mana wasn't smooth and barely controlled. Sora guessed he was a swordsman, but one without much experience. His Ruby Badge glinted in the light, and his level read Level 58.

Sora frowned inwardly. At his level, he should have at least been Emerald rank, but his Ruby Badge suggested a lack of dedication to training. His mana control and foundation were weak, especially for someone his level. 'He was likely someone who relied on grinding and team play to push his levels higher, without focusing on building a solid foundation in body and energy.'

One of the girls was shorter and stockier, with strong shoulders and muscular arms. She had short brown hair tied into a ponytail and a large shield strapped to her back. Her blue eyes were focused and determined. Her aura felt heavy and protective, making Sora think she was a Tank. Her Emerald Badge gleamed proudly, and her level read Level 62. But again, her badge didn't match her level. She had a higher level than Kara but a weaker badge, which was concerning.

The last girl had long blonde hair that flowed loosely over her shoulders. She was tall and slim. A bow was slung across her back, and her sharp brown eyes darted around the room. Her mana felt light and fast, fitting her Archer class, but wild. Like the Tank, she was also Emerald-ranked, sitting at Level 61.

Sora shook his head slightly. With levels like theirs, they should be Diamond rank adventurers or higher, but they were stuck at lower badges. It was clear they had leveled up quickly, likely relying on team strategies to progress.

Players were like vessels—leveling up was like making the vessel larger, but the real power was the content that filled it. Without the proper body or energy levels to strengthen the foundation, their "vessel" was fragile. Rushing to level up without building a strong core left them relatively weak compared to others at the same level.

At levels beyond 50, the gap between players who leveled properly and those who didn't could be huge—sometimes several times more powerful. Maybe that was why Areva doubted their chances of succeeding in this dungeon quest.

The group stopped in front of Sora and Areva. The girl in the middle, Kara, stepped forward with a calm, friendly smile.

"Good morning, Master," she said warmly. "We're ready for the quest."

Areva nodded and gestured toward Sora. "This is Ralph Eden, the adventurer I told you about. He'll be joining your team."

Kara smiled and held out her hand. "You must be Ralph Eden. It's great to meet you. I'm Kara. Here are Thierry, Céline and Amélie"

Sora shook her hand, noticing how firm her grip was. "Nice to meet you. Just call me Ralph."

Kara glanced at the Diamond Badge on his chest and smiled even more. "A Diamond adventurer, huh? That's good news for us. It's great to have you."

As Kara greeted him, Sora noticed the others looking at the space above his head, where his level was displayed. Their eyes widened as they saw the number: Level 50.

The boy with the sword, Thierry, stepped forward, looking confused. "Uh... no offense, but you're only Level 50? Isn't that a little low for a Diamond Badge?"

The Tank, Céline, frowned slightly and added, "Usually, Diamond adventurers are higher level than that. Can it be that they made a mistake during the badge trial?"

Before Sora could explain, Areva stepped in. "Don't be fooled by the level. He's earned that badge, trust me."

The Archer, Amélie, who had been watching quietly, finally spoke. "You must be pretty strong to get a Diamond Badge at that level." Her voice was calm, but there was curiosity in her eyes.

Kara smiled and waved her hand, easing the tension. "It doesn't matter what level he is. We know that badge is a proof of strength. We're lucky to have you, Ralph." The last part was for Sora.

Thierry, looking more relaxed, extended his hand to Sora. "I'm Thierry. Sorry for my first words. I guess we'll be working together."

Sora shook his hand, sensing a bit of hesitation but also respect. "It's okay, i'm looking forward to it."

The Tank, Céline, stepped up next. "I'm Céline," she said simply. Her strong frame made her look tough, but her voice was soft.

Lastly, the Archer, Amélie, gave him a small smile. "And I'm Amélie. I guess we'll be relying on you."

Sora nodded, memorizing their names and appearances. The team had a decent mix of roles—Tank, Healer, Swordsman, and Archer—but he could already tell that Kara was the strongest. The others would need serious help to survive a high-level dungeon.

"All right," Areva said, clapping her hands. "Now that we've made introductions, you guys head to the dungeon. The quest's time limit is near."


