Prestige Grinding : I Can Reset My Level

Chapter 6 : Villafranca de Córdoba

The sun had just set, painting the sky in deep hues of purple and orange as Sora neared the village. The day had been long, filled with relentless grinding against low-level creatures, and now, his thoughts turned to food, rest, and figuring out exactly where he was.

His stomach grumbled, urging him to quicken his pace as the village's outline became clearer.

As he approached the village's entrance, Sora noticed a distinct shift in the atmosphere. The outer part of the village retained a strong resemblance to the old world, like a preserved piece of pre-Update Earth.

The Andalusian architecture stood proudly, with whitewashed buildings and red-tiled roofs lining the narrow streets. The buildings here were modern, some even still bearing flickering neon signs from old shops and restaurants. The place felt frozen in time, untouched by the chaos that had engulfed the world years ago.

At the village's gate, two guards stood watch. As Sora approached, they exchanged a few words in Spanish, their voices low but audible. Without thinking, Sora activated his translating function. The familiar buzz in his ear followed by the crisp French translation never failed to amaze him.

Despite having used this feature countless times, he still wasn't fully used to the feeling—hearing words spoken in one language while understanding them perfectly in another. It was strange and a constant reminder of how drastically the world had changed.

Sora blinked, momentarily distracted by the seamless translation. "This confirms it," he muttered to himself, his suspicions confirmed. "I must be in Spain."

One of the guards raised a hand, stopping him. "Entry fee," the guard said, his tone gruff but polite. Sora understood enough Spanish to know what he wanted even without the translation, but he let the function run anyway, enjoying the clarity it brought.

The other guard remained silent, eyeing him with mild curiosity.

Sora fished out a few coins from his inventory and handed them over. The guard inspected them briefly before nodding. "Welcome," he said.

As Sora crossed through the gates, he stepped into a world split between past and present. The village was still small, yet the influence of the New World Kingdom's transformation was clear. The outer part felt like a relic of old Spain, with modern storefronts and local shops advertising everything from groceries to electronics.

Familiar brand names flickered in dim lights, though some of these stores appeared abandoned or repurposed for the village's new role in this game-like world.

But Sora wasn't interested in these modern touches tonight. He had a goal, and that was the core area.

As he moved deeper into the village, he passed an invisible threshold where the architecture changed completely. The transition was seamless, but the vibe was unmistakable. In the core area, things shifted to a more medieval-fantasy aesthetic.

Here, every building seemed to serve a purpose related to players: taverns, inns, guild halls, blacksmiths, and training centers. Unlike the rest of the village, the signage in the core area was always in English, no matter where you were in the world, a deliberate design choice by the system.

"This feels more familiar," Sora muttered under his breath. The core area was where the game-like mechanics took over. NPCs ran most of the shops and inns here, offering everything from food to potions to player-specific quests. And the best part? He could trust the food and beds here, knowing they were designed to restore players' health and stamina effectively.

Walking along the cobblestone streets, Sora passed by several players milling about, some chatting animatedly near a guild hall, while others haggled with NPC shopkeepers. It was a lively scene, despite the late hour.

He finally spotted what he was looking for: a tavern called The Restful Blade. With a warm glow spilling out from its windows, it seemed as good a place as any to grab a meal and gather information. Sora pushed the door open and stepped inside.

The tavern was modestly filled, a handful of players scattered across the tables while an NPC bartender wiped down the counter. The warm scent of roasted meat filled the air, making Sora's stomach grumble in anticipation. He approached the bar and tossed a few coins onto the counter, ordering a simple meal. The NPC bartender nodded and quickly prepared the food.

As Sora sat and began to eat, his attention wandered to the conversation at the next table. Two players, both clearly seasoned, were discussing the area.

"You said you met the legendary player Subrozace ?" one of them asked, his accent thick.

"Yeah, just outside Córdoba," the other replied. "Small place, but sometimes big players seem to be meeting there"

Hearing this, Sora's ears perked up. "Córdoba?" he muttered under his breath. That meant he was in southern Spain. His heart sank slightly—this was far from where he had expected to be.

Finishing his meal, Sora turned to the players. "Sorry to interrupt, but you mentioned Córdoba. I'm new here—just reset, actually. Can you tell me how far that is from southern France?". Relative positions of cities didn't change much, but distances between places increased after the update.

