Prestige Grinding : I Can Reset My Level

Chapter 8: Level 10 !

The landscape stretched out before Sora, a seemingly endless path through rolling hills and sparse forests. From the map he had acquired, the journey to Córdoba was going to be around 1000 kilometers long.

Not because the city itself was that far, but because of the path he needed to take. He wasn't about to charge straight through higher-level zones and risk his life unnecessarily.

His plan was simple: avoid the level 20+ zones at all costs and stick to areas where the mobs were weaker, ideally switching between level 1-9 and 10-19 zones. It would make the trip longer, but safer and more efficient. He could easily run through the weaker zones, and when he reached areas with mobs in the level 10-19 range, he could farm experience without slowing his progress.

Sora's goal wasn't to grind excessively. Getting stronger was important, but his focus was on reaching Córdoba and figuring out his next steps. Any leveling along the way would be a bonus. He'd kill what he encountered, farm if there was a good opportunity, but he wasn't going to waste time.

He crossed into the first 10-19 zone just after a few hours. The shift was subtle but unmistakable. The air felt heavier, and the vegetation grew thicker. Even the wind seemed to carry a sense of danger, as if warning him that this area was not to be taken lightly.

Sora moved cautiously, his eyes scanning the horizon for any signs of movement. It didn't take long before he spotted something—a creature lurking in the shadows of the forest. As he stepped closer, the mob emerged. It was a hulking bear, standing at least two meters tall with thick, dark fur and glowing red eyes. Its claws scraped the ground as it snarled at him.

[Level 10 Earth Bear]

The Earth Bear was a known creature in these zones. With its incredible strength and tough hide, it was formidable for most players around his level. But Sora wasn't most players. His stats were far above average for a level 9, and he had five years of hard-earned experience to back him up.

Still, he liked a challenge.

Sora approached cautiously, unsheathing his sword as he prepared for battle. He quickly realized the bear was moving far too slowly compared to his honed reflexes and strength. He danced around its initial lunges, avoiding its heavy claws with ease.

"This is way too easy," he muttered to himself.

Without a second thought, he equipped the Slowed Perception Gear. As soon as the gear activated, his senses dulled. The world sped up around him. The bear, which had seemed sluggish before, now moved with shocking speed. The fight suddenly became a real challenge.

The Earth Bear lunged at him with newfound ferocity. Sora dodged to the side, but not without some effort. Every move felt like it took a second longer than it should. He could feel the delay in his reactions, his body struggling to keep up with the bear's fast-paced attacks.

Even though it was difficult, he fought on, his sword flashing in quick, calculated strikes whenever he found an opening. The bear roared in frustration as Sora's blade sliced across its thick hide, drawing blood. The creature swung its massive claws again, but Sora dodged, narrowly avoiding being crushed.

After a few more exchanges, Sora landed a final, powerful strike, cutting through the bear's thick shoulder hide. The creature let out a pained roar before collapsing to the ground.

[XP Gained: 10%]

Sora's XP bar shifted from 10% to 20%. He smirked at the notification. "Not bad," he muttered. "8 more like that, and I'll hit level 10." But still, he realized this had been too easy, even with the training gear on. Maybe getting back to level 50 wouldn't be as hard as he feared.

No. He needed to stay humble. There were still challenges ahead. Sora adjusted his gear, taking a deep breath as he prepared for the next fight.

Moving further into the zone, he quickly spotted another group of bears—a trio of smaller, sleeker creatures. These weren't as bulky as the Earth Bear, but they had a reputation for speed and aggression.

[3x Level 10 Nightclaw Bears]

The Nightclaw Bears moved in unison, surrounding him from all sides. Sora kept his Slowed Perception Gear equipped. He wanted to keep pushing himself. The bears lunged at him, their claws slashing through the air with deadly precision. He dodged, but the sluggishness of his movements nearly cost him. One of the bears managed to swipe his leg, sending a sharp pain through his body.

Sora gritted his teeth, retaliating with a powerful slash to one of the bears' sides. The creature let out a howl of pain, but the other two closed in. He could feel the weight of the fight pressing down on him, but he held his ground, his every move deliberate, controlled.

The battle dragged on as Sora traded blows with the Nightclaw Bears. They were fast, their coordination sharp, but Sora's experience and raw power kept him one step ahead. Finally, after a flurry of attacks, the last bear fell.

[XP Gained: 30%]

Sora's XP bar shot up to 50%. "Halfway there," he muttered, catching his breath. But the weariness was starting to creep in. His muscles burned from the strain of the Slowed Perception Gear, but he knew this was exactly what he needed. Every fight, every dodge, and every strike was sharpening his skills.

Just as he was about to take a breather, another growl echoed from the forest. Sora's eyes widened as a new creature emerged. This one was massive, its silver fur gleaming in the fading sunlight.

[Level 14 Silvermane Bear]

Sora's heart raced. The Silvermane Bear was leagues stronger than the others. Its massive frame and glowing eyes spoke of untold power. Without hesitation, he rushed forward, engaging the bear head-on without equipping his training gear.

The Silvermane Bear moved faster than he expected. Its massive paw came crashing down, and Sora barely managed to dodge in time. The force of the impact sent dirt and debris flying everywhere. Sora countered with a swift slash to the bear's side, but the blade barely scratched its thick hide.