As Sora and the group made their way toward the dungeon entrance, his thoughts drifted to the past—the world as it was before everything changed.

In 2044, the first sign of the global transformation was the sudden appearance of dungeons. They seemed to be gateways to other worlds, full of dangerous creatures and unknown threats.

At first, humanity was unsure of what to do with these new structures, but it soon became clear that the dungeons were a serious threat. If a dungeon wasn't cleared in time, it would "break," allowing the monsters inside to escape. Once free, those creatures could wreak havoc wherever they pleased, far from the dungeon that once contained them.

Dungeons became a race against time. There was a rush to clear them, not just for the rewards inside but to prevent the devastation that would follow if they broke. Inside each dungeon, the creatures were usually of the same kind—packs of beasts, tribes of monsters.

Occasionally, however, something far more sinister lurked within: the eight invading races.

The eight races had come to Earth through portals, bringing war and destruction in their wake. In some cases, these powerful races would use dungeons as a means to send their strong troops or elite battalions. After the first world update, they began summoning their forces in dungeons within their own territories.

But the Beast Race, ever unpredictable, continued to open dungeons across the entire planet. Even within the New World Kingdom, dungeons would spring up, releasing ferocious beasts into human lands when left alone.

From time to time, however, dungeons linked to one of the eight invading races would still appear in human territory. This was always a cause for concern. Those dungeons held dangers that needed powerful adventurers to suppress them.

Once a dungeon was cleared, ownership would be claimed by the faction that defeated it. The monsters inside would respawn after a cooldown period, allowing the victors to farm the dungeon for loot and resources.

However, the first world update brought one rule : no one could enter a dungeon alone. Groups of five were required by the dungeon's strange, unbreakable rules.

Sora shook off the memories, pulling himself back to the present. Today's dungeon was different. It was a Level 60 dungeon that had already been beaten shortly after it appeared.

Areva, a high-ranking NPC adventurer from the guild, had caught wind of rumors from her contacts about a hidden section of the dungeon. There, a secret boss supposedly awaited, owning a legendary specter—an artifact that could greatly enhance a healer's power.

Areva had mentioned this to Kara, her disciple, and the adventurer group had accepted the quest to hunt down the legendary item. And now, Sora found himself standing at the threshold of this dungeon, ready to assist.

As they neared the dungeon entrance, the group took a moment to inspect their gear. It was a good habit—double-checking equipment before entering a place where even small mistakes could prove fatal.

Sora glanced down at his own Level 50 gear. It wasn't the best, but it was solid. A full leather set focused on agility, which was perfect for his preferred speed-based fighting style. He had a sword in hand, simple but reliable.

When he had bought this gear, he hadn't put much thought into it, choosing to focus on maneuverability rather than raw defense or power. Now, standing beside his new teammates, he didn't know whether he should laugh or cry.

The others were outfitted in much higher-level gear. Their sets were Level 55 to 60, and Sora couldn't help but notice the quality of their equipment. It was obvious these adventurers did not have problems with money and had access to rare resources.

Their gear was top-notch, primarily epic pieces with the occasional glint of unique equipment. Sora frowned inwardly, they were equipped with some of the best items sets their level could afford.

Did they rely on gear to level up? It certainly seemed like it.

Kara had the most impressive gear. Her healer's robes gleamed with enchantments, and Sora could tell that every piece had been carefully chosen for maximum efficiency in healing and mana control. But unlike her companions, Kara didn't flaunt her wealth or gear. She moved with a quiet confidence that made Sora think she was the most reliable of the group.

After everyone finished their checks, they approached the dungeon entrance, a massive stone archway embedded in the mountainside. The air around it shimmered slightly, a telltale sign of the magic that held the dungeon's barriers in place.

Sora gripped his sword tighter, feeling the familiar tension that came before entering a dungeon. His mind sharpened, and the thoughts of the past faded as he focused on the present.

"Ready?" Kara asked, her voice steady but filled with anticipation. The others nodded, their faces a mix of excitement and anxiety.

Sora stepped forward, his heart steady, his mind clear. The journey into the dungeon was about to begin.

They crossed the threshold, and the world around them shifted, plunging them into darkness.

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