One of the players, a player that looked like a tank with a thick beard, looked him up and down before answering. "You're in the south of Spain, mate. Córdoba's close by, but if you're thinking of heading to France… well, you're looking at a few days' travel. But where in France exactly"

"Ales," Sora added. "In the south of France. Not too far north from here before the world upgrade."

The tank chuckled. "Not far? You're looking at a two-day drive, if the roads are clear. But those highways? Expensive as hell."

"How expensive can highways be ? France is neighboring Spain !" Sora asked, confused.

"How expensive?" the other player, a rogue, chimed in. "Extremely expensive. Most of the old highways were destroyed when the beasts showed up and wrecked everything outside city barriers. Now, the Federation rebuilt some of them, but you've got to pay to use 'em. They've got players guarding every stretch of road. Bandits, beasts… it's all out there. You're basically paying for protection. The world has changed, mate. Unless you're a higher level player, it's the only way to travel fast."

Sora frowned, the thought of traveling by highway suddenly less appealing. "How much are we talking?"

"I don't know exactly where you Ales city is but fifty thousand gold, easy," the tank replied with a shrug. "More if you want to rent a car. And that's not counting any accident or extra fees. Those highways are dangerous, man. It costs to keep them secure."

Fifty thousand gold. Sora didn't even have a fraction of that amount. Returning to Ales was out of the question for now. He'd need to grind much harder to afford such a trip.

After paying for his meal, Sora stepped out into the cool night air. He had his answer—he was in Spain, far from home, and traveling back wasn't feasible. But that didn't matter right now. What he needed was a bigger city, a place where he could train, and gather the money and resources he needed to grow.

As he walked deeper into the core area, searching for an inn, Sora's thoughts swirled. "I'll find a way back home eventually, but not now. I need to get stronger."

Spotting the Silver Rest Inn, he entered, booked a room with the innkeeper, and headed upstairs. The inn was simple but cozy, with a comfortable bed waiting for him. Sora lay down, staring up at the wooden ceiling.


Sora woke up with a sharp clarity, the morning light filtering through the wooden shutters of his room at the Silver Rest Inn. The events of the previous day—the grinding, the journey to the village, the conversation at the tavern—played in his mind as he slowly rose from the bed. He stretched, feeling the slight stiffness in his muscles from the constant battles with low-level creatures. Today was a new day, and he needed to move fast to not waste time.

Still lying in bed, Sora's mind wandered further, strategizing about his next steps. He recalled something from before the reset—a way to travel across long distances that wouldn't cost him the ridiculous amounts it would take to rent a car. Caravans, public transport systems that had been set up to provide cheap travel between cities. They weren't the most convenient, usually operating on a weekly or monthly basis, but they were affordable and well-protected, making them a far better option than risking dangerous roads or costly highway fees.

Córdoba would be his first stop. There, he would find information on the caravan routes, level up, and maybe even get a glimpse of potential quests or dungeons that could aid in his growth. But first, there was something more pressing on his mind—the bank.

His heart tightened as he thought about his items—particularly his valuable ones—and the gold he had left in the bank before the reset. His Prestige skill had wiped everything else clean, but he hoped, maybe even prayed, that his bank account had been left untouched.

Sora quickly dressed, strapping on his basic gear, and left the inn after settling his tab. The village was waking up, merchants beginning to open their stalls and players wandering the streets, getting ready for the day ahead. As he walked, he kept his eyes on the signs, looking for the bank.

As he turned a corner, Sora finally spotted the bank, a squat but solid-looking building near the center of the core area. It was a global institution, and every player had an account tied to it.

Sora stepped into the bank, the cool, polished air of the marble-clad interior a sharp contrast to the bustling city outside. The teller, an NPC with a friendly yet professional demeanor, greeted him.

"Good morning. How may I assist you today?"

"I'd like to access my account and retrieve some items," Sora replied.

"Certainly. Please place your hand on the verification panel."

Sora placed his palm on the glowing panel. The screen blinked to life, revealing his account summary.

Account Summary:

[Gold Balance: 30,000 gold]

[Total Item Stacks: 453]

[Total Weight of Items: 18.2 tons]


Most Valuable Items:

Aetherblade Sword [Uncommon] (Level 45)

Estimated Value: 8,000 gold

Weight: 40 kg

Description: A sword infused with Aether magic, capable of weakening enemy defenses with each strike.


