Prestige Grinding : I Can Reset My Level

Chapter 4 : Level UP !

Sora knelt on the cold stone floor, breathing heavily as adrenaline coursed through his veins. The remnants of the battle still echoed in his mind, but now his focus shifted to the figure that had emerged from the shadows. This person—tall and cloaked in dark fabric—loomed like a specter, their face obscured by a hood. The air around them felt charged, making Sora instinctively wary.

"Who are you?" Sora demanded, forcing his voice to sound steadier than he felt. He gripped the jagged claw tightly in his hand, ready to defend himself if necessary. The last thing he wanted was to find himself at the mercy of another unknown enemy.

The figure remained silent for a moment, studying him with an intensity that sent a shiver down Sora's spine. Finally, they spoke, their voice low and smooth, almost melodic. "I am a watcher of the trials. Your performance was… intriguing."

[Quest Complete: "Survive the Shadows" - Difficulty: E]

Sora's vision flickered with a status panel that materialized before him, glowing softly.

[Experience Gained]

[LEVEL UP ! 1 ➔ 2]

[LEVEL UP ! 2 ➔ 3]

[Dodging Skill Level: 1 ➔ 2]

[Critical Strike Skill Level: 1 ➔ 2]

Sora narrowed his eyes, scanning the area for any sign of hidden threats. "Intriguing? I just fought for my life. What do you want?"

"I want to know what drives you, Sora." The figure stepped closer, the shadows shifting around them as if alive. "You fought valiantly, but this is just the beginning. There are greater challenges ahead, and you must be prepared."

"Prepared for what?" Sora's pulse quickened. The figure's calm demeanor contrasted sharply with the chaos he had just experienced, and it put him on high alert. "You haven't even told me your name."

"The name I carry is irrelevant." The figure waved a hand dismissively. "What matters is your journey. You've been granted a unique opportunity—a chance to grow stronger and uncover your potential. But it will not come without sacrifices."

Sora shifted on his feet, still ready to strike if necessary. "What kind of sacrifices?"

"Your current understanding of strength is limited," the figure replied, their gaze penetrating. "To attain true power, you must be willing to let go of what you hold dear, to embrace the unknown, and to confront your deepest fears."

"Is this some kind of game to you?" Sora's heart raced as a new wave of anxiety washed over him. "You bring me here to fight these monsters, then you speak of sacrifice? Why should I trust you?"

The figure chuckled softly, a sound that sent a chill down Sora's spine. "Trust is a fragile thing, Sora. You will find it hard to come by in this world. But know this: you have already begun your path. The trials you face will shape you into something greater. The choice to follow this path is yours."

Sora felt a flicker of uncertainty but quickly pushed it aside. He had already lost so much—his friends, his life as he knew it. He couldn't afford to let fear dictate his decisions. "If I'm going to continue this path, I need to know what I'm getting into. What kind of trials are ahead? What am I fighting against?"

The figure stepped back, allowing the shadows to envelop them like a shroud. "The world is changing, and with it, new threats will emerge. Not all battles are fought with weapons or fists. Some will require you to outthink your opponents. You'll face adversaries who will test your will, your strength, and your very essence."

Sora clenched the claw tighter, determination hardening his resolve. "I'll do whatever it takes. I refuse to be powerless."

"Very well," the figure said, their tone shifting slightly, as if they recognized the fire within him. "You will need allies. Seek out those who can help you, those who share your vision. But be wary; not everyone you encounter will have your best interests at heart."

With that, the figure turned, moving gracefully into the shadows, their form gradually fading from view. Sora felt a strange mix of relief and disappointment wash over him. He had hoped for answers, but it seemed he would have to find them on his own.

Feeling a surge of energy, Sora glanced around the cavern, noticing the corpses of the fallen creatures he had defeated. He had completed a quest and gained experience, but there was still more to gain.

[Looting Available: Touch the Bodies to Loot]

He approached the nearest body, a grotesque beast with jagged teeth and blackened scales. As he reached out and touched the creature's side, a notification appeared before him.

[Loot Acquired: Monster Scale (Common Item)]
[Loot Acquired: Fiendish Fang (Uncommon Item)]

The items flowed into his inventory. He more or less knew their value, they were low level items, the scale being almost worthless.

He moved to the next corpse, a smaller, yet equally menacing beast. He touched it, curious to see what spoils it might hold.

[Loot Acquired: Venom Sac (Rare Item)]
[Loot Acquired: Shadow Shard (Uncommon Item)]

With each touch, Sora felt a growing sense of accomplishment. He was not just a survivor; he was back in his world. A world filled with humans who became players.