The bear roared, lunging at him with terrifying speed. Sora dodged again, but the bear's claws grazed his arm, sending a jolt of pain through his body. Gritting his teeth, he pressed on, slashing at the bear's legs. But it wasn't enough. The creature's hide was too thick, its strength overwhelming.

Realizing he needed more of a challenge, Sora equipped the Slowed Perception Gear again. The world around him shifted once more, the bear's movements becoming blurs of speed. It was faster than anything he had faced today, and for the first time, Sora felt real danger.

The Silvermane Bear swiped at him again, this time with full force. Sora tried to dodge, but the sluggishness of the gear made it impossible to avoid entirely. The bear's claws raked across his side, leaving a deep gash. He stumbled back, blood pouring from the wound, but he didn't stop. He couldn't.

The pain was excruciating, his vision starting to blur. He knew the gear was making this harder than it had to be, but that was the point. He wanted to sharpen his skills, but he wasn't really risking his life. He knew he could always unequip his gear if necessary, but he still pushed himself to only do it if he was getting heavily injured. After all, he wouldn't let a third party finish him off.

The bear lunged again, and this time Sora was ready. With a burst of energy, he dodged at the last second, driving his sword deep into the bear's chest. The creature let out a final, guttural roar before collapsing to the ground.

Sora fell to one knee, panting heavily. His body was full of injuries but nothing life threatening. A few ribs were probably broken, and the gash across his side throbbed with pain. He reached into his inventory and pulled out a piece of bread, eating it slowly as his health bar began to inch upward. The bread's magic slowly began to heal his wounds, but the pain lingered.

His arm felt heavy, his ribs aching with every breath, but he knew the magic would eventually heal even the broken bones. That's how this world worked. Even the worst injuries could be fixed with a potion or a bit of food. But the pain? That was still very real.

Then, another notification appeared:

[Level Up! You have reached Level 10.]

[You have unlocked Mana.]

[Class Options Available.]

Sora stared at the notifications, his mind racing. He had unlocked mana again. After so long without it, the thought of using magic was exciting. Another notification followed:

[Class Options: Swordsman, Brawler.]

Only two choices for now, but he wasn't surprised. At the bottom of the screen, there was a note:

[Additional classes can be unlocked at the Combat Training Center.]

Sora frowned. "That's probably what I'll need to find next," he muttered. The class options he was given were the most basic ones. To unlock more advanced classes, he'd need to visit a specialized building and experiment with new weapons or techniques.

Reminded of more advanced classes, Sora thought back to the stories he had heard about players who created unique, powerful classes by combining their real-world skills with in-game abilities. One such player came to mind, a former military sniper who was also a passionate mechanic. He had crafted a unique class by blending his knowledge of sniping and mechanics. His class, "Technomarksman", allowed him to upgrade any sniper he owned and customize it at will. He could tweak its form, save different configurations, and optimize his weapon for any situation. It made him leagues above other snipers, not just in raw power but in terms of adaptability and potential.

But what set the Technomarksman apart was his reputation. He wasn't just powerful—he was a pioneer. He shared his knowledge freely, showing players how to push the boundaries of what was possible. By sharing his experiences and experiments, he had accelerated the world's advancement, helping humanity compete with the other races that had invaded Earth. Players who contributed to the collective knowledge of the human race were highly respected, and their reputation could open doors, gain favor with factions, and even grant them political power in the New World Kingdom.

Sora admired these kinds of players. They didn't just grind their way to power—they innovated, experimented, and shared their findings with the world. They made others stronger too. The thought of trying something similar sparked an idea.

"Classes..." he muttered to himself. Players couldn't easily switch between classes once they chose one. It was possible, but not without effort. For most, switching classes involved difficult quests, expensive class tokens, or lengthy procedures that deterred them from experimenting.

But Sora had an advantage. Thanks to his Prestige ability, he could reset every month. He could try new classes, experience different abilities, and explore combinations others would never dare because of the risks involved. Maybe this was his key to unlocking something truly special. He could use this endless cycle of resetting to experiment with different roles, mixing what he already knew with new skills.

He thought about the possibility of becoming a buffer or even a wizard in this life. If he could mix his swordsmanship with magical abilities, he could develop a hybrid class that would give him versatility in combat.

"Or," he mused, "I could go for something completely new. Learn different fields, like that sniper-mechanic guy, and see how they blend together." The possibilities were endless. He could accumulate knowledge from various classes, find hidden synergies, and reset until he discovered a combination that truly suited him.

Side jobs could also influence their class. For instance, a skilled blacksmith might unlock a warrior class with enhanced weapon customization abilities, or an herbalist could become a support class with advanced healing and potion-related skills. The more he thought about it, the more excited he became.

He realized that while most players had to carefully choose their path, he had the freedom to experiment. He could test combinations that no one else would dare try. And perhaps, like the Technomarksman, he could stumble upon something revolutionary—something that would make him stand out and redefine what was possible in this new world.

With these thoughts swirling in his mind, Sora stood up. Córdoba was his next destination, and while reaching the city was his immediate goal, his long-term vision was clear: he would experiment, adapt, and create something truly unique in this world.

"It's time to start my own path of innovation," he muttered, a determined grin spreading across his face, and dimissing the notifications.

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