Lunar Tear Pendant [Uncommon] (Level 40)

Titanium Armor Set [Uncommon] (Level 45)

Phoenix Feather Cloak [Uncommon] (Level 40)

Frostbite Bow [Uncommon] (Level 50)

Sora's eyes lingered on the Frostbite Bow. The icy blue gleam of the weapon held a bittersweet memory. It had been a gift, prepared for Lara, his archer teammate, who never lived long enough to use it. She was supposed to wield it once she hit level 50, but the ambush that claimed her life occurred before that moment could happen. His heart clenched at the thought of parting with it, but he knew he had no choice.

Shaking off the emotions, Sora reviewed the rest of the items in his account. The 448 remaining stacks consisted mostly of materials, mid-tier equipment, and items he had gathered from various dungeons and quests over the years. Though not as valuable as his top five items, they still carried some worth.

The remaining items had a value around 22000 gold.

It was a mix of crafting materials, lower-level weapons and armor (levels 20-35), and loot from dungeons. Items were mostly uncommon or lower, with no particular value beyond their crafting or utility uses.

Sora nodded to himself and began the process of retrieving everything from his account. As the items materialized, he quickly felt the oppressive weight on his body.

Inventory Weight Exceeded. Movement Speed Reduced by 99%. Current Speed: 1% of maximum.

He grimaced at the notification. The teller, noticing his discomfort, smiled knowingly.

"If you're carrying more than your inventory allows, we offer space bags for rent or purchase. These bags can hold up to 100 tons and 1,000 item stacks."

"How much?" Sora asked.

Rental: 100 gold per hour

Purchase: 10,000 gold

Sora hesitated. With his gold balance at 30,000, purchasing a space bag would take a significant chunk of his funds. For now, renting seemed like the more practical option.

"I'll rent one," he decided, handing over 100 gold.

The teller handed him a small, ornate bag. Sora transferred all 18.2 tons and 453 stacks into the bag, his movement returning to normal immediately. With a nod, he thanked the teller and left the bank.

Next, Sora headed to the Auction House, where he planned to offload his most valuable items. The building was filled with the familiar hustle of commerce—players bargaining for gear, NPC auctioneers showcasing high-level weapons and armor, and merchants offering rare materials.

Sora approached one of the auctioneers, a sharp-eyed NPC who seemed to size him up as he laid out his wares.

"I'd like to auction these items," Sora said, revealing his best equipment.

The auctioneer carefully inspected each item, nodding with approval as he examined their rarity and level requirements.

Items for Auction:

Aetherblade Sword [Uncommon] (Level 45)

Estimated Value: 8,000 gold

Lunar Tear Pendant [Uncommon] (Level 40)

Estimated Value: 6,500 gold

Titanium Armor Set [Uncommon] (Level 45)

Estimated Value: 12,000 gold

Phoenix Feather Cloak [Uncommon] (Level 40)

Estimated Value: 5,500 gold

Frostbite Bow [Uncommon] (Level 50)

Estimated Value: 25,000 gold

The auctioneer raised an eyebrow at the Frostbite Bow but made no comment. "Excellent items," he said. "You will receive 50% of the estimated value upfront. If the items do not sell within a week, you can either take them back or we will purchase them at 80% of their estimated value. Be aware that 2% of the final selling price will be taken as a fee upon sale."

Sora knew this was standard practice. High-level players were often willing to spend more than the estimated value for life-saving equipment. These items were in high demand, and supply rarely met it.

The auctioneer processed the items, and a notification popped up:

Advance Payment Received: 28500 gold

Sora's gold balance increased to 58 424 gold. He turned and made his way to the clerk responsible for direct purchases. He had no interest in auctioning off the lower-level items and materials because no one would buy them at a better price than NPC.

"I'd like to sell the rest of these items directly," Sora said, dumping the contents of his inventory onto the counter.

The clerk, an NPC who clearly had seen his share of bulk sales, quickly assessed the collection.

"For these, I can offer you 80% of their estimated value, which comes to 17 620 gold."

Sora accepted the offer without hesitation. His gold balance now stood at 76 044 gold.

Stepping out of the auction house, Sora felt lighter—both physically and mentally. With a little more than 76k gold, he had a solid foundation to re-gear himself and start fresh.

He returned the space bag at the bank and returned to the auction house.

But he knew now that he needed to focus on his future. And that future required him to gather the best equipment he could find for his current level. He also had other plans for the money left.

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