After equipping the Fiendish Fang, he threw everything he looted in his inventory and headed to the entrance of the cavern.

"Status", Sora said.

Sora glanced down at his status panel, marveling at the progress he had made since waking up in this strange world. His heart raced with a mix of excitement and surprise as he absorbed the changes displayed before him.

[Status Update]

[Profile: Ralph Eden (Sora Hashino)

Status: Alive (Prestige 1)
Class: None (Level 3)
Title: Innocent

Power Level: 18
Energy Level: F
Body Level: F
Talent Level: 2 (Growth Factor)


Sword Mastery (Level 1)

Shield Block (Level 1)

Critical Strike (Level 2)

Dodge (Level 2)

Mana Regeneration (Locked)

Innate Skill:

Prestige ]

He couldn't help but feel a swell of pride. His Dodge skill had leveled up, and he could recall the moments when he had skillfully evaded the savage attacks of the beasts. Each dodge had sharpened his reflexes and ingrained the lessons of timing into his muscles. The frantic energy of the battle had pushed him to his limits, but it had also rewarded him with newfound agility. It was almost magical how little effort it took to engrain what had once taken him months or even years to learn. Relearning how to fight was far easier than learning it for the first time.

As he reflected on his Critical Strike skill, Sora remembered the calculated risks he had taken during the fights. Targeting the weak points of his foes had not only proven effective but had also taught him the art of precision. With every successful strike, he felt a deeper connection to his blade, and this understanding had propelled him to greater heights in his combat abilities.

Then there was his Power Level—it had nearly doubled from 10 to 18. This remarkable leap wasn't just a reflection of his increased level, now at 3. It was unusual to gain that much experience from only three monsters. He didn't know exactly how high their levels were, but they couldn't be more than level 2 or 3 since he could defeat them unarmed. The substantial amount of experience, coupled with the multiplier from his power, made him twice as strong in just one fight.

As Sora continued toward the entrance of the cavern, he felt the thrill of progress coursing through him. He was no longer just a survivor; he was evolving into something greater. The realization invigorated him, stoking the fire of revenge within his heart.

Now, with new skills and a heightened sense of power, Sora was ready to face whatever trials lay ahead.

Sora's heart pounded as he walked out of the cavern, his newfound strength pulsating through his veins. The thrill of his recent victory was still fresh, but it was quickly being overtaken by darker thoughts. The moment he tasted his first real progress since his reset, his mind inevitably drifted back to Rachel.


The betrayal still burned in his chest, festering like a wound that refused to heal.

How foolish he had been.

Sora clenched his fists, the familiar anger rising in him once more. His thoughts returned to that moment—when she had plunged the blade into him, cold and emotionless.

But as his thoughts churned with anger, they took a darker turn. What about his parents? Rachel knew how important they were to him. Could she have sought them out after his death? Twisted the truth to suit her agenda?

The thought sent a chill down his spine.

His parents were Innocents, not players. The system protected them as long as they remained within city walls, but they were still vulnerable in so many ways. At level 9, they were defenseless, but what if Rachel had gone to them? What lies had she spun in his absence? Could she have manipulated them, toyed with their emotions, made them believe he had abandoned them, or worse, that his death was his own fault?

Sora's mind raced with possibilities. He could picture it so clearly—Rachel, with her cunning words, weaving a tale of betrayal where she painted herself as the victim. Would his parents believe her? Could they have been so easily manipulated?

No. He shook his head, dismissing the thought. His parents were smart, perceptive. They wouldn't fall for Rachel's lies. But even if they hadn't, even if they saw through her deceit, what damage could she have done just by being there?

Sora clenched his fists tighter, his nails digging into his palms. "I swear," he muttered under his breath, "I'll kill her for what she's done."

But he couldn’t go to them yet. Not until he was stronger. At their current levels, his parents were safe as long as they stayed in the city. The rules of this new world were clear—Innocents couldn’t be harmed in safe zones, and no one could attack others without proper cause or outside designated areas. Still, the thought of Rachel anywhere near them made him want to drop everything and rush to their side.

Yet he knew he wasn’t ready. His current strength wouldn’t be enough. If he left now, if he tried to face Rachel head-on without the power he needed, he might never get the chance to see his parents again. The road to them would be fraught with danger, and he couldn’t afford to fall again—not before exacting his revenge.

"I’ll join them when I’m ready," Sora vowed to himself. "When I’m strong enough. When Rachel won’t be able to touch me or them."

With a determined stride, Sora pressed forward, his mind set on the path ahead. He wouldn’t be reckless, but he wouldn’t stop, either. He had to grow, and fast